so am i the only one glad single player games are dying?
it feels good to know developers can focus on games being a social experience, it lets people stop being shut ins and open up to other people
the culture of gaming has really improved thanks to this focus
So am i the only one glad single player games are dying?
Fuck mulitplayer. You play the same 15 minute round over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
In single player games, there's actual variety.
No, I'm sure your fellow trannies from whichever discord you spawned from will agree with you.
>sales mean single players games are dying
lol who gives a shit about indies made by trannies
>actual variety
>go around shooting stupid computers
>not going around skilled players who easily adjust to your skills
face it, this genre sucks you shut in and its a good thing its dying
>single player is a genre now
Single player is good but fuck this Trump company
shit company
I never play multiplayer. I don't have the time or the patience. There's always someone who lives / breathes / eats the game. Even if they haven't mastered it, they've hacked it to insta-kill you.
Or the servers have been shut down and the developers / publishers have bricked the game. Congrats - You now own an expensive beer coaster.
In the end, single player is great; Go in, play, leave, get back to doing real work. Not like multiplayer where you have to wait for a new game, get insta-killed because you can only join a game with absolute masters in it, or you have to grind for 40 hours to get to a level where you might be able to compete with others.
all games are better with multiplayer
there is no single player game worth a damn when the conversation around them dies in less than a weak
how can something so stupid even know how to breathe
I cannot stand singleplayer that is some piddly ass 6-8 hour journey for 60 dollars. It was some wild west game I forget the name of in the late 2000s or early 2010s that made me realize how much it's a crock of shit. That wasn't I think 59.99 but 49.99 or something like it. Why I pirated dying light and regretted it because the game had oodles of content (beyond just completionism/achievement faggotry, actual content) and was well worth the full price.
Not the following that shit was horrid. Get rid of the parkouring and turn it into open world vehicular zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
>implying the people you play against aren't using the same efficient strategy over and over and over and over and over again and you have to counter with the same counter over and over and over and over again.
>in single-player games, you can actually change up your build
Also let's not fucking forget what multiplayer games brought us.
And Discord.
>there is no single player game worth a damn when the conversation around them dies in less than a weak
Why do you want a million billion threads about one game all the time? Move on.
>3 years later
>So, BOTW was mediocre, right guiz?
because gaming should be a hobby you can enjoy with others
single player games only have fandoms overrun by trannies
No, stop baiting.
>ad infinitum
my point exactly
>games being a social experience
Fuck off normie
I'd rather trannies than chad and twinky 12 year olds playing fortnite
ah yes. It's much better for people to spend maybe hundreds of hours to "socialize" in an online video game instead of actually going outside. Yes very progressive.
I don't think playing vidya and talking about them is the same hobby as talking about the same game all the time
I used to hate MP games.
Now I play them equally.
The problem is I get hired really quickly.
I played Apex Legends for 60 hours and that was it.
I played Titanfall 2 for 120 hours and that was it.
I played Persona 4 Golden for 200 hours and that was it.
I played Overwatch during one month, stopped, played for one month again one year later, etc and that is 700 hours now.
I am playing Borderlands 2, 100 hours for now and going.
I just can't play the same game forever, MP or SP, variety is my thing.
I know this is a meme thread but god damn people still talk about Half Life and Fear and Crysis almost 15 years later
people aren't talking about crysis, people aren't talking about half life rather that there won't be another half life
Multiplayer games are the ones overrun by trannies tho since it gives them a place to funnel drama and ERP into.
most of the old "single player" games had multiplayer too, even fucking Baldur's Gate
what's the point of a game if you can't play with others
Having threads remembering an old game from time to time isn't bad though.
speedrunners play single player games
>single player games overrun by trannies
May I present to you
lets compare sales to multiplayer games to single player "games"
Monster Hunter World vs REmake 2 and DMCV
Guess which one of these actually saved Capcom
Imagine being so stupid that you get nothing out of games that don't involve nothing but fast paced combat
It's true, I met a girl who only liked single player games, then she stuck her dick in my bum.
imagine not just watching a movie lmao
games are supposed to be games idiot
>"lol dude play multiplayer its so much fun!"
>kids everywhere that I have to mute
>shitty players that may or may not have downsyndrome
>old fart fucks that cant run and shoot at the same time
>people sending me friend invites and then never talking to me or inviting me to games
>hackers hacking hackily
>non english speakers typing their retarded laughs into chat like "xaxaxa", "jajaja", "mimimi", "hihihi", etc
>xXx420noSCOPEsmokeweed420xXx whos got 10,000 hours in the game and wont let me have any fun
Imagine being this brainwashed by a board.
Tetris and Pacman are movies, by your definition then?
these games have multiplayer versions that are ultimately superior to the solo
MP games are only fun if they let players host servers so people can run whatever maps/rules they want.
If the servers are dev hosted, and they have some shitty matchmaker running the show that forces teams/maps/rules it kills any interest I have in playing.
just play with friends
>i desperately need other people to enjoy anything
Feel bad for you, honestly
why is no one buying single player games smart guys?
The masses like mediocrity for the sake of not feeling lonely.
Who'da thunk it.
Yeah, Ill just go play with my friends and-
>lol sorry user Im not playing that game anymore
This as not what I was contesting.
I was contesting your claim that if it doesn't have fast paced combat it is a movie.
>just make sure your friends buy the same $400 system, $60 game, and make sure they have a $15 subscription for online!
>oh and don't forget to coordinate between who does and doesn't want to play, when they can play, and for how long!
eat shit
What’s up nigger, did you get your ass handed to you in Sekiro and now you bitch about SP games being bad because you can’t just join a noob only server where you feel powerful?
Interesting, please continue.
Buying single player games on release is stupid. Don't spend $60 on a 12-20 hour long game that will be under $15 within 8 months. It's not like an online game where you might want to play it before it either gets popular or dies.
and you wonder why devs want to make multiplayer games
Wasn't RDR 2, God of War, and Spider-Man all in the like the top 10 for highest selling games last year and each one highly rated? Even Days Gone is selling like crazy. Single player isn't going anywhere.
RDR2 has multiplayer
and guess which console they were exclusive and exclusively marketed on
First game I ever pre ordered was MGS V. Had felt so burned that I never bought a game full price again after that.
Literally no one talks about the multiplayer.
>SP games are dying
yeah better play with random shitheads
might as well play single player or with bots
prey is the only good game there
Only incels care for multiplayer
sjws and feminists have already removed all the things which I used to like about video game stories
nuDoom and Dishonored 2 are pretty good. 7/10 in my book. Prey was a 9 though.
>spider man
>ac odyssey
>days gone
>re 2
>just some of the highest selling single player games in the last year
>op is a faggot
yes, you are the only one
Oh boy! Then I have the company for you! It's called Electronic Arts! Not only do they have the same perspective as you do in regards to multiplayer games, but they don't give a shit about you either! As long as you whip out your wallet, give them 5 bucks after spending 80 just to get that sweet, sweet crate that may contain your favourite item or boost, then they will keep on providing those games to you! Oh? You didn't get the item? Well my good friend, that's another 5 bucks, OR you can give them 50 bucks and you will get 11 crates! That's a deal! You're getting one for free! All because you feel like multiplayer social games are the way of the future! Where we don't play with our controllers, or even our keyboards, but instead with the number on our credit cards and our debit machines!
Multiplayer games
>Require a constant internet connection
>Even if you have good connection, you can meet others with terrible connection, lagging the whole game, in some cases.
>The majority of them are filled with toxic and creepy people. Few games have a decent online community.
>Annoying frequent 10-50gb sized patches, eating your free space away.
>Also game changing patches that kill the experience or introduce new problems to the game.
>Once its life cycle is over, the community abandons the game. Your online game has literally no value after 5years(and Im being generous here)
>Objectively seeing it, mp games as games have no real purpose other than being never ending and repetitive.
>Life service model=half assed job
>Also microtransactions
In conclusion, some multiplayers are ok, but multyplayers, even the best of them,cant compete with a well crafted single player game
>focus on games being a social experience
Name one multiplayer only video game of these past 5 years that was as fulfilling as a single-player game.
>First game I ever pre ordered was MGS V. Had felt so burned that I never bought a game full price again after that.
Fuck, are you literally me?
When I look back at the previous generation, one thing that shocked me was the amount of dead multiplayer games/modes or online components that are offline. If you by any chance decide you want to replay any of those in the future you'll be in for a rude awakening. Meanwhile a single player game can be revisited if you choose to do so. Multiplayer games have an expiration date, current single player games for the most part don't.
Except single player games are doing better than ever
Multiplayer games are a fad. Devs and publishers love them because they're ripe for recurring monetization.
Single player masterpieces are immortal.
20 years from now on no one will care about Fortnite or Cowadooty no. LXI but shit like Ocarina of Time and Deus Ex will still be remembered.
A great, well crafted single player experience = couch multiplayer/co-op with a buddy/buds > Multiplayer over LAN > Mediocre single player > Online multiplayer/MMOs.
Multiplayer games are not plot focused and cant offer an unique experience.
Single player games aren't dying, this is quantifiably true. Nobody except game executives that want to bleed their consumers dry (which multiplayer does better) even spout this sort of stupid shit.