How ya holding up, Yea Forums?

How ya holding up, Yea Forums?

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I shouldn't be up this late.

just made boxed dinners for the week. At three in the morning before i start my work week due to intense insonnia.

I'm just staying up until I fall asleep at my desk. My new PC build comes in tomorrow and I don't wanna have to wait long when I wake up

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48 hours with barely any sleep. Had an ok drunk nap in the middle of the day. Wanna play Persona and DMC 5 but have finals stuff to do even though I put off doing them all day

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user, just go lay in bed, what possible benefit could sitting at your desk provide

goodnight anons

I finally got around to backing up all my Vita's shit and putting it on an sd2vita, since my memory card is 7+ years old and a ticking time bomb. In the meanwhile I used my PSTV to back up my game carts to have everything in one place, so I've been really tackling my Vita backlog lately.

I also got my transfer application accepted for UCIrvine, so I'll be starting in the fall. I guess I feel pretty good about life atm.

Still dreaming of the perfect mmo that will never come.

Got accepted in a good program this autumn so most of my late owl habit have got to go, i got maybe 2 months left of these threads before i go back to the light

Just wanna say, hope you all find what you are looking for.

But I sleep here everyday, my chair is a recliner

Why do you have a Vita and PSTV? Congrats on UCI, I got rejected from them so now I have to go upstate for school

Why are all new games so shit?

>been sleeping 3 hours a day for a while
>download bunch of movies, games, anime but no motivation to do anything with them
>try to get into doing something like learning japanese or drawing but give up immediately
>spend my days shitposting and fapping

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>tfw no young guy with very long feet and very long toes to findom me and who I can buy vidya for

I’m ok but I wish people would play Risk of Rain 1 with me.

I spent the last 2 days in bed and now I've been pacing around my room the last few hours unable to sleep

My bed is uncomfy as shit. I just want it to be the late morning so I can play video games until I go to work.

A muscle in my eye won't stop twitching for some reason. I've tried sleeping more and drinking water and neither helped. Any ideas?

I'm getting better, my health has been all over the place so when its tolerable I learn to mostly just live with it.

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I have both because PSTV's used to cost $20, once.

Thanks. I already know a few folks on campus, so it should be a smooth transition.

Same and I've jerked off into my pants twice now already

I've got this burning like my veins are filled with gasoline. And with this spark, it's gonna be the biggest fire they've ever seen.

the chip is shorting out. it will probably fry your brain before long, whatever

good thanks

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I had this bad once when I used a specialized shampoo
I'd look into medications if you take any
Its a common natural occurrence, but if it stays for an unreasonably long time something's likely causing it.

She posted another status to an absent audience again...except for me.
She's lonely, paranoid and claims to be borderline suicidal.
I don't know if I should say anything.
I still love her.

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Splendid, thanks for asking user.

Just made some chili seasoned hash-browns and onions. Will sleep through the day; so, not sure if I'm going to hit the gym before I go to sleep or in the evening. Should I go play Dark Souls on Switch, or stay on my computer and play Factorio?
Warning for very lewd and degenerate pic

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On the eve of being let go from work, and I probably got enough to make rent next month but now I gotta look for a job and interview for it and I hate doing that stuff.

I just want a stable job that'll let me coast thru the rest of my life and die a mediocre death

I need to make some serious improvements to my life, if I don't want to end up killing myself. Gonna apply for a couple jobs once I go back home tomorrow, and hopefully i can find a cure for my autism over the summer. I don't want to be a sad cunt anymore

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this but drawing replaced with 3D art
I dont know how to change

Objectively a lot better. I went from neeting for several years to being a proper wagekek last year. Been taking meds for the depression/anxiety combo but it's only helping with one of those things. Hope you guys are doing well

A day off, spending it buzzed like always, contemplating on my backlog. Might continue my 5th playthrough of DD. Almost at Daimon.

i have a year and a half to have sex and move out before im 30. not gonna make it lads.

Lost motivation for going to the gym because I think I'm too socially incompetent to ever put my self into practice one day and I'll just end up withering away in my room either way if i look good or not

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good luck user, I believe in you

I bought Dark Souls 2 SOTFS on ps4, just finished the base game and sunken king now onto old iron king and ivory king, so far I'm doing swell

Who /fasting/ here

I graduated last fall. Haven't even started looking for a job despite needing to get one. I have no self confidence.

Literally me except my faggot self stopped jap learning after having memorized all 200 radical, hirigana, and katakana. I'm in the best position ever to seriously tackle it but i'm far to bored now that I got the most autistic portion done and out of the way.

Ramadan is over laddie

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I get this every so often to. Try rubbing it and holding an icecube up to it.


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Hiding from my responsibilities through video games and books, as I do.

Why the fuck am I here man
I got high, made some eggs, ate them and now I'm just laying here
What the fuck man

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I genuinely feel bad for the one aspie guy from the Adachi thread about an hour ago. I hope he one day learns how to be less of a sperg.

I was playing Dark Souls. That shit won't come out of my disc tray until I do all the achievements. Just need to kill Sif just one more time.

But I keep dying to Dark wraiths like a noob (or just unlucky) because I keep missing the backstabs and hit them right in the shield.

If you can try taking a Japanese class
>forced to talk to people
>prolly hot sensei
>usually surprisingly balanced m/f ratio

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I spent all night playing A Hat in Time multiplayer, it's a good distraction.

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Fuck, is it that time of year already? I haven't fasted in like 3 years.

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>japanese class
talking to other autists won't make you less autistic

>23 years and still never worked a job in my life
>can't get myself to develop a hobby that isn't video games and anime
i tried drawing for awhile but i just ended up getting more depressed from it
i thought maybe learning a language but i just don't know where to start and how to keep myself motivated

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Kick them motherfuckers

picking up an instrument worked for me, rocksmith is a godsend

Been there. Still there. Even if you suck at interactions at least keep up the gym. Even if it's the bare minimum. I fucking hate working out but hate myself even more if I skip a day. The regret isn't worth it

>If you can try taking a Japanese class
>Japanese class
Imagine the smell

Autists are not as common as being on Yea Forums would lead you to believe. Most Japanese classes, at least at Universities, are 50% rich Chinese/Korean foreign students, 25% normal~ish girls who just like Sailor Moon, and 25% garden variety autists running the spectrum.

even if you don't plan on putting it to use working out does wonders for your confidence and wellbeing my dude

around a year ago from today i was pretty depressed due to a bad breakup, now i feel much better. i got away from some toxic folks and made some friends at my college. feel significantly better now. weed has helped alot

pic somewhat related, playing pokemmo rn

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I finally understand the pain of wageslaves, I got my first job last month (I’m 20) thinking it would fix my depression and give me a purpose, but instead it just made it twice as bad. I work 8-5 and it takes me an hour to get there and back, meaning I have no time to do anything on weekdays anymore. I think it’s about time I get on the pills or see a therapist.

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