Is this series any good?

Is this series any good?
I'm just looking for games with fun combat and qt girls.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bump i want to know as well

They're pretty fun

How about crafting?
Is there any?


Same concept as monster hunter: Kill monster, harvest its materials, make weapons out of said materials. GE breaks away from that specific formula a bit though since you only make your melee weapon, gun and shield. Clothing your character wears is made from materials gathered on the various maps. You get your defense rating from your shield, and your skills from whatever you install in your melee weapon, gun and shield, so you're free to wear whatever you want.


Boring just play MHW or Warframe indtead

How've the updates been? I saw there was an update with a divine element Ra but I couldn't find how to fight it and I haven't played since then. Have skills that aren't shit been implemented yet?

When will they hecking release monkey football on God Eater 3 FFS feels like I'm waiting since forever

If the series has never piqued your interest before just go ahead and skip the first two. They are very outdated nowadays and 3 is very disconnected from them.

You fight Amen Ra in the Rank 20 and 30 Certification missions. Rank 30 is basically a G Rank version.

Nah, I'm gonna pick up the first two as well, they're dirt cheap right now.

Just be aware that GE2 drags for hours. It has a ton of exposition cutscenes early on and late game you have chains of 5 back to back missions to wade through. You should be able to knock out Resurrection in about 30 hours though.

I think I played a good chunk of the first game on PSP, so yeah... I pretty much know what to expect.

General reminder there's a new stuff broadcast here in about 2 hours. The update should be tomorrow.

It's enjoyable if you don't expect it to be exactly like Monster Hunter.

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to be fair you're basically getting GE2 with the Rage Burst expansion and all of the update content (Both post-story contents for GE2 vanilla and GE2RB) which results in way more than just GE2 vanilla

Even base GE2 was a drag. Difficulty 4 goes on for days. Rage Burst only drags because of all the chain missions. I have no issues with character episodes because most were great.

>GE3 doesn't have character episodes
>even if they did there's only like 5 party members

I personally couldn't get into it because I wanted it to be like MH and it just isn't

If you want something closer to MH Toukiden is the way to go. Touk has more diverse movesets on their melee weapon and armor works the same way. The big difference is their mitama system which determines your equivalent to Armor Skills.

I tried to play God Eater Resurrection but had to quit because of the horrible english dub.

Switch or PC? I'd normally get the PC version, but my Switch is starved for games, and looks like a comfy portable game.


Switch port is an unknown quantity since this is the first time the series will be on a Nintendo console. I'd wait for a review but with how niche GE in general is I don't know if it will get any comprehensive ones.

>there's only like 5 party members
Why Amy is so forgotten?

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she's ugly

Is using anything but a greatshield still useless?

Yeah, just like you.

You need to perfect block to prevent an Ashborn from munching you so bucklers finally have an an edge in something.

I didn't know im a cute anime girl

Wait for Code Vein

buy both

because she isn't a party member and unlike GE2 you can't set an operator

Eh it's ok, I've only played the first but the weapons didn't seem satsifying to use. The GS equivalent didn't have the weight and satsifaction of use like the MH GS. You can craft your own ammo though but I never got the hang of it

I've only played the first so far and I can safely says it's a ton of fun, especially when you start getting better gear. It's also repetitive as hell though.

If you're on PC you can google for and install the undub, it's worth it, I'm personally waiting for someone to bring out one for the second game so I can play it, although I'm half-tempted to just go right ahead anyway.

Aren't they entirely different games

I played the first one on PSP a lifetime ago, and even after around 200 hours of clearing identical, braindead missions, I kept unlocking more and more missions and cutscenes long after the game's supposed "ending". I just had to quit without finishing. What a weird experience.

Assuming you're not just bringing up weightfaggotry for the sake of it, I found the adjustments in 3 to make for an overall improvement to how a lot of the weapons feel. The longsword equivalent is still kind of crappy though.

You probably played the updated version. Both previous games are basically two games in one because in Japan they released a second time with content expansions. 3 is doing this via updates instead of asking people to buy the game twice.

Is the pc version still region locked?

I would buy it on steam if it wasn’t.

One's a Monster Hunter clone and the other's a Dark Souls ripoff

It still is unfortunately

The combat is awful and that's what you'll be doing most of the game.
Don't expect feeling weight behind anything you do.

>muh weight

They also gave us a GE game in its vanilla state for once. We got GE1 and GE2 after they already released the Burst/Rage burst versions in Japan (which thankfully they didn't decide to give us vanilla and expansion a year later)
It's mainly because there was relatively short turnaround on the release. GE3 came out in December while we got it in February. GE1 had a year gap between JP and NA release, and GE2 had it even worse. GE2 came out in 2013, RB came out in japan in feb 2015 and NA got it in aug 2016

It's nice that some Japanese companies are making more of an effort to minimize delays. Global patches are also a good thing.


Started recently thanks to Project X Zone

Resurrection was a blast and I already love GE2 even though I'm only up at difficulty 3. I love this franchise to death already

Question though: are the 8-player missions in GE3 restricted to online only? I'd love to dick around with it offline

No, you can do them with AI. If nobody joins or you're playing offline, it will populate the team with player character bots.

You can play 8mans offline. You just get paired with 7 bots.

Also, bots will give you the same rewards as humans, so you're not missing anything there.

It is possible to clear assault mission with bots only?

Fuck it, I can't decide if I should buy these games or Valkyria chronicles.

Very easily.

I played Resurrection and thought it was okay. The core gameplay loop of hunting and crafting appeals to me enough that I had fun with it, but the battles are pretty easy and not as mechanically satisfying as I'd have liked. Instead of being excited to master a monster and cut down my kill times it feels like a regular old grind. If you're really into gear grinds or want something mindless it's great though. I enjoyed it best while doing stuff like listening to music or youtube videos.
What I really didn't like though was the story and the AI companions. The story focus felt disconnected from the hunting gameplay at best and annoying at worst. The only time I've felt that the story added anything to one of these off-brand MH-likes was Soul Sacrifice Delta.

Really? But what i heard is opposite.

in fact you're supposed to play with bots to unlock shit anyways, I forgot what it's called since I haven't played in a while, I think it's the Engage effects? Each bot basically gives you a specific one for playing with them.

Yes, that's what I mean. In theory you can get them and the necessary points from other humans, but in practice bots give you all that shit.

So what else are they adding besides the two brothers?

It depends on how good your gear is. The rank 7 assault mission is really easy if you have a weapon that does good divine damage.
However Dromi is a fucking dick in every form, so even if you have good weapons his assault mission can be a little challenging.

TL:DR yes it is very possible to do these with only bots, just get good gear.

We'll find out in half an hour.

Monster Hunter but considerably worse difficulty is a joke

More story, Anubis and Havakiri reskins and more outfits.

Okay but when you say bots you mean generic randomized player avatars? No AI party members from the story like in GE1 and 2?

Are there any sexy outfits? Asking for a friend.

Yes, player avatars. You use party members (or other humans) for any other mission unless it's solo only.

Randomly generated ai.

Dressing like a slut is a series staple.


Well to get it from another human they need to have it equipped in the first place, I think?

There are if you like tight clothes. It's not a bikini simulator though.

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Thanks. It's a shame


man what a disappointment, scale wise. Then again God Eater was never that great about it
>Anubis shown as a hulking fucking monster, even before it gets on its hind legs
>actually lol it's about the size of a Vajra I guess
Dromi was probably worse

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it's god eater so obviously. Though a common complaint for 3 is there's too much black tape.

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It's a slower feeling MH.

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Code Vein waifus look better

neither have good combat or qt girls

GE3 doesn't have a huge cast so the amount of waifus is comparatively low. You do get a literal daughterfu though.

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Stream is up

And what waifus would that be? Cause so far all they've shown is Superflats and the Rei-clone.

After only briefly playing resurrection with the undub, I get the feeling the localizers were taking the piss

no fucking waifu content in ge3 it's all fucking gay hugo shit


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Imagine not being gay for Hugo's jew magic.

imagine this fucking series dying from gay shit no fucking waifu content

You're super mad. You're probably the same faggot who's been screaming about male characters since these threads started.

Was wondering when your faggot ass would show up.

its okay but theres a reason people say its just a monhun clone

>t. played since burst on psp

Imagine this fucking series thriving due to fujo bucks and the devs never including another waifu again while you impotently scream about it unable to change fate.

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>they know about the tape

it's the worst fucking rated ge it's fucking trash scraping the bottom of the ass hole nobody wants this fucking hugo shit

It's too late. You should have protested more when God Eater 2 made Julius the true heroine of the game. It's all a gay slippery slope from here.

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I never did get why everyone was so fixated on Julius. He always seemed very impersonal and professional to a fault, so it didn't make sense to me that anyone would go to such lengths for him.

i don't give a fuck resurrection and rage burst had fucking waifu content have your gay shit if you want but have fucking waifu content too

Holy fucking SHIT WHAT were they thinking with that mission in Resurrection where you're alone with Kota against 2 yakshas and 1 ravana? Any tips?

>time attack missions make aragami health visible
>dude has to use a crappy reseph weapon and play like shit to not kill the vajra too fast

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the answer is always the same gun them down

The muted skill helps a lot

Also use your gun

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Is that the one in the church area? I think you can fight them one at a time if you lure to one side of the map.

>waah devs have to pander to me muh waifus

Nope. No more waifus for you ever. Nothing but homos for you from here on out.

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Muted skill? Also 100 OP is too costly isn't it?

Fucking kill yourself you digusting faggot.

The outfits look eh, but more femc art is nice

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Why they make melee so useless in GER? Even without bullets customization, gun is still OP in term of damage deal

It's a skill that reduces battle noise, which prevents aragami from hearing you fighting from across the map and running to join in, be sure to give it to your NPCs too

With both trigger happy and frugal that bullet can be fired several times in a row with max OP

Oh yeah I see about muted. can it stack if both me and Kota have it?

How do you customize bullets in GER anyways? Any good guides out there? I've been doing most missions with just melee and I think I'm really feeling the limitations of it. I'm only just now looking at the gun parts, and basically, I'm the biggest retard.

But if I kill myself now I won't be able to buy the dlc where Hugo buttfucks you in front of the whole crew.

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I can't believe that they are killing Phym in the new story by sacrificing herself so she can revive Hugo but as a shota.

because it's more fun

I guess these are the next party members?

I wish I spoke japanese

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I hate that people use this word unironically.

This, except fuck warframe.

stop pretending you're too good to be a weeb

Thank you

That's a collab, so it will be outfits.

Have they shown the switch version yet? I'll probably buy the game a second time if it doesn't run like garbage.

You're using that word wrong as well.

t. Mommy fag who wants milkies

Now that you say it, it does look like femc's ponytail on the right

Yes, they just fought dromi.

The wiki has a big list of bullet recipes, after you've seen enough of them you'll get an idea of how to tweak them to your liking

>qt girls
Fucking virgins man

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Stop shaming virgins, faggot.

that demon daddy in the OP pic is sexy.

Thanks user, I'm checking it out right now. Good stuff, I've been missing out on a ton of damage.

none of these character designs do anything for me, have they lost the touch?

Look into making the borg camlann sniper too, it's by far the best pierce gun in resurrection and has muted as an innate skill iirc

There's a short blade with 0 damage and a bunch of OP generation and gunning skills, and it's considered a top tier weapon because of how much fucking better guns are in 1 and 2

At this point they're just talking about phoneshit, so they need to target a slightly more tasteless audience.

I recommend Valkyria Chronicles desu especially if you haven't played the first.

I hope the Far East Branch and its cast stay go for GE3, Ein is more than enough I don't need to see and have to hang out with those guys, and their trumpets again when we already had more than enough of them in 1, and 2


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Give me Gina and Emil and I'll be good

The rest of them can stay dead

It is kind of like Monster Hunter with much worse gameplay (more button mashy) and monster design, but an anime story.
If you want a more anime monster hunter you might like it.

Lindow and Karel are the GOAT

>ended up missing out on most of the tracks from 1 and 2 because the obnoxious fucking lobby music forced me to set music to minimum volume

I wonder if I couldn't just go into the files and mute or replace it directly.

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Wait, is this shit based of an anime or vice versa?
Both are usually shit.

Wait, the old cast is returning in GE3?

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Anime is based off the games, although the anime is treated as its own universe/continuity with its own OC MC.

Here's your Claire content bro

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Those fucking hair are terrible. Why the fuck did they made everyone's hair so shiny and oily in GE3? Shit looks awful

There is literally a setting to raise or lower hair shine

some hairstyles still have bright highlights even if you make it pure black and drag every slider to the left

I tried GE3 for a while a few days ago and I sure felt like I was missing a lot of shit.
Did guns really only have a shoot button? I could swear I saw some tutorials about gun combos or something but no amount of button combinations did anything. It defaulted to the numbered button prompts so I had no idea what was going on, I think I found everything for melee though and honestly didn't give guns much of a chance because there weren't any cool guns. Just big goofy cannon shit, even for the rifles for whatever reason. Then there was something about ammo creation but the UI and tutorial left me pretty unsure.
The movesets felt really small for an anime game. Hammer's stance was cool though. Devouring felt like a fun tax (so is sharpening), and I expected hunter arts I guess rather than just buffing or altering the basic moves.

guns have an special using R1+circle, they are not very useful except for the laser that lets you save OP in reserve

Guns have a secondary function that's dependant on the gun but they're mostly all utility.
Bullet creation is fun but that's where the true autism lies.

What does the charisma skill actually do?

Give me back Livie dammit
Give me my BLOODies

Guns have a special action on R+O
>assault: step back
>sniper: stealth field(can't use in combat)
>shotgun: step forward
>laster: stock reserve OP
Of these, only the laser's is important, the sniper's is really, really niche,and assault and shotgun's are borderline useless

>slamcow painfully stuffed into an undersized skintight top
these are both ge3 characters?

It raises the damage of NPCs. Doesn't apply to the player.

based retard

I honestly forget Livie exists sometimes even though she's mandatory for like 25 missions in a row and generally useful

>playing burst
>about to fight Amaterasu
Fuck yeah a new aragami finally
>it's another ouroboros, with tits

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>sekhmet is just a chi-you
>tezcatlipoca is just a quadriga
>susanoo is just a borg
>arius nova is just dyaus pita

At least venus was weird and different

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susano'o has a different moveset, but ok

no it's trash. only weeb incels play this shit.

Susano'o and Tsukuyomi are the only good "clones", meaning that they have completely different moves and share just 1 or 2.

Reminder that Hannibal variants were the best thing to happen to the game

>blitz hannibal is literally just hannibal set to 2x speed

I barely remember spartacus

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He has like two different moves where he snips at you with his pincers, and the standard borg tail pokes except he pivots first, beyond that he's a completely typical borg with some aoe on his tail attacks as far as I can remember

Who are the best party members? Hugo and Claire seem obvious, and obviously phym is really good but I hate her voice and demeanor. Are Lulu or Ein any good?

Don’t tell me you’re playing dubbed

Only reason they're memorable to me was because GER started playing the dance remix versions of songs when you first encounter them

I listened to it subbed and dubbed, both were equally irritating

Don't know what to tell you then

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Is the stream still going?

It's over. The only things we didn't already know were
>1.40 will add Time Attack Missions. In these missions, time counts up and the Aragami HP is displayed. Depending on your time you can get Gold, Silver or Bronze Medals. You can play these in Multiplayer. There are rewards for collecting Gold Medals.
>You can restart the Time Attack Mission immediately with no loading screen or anything. They said you might be able to do this online too.
>They are planning updates beyond 1.40.
>The Switch will get the same 'GE3 Action Demo' trial that the PS4 had. Will have local multiplayer. Date undecided.
>Switch version will be getting Tales of Vesperia outfits as a preorder incentive.
>PS4/Steam version will be getting new collaboration outfits too, but they're a secret at this time.

And then a bunch of stuff about the gachashit game and merch, like a Claire figure.

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>Gina in Kanon's clothes

>Kanon in Gina's outfit

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Pretty cool.

>Claire figure
can't wait to hotglue it



Can i play Time Attack with bots offline?

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They did that on stream, yes. At about 22 minutes in they showed off some of the new BA effects and then did a Vajra TA mission a few times.

They also showed Switch gameplay of Dromi and Fallen Havakiri, with local 4 players.

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What happened to that so called Ein side story and mini after story about Zeek's terrorist brother Neil joining the hounds?

Did that update drop already?

We'll find out tomorrow. Or since it's supposedly out around noon in japan time, sometime tonight.

loved GE1/2 on pc but wonder how GE3 will play on switch

Ah, so that along with the rest of VJUMP. hope it's worth it. I just wish we had another pretty girl in the party oh why couldn't the female MC had been her own character or the main MC gotten some more scenes with Claire to justify their little ship tease more ?

So how well did GE3 sell? Cause I'm about to pick up a physical copy (new) for like $20 and that doesn't happen with games that sell.

pretty fun game, too bad they fucked up the multiplayer

It quite literally killed the series.

Claire is literally only in the game to be blonde and have tits

This game is sorely lacking any fun women

>They are planning updates beyond 1.40.

Hopefully they add in character missions like what GE2 had.

Yeah, Claire and Lulu have autism so to balance them out we'd need a genki or a bright and cherry girl which I guess is Phym, but Phym isn't a waifu, she's a daughteru

not to mention that even through the tank has other people in it like that girl in the louge chair and cat eared hoddie and Zeke's other brother yet neither of them are voiced or appear during story important scenes, making things feel even smaller, they aren't even in the picture


post THAT webm

On it

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Merchants have never had any story role, but Keith's lack of story presence is kind of weird since he should be just as close as the other pennyworts. If they do eventually add a new girl, I hope she's a rough, gung-ho tomboy type. I can never get enough of those.

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reminder if you see lulu lurking near the bathrooms you should probably wait till she leaves

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Not OP but what's the verdict? Is God Eater Resurrection worth getting?

I just beat the two-headed crocodile Ash Aragami (Dromi?) in GE3 for the first time. How many story missions are left?

Maybe on sale

Start with ge1 or go straight to 2?

Start with 1

Resu gets bundled with 2RB on PC and it's pretty much always $10 on

What is with this dance I see it in almost every weeb rpg

What was the stream about?

It's neat and comes with GE2, though it feels uncomfortable to play now after experiencing GE3

GER, though GE2RB will feel a bit clunky at some parts since it was released before GER

reminder predator styles are fucking dumb

Post your AGEs

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Good Eater wishes it was as good as Monster Hunter


Why are you guys so insecure and always have to come into these threads?
Don´t you have a Iceborne thread to shitpost at?

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pls no bully

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so the same as world then?

You deserve ever bully

code vein is god eater 4

code vein is milk souls

after GE I was blown away by the English dub for CV they've shown so far

>english Phym
How anyone can suffer through that is beyond me.

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it just all sounds kind of stiff, even in previous installments
meanwhile I listen to Cruz say good morning and the only thing stiff is me

>he doesn't feel protective when she cries "tummy hurts" and instead just swoons over gibberish he doesn't understand
You do not truly love her.

I love Phym. I don´t love a 30 year old hag trying to pass as my daughteru.

The setting and premise are so goddamn similar I wouldn't be surprised if they dug up some proto-GE concept to attach Souls gameplay to

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how is the new content

I'll tell you tomorrow

10 hours