Rage 2 kinda looks bad.
Rage 2 kinda looks bad
let's see your game motherfucker?
its a Rage tradition. even the first looked like shit. the meme goes that Rage games also include obscure graphics techniques
Should I get this game?
Looks better than the first one.
Every time
It looks boring as fuck and like it will flop
whats your settings
>No UI
>No characters
Come on now, that's clearly a pre-rendered bullshot.
This looks like your typical modern console game.
>Color correction
>2d billboard backdrops
>foliage sparse beyond 50ft (granted this was last gen also)
>Temporal fucking Anti-aliasing, aka VASELINE MY SHIT UP BABY! Just like quincunx AA on PS3!
Some video games have photo modes where you can turn off such things
Photo modes usually use insane graphic settings that would never run at decent frame rates.
>Skybox super sharp
>Other environment blurry and unsharp
Devs need to stop doing this.
>No prone for comfy sneaking.
How about you post some videos instead of bullshit screenshots?
Yeah maybe on consoles, retard.
If you don't use Anti Aliasing in-game then your photomode pictures will be full of aliasing too.
Game looks like typical console trash.
Real talk now. Who asked for this game? I don't know a single person or have seen a single person ask for a sequel to RAGE.
Xbox one x.
Go dilate randy we know it’s you and yours brigading these threads
Because the first rage introduced idtech 5 (which was garbage).
But i believe rage 2 isn't even on idtech.
It doesn't just look "kinda bad", it looks like a last gen game with bland artstyle and textures, vaseline filter, 1080p even on the pro consoles, and no HDR.
Can't believe i spent 80 bucks on this low budget shit. At least the gunplay is fun
Can you make it better? Thought so.
maybe stop being poor and youd know most games look this good nowadays
I was one of the people that worked on Rage 1. I won't say which department. Second one looks like shit compared to ours, and ours was dogshit to begin with.
didn't they say they were going to focus on getting 60 fps over 4k graphics
seems appropriate for a shooter, and further shows limitaitons of consoles
>didn't they say they were going to focus on getting 60 fps over 4k graphics
Game apparently stutters like crazy on consoles during driving sections.
>playing on xbox
>1080p and low Settings so it can run at Close to 60fps
no wonder it Looks shit on garbage hardware
No seriously who asked for this game? Of all the games Beth could put out a sequel to a game nobody remembers shouldn't be high on their list.
Yes, there's a 60fps 1080p mode.
Not the devs fault consoles are ancient history tech.
I was playing Rage 1 recently on the xbone and it honestly has a better artstyle than 2. 2 doesn't even seem to have a proper artstyle to begin with, it's like they outsourced this game to china
Like clockwork
The X can play a bunch of games at native 4K and they look gorgeous. The pro can play a ton of games at 4K checkerboarded resolution as well and it looks decent
>it has denuvo
Well shit, and here I was hoping I could play this shit within a day or two.
Oh well, I'd rather wait a month than buy anything Bethesda releases.
yes you seem to be coping since your console version looks like garbage unlike pc
>Not the devs fault the game is terribly optimized
I worked on the development of RAGE 2. I won't say which department, but your game looks like shit compared to ours. Brown shit everywhere, textures popping in and loading every time you turn around and it performed terribly too. Kill yourself.
at 20-30fps, not 60
Where are you seeing these PC in-game Rage 2 screenshots? The only things in this thread so far are a few console screenshots and some press kit bullshots.
it looks really low res somehow. whats even going on
>Of all the games Beth could put out a sequel to a game nobody remembers shouldn't be high on their list.
You are talking about the company that approved of a sequel to Prey. A mediocre game most people haven't heard of, much less played, and Bethesda agreed to finance the production of a sequel 10 years after the first game was released.
Not true. I'm just playing this awesome game on my Playstation four and it runs like a charm. It goes around 50 fps during driving sections.
Is this crap cracked yet? I loved the devs previous mad max game but I'm not giving zenimax any money
They shouldn't have promised 60fps then. They should know better than the average Joe what the limitations of console hardware are.
The first Rage never dropped frames on consoles. The optimization of that game (at least for everyone but AMD users) ended up being more impressive than the whole megatexture bullshit.
I kinda liked Rage 1, this one looks like too much over the top.
The new Pery game shares nothing in common with its predecessor other then the same name. They should have just called it Typhon like they were going to in the first place.
it's on JUST cause engine
xbox Version at 1080p upscaled to 4k
It literally just got released and apparently it's using Denuvo which the developers never disclosed earlier. It'll probably take at least a couple of weeks to crack.
I was referring to one Bethesda cancelled. Even if they wound up cancelling the project they still spent several years financing the development of a sequel to a game nobody cared about and hadn't been close to relevant for a decade.
I see that mountain but can I go there?
They weren't going to call it Typhon (unless I'm missing something here?), it was being made under the name Neuroshock but then Bethesda and Arkane both went "wait, could we use this other game's popularity to sell more copies?" and shot themselves in the foot with that decision.
Oh fuck it's it gonna be worth playing then thanks for the warning
And there goes any interest I had in ever playing it
Call of Duty, Titanfall, Forza, DOOM, and Battlefield, run at 20-30fps on the X?
Never played Rage before. Is this similar to the Mad Max game?
Who fucking cares, old prey would’ve never seen the light of day, so nothing would’ve changed, your anger over prey name is completely irrational and considering the game is actually great it makes people complain about the name look like morons, in line with people complaining about the sun in cyberpunk
Yeah, I agree with that. The first one sure did have great design, everything looked unique - from environments to enemies. Every area was filled to the brim with detail.
The second one looks like it is halfheartedly trying to emulate what the first one did, whilst adding some "lol so random" borderlands humor into the mix.
Stretching the environments so they become big, empty and auto generated.
It's literally made by the same people
>Th-th-th-th-those are not bullshots!
>Can't post video showing same graphics in movement when asked
Just deal with the fact that when you are actually playing the game it doesn't look even close to those bullshots.
Couldn’t I just play Mad Max instead of this?
Mind posting a few with the UI up?
>And there goes any interest I had in ever playing it
Because you have to wait a couple of weeks to get a $60 product for free? Oh poor you
small corridor levels, outdated visuals due to 20 year old engine
same as above
Motorsport still doesn't have 3d foliage, trees are 2d, Horizon is 30fps
small corridor levels, not sure if 4k
>battlefield 5
50fps at 1400p
Depends, do you prefer third person or first person shooting
No because even after cracking deadvuo shit it's buggy out the ass especially on that engine.
you could and it would probably be a better experience since they fucked up the driving in this one
>but then Bethesda and Arkane both went "wait, could we use this other game's popularity to sell more copies?"
It was closer to
>Hey, Arkane! Know that game you are working on?
>How would you feel about calling it Prey?
>Well, we already registered and trademarked the name and shit but we aren't going to do that other game so how about we just use it for yours?
>Sure. Whatever....
I don't know why you think Prey was a popular game that someone could leach success off of.
The vehicle combat sections are fairly similar but feel slower than Mad Max. The on foot parts are nothing alike, obviously. Mad Max was an Arkham-style third person brawler while this is a first person shooter that borrows from Doom, Bulletstorm and Shadow Warrior. Also there's a much smaller focus on vehicle combat this time round.
I actually liked the newest prey game.
Im just saying the name is the only thing the game shares with the previous one.
>not only is it generic open world shlock
>it's also singlep layer only with a f2p cash shop
instantly memory holed
your game is boring shit and will flop
not your fault tho
>first game sucks
>second one sucks too
>he fell for the denuvo makes game run worse meme
>It was closer to
No it wasn't. I thought this too because you want to automatically think it's the big bad evil publishers, but the head of Arkane actually took initiative in rebranding the game as Prey. Some user dug up documents detailing this and posted them in a few Prey threads months ago. I have no idea how to find those now, but he posted them in response to me saying exactly what you're saying right now. Trust me, it was a joint decision between Arkane and Bethesda/ZeniMax. I didn't want to believe Arkane had an important role in this rebranding, but there you have it.
I prefer the way RAGE 1 looked honestly.
What is all that purple garbage?
>I prefer the way RAGE 1 looked honestly.
this, while megatextures were faulty at times it allowed them to handcraft areas with great nuance
this just looks like generic wasteland without any particular vision behind
I don't know anything about any documents but I did read an interview with someone from Arkane about Prey where the very explicitly said Bethesda approached them with the Prey thing and it hadn't even crossed their mind before that. That's not taking the initiative, that's just going with the flow.
lol at western devs and media that were boasting about western "progressivism" in technology or something last gen. they just do that in politics this gen. and still bash japanese games
fuck westacucks
this is like the generic game that a teenager plays in a television show
kys weeb
>OP Posts cherrypicked console screenshot 1080p upscaled to 4k saying how ugly the game is
>post PC Screens
Eh... I've seen worse.
which fallout is this?
Why jews have big milkers
You're both cherry picking faggots. There's nothing pretty about this game. It's literally every generic desert wasteland NOW WITH PURPLE.
If you told me Avalanche literally just reused Mad Max's map and added purple and le wacky xDD characters, the screenshots provided would collaborate that and I'd believe it.
The only one that is fun to play.
semite genes are too strong
seething. im glad self absorbed sjws like you and cucked western devs are destroying the western industry. enoy your shit tech and identity politics
There's contradicting information about this so I'm really not sure what's factual and what isn't. The links that user posted seemed very legit and detailed the development of the game and the deal about renaming it, implying Arkane didn't just have this decision forced on them but were actually taking initiative in using an existing IP. But I know how shallow of a claim that is since I can't provide those links right now. I'm trying to dig something up, if I find anything I'll post it here.
To tempt strong Aryan boys into betraying their race.
>another open world video game
wow how ballsy
>idtech texture pop-in is still a thing
How? It's been 8 fucking years already.
>Console faggots are only now aware how games can look if they’re optimised for pc instead of console first
There's nothing inherently wrong with open worlds. It's not a genre, it's just a type of design. You can have many different genres of games set in open worlds. This "muh open world" meme is retarded. Yes, many open world games are formulaic and boring but that says nothing of open worlds as an approach to game design. It just says that developers are lazy and will take the easy way if it presents itself. Ubisoft comes to mind.
I tried to like Mad Max but that game is all repetition after like 3 hours
I’m just wondering how you’re not writhing in pain after writing that drivel about that dogs hit of a game
Your problem is your shit spec console, not the game.
What game are you referring to? Rage 2 doesn't use idTech. nuDoom and Wolfenstein 2 use it and I didn't have any texture pop in issues with those.
Literal xbox 360 game. Fucking western devs are so fucking good at making vidyas.
My dad works for Nintendo, too :^)
noice skybox
where’s the game though?
shut up fag
rage 1 was shit
why did people expect rage 2 to be good
The best thing RAGE 1 did was the AI. I remember it was incredibly reactive and fully utilize the environment by sliding from cover to cover, some of the enemies could even climb up and down different storeys through open walls and rubble. If you shot an enemy could fall down and start firing from a lying down position as they crawled to nearest cover, things like that.
>implying Arkane didn't just have this decision forced on them but were actually taking initiative in using an existing IP
Oh I don't think Arkane was forced to do something they didn't want to. I just don't think it was their idea or that they did so because they thought the non-existent enormous popularity of Prey was going to help them make sales. I think they were just playing ball and they are professional enough to want to do a good job of things.
Well, Avalanche made a barren desert look pretty damn good in Mad Max so I'm surprised this looks that bad.
>thread about grafix
>immediately moves goalpost when the consoleniggers get btfo
I remember megatextures messing things up with Rage 1 when that first came out and I've been seeing some pretty similar things with Rage 2 from some of the gameplay footage I've seen.
Honestly, what game isn't repetition? You'll usually be repeating the same things over and over in every game you play, but with new variations being introduced as you go through the game. The question is, is the main gameplay loop satisfying? I could understand if you simply disliked the core gameplay of Mad Max and the repetition made you realize that you didn't like it. But it wasn't the repetitiveness itself that made you stop playing.
see OP is an xbox fag
Dude I laughed so hard not even joking thank you for that
You got wrecked bro
Yep I pooped in my toilet 5 minutes ago. I scooped it out and played with it. It was better, lmk if you would like to try it
Apparently Avalanche's Apex engine has texture pop in issues too, but it has nothing to do with idTech. I actually wish this game used idTech 6 (the version used in Doom) because it's become an amazing engine. Rage 1 used idTech 5 which was absolutely abysmal.
I play on pc
say what you will but at least rage 1 had ambitions and tried to create a new setting
>people surprised the game is repetitive when mad max was basically just your usual ubisoft game but in a desert
Where are these screens from?
Rage 1 was heavily inspired by Mad Max. Everything reeked of Mad Max and while it had some of its own twists on the formula, so does Rage 2.
Thanks for posting them, kind user. Mind sharing your specs and what kind of performance you've been getting so far?
except rage 2 is even more derivative because it never expanded on the things in rage 1 that set it apart from mad max
1080 ti, 4790k, 16g ram
~50 fps at 4k
60fps at 1800p
sigh. who could have known.
>I actually wish this game used idTech 6 (the version used in Doom) because it's become an amazing engine. Rage 1 used idTech 5 which was absolutely abysmal.
id tech 6 uses the same megatextures system as id tech 5. They didn't change much except for some shit to do with decals and PBR support.
I should have hated Mad Max on paper because it follows the Ubisoft formula down to a tee. Almost worthless collectibles, enemy camps that need to be taken over, towers replaced by balloons, etc. But somehow I ended up loving it. It showed me that the Ubisoft formula isn't that terrible if the gameplay is actually good. In AC games, the climbing is automatic, the stealth is shit and the combat pretty much does everything for you. In Mad Max the core gameplay was simply much more satisfying IMO so I didn't mind the formulaic approach.
Good post
This looks really nice.
Try playing on PC at 4k with max settings instead of being a poor faggot
reddit out reee
>My PC
Not him but he can give the imagefile a whacky name. If you ever have an PC you should try it. Lots of fun await you.
>whacky name
Is this your first day here?
he literally has no reason to lie about the filename, it only makes him look fake
This shit uses Vulkan right? How's PC performance.
what happened to colour?
I'm here since 1967. Also my dad is nintendo.
This game is extremely colourful though?
Are you fucking retarded? It's "Color". CO-LOR. Say it right frenchie.
yeah i mean i want more games to go with a more full rich vivid colour rather than this pastel shit like in OP pic
>coh-lore sounds proper to this guy
sorry yankee, down here in australia we speak english
You mean colon, fag.
Well I got the reference.
americucks can't english properly lmao
shit looks like some fag decided to take the pink bucket full of aids and twitch and throw it all over an id game.
funny I worked on rage 2. Avalanche are total bros and I had a lotta fun on this project.
Yeah cunt I say armour too, wtf you gonna do about it
not every game needs to be colorful
it's a fucking abomination. kill it with fire.
Which part was your fault?
I was an artist.
Rage 2 should play a lot better than rage1. Overall be the game everyone expected rage 1 to be.
the best games are either muted or dark.
deus ex: dark
fallout 1: muted
quake 1: dark and muted
the list goes on. colors are a sign of wokeness. stay the hell away.
Looks like they slapped a filter during daytime to mimic the night.
as is twitch gaming by triple-aids studios. will be good when they are broke so the hobby can fall back to those who actually play and make games, not some kikes in a suit shoving down aids your throat. until then, enjoy the reeee's
I'm at work you double nigger so I posted Screens I uploaded on my Steam page and since the other user was asking for pics with UI on I saved them from the thread where I posted my other Screens in yesterday
Cool it with the racism, bro
Sorry Todd, but petty insults won't make me tolerate this piece of shit.
Night time is blue. How does it look to you?
Except your image is much darker. The moonlight shouldn't cast hard shadows as the sun would.
>The moonlight shouldn't cast hard shadows as the sun would.
Yes it should and it does. Do you have really impaired night vision or something?
100 rage bucks (tm) have been deposited to your account
>Yes it should and it does.
Where are the shadows in ?
You know what ... it's not about new vegas, so I'll let it slide.
There is actually only a handful of CB 4K games on PS4 Pro, most are just 1440p & people claim it's upscaled 4K
>Where are the shadows
Are you serious? Are you going to ask me where the moon is next? I'm guessing you've never been out at night during a full moon except in a city where there's street lights all over the fucking place.
>say it right frenchie
>american spelling
that's some good bait
Its literally running in a virtual environment sandbox hypervisor u faggot there's numerous videos and articles on it
Don't act like you know what the fuck that actually means. We've had plenty of comparisons between denuvo and no denuvo in the same software. Pretty much every single time the difference has been negligible. 2 or 3 frames at most. Are you going to tell us how it destroys SSD next?
ye the gameplay looks like shit, graphics wise rather mediocre, i.e. all that console has to offer
it destroys your mom's pussy but I guess that's negligible to you
To convert whites so jews can breed and keep their ploting existence.
Temporal AA, user
Try 5 or so but if you think even 3 is vaguely acceptable for literally no benefit to the consumer then you're retarded. These are still the 'negligible' cases, there are other cases where it's much better.
Denuvo is actively sabotaging your customers to protect another group which only has to wait a week anyway.
It destroys my ability to mod games like doom 2016
Fuck denvuo and everyone who buys/defends it
they are god's chosen people
>appeal to accomplishment
Does playing Rage 1 on an SSD with fast RAM fix all the problems?
Not using an AMD gpu fixes all the problems.
2-3 frames is what i overclock for, you think i won't take 3 frames? what, you're too good for 3 more frames?
just give me that generic open world game senpai
Is the driving in this game similar to that in Just Cause games?
fuck off niggervidia shill
He's actually not being a fanboy. There's literally an Nvidia only tweak that more or less runs the game from the GPU entirely which fixes all the texture streaming issues.
After RDR2 i kinda feel tired of open world games. RDR scratched that itch more than enough really.
Okay tough guy what are some games with "good" graphics
God of War
Dude to get 4k 60 on ultra you need a $800 plus graphics card plus the rest of the computer plus a 5k monitor ..of say the one x looks the best it can for $500
Literally any game other than post apocalyptic shit. Not a single post apocalyptic game recently had good graphics.
Looks like modded skyrim
What are the sidequests like?
Modded skyrim looks amazing
Pardon the caps
you fucking wot
modded skyrim destroys god of war's boipussy
I remembered the first Rage being really short. How long is this one?
according to reviewers 9-12 hours if you rush through the main story, a lot longer (20-30 hours) if you bother with sidequests and explore the map for upgrades.
>cute girls in 2019
Hell no
Not really, some of them have the body, but they're all with sjw haircuts and male clothings, at least as far as I've played
I worked on the development of Crysis. Both of your games are shit compared to what we achieved in 2007.
I think they're using the same GI data for day and night.
if you look at a game like horizon zero dawn for example, that has 8 different baked GI passes for time of day that it blends between.
I'm not expecting every game to be as meticulous as HZD here but just to show how it can be.
I worked on the development of Doom. Your game is shit compared to what we achieved in 1993. Every first person game to come after our game just copied what we did.
Megatextures became really fucking good by the time they were being used in nuDoom and Wolfenstein II. They sucked cock in RAGE though, I can't believe they even released that game in the state it was in
fpbp - first post based post.
>i was an artist.
sucks to be you seeing that Far Cry New Dawn has the same artistical concept. neon colors everywhere and shooting in junkyards or wherever looks like a game of paintball. coming from someone who probably has the same degree as you do i would recommend you that you guys stop using this new colour pallete ala anarchy/blue or pinky mohawk design since if nothing else it has a negative effect gameplay wise. only a 14yo would praise rage 2 colour pallete.
What are GI passes
He doesn't have to make one. He is the consumer. The consumer is dissatisfied with the product.
I'm actually hyped for it. Shame for Denuvo so we'll have to wait.
because real time global illumination of high quality is very expensive most games bake out the global illumination offline, this is stuff like indirect lighting and shadows and what not.
Lightmass is the one in unreal engine for example.
So in horizon zero dawn they rendered out a LOT of these and swap between them as the day/night cycle progresses instead of just doing one.
i installed rage like half a year ago, applied what few tweaks i saw on pcgw and steam guides.
all of my hw was unreleased when rage came out. it still stutters and loads in textures if you do a quick 180. nuid was a mistake.
>brown and grey wasteland with some blue and pink bits randomly thrown around
Why did they think this looks good?
>nuid was a mistake
Carmack was the advocate for megatextures. He's not "nuid", you fucking moron.
will a game like Crysis 1 ever come out again? So ahead of the curve that even a i9 and GTX 2080 ti wouldn't be able to run it? it'll never happen again, won't it?
simply put it is a design choice. tried explaining it few posts above. thing is that they went for arcade style shooter which "needs" color pallete that has its own charm making it more arcadey. it makes game more hyper, it looks better when there are explosions around and it makes it more hyper which in context links to anarchy/mayhem style of game. it is logical tho like said before it has negative effect on gameplay. it is just meant to be an eye candy-ish.
Aint western devs so fucking good at the latest technology
It's showing its age. Just because it runs like shit doesn't mean it's good. SimCity 4 still runs like shit on any system when your city gets large.
who gives a shit you dumb cocksucker? fact is id changed after about q3 and even doom 3 was already a fucking shitshow.
It happens all the time. And, same as with Crysis, the result is people whine about how "devs can't into optimization".
As soon as neural net enhanced workflows mean that you no longer need a human artist to make a 32k by 32k texture or individually model billions of polygons and take six years working on one character model, yes. Someone will come up with machine learning or similar that will allow an artist to get 20% of the way there and basically autofill the rest up to insanely high resolution/polycount.
There's no reason for it to happens anymore
DICE's Frostbite engine is arguably more advanced than Cryengine. Much better environmental destruction, better lighting, much better optimization. Now if only DICE actually wanted to make something in the style of Crysis 1, it might finally surpass it in its own game.
Honest question, is there a reason why Bethesda won't use this engine instead of Gamebryo/Creation? It looks way better it plays way better and it can run without crashing every 3 minutes
Devs really can't into optimization though. Games like Max Payne 3, Doom, Wolfenstein 2, Mad Max, MGSV and others demonstrate how incredible optimization is possible when devs aren't lazy fucks. It's possible to make a technically impressive game AND have it run well.
because their incompetent dumb faggots which were hired due to nepotism were barely able to somewhat learn how gamebryo works in about 20 years. you think they are going to have an easy time switching their assets and work chains to a new engine?
Probably a thousand reasons.
Bethesda are unironically incredibly incompetent developers and will stick to what they're familiar with. Learning to use a new engine is beyond the capabilities of Bethesda's dev team. Also, the Gamebryo engine is very moddable and since Bethesda leans on modding as one of their games' main selling points and relies on the modding community to fix the games, it's highly unlikely they'll switch engines any time soon. They'll just keep adding small updates to it and rebranding it as a completely new engine.
Battlefront as well. It's probably the best looking game of all time and its running on my shit pc with other 100fps at max settings.
Because this is harder to work with and Creation is literally just copy and paste.
Breast milk is free
>Language is called English.
>Uses the correct spelling.
Americans are so fucking dumb they have to subtract a letter from the word because it's just too complicated for them to understand, then have the audacity to say they're right and everyone else is wrong.
youre still pirating it, what the fuck? why are you dying on this hill
this isn't talking about pirating it, this is talking about not *buying* it because of denuvo
To be honest, English is retarded to begin with. The phonetic inconsistencies make it a dumb language no matter what variety of it you speak. It's just slightly different shades of shit.
Shame the XboneX is like 1620p30 on medium-low.
I worked on the development of Mass effect 3. I won't say which department, but your game looks like shit compared to ours. Brown shit everywhere, textures popping in and loading every time you turn around and it performed terribly too. Kill yourself.
>mash together a bunch of other european languages
>change spellings all over the place
>"we invented this"
>Also, the Gamebryo engine is very moddable
No. The reason Bethesda's games are "very moddable" is because Bethesda develops them to be so and releases the tools they develop and use inhouse to make their games. The CK is not a Gamebryo thing. It's 100% Bethesda.
It's amazing how many of you people who have no idea what the fuck you are talking about still feel you are in a position to call someone else "unironically incredibly incompetent".
I have it running on high at 1440p and it also looks like trash
The game itself is fine, but Avalanche drooped the ball
feepee beepee
>top of the screen compass telling you where to go
how to spot a shitty open world game in one easy step
>hurf durf durr
Gamebryo allows for rapid development of meaningful content. It is the reason Bethesda games are *so* moddable, not the reason they're moddable at all. It's also the reason beth games up until fallout 4 simply had more content than their peers.
>implying Bethesda isn't incredibly incompetent
Fuck off, Todd
id wouldn't hire you to clean their toilets, Randy.
Just turn it off lmao
>Gamebryo allows for rapid development of meaningful content
You really didn't need to reinforce that you don't know what the fuck are talking about. I'd already figured that out.
>being this upset over a reference that flew over his eurotrash head
Wrong, Rage was made by id software, Rage 2 was made by Avalanche studios.
Woke up early to play some before work this morning. It is fun enough to play and looks good enough to me.
Will update later with if it stays fun but I have to g to work now
Are you saying that every engine is just as moddable as any other? Jesus Christ what a dumb fuck lmao
He asked about Mad Max you dumb fuck
Have sex
Based and chadpilled.
is this nier jitomata
I got to 4 minutes and turned it off, what the fuck is that intro? It's like a shitty early PS3 game.
You're the one that has no idea what you're on about. There are plenty of games out there that are just as if not more moddable than Bethesda's. Moddability in practice has far, far more to do with it than just what is literally possible.
Unless you're issue is pretending Gamebryo wasn't far better than at rapid content development than anything else because you're a retard with a game dev degree from the UE4 era that thinks that's how shit always was.
No, I said Gamebryo is not "very moddable" and it's use is not what makes Bethesda's games "very moddable".
You guys don't even really know what the fuck Gamebryo is.
>being played on console
>looks like console trash
Yeah no shit. I want to see some PC gameplay
Gabebryo is very moddable, user. The only way it could be more moddable is if it was fully open source.
Is it worth the cost?
>You guys don't even really know what the fuck Gamebryo is
Wait, is it not a game engine? Enlighten us.
>Unless you're issue is pretending Gamebryo wasn't far better than at rapid content development than anything else
Listen, retard, just saying "rapid development" over and over again doesn't mean anyone is going to believe you know anything. Unless you can explain WHY Gamebryo enables "rapid development" and how this differs from everyone else you can just fuck off.
Same retard always cries about people not knowing what a game engine is and mischaracterizing gamebryo to muddle the discussion. It's the Star Citizen defense.
I did. Now you know one.
MegaTexture is also the reason why they couldn't add custom in the game.
No, consoles are an anchor that will forever hold games down. That being said, Rage 2 doesn't look bad and 99% of Yea Forums nitpick screenshots and go out of their way to take un-flattering ones solely to complain about shit that isn't a big deal and sometimes not even noticeable.
doom3 was more of a "tech demo" for lightning/shadowing. view it like hl2 and valve/source.
Askhenazis aren't semites. They're basically Turks mixed with slavs.
I don't get why people harp on about compass pointers, all they do is make it so you don't have to constantly check the map to see if you've gone off course. So you're complaining that it doesn't force you to stop playing the game to look at a map to achieve the exact same result.
i am glad i am not human failure like you.
This game came out?
I thought it was cancelled?
it's a framework and not an engine. Engine is graphics and rendering, Gamebryo does more than that.
>I'm ignorant please spoonfeed me
It pioneered development tools which were far easier to use than pretty much anything up to UE4/Unity. Devtool ease of use is one of the most important factors in practical development speed. The fact that even the stupidest 13 year olds could make relatively competent mods for Morrowind or Oblivion shows this clearly. Just as if not more crucial was the .ESP and .ESM system, which allowed for a more dynamic and asynchronous workflow for largescale content creation than was easily available at the time for pretty much any other platform.
These days it's largely supplanted in these areas but UE4 and unity, but it's crucially far more moddable than either of those.
>but it's crucially far more moddable than either of those.
in a technical sense I mean*
UE4 mods are basically out of the question and unity is a clusterfuck when it comes to mods most of the time
Straight from Gamebryo's official website:
>Unlike engine solutions that require developers to follow a set integrated workflow, Gamebryo is based on a modular architecture that allows teams to easy modify, extend and re-factor the solution to meet the unique needs of their creative vision. This flexibility distinguishes Gamebryo from engine solutions built around a specific genre. Gamebryo significantly reduces the amount of development effort required to mix and match engine components to suit unique customer workflows.
That sure sounds like the engine was created with rapid development of meaningful content in mind.
Of course not.
Crack where?
There are still plenty fun western games. The only western games that are really bad is american AAA shit. Yurop is doing significantly better in that regard.
But keep on sucking that jap microdick man I don't care.
I've been having fun, the shooting is pretty much like nudoom. I dont regret my purchase
Kinda reminds of Fallout 3
Holy shit, you fucking idiot. All that crap you credit to Gamebryo is not Gamebyro, it's Bethesda. For fuck's sake, ESM stands for ELDER SCROLLS master file. Not Gambryo master file.
Bethesda's gamebryo then. That was clearly the topic at hand, I'm sorry you have crippling 'tisms and can't determine obvious context.
so its shit
>Well shit, and here I was hoping I could play this shit within a day or two.
Denuvo get cracked in 5. Just wait.
money laundering unironically
Mafia 3 looks worst than Mafia 2 and need a beefy computer to maintain 60fps.
>That was clearly the topic at hand
No, it wasn't. The topic at hand was the claim Bethedsa is irrelevant to the modability of their games and it's all because of Gamebryo that they are so easily modded and that's what you just woefully failed in trying to prove.
I've got one retard talking complete and utter bullshit and another copying and pasting a marketing blurb from a website and both are under the delusion they fucking know anything. It's amazing.
Fuck off, Carmack.
>the topic at hand when discussing bethesda using gamebyro wasn't bethesda's gamebryo
Do you even try to think before you speak, or are you just that absorbed in how much more *secret knowledge* you have than everyone else?
>tfw BotW has been the good looking open world game but still majorly flawed
>tfw not a single open world game has been good
Why though? Really why? If it's not the complete lack of enemy variety, gameplay mechanics, or depth. Terribly designed systems, no motivation or story. Nearly universal lack of co-op. Fucking why?
>fps on a console
Nope. You aren't backing out of your bullshit. You made a stupid and ignorant claim and in trying to prove it further demonstrated your stupidity and ignorance.
>nuh uh you didn't use the right terminology despite it being clear what you mean
Are you an actual child, user?
Nope, they all look like dykes. Cute girls are blasphemy in 2019.
Check out Metroid Prime 2, my proudest work! My upcoming game though will blow this trashheap away.
well, i played both the leaks and games on release. to this day i remember the design of most hl2 levels and barely anything about d3. hl2 had me bound to the chair at release and during multiple modded playthroughs, d3 i once finished and never again - despite multiple mods i had tried.
Yeah let's just make a game that require a $5000 computer to play at low settings for the 10 people who can play it. That game will sell millions copies, right?
open world is a very flawed concept at its very core since progression through the game is not as smooth as in more linear concepts.
For example you have the issue of unlocking and expansion of mechanics. In a more linear game you can design each encounter around the current state of mechanical options. In an open world game though, where those states vary a lot more you have to always balance it towards the minimum amount. Thus a lot of challenge and variety is lost.
For example in a linear shooter you can balance each stage to be more challenging and varied than the last since you know that the player has learned and improved from the previous stages.
In an open world game though, you have to keep the challenge the same in the entire accessible area since the player can tackle anything within that area in a different order.
Now add in the fact that a player ususally improves through completion of activities within that area and you have an inverted progression where the most challenge comes from the beginning rather than the end.
Not that guy, but he said nothing about the memorability or quality of either game. He just said both games served as tech demos for the newest technologies being developed by both Id and Valve.
>My upcoming game though will blow this trashheap away
doubt it.
Magnetic aim assist
Graphics shitposting aside, is this game even fun or is it just Anthem of Divistiny 5?
sure, but thats hardly a valuable point now, is it? everyone remembers doom and hl1 as technical masterpieces and great games, yet same doesnt apply to d3 and hl2 - only one was a good game while both were demoing the engine tech.
What you're talking about isn't necessarily a flaw. In open world RPG games, it's perfectly normal to encounter a dungeon that you're underleveled for, or one that's weak for your level. I don't think it's bad game design to have areas that you are unprepared or over-prepared for, that's exactly what brings variety to the game. You can also make mid to late game main story quests difficult enough that they also require a higher level and you can't just blast through it all.
>open world fps with le whacky borderlands meme humor and cooldown skills gimmicks
take a guess
>4k resolution
>but everything is blurry as fuck
What the fuck is the point then? why are consolefags ruining everything again?
The game is still uncracked so the children on this board can't answer you yet.
Hey I'm 26 and poor.
But I live with my gf and cat in our apartment, I'm just studying so I don't have money to spend on frivolities like video games
You can allways spent 25 rage coins for enhanced graphics for 24 hours, goy
>In open world RPG games
most open world rpgs are in reality insanely linear.
>You can also make mid to late game main story quests difficult enough that they also require a higher level
The issue is that if someone decides to do more side activities than usual then they will have a much easier experience (potentially too easy) in later sections compared to someone who doesn't. This is an ass backwards design philosophy since it reduces the enjoyment for someone who wants to experience more.
Though this is less of an issue with open world design and more with how exp systems are fucking retarded and should be replaced by gear progression or other progression systems that don't break balance in either direction as easily
Also my rambling was more based on these more open games like most open world fps where you can tackle a lot of different shit (eg typically capture bases/camps) at once
>on my free time
IN my free time. God, some dumb yank saying "colour" is the wrong spelling get a dozen replies but every fucking time some south american spic uses yet another random fucking word completely wrong it gets completely ignored.
You beaner fucks just CANNOT tell the difference between "in" and "on" especially, and it drives me insane.
This looks even worse than OP's pics what the fuck.
What's denuvo?
OP has a Xbox One X + the youtube gameplay is standart PS4 and the guy spamming screenshots plays at 4K Ultra on PC
>turn it off
>now you have no idea where to go because the game was designed around you using the compass
>lol who even are you
Why do none of the fucking sounds line up with what's actually happening in those fucking ingame cutscenes?
Just open the map, retard. That's how navigation in games worked before there was a compass at the top of the screen.
Oh yikes.
>aim assist
May as well watch a movie or streamer. What's the point having the console play the game for you?
Really? This and looks almost exactly like the Aussie outback, shrubs and everything, minus the bridge.
And looks like a drought-ridden dam.
How is that at all bad?
>That's how navigation in games worked before there was a compass at the top of the screen
No. good games didn't even need a fucking map because they had good level design based around landmarks and objective locations were always reached by following guidelines based around said landmarks
They still had maps. Also, Mad Max, a game by the same studio as this, had very memorable landmarks across the map, making it easy to find your way around even if you didn't open the map. But it still had a map to make things easier. You have no idea if the map is well designed in Rage 2 and the presence of a compass is indicative of exactly nothing when it comes to the map design.
Just cause devs suck. ID too
>But it still had a map to make things easier
It shows to me that the designers didn't trust that their environment would be designed well enough to be navigated without external tools. Thus their level design is most likely subpar.
Same goes with rage.
Name an example of an open world that you think is well designed.
oh boy I can't wait to name an example for you just to have it be dismissed it due to unrelated, subjective reasons
are we still gonna have to deal with a bunch of people pretending to like it cause they tweeted at some literal who
only a 14yo would trash rage 2 colour pallete when boredlands looks like rainbow on acid.
not the dude you were talking to, but i also want to hear one. the most i can think of are gta 3 and vc.
Great deflection, user. Way to show me.
Lol nothing in Rage was unique. I liked the game, but aside from the pretty rocks surrounding the place and skybox, nothing stood out.
what did you expect when you decided against adressing my argument directly and instead demanding an example for no fucking reason
>implying you can tell anything from a filename
Is it yours?
not that user but I don't understand why an open world game with authentic difficulty doesn't exist yet. Just have a thing be tough because of what it does instead of stat bloat and powercreep. It's probably a memory issue that holds back devs from making something with a plethora of mechanics to play with and a large variety of enemies but if that's really the case why not just scale down the graphics? Its infuriating
>It's probably a memory issue that holds back devs
I mean they're already making a huge game it can't really be laziness can it? The assets are already done all they have to do is make any of it mean something fuck. Im not even talking about implementing complex physics just script some fucking mechanics onto shit. FFS we dont even need true AI just fun scripted AI. ANything more than just fucking IT RUNS AT YOU OR SITS BACK AND SHOOTS WOW. Im mad
user, they are lazy as fuck, or just incredibly retarded. every streamer i haven seen play has been complaining about how shit bashing ammo boxes is because the melee range is so short. that shit has so incredibly many fixes it boggles the mind, and yet here we are.
isn't it obvious?
mate you are comparing borderlands which has cartoonish artistic style to rage 2 which has realistic post-apocalyptic look with flashy colors. both are scifi but their artistic looks are as same as comparing tom and jerry to a homeward bound movie.
yeah, wolfie is green.
>the game i like is far right, obviously
what exactly is authoritarian or conservative about d44m?
We know it's you John Goodman
The entire game is him rebellion g against authority
So wait, they with held the fact that they are now using Denovu until 24hrs before release?
AND the fact that you need a Bethseda.net account to use the DLC that you've already PAID for.
Because open world games are theme parks, not actual worlds, the location are designed with a theme, after you complete everything, the ride is over.
>Go to a village
>husbands are dying and male children are missing
>the nun as an evil succubus all along
>The village stop "working" and just follow generic patterns for every npc
An actual open world game would require a dynamic AI for the NPCs, each having their own motivation and "main quests", which they will complete with our without you, maybe an dog just want to find a mate, and will look for a mate in his region, basically Dwarf Fortress "AI" in a 3D environment, and a dynamic quest system, the main quest will flow with or without, you will be the chosen one if you accept the quest, or you will just a another generic adventurer while the chosen one is fighting the big baddie without you.
Developers want to avoid this, because is not fun for most people, is not epic, they want to create generic power fantasies, not living and breathing worlds, they are not going waste resources creating content that 90% of people will never see in their lives.
Is pure laziness in the of the day.
Just add another point, STALKER SoC was supposed to have competitive NPCs, they would try to find the sarcophagus before you, and complete the main quest before you, iirc, was removed because tester didn't liked.
Most people don't want to play a open world game, and not being the hero, or the chosen one.
Like not even just rage 2, I havent played it but I'm sure its just serviceable gameplay. All open world games just seem like nobody stopped to take a step back and design the fucking game. Who the fuck wants to stop and clear regular ass bandit camps hundreds of times? Follow the compass to X then Y then Z amazing auto-pathing that removes my interest in all surroundings. Talk to this NPC now this NPC ok now pick your morals(this never has gameplay impact). NPC talking at you over comms, nobody's ever done this and it's so engaging. Even in Sekiro which I had fun in the stealth was so stupid you just cash in your free kills. Oh and sorry you can only equip 1 skill at a time even on PC. Miyazaki deserves knighthood for mildly attempting to do something more? CDPR deserves praise for trying to write a decent story? Nintendo deserves praise for making an open world LoZ that launches on the switch? The absolute fucking state of games
We had theme parks before though thats what levels and zones were don't devs see this? Open world was supposed to be, at least in the eyes of every sane user, the path to a true adventure you play in your style. Why is every single one just a railroad of shit design diluted across a big square? People don't find personal adventures fun?
>gf and cat
Looks fantastic.
Consolepoors need to stop talking about visuals.
Based retard
>15fps@480p (upscaled to 4k)
I hope you aren't legitimately asking what Denuvo is.
But just in case you are: it's DRM that's very tough to crack.
>but I don't understand why an open world game with authentic difficulty doesn't exist yet
Like I said due to areas being opened chunk by chunk instead of smoothly like in more linear concepts the challenge drops as you progress within a chunk (since your character progresses with each success within a chunk while the chunk itself cannot increase in difficulty without cheap tactics like value bloating or really complicated solutions) until you access a new chunk.
Another issue is that open world games require massive budgets and thus have to be aimed towards a broader crowd which (according to the suits that pay your shit) requires the lowering of difficulty and simplifying of many mechanics.
Just how new?
Mainstream video games are all about looking good, not about making good games, every modern AAA game is just a watered down version of an old game, just look at TES, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Skyrim, rather than improve on the existent features, let's cut down everything we don't like.
>gen 7 tier
no it doesn't, wtf OP
>The assets are already done all they have to do is make any of it
Both of these aspects are connected with each other. New mechanics require more assets and work
>FFS we dont even need true AI just fun scripted AI
As FEAR proves good AI is not just dependent on programming but also just as much on solid level design, something that most open world shit fails at due to not being designed tightly but rather more simple and open.
Take a look at the environment that the enemies usually hand around in those trashy open world shooters and ask yourself: what the fuck can they even do aside from crouching behind a piece of cover and shoot?
Good level design is what carries a good shooter. Doom enemies are basic as shit but it's still a solid shooter because what mattered was the composition and positioning of enemies within the environment that forced you to utilize varied tactics.
>character literally never says a word, only punches and shoots things
>actually this is auth right
Their Apex engine is literally garbage. Why Avalanche decided to use it will probably be their undoing. Just Cause 4 was a shit show. It's not fixed. The company was bought out a couple years ago and has went to shit very quickly.
Looks like BOTW, a blurry brown dull pile of dogshit.
Best post.
its fun
Should I pick this or Days Gone up today?
Post some gameplay webms fags.
That's actually a good point about the level design having enemies up on a hill or out in the open means just about the only real scripted AI that could be performed is group mechanics like a pack of wolves doing a hit and run or encircling you. I know a lot of the time devs feel the need to make new assets like animations or effects per mechanic but I think more people than just myself would be happy to just have a mechanic work. Like just reusing the same hitstun animation that's definitely already made, wouldnt that work?
psychotic asshole
>but I think more people than just myself would be happy to just have a mechanic work.
You're misunderstanding. Adding mechanics requires massive work in of itself, it's not a simple process. Also asset creation is actually one of the shortest parts of development. The coding department is the one that has to work the longest since they will be busy till the end with debugging and shit. This is one of the reasons why extra costumes and shit are a thing. The asset teams just fuck around a bit after they finish their work and add some extra costumes or other shit.
Looks like an oil painting
>wow it looks great
>look at these GRAPHICS
Who gives a fuck, where's the gameplay webms
Why are the cars so fucking slow?
Even in Mad Max there was more speed
I see, that's a fucking shame and makes more sense why we don't see large numbers of mechanics in games very often. Also pretty depressing to read lol
Actual correct answer.
>bunch of shitposting trannies arguing about muh grafix
>everybody ignores the MMO cash-shop in a fucking single player game with literally ZERO replayability
It's not even funny anymore
is torrent out yet
Wait, what?
Open world games are not cinematic, the environment is not obliged to create a cinematic experience, people should not expect an epic story in a open world game, also, open world games are not "fair" when comes to difficulty.
hahahahahhahaahahah he doesn't know
Neither do I, someone post a screen of the cashshop
The devs straight up said in an interview they wanted to avoid that
DIdn't that moon clip through the terrain?
Mad Max map was pretty great. The dry sea bed with sulfur vents and bone dry coral was super alien, and in the horizon Gas Town is omnipresent, and the buried airport and church is top tier
You wreck demons from hell through a brutal display of violent machismo.
Jk, I don't really know what that shitposty chart is getting at.
>muddy blue filter
not getting it
Thats the intended artstyle of Oblivion, its deliberately designed to appear like an impressionist painting
Yeah i know it just doesn't really look like it because it's old, i've been meaning to reinstall Oblivion and mod the shit out of it.
still looks better than this
Does this have photo mode like Mad Max?
It's incredibly empty even for a wasteland.
Every human characters in this game I've seen so far are ugly as shit! Far worse than RAGE 1. I'm just in that swamp city right now and dear lord them rednecks NPC faglords sure are ugly as SIN!
I thought Devs only make the enemies look like fugly ass SJW so we ca kill them happily but I sure am wrong! Literally EVERY human characters are ugly like that and it only get worse......Too bad I can't refund now....
If that's true, why aren't you using it?
I am. See but consolepoors called them fake and bullshots
lmao based
>Overall be the game everyone expected rage 1 to be.
Nope, not me.
Fuck me now I really want to play it, take some pics blowing people up user if you are up to that.
I'll try
no crack
Why is everyone shitting on this game, is it really that bad?
Do it run good?
>Overall be the game everyone expected rage 1 to be.
a generic open world game with a fucking f2p cash shop? go fuck yourself
its pure mediocrity with the usual shithesda kike shenanigans.
This can be one of valid reasons.
Also lots of bugs, some people can't even launch the game, and MMO style in-game cash shop, again.
Not him but it's clearly focusing more on the Feltrite, Arks, and Authority.
You’re insane. I can’t believe people are pretending there was any redeeming factors to 1 just so they can shit on 2 because it’s new.
Good shooting, bad everything else. Shouldn't be open world since there is nothing to do and the main story is only 10 hours long and the game railroads you through it because it knows you won't want to actually do any of the filler side activities at all. Story is shit, basically non-existant. Driving feels bad and there's no reason to do the convoys or races.
>written as "color" in latin
Fallout 4 is a great game.
I knew a guy who worked on Rage 1 and he came home every single day frustrated with how shit the game he was making was forced to be due to zenimax completely changing the culture.
It's exactly what it was marketed to be, which is Avalanche's Mad Max game but with Doom 2016 first-person shooty. There's a lack of any kind of setpieces and all the 'cutscenes' are pretty meh and feel kind of dated. It's exactly what I'm in the mood for though. No Rockstar bullshit of ambling through a fucking opening that's 2 hours long, everything crawling at a snail's pace.
The game starts, you start shooting, you slap on some armor from a corpse and after 5-10 minutes of exposition you're free to do whatever the fuck you want, which is shoot somes dudes. I got it for 40,- instead of 60, I'm enjoying it so far. Runs really smooth.
Some weirdos actually thought Rage 1 was good, somehow forgetting the terrible stories, missions, dead open world, terrible car races, etc
Tried it with a NVMe SSd and 1500 MHz DDR4-3000 Ram. Still had pop ins.
>muh story
i swear rage 2 is actually good
the shooting is great, and for me that is all that matters. i dont give a fuck about a story
the one thing that is not being mentioned is how good the sound is. on my setup it's one of the best-sounding games i can think of
i had zero hype for it, and only got it because i had to take the day off due to bad weather and had nothing to do. i like it a lot
Rage 1 unironically has better reviews and scores than RAGE 2, from both users and MSM.
Buddy bought it so I have it through game share. I've never played the first one. This doesn't look too good either.
>Boarderlands/Farcry is all I can see.
I'm not a fan of the graphics but how is the gunplay? Vehicle use looks uhhh ok.
Why doesn't Bethesda use id tech engine since the open world looks better than Gamebryo
The gunplay probably is the only good part of it.
I bought it, have about 5 hours on Nightmare so far. It's alright, the beginning enemies are bullet sponges currently because of no upgrades, but the shooting and driving feels decent. Only complaints really is the default controls for mkb fucking suck, the movement on foot feels really slippery and I feel like I'm always sliding around, and the soundtrack is honestly fucking bizarre.
how difficult is nightmare?
Not so bad, the game is pretty generous with how often you can use your Overdrive so I often have it when I really need it. You do get dropped quite quickly though so running and gunning hasn't been an option for me much yet. Haven't really done anything that's high difficulty rating either, so it might get way worse, especially when I'll run into the Authority again.
does it at least have andrew WK in the game soundtrack anywhere?
alright. i think i'll start on nightmare. i'm just worried the vehicle shit will be way worse than the bread and butter fps shit and will make me very angry. can you adjust it on the fly? i seriously have a bad feeling that the vehicular combat on nightmare will be genuinely unfair
Sure, give me 50 million dollars.
muh established code, modding potential, le wacky physics (picking a spoon up xDDD)
Tough to say on the vehicle aspect, I haven't gotten the parts to upgrade my car so the convoys are basically immune to me still. As for adjusting it on the fly it doesn't look like it.
Meant to edit but it auto-posted. You can change the difficulty.
alright thanks bud
ill do nightmare
oh word
It's 2019, twelve years after Crysis, and games still don't use POM on their terrains.
>that jersey guy growling the entire time he's on screen until he dies
fuck that was off putting
all the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttt music was annoying too
lol cunt
All these pretty screenshots just show it's a barren walking simulator.
>this is considered good by zoomers
It looks like a game I've already played one million times before
Glad I bought Kiwami 2 instead of this.
not a zoomeryoomerwoomerpeepeepoomer and it does look good
>open world
No shit. Stop playing literal trash.
Looks generic to me. As if I haven't seen this shit endlessly for the last decade.
>wow this game looks shit
>no it doesnt
>w-well the setting is boring!!
That doesn't look good. And he's right, it's completely generic and been done dozens of times already.
>That doesn't look good.
What's a good looking game according to you?
Literally every other game that has come out this year looks better than that.
Fucking hell at least shills post webms. I don't give a fuck about some boring fucking screenshots man.
no, they don’t
uh huh
>thread about graphics
>gets btfo
what ps2 game is this?
Dude this phone I bought sucks
Gotta feed the whole world bullshit. Takes a lot of milk
He's the same guy that posts those boring RDR2 webms all the time. Just go look at a tree or something, real life is super realistic.
Nope, just proving shitposters wrong who call this game ugly based on an Xbox One screenshot. Keep seething about the blue haired people that you get to shoot nonstop in this game though.
Graphics, setting, everything looks generic as fuck. Don't know why you corporate drones defend schlock every time. Elevate your tastes, elevate the industry.
looks like mass effect andromeda
>proving shitposters wrong who call this game ugly
How are you going to prove someone's taste wrong, frogposter?
Apart from DOOM and Wolfenstein there aren't any other games with gunplay this good.
Visuals are objective.
Example: if you say Crysis 3 looks shit you're wrong.
My opinion is objective.
Example: if you say I'm wrong for disagreeing with you, you're wrong.
saw pictures for the ingame cash shop system
thank fucking christ. I almost considered buying this game.
The bad scores are due to microtransactions
Gotta cut corners to achieve 60 fos on the potato consoles
Well yeah then look at this game, it's the best looking game ever made.
If I think that, who are you to say I'm wrong. You can't seriously continue to insist that your tastes are objective and anyone that contradicts you is simply wrong. Unless you're a newfag who took the memes seriously.
Rage 1 was so much more appealing
Visuals aren't subjective.
There's good tech and there's bad tech.
Yes, they are. That's why artstyles exist and why everyone doesn't just make the same thing. You are patently retarded, and are making a non sequitur from visuals to "tech" (hardware? software? it doesn't even matter, you're a moron. lurk more)