E3 2019 is next month. Are you excited? Are you going to it?
E3 2019
>going to E3
not at all, not being able to see some sony fuckups with some dude playing the banjo or the flute is going to be pretty boring
I bet it'll mostly be video games, might as well not watch
OOooohhh boy, I can't wait for the cringe compilations. I love those.
I'm psyched for the MS and Devolver Digital conferences
Im not really excited and not going to it, gonna try keeping tabs though.
Expecting "WHERE THE VIDEOGAMES AT" as per usual.
I am and I’m very excited
just like B-movies, cringe is only fun when it's tried in earnest but ultimately fail, rather than merely pretending to be retarded ubisoft
I'm always excited for the E3, even if it turns out to be shit.
I'm keeping my excitement grounded. The games I want are not likely to be announced.
It'll be my 5th year going. It's just... business as usual at this point, but I'm excited to see folks I haven't seen in a year, tho.
Anybody got the scorecard templates?
Anyone have the 2019 drinking game yet? There's always a new one every year
>tfw not able to shitpost with you lot this time around due to work
>bayo 3
>bloodlines 2
Hoping for good multiplats, like last year's Sekiro DMC and Cyberpunk, at Michaelsoft.
I'm a big fan of niche PC games; but, given the that niche games are still niche, I'm usually disappointed with PC gamer. Maybe this year is lucky and we get Witchfyre, Mount and Blade, Age of Empires 4, and cool new stuff. Maybe.
Most excited for Nintendo as always. Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, and Link's Awakening are hype worthy locks for the show. As for unlikely, but plausible, reveals, Zelda Switch tease, 2D Metroid by Mercury Steam, something from Yabuki's (ARMS/Kart) team, Pikmin, Fatal Frame, and something to emerge from Retro's vaporware period before MP4 starts/started. Advance Wars and Fzero would be nice. With as packed as the second half of the year is, I don't need much and I will be satisfied with one real good announcement.
This might be the least excited I've been for an E3. Only thing I'm looking forward to is animal crossing.
I just want video games that aren't VR focused.
>"We've got all kinds of neat stuff for you guys at E3 too!"-Gabe Newell
why do you want to be a luddite
>Iwata and Reggie are dead
>Sony backed off so no E3 cringe
>Ubisoft doesn't have #Girlwood on stage anymore
>last year had so many games announced and released it will make this year look bland in comparison
Why bother?
I'm always excited for E3 but this time I really don't know what to expect. Maybe Pikmin 4 will see the light of day.
I always some some vacation time for E3
>no sony
i sleep
>Modern Warfare 4
>Battlefield Bad Company 3
I think we will see a throwback year
>no movies
I'm paying attention to 3 Square enix games, smash DLC, Platinum games stuff and anything that might show for Granblue Fantasy
>What you think E3 will be like, what it will be like.
E3 has been dead for years
every publisher has it's own fucking convention now
E3 was only good when everyone was there
>gaben at E3
i wish
Are you a journalist?
Waiting for Bethesda's c-c-comback ? r-right?