In 2 years, what will we remember as the best games of all time?
In 2 years, what will we remember as the best games of all time?
mario 2
Same shit retards put on their top ten lists year after year, for some reason for a game to be one of the best of all time it also has to be at least 15 years old. Its the reason why ocarina of time is always number one on these lists despite the fact plenty of better games have come along since it was released.
Name one game better than oot.
Literally the only game that's remotely as good as OOT is Resident Evil 4
Fucking boomers, man. You can't make this shit up...
Literally anything. Tetris, whatever. You boomer ninty cocksuckers like to pretend that you have any semblance of taste when in reality it was all replaced by nostalgia years ago.
>nope no way that a game is better than a game I liked when I played it 21 years ago
you people are genuinely pathetic with how bad your nostalgia goggles are
I think Halo Reach is the best game ever, I had so much fun with it
It will literally be these in the top 25 every single time, just in different orders
> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. Shadow of the Colossus
> 3. Chrono Trigger
> 4. The Last of Us Part II
> 5. Super Metroid
> 6. Final Fantasy VI
> 7. Resident Evil 4
> 8. Breath of the Wild 2
> 9. Super Mario 64
> 10. Castlevania: SOTN
> 11. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 12. The Last of Us
> 13. A Link To The Past
> 14. Super Mario Bros 3
> 15. Red Dead Redemption
> 16. Metal Gear Solid
> 17. Half-Life 2
> 18. NieR: Automata
> 19. Portal 2
> 20. Final Fantasy VII
> 21. Bioshock
> 22. Super Mario World
> 23. Metroid Prime
> 24. Super Mario Bros
> 25. Dark Souls
People already posted official stats that showed the average of this board is 20 years old, most of Yea Forums grew up with shit like Halo, COD, GTA & MineCraft. This is why so many Anti-N64 threads exist
Replace NieR: Automata with Breath of the Wild
post the official stats
You can stop samefagging now
Imagine the outrage if Rockstar releases Bully 2 and you can only play as a girl. SJWs will be like wtf why are women always portrayed as evil
why is any bioshock always put on these lists
its an aged game
-t man who played nier: a to ending fuckin e
Thread was deleted, and i don't know how to find it. All i remember is this
> Yea Forums:
Average Age: 20
Average Weight: Healthy
People who had Sex: 60%
> Yea Forums:
Average Age: 18
Average Weight: Skinny
People Who Had Sex: 80%
id play if it were an sjw school game where sjws police and crackdown on anyone they hate. they wouldnt be able to release 2 if it hadnt political correctness views anyway
Needs Grand Theft Auto V, Bully 2, Mass Effect 2 & Halo: CE
>People who had Sex: 60%
GTFO you un/v/irgins
well i choose not to believe that
Ocarina of time
Breath of the Wild
>inb4 zoomer REEEEEE
I played OoT when it was released
nah the n64 simply sucked ass
May as well say you obsess over Minecraft.
Still fun, graphics hold up decently well because they're not really realistic, I like the setting
whatever the majority of people writing those stupid articles played when they were kids. It's nostalgia that determines people's top 10s, not objective quality of the games.
A game can be innovative for it's time and still shit compared to modern titles. see:ocarina of time. try playing that garbage nowadays, botw is superior in literally every single way.
I've only played minecraft for a couple of hours
>Portal 2 instead of Portal
Alien colonial marines is better than anything pre 2000.
Any Mother.
Nice bait.
Following the logic of that other faggot.
Use > next time
Chrono Trigger
Girl bullys are worse than boy bullys because they attack your social life.
>ALL new games are automatically better than ALL old games
that's not what he said, though
just accept you're a nostalgiafaggot and move pon :^)
Just googled a random journalist best game list, and not surpsingly most of those were on there
> 1. NieR Autometa
> 2. NieR Replicant
> 3. Persona 4 Golden
> 4. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
> 5. Doom (1993)
> 6. Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
> 7. Metal Gear Solid
> 8. EarthBound
> 9. Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem
> 10. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
> 11. Sonic The Hedgehog 2
> 12. Sid Meier’s Civilization II
> 13. Beyond Good & Evil
> 13. Chrono Trigger
> 14. Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
> 15. Super Mario 64
> 16. Animal Crossing
> 17. SoulCalibur 2
> 18. The Sims
> 19. Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
> 20. Final Fantasy X
> 21. Journey
> 22. Mass Effect 2
> 23. Mega Man 2
> 24. Dragon Age Origins
> 25. Fire Emblem 7
> 26. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic
BotW was nowhere near as revolutionary or as good as OoT was at the time. It continues to be #1 because of its legacy and influence, not to mention it still holds up very well today.
I played Eternal Darkness a few weeks ago, I think it is a good game with weird but effective writting. But no way one of the best games ever.
This list is shameful.
> BOTW, MGS1, Chrono, Earthbound, Eternal Darkness, BG:Evil, FFX, SOtN, Journey, Fatal Frame 2
Ohly good games, everything else is trash
>It will be *subjective opinion *.
>Certainly not *subjective opinion*, that game was SUBJECTIVELY bad because it didn't do the following things that I desire games to do.
On a side note, when was the last time you guys saw AI that felt well designed. You know the kind that can go everywhere you go. I think it might be Dragon's Dogma. Played mordhau recently, the AI can't even use ladders. I-It's quite something ...
I'd have to give my vote to DD as well. AI felt like you were playing with actual people who wouldn't shut the fuck up about fire or wolf packs except they had the common decency not to run off everywhere and leave you behind.
Probably Breath of the Wild, going solely on public perception. That and any 'better' games came out so long ago that they are far removed from the public eye, the average teenager likely hasn't played something like Goldeneye or Ocarina of Time for example
She's hot.
BotW isn't even considered the best right now and it's reception has only fallen since release.
That's a nobrainer - Bloodborne.
Nobody gives a shit about Witcher 3 anymore. But people are still discussing and playing BB to this day. You will find several channels on twitch streaming BB right now. You won't regarding Witcher 3.
The difference is BB is remembered for its' stellar gameplay, combat and mechanics, while TW3's combat is utter crap and the game's high points are story, characters and world building.
This, Yea Forums had it ranked below 3 other Zelda games.
>acting like 2 years is a long time
you poor underaged fag.
>All these beta soiboy cuckolds that rate any zelda game as good
Fucking kill yourselves.
That's ok. We all have different tastes. That's the spice of life. If everybody liked the same things it'd be boring.
I respect your opinion, user.
I hope she knees MC in the groin when you give her flowers ... then she kisses you.
I wanna play as a female bully and make a cute nerd fuck me