Daily reminder we will get news for Classic World of Warcraft Beta today.
We're almost home bros.....
Daily reminder we will get news for Classic World of Warcraft Beta today
Other urls found in this thread:
>omg classes are so linear and balance is so bad in vanilla
>in retail we get to play whatever we want cause its so balanced
sure thing
>paid blizzshills still at it
in response to
>What are the odds of getting a legendary in Classic if you're a high performance raid member, but not an officer, not the guild slut, not a friend of the guild leader, not a raid leader, and not the guild leader?
being responded to last thread
Okay, so very unlikely. Then how do I become one of them (not guild slut)?
Seems like hours upon hours of information gathering, remembering details, being responsible over other players, commanding, etc... doing a lot of shit that isn't just playing the game.
waiting for tbc 2bh gonna play on netherwing til official blizz ones
suck up to leaders enough so they'll like you, or just offer to be the main tank
>extremely unlikely unless your consistantly the top mage
he wants to give atiesh to a mage lel
you do realize that the staff that drops from kel gives casters better dps due to the -25% resistance
atiesh usually goes to feral druids first, since it's a huge dps boost to them
Be the guild leader or a real life friend of the guild leader. Also be an officer and a role/class lead. It's probably a lot of fucking work like you said. It's not just about getting the components, pretty much everybody raiding needs to be okay with (You) getting the legendary over them. Best bet is to not even bother.
Isn't main tanking extremely stressful in raids?
In dungeons I always find it effortless, but I've never raid tanked.
>people are excited about a game
>they want to talk about it
pic related, it's you
Memes aside, do priests have a shot at Atiesh?
it's arguably easier in vanilla since mechanics are barebone and 99% of the time it's a tank and spank
sorry the 24th smash thread died for this. go have some tendies you'll feel better
not really, in most cases it's even easier because you just gotta stand there and tank
many boss mechanics don't apply to the #1 in the aggro list
in instances you gotta herd both the mobs and your team
why pay them when they do it for free?
It's about the same. Position the boss, maintain threat, use your cooldowns, tell other people what to do. If anything goes wrong it's not your fault, even if it was.
It's not mechanically hard but the feeling of being responsible for 39 people can be bit stressing but longer you do it easier it gets and you'll be the hardest geared chad easily and can eventually hold the whole guild hostage if you want because no one dares to fuck with you or guid loses months of progress with you.
and, and your not getting the MT spot in any established guild
your best bet it either be a rich as fuck warrior/pally/sham that pvps heavily (and gets lucky enough to see eye drop), or be consistantly the best caster in the guild from MC to Naxx
To be fair yes Atiesh has shitloads of spellpower and its good for healing also
>Irrelevant game in 2019
>Still pay to play
Sheep mentality personified.
cannot WAIT for retail druid trannies to find out how shit tier druids are in vanilla.
Atiesh always goes to some clique member as a status symbol, class is not relevant there.
how can game be "relevant" anyway?
tbc when i wanna play spriest
sorry about retail, user. it's okay, there's room in classic for you! ;)
Just pvp then bro
Ahh Blackrock Depths... Home...
>we're almost home
shithead Ion says he won't release any RPPvP servers at launch, so not all of us will be able to go back home.
fucking pieces of "you think you do but you don't" shitheads.
give us 1 RPPvP server at launch, clueless blizz. classic wow will be the last good product they ever release.
this, but people who think all specs are useless are min-maxing faggots which vanilla content doesn't require.
>debuff limit
>40 player raids
what were they thinking?
name one thing right with user's picture.
Reminder that warriors are jews and useless without gear thats why they try to jew all gear even DPS one.
Paladin is the people's tank!
It was a technical limitation, not a choice.
I wish FFXI got something like this. Officially I mean. Before people tell me to go to Nasomi. Happy for you guys. Hope it's what you've been wanting.
always blame the hunter
I wasn't memeing
atiesh has 120 more ap than the next best feral druid weapon
any class is eligible for it, since when you can actually get it, your guild will have naxx on farm, so it's just a luxury and will go to whoever managed to persuade the rest of your guild
Is the respec cost being capped at 50 gold like it was or are we going with private server funrates?
It was a technical limitation of 2004/5 which could be easily remedy but the autistic "purists" have a little sperg-fit any time it's mentioned.
they could just increase the limit by just a bit and compensate by giving bosses a bit more HP to make it more interesting
it's not a technical limit anymore why not just increase it just a bit to like 20
it looks so simple on the map, yet all the trashmobs in there are dragging it out forever
>Prot palas in 5 mans.
They can also do stuff in raids.
Another thread with the SAME wojacks, The SAME image spam, the SAME post, and the SAME op general style starters.
You are a /vg/ thread allowed to be here only because blizzard gets free publicity from you idiots.
Good job on being shills for FREE.
>bnet integration
>p-pls slow down guys i cant keep up
>im oom dont pull
>hunter can you pull that pack please
>im out of water can you make some more mage
>hold up guys let me just hit my bong and cry for 5 minutes
Sorry p*ladin but Classic belongS to WARRIORS
I don't understand the distinction. Isn't it literally just how a server is labelled? I guess they don't want to take a server away from normal pve/pvp, it's probably gonna be strained as it is
DPS Feral is going to be using MCPs and Tank Feral is going to start with an MCP then swap to that one staff with armor on it, Atiesh isn't good for Feral.
>retail players whining because they rolled a hybrid and are forced to heal
>retail players whining because the tank is reserving their dps loot
>retail players whining because there being corpsecamped by 60s in stv
>retail players whining because they cant pug every raid
going to be kino desu
fuck those guys are rough. im going to get fucked again by them arent i
>>retail players whining because they cant pug every raid
>get two Shadowbolt crits in a row
>p*ladin """tank""" will never get aggro back
and then he spends 30 seconds slurping söy
Aren't the official servers still up? FFXI was fun as shit but I didn't get the same feeling I got from WoW.
>Seething warrniggers
I'm gonna try my hardest not to sperg out here. Yes it was a technical limitation, but a limitation that content was balanced around. if you take away the limit then you have to trust nu-blizz to tune your raids accordingly. Be honest with me...do you REALLY want them tuning the raids? changing things? we all know what they're capable of. better to take the unfortunate tech limitation as vanilla than to allow those fucks anywhere near the core aspects of your game.
they are, but I want 75 cap "vanilla" FFXI.
copy pasta made by sad retail cuck. report and move on
>they just HAPPEN to all say the exact same thing
They're literally paid shills you fucking braindead moron. Jesus Fucking Christ. This is Activision we're talking about here.
What is this "dps" feral I keep hearing about? Certainly never seen one in naxx.
Wizard bros where you at?
please do come back after you've pugged anything passed zg and mc and tell me what happened. I'm sure i'll get BTFO
Increasing boss health by 10-20% to compensate? Sure.
Internet trolling is soooo 2011.
thats some solid math right there, how did you land at those numbers?
pugged every ounce of content on k3 laddie
as soon as these retards get sent to /vg/ they are going to fuck up /wpsg/ again, let them stay here until we have yogg1light down on our current FotM wrathshit server
Jesus, those textures
>imagine being this jaded
>imagine having nothing in life worth looking back on
>imagine not wanting to experience at least a little bit of what made those memories so special again
>imagine reading this and thinking I'm being serious
>imagine thinking I give a fuck
>imagine touching my balls with your delicate fingers, the hairs standing on end in reaction to the slow strokes
yeah thought so faggot
>private server
okey doke thanks for the info ;)
Tfw in Classic launch we will culturally enrich /wowg/
The end of retail is here x)
>everything just has to be a fucking conspiracy
god i hate americans
did you really pug AQ40 in k3? be honest here and no guild taking you in as filler isin't the kind of pugging we are talking about here
lmfao did people actually play that piece of garbage
Sulfuras isn't really that rare or hard to get, just expensive as fuck. It's not a raid leader / gm / class leader only item, because even they might not bother with it. You just need to grind fuckloads of gold and convince your guild that you won't quit halfway after you get the eye.
I have a PhD in advanced theoretical meta-mathematics. The point was, smart ass, that if they only retune boss health to compensate for everybody having debuffs that's not a game breaking change.
I agree, we need containment servers.
How much does Activision pay you guys? Seems like a nice gig. Just a protip, you should really put some effort into making your posts look natural. For example, the OP's image is really not something someone who actually posts here would use? What the fuck is that image? Also you should change up the text every time you remake the thread, it is way too obvious when you say the exact same thing every time.
yea sorry i didnt reroll to every FRESH every 3 months and actually got to enjoy what vanilla has to offer
please go to /wowg/ instead
its an easier target anyway, its just trannies while wpsg is jaded shitposters
Where can I apply? I am pretty sure shilling pays better than my current job.
>/cwowg/ will literally murder /wowg/ and /wpsg/ simultaneously
ah yes, very interesting information, from where did you garner this?
wpsg should be purged anyway theres no more excuse to have different thread for ''private servers''
bullshit, there hasn't been any successful aq pugs in k3, I know because I play there
Yes I'm sure these obvious shills are not really shills! I mean why would Activision do something so underhanded? They're such great guys! Buy our game please!
>google image of game in question
seems like exactly the type of image you'd start a thread with
just because you suck and dont know any good friends doesnt mean we all do bud
>imagine having nothing in life worth looking back on
imagine the only thing worth looking back in your life being a shitty mmo from two thousand and four
imagine pretending to be indifferent while writing essay to a stranger on korean bean harvesting forum
you're moms asshole XD
wpsg doesnt play vanilla servers and hasnt since before nost, its 90% wrath with the occasional tbc/cata/mop
Even more bigger excuse to just purge it.
>imagine the only thing worth looking back in your life being a shitty mmo from two thousand and four
Yes i am imagining this right now, easy to imagine, fits my life in fact.
gg, better luck next time.
so you got carried by a guild then, big difference between that and real pug raid
lol maybe you should become shills yourselves, to pay someone to teach you to fucking READ
I can see TBC being played, but why those other ones?
thats the joke
the joke is the reality
>get to level 20-25 on classic server
i imagine this will be about 90% of all players who try it out.
What should I roll boys? I can’t decide.
im the same, you know
we live in a society
because not everyone thinks the same as you retard
Same reason we're looking forward to Classic; nostalgia. The average 4channel user is in there early 20 at most. Most aren't old enough to even be here but that's never stopped anyone, myself from 13 years ago included.
imagine 99% of retail will die when classic launches
>fem gnome warrior named warriloli
Not him but at least horde side there haven't been any actual AQ40 pugs. He is likely filling in on a carnage run or something. Which like you said is not the same thing.
It's a small enough server that he should be able to provide the kronos log of the raid no issue anyhow to back up his claim.
wrath has historically had by far the best scripting. ulduar is arguably the best raid in wows history, and a lot of these servers buff naxx so its not a total joke and actually a fun raid
some people like prenerf cata and mop, although you dont get good fresh servers for those very often
>He thinks it’s only gonna kill tat
You forget /xivg/
i'm the one shilling the game, not OP
Today some streamers will be allowed to share information and possibly have access to a closed beta, nothing for us plebs yet.
Would change the meta probably for the worst.
it's the wrath paradox
>ulduar is the best raid in games history :DDDDD
>every wrath server dies at ulduar release
just look at söywell, gd, omegalul and soon to follow doablight
>allowing classes to use more than 1 skill on a boss is bad
this is your mind on classic. cant wait to spam shadowbolt on the boss and only use curse of elements :)
its because once you clear ulduar you havs the dumpster fire known as ToC to look forward to and nobody want to play that, and if you want ICC you dont need a fresh server
hell yeah, move those goalposts senpai!!
>We're almost home bros.....
Wow was never my home
so sharting still gonna be a thing huh?
just when i wanted to play on an actual official "server" but oh well
serves me right for getting my hopes up
what goalpost did i move?
as if any of those /wpsg/ guilds ever managed to clear ulduar hms
What is the most n00b friendly class?
sharting and bnet integration enjoy
I've been out of the loop but last I heard sharding would be a short term thing, implemented at launch and gradually be phased out. Which is probably a good thing.
>elemental and balance being top specs
It truly is bizzaro wow
you went from talking about debuff limits in relation to raid tuning, to just talking about debuff limits in relation to your warlock main without considering the cacophony of other gameplay aspects it may effect so that you can use your kit in the way YOU think it should be used.
Well. At least there's the mobile port they announced like four years ago and have been silent about since early 2018.
Sorry FFbro. I know people like to pretend there's some war between 14 and WoW, but I like and play both and want what's best for each other.
Can herb/alch be decently profitable? Or is it a bad choice unless I'm doing it for my guild or something?
cope you stupid fucking cuck, that literally never comes up
>have talent tree dedicated to dots
>not allowed to use because debuff limit
>giving a fuck about classic
They didn't even mention it in their yearly.
You forget that debuff slots can also apply to stuff like judgement of light and judgement of wisdom. Hunters would turn out even worse, warlocks would outdo mages by a lot while having more utility, undead priests would be forced in raids compared to trolls because of devouring plague, etc.
It's one of the higher earners if you put in the work to make in-demand flasks and shit. If you're lazy or don't play much there's better money making options.
you can use corruption :^)
Yes, but how much you'll make, how much competition you'll see, and how easy it'll be to actually get materials will all be based on server progression.
You'll make money but it's hardly reliable, and if you're actually raiding yourself, you'll never really make money, just save it by not having to buy pots.
>have talent tree dedicated to tanking
>not allowed to user because no taunt
Cry me a fucking river then build a bridge and get over it.
wtf makes a game relevant in the first place
when new raid launches all elixir prices skyrocket for a while because most people are lazy fucks who don't stockpile when stuff it's cheap, if you time it right you can earn enough gold for all your 4 alts epic mounts in few days.
yes I know what you're asserting, but surely you don't think it's so simple that increasing the health of a raid boss arbitrarily will somehow make up for increasing debuff limits the raids were built around? Increasing those debuff slots makes room for more than just your damage over time abilities for your warlock. It would require more advanced tuning than just raid boss health. And look, i'd be fine with that if the team who actually made this game good were making these changes but the truth of the matter is that this is nu-blizz we're talking about here, you can't expect them not to fuck shit up when they have to change more than one thing at a time.
Now what if they made an expansion for classic, but it wasn't TBC, it was just a straight up different expansion like the Emerald Dream or something.
just constantly kiss the leaders ass. if you're not part of the clique you're expendable no matter how good you are
Can't wait for Blizzard to separate from Activision. Going to be glorious when that day comes
I cannot fucking wait for cooking to be profitable again.
Catch me stockpiling seasonal fish while watching JAV.
so winter squid then? no one wants summer bass.
are there others im not thinking of?
How old are you to not recognize that image?
good thing your damage spec isn't dot related
Use pic related, keep your imp out on passive and phased, and spam SB to your hearts content
If you want a more complex rotation you're playing the wrong class, sorry
Good. Low expectations means if it does well to any degree they'll continue development.
virgin alert
this is how it's done, don't be that cuck who acts as stamina battey but sacrifice the demon like a chad
daily reminder the year is 2019
If it's hand of rag, that SHOULD go to a shaman or paladin as it's a pvp weapon. In reality it goes to either the GM or whoever gets the mats together as its very expensive. Take note as if a GM is a shaman and playing the nightfall meme on the guild, he will 100% feel justified in taking the legendary.
For TF, zero percent chance.
The guild slut stuff isn't real, it's /vg/ larping.
What legendary are you wondering about? That makes more of a difference.
Becoming part of the core is the same as becoming part of a clique in real life - be friendly and don't be a douche. But you have to understand that people are going to favor their RL buddies over you every single time.
If you're a warrior and able to form MC pugs, you can reserve bindings. But just joining a guild and deciding you should be main tank isn't going to be a thing, guilds decide who their tank is first thing and it's normally the GM's real life friend for obvious reasons - your tank has to be reliable and someone that won't get poached down the line.
no class in vanilla has a complex rotation
you idiots do realize respec is going to be 50 gold and this build i much better because you can pve and pvp with it without losing 100 gold every week
Can't wait for this game to be dead in months.
fuck off incel
No, they don't realize. They are used to private servers with custom respec fee caps.
Classic is going to see a fuckload of "good enough" specs.
*looks at date*
Oh shit you are right, it really is the current year. That changes everything.
>not taking any points in cataclysm
its shit
>taking 5(five) points in cataclysm over destructive reach and fucking shadowburn
its even more shit
I love each and every one of you faggots
the only thing i really don't like is the absurd cost of respeccing. i don't mind having to grind for some portions of the game, but i don't have the time or interest to maintain the steady rate of gold it requires to respec frequently
>no shadowburn
best horde race for warlock?
blood elf
mine is for both pvp and pve and there intensity is better than 2 points to cata
undead by far, DON'T fall for the orc nigger meme you really want that wotf
intensity is fucking awful what are you taking about
reread the talent it doesnt effect sbolt pushback on 1.1w
yeah yeah, I was just enjoying you guys posting talent trees in retaliation to one another. Shit like this gets me hyped for social-centric classic-ass wow-ass
100g a week is like what 2 hours of farming? Atleast for MC/BWL every half decent player will be doing their 1 night raid clear then respec for premade ranking.
>No Shadowburn
>Fel Stamina over Imp. Voidwalker
The only good spec
Is there a good hunter spec I could use that would work for both PvE and PvP?
>being some pve virgin
The Immortal BVLL is the one true warlock build, rogues will hate you for this and your shitty mc raid won't notice you doing crap dps anyway because no one expects anything from you before Bloodvine set.
>i don't have the time or interest to maintain the steady rate of gold it requires to respec frequently
Good, you aren't supposed to respec frequently in an RPG.
can you fags read? shit is garbage
Is it a good idea to farm that food, keep it on an alt, and then try to sell it offseason for a much higher price? How much of a higher price does it go for on pservers?
not every class is going to be able to do that.
forgot the pic :DDD
>vanilla elemental was bad
>being a pvp cuck
Enjoy playing the game in the most boring way possible.
Correct. Better to take reduced cd on Succcubus Lash of Pain
but i may have to if raiding becomes something i find myself wanting to do
you can be wrong if you want, but 20% threat reduction is a godsend if your gear isn't absolute dogshit
why don't you have destructive reach you retard
>no shadowburn
>maxed cataclysm and no destructive reach
You're even more retarded than the other guy
this spec meme tier garbage. use the first one
>Don't have the time to raid
>Expects to be able to raid
SL kind of sucks at low gear levels desu, you just dont do enough damage
now once you get carried to BWL/AQ in SM/Ruin or conflag if your a real chad then you can just dab on everyone
It's capped at 50g and decreases over time when you don't use it
This could all be solved if they just add some QoL features that don't affect gameplay, like duel specs and lower respec cost cap.
>Only tanks trash
Wow very cool
>Waa waa, let me steal DPS classes gear so I can do 2 dps instead of 1.
>why don't you have destructive reach you retard
look harder
I'm not a student with ample free time to grind anymore, and it really wouldn't hurt anyone.
Sounds like retail is the game for you, friend. Play that instead.
>reduce server wide gold consumption
>doesn't affect gameplay
It inherently does. People will have more gold and you'll get a wide variety of specs out in the world for all activities.
>I'm not a student with ample free time to grind anymore
then stick to retail faggot
But it would just mean people can farm less, so it doesn't hurt it at all. Instead of farming for 4 hours you could be playing PvP or doing dungeons. Everyone wins.
>all those cuck warlocks above
sorry but this is the peak warlock for both pvp and aq pve
I'd be fine with dual spec being added if they made it cost something stupid like 5K gold.
>want to play warlock
>male orc look stupid in dress, undead get torn up gear
>too much self-respect to play femorc
They could just make it expensive af, that way only people who really want it could reach for it
its still sm/ruin, enjoy being scared to press that instabolt proc after your cast while I'm chaining bolts back to back with comfortably low threat and still beating your damage
>t-talent bad b-because e-ev-everyone will be the same
and here we have so many... wonderful specs already :D
fuck off, nigger
people like you are why people like me want classic, because people like you have shit up the game beyond repair.
Sad thing is, you don't even know why.
what if I told you I play alliance so I never get aggro anyway thanks to salvation
i never said i didn't have time to raid
obvious choice is to make femdead
>i don't have time to grind anymore
Why do people say this like its any justification for their bitching? Nigga you made concious, consistent decisions in your life that put you where you are now. You chose to not have time for vidya, and you need to accept responsibility for that decision like the adult you are. Stop trying to manipulate the world to suit your circumstances that you put yourself in.
>its wouldn't hurt anyone
Fucker, that ain't the point. You are trying to change a game because you are unwilling to make the commitment needed to play it you're no different than any other casual whining about "gam 2 hard :(((" or what the fuck ever. Sacrifice for your hobby if you really give a shit about it, or fuck off
*instakills you with soulfire*
it hurts everyone except for you, to whom the entire rest of the gaming market already caters
pick up literally any other game instead if you just want trivial noncommittal low-effort content
>The entire world should change around me to accomodate my retarded life choices
I hate these "people" so much
>immolate crits you
>conf crits you
>shadowburn crits you
>before you can even cast your söyfire
heh nothing personel... kid
>using Conflagrug
I used to raid heal with this kind of build back in retail when most people had no idea how to farm enough gold for respecs
>Lyceum with a pug
I do agree that some QoL changes should carry over from retail, especially interface ones. But not dual spec or lower respec costs, they'd change too much
>he doesn't know
Fuck you full destro has one of the highest bursts thanks to chadfaggrug, I'll enjoy melting down you h*rde niggers in the fields of battle.
heh that tickles now eat this nigger
good thing no one cares what you agree on
>iron grenade
enjoy your stun cuck
The fact you're focusing on the item, and not what you want to provide for/do with/accomplish with your guild means you probably shouldn't get it.
Never give people what they ask for, especially when it comes to loot.
The fact that all the NEETs in the thread get triggered so hard over obvious flaws in the game proves it's just going to die soon after release, when the older people looking for nostalgia realize it's not as good as they remember. Zoomers have 0 interest in this game. The NEETs know this, but try to cope in every way possible, hence the violent backlash.
Would be funny if they suddenly just released it today.
>no one farm in the world
>that leads to dead zones
>that leads to dead world pvp
Why are you faggots never see pass your fucking nose? Even Ion of all people realizes that they will fuck up the balance so they don't touch it.
Has anyone tried giving them a bath?
Currently shit posting from work to tell all you faggots to kill yourself.
Not having to farm for respeccing doesn't mean there are plenty of other things to farm for, like raid consumables etc. Spec is just such a basic thing it should really be more easily adjustable to what you're going to be doing.
>waaaaaaah change things for meeeee
you are either a zoomer or a real boomer, fuck off and never play this game
Implying the streamers wont take all the legendaries
no it shouldn't, most people using a "good enough" spec makes the game better
>don't farm to respec
>have the gold to just buy consumables instead of farming the mats
>same exact thing happens
Don't get me wrong, I am all for dual spec but it should be ridiculously expensive to not fuck with the economy.
it kills hybrid classes customization because everyone just goes cookiecutter specs for every role rather than mixing and matching for all content
The only people having trouble with this are edgy faglords who want to world PvP with a 100% PvP spec with low risk of dying like little bitches to make themselves feel good.
Fucking this. Everyone having the exact same setup is retarded boring. Atleast this way people will compromise some min/max autism
I'm going to pay a third-party site to level my character, then do nothing but gank in low-level zones.
fucking this
>let me into the raid
>totally healer btw :^)
If you want to:
>Nerf any content
>Make anything easier / more convenient
>Increase "Quality of life"
then just KYS.
this honestly, just get to 60 and sit outside the entry to the first contested zone on either factions and one shot kids til they make their friends come and waste time, dont have to worry about raiding autism or gear this way
>a smash thread died for this
argue against auto loot without having to use shift each time
only people who want dual specs or cheap respecs are retail cucks or private server cucks who'll never know the joys of trying to make the best compromise spec possible
Who else /slowlevel/ on PvE, taking your time, reading quest dialog, levelling professions, comfy fishing and cooking here?
give tbc fuck classic
There isn't a problem with that one.
The issue is confusing auto loot with aoe looting - that is a buff to mages and mages do not need any buffs in vanilla.
>not just rolling a pve server and just speccing for pve
do this if u dont want to fucking compromise with pvp talents
mages don't deserve even easier to me to farm
Going to do exactly that but Rogue on PvP server. Also you have bad taste in women.
Respeccing shouldn't have a gold cost. Instead, it should have been limited so you can only respec once every six month or so. Make it so your spec actually matters.
thats even worse. bravo
literally what is this
some fire pve spec where you are supposed to use a succubus (despite having DS talent) and cast soulfire and then afk?
Or some pvp spec with DS instead of conflagrate? I don't understand
Honestly this. And the amount of times you can die in a raid or the amount of battlegrounds you can enter should be limited too, so everything you do matters instead of just brainless farming.
>rolling anything but rogue and ganking lowbies as soon as they enter ashenvale or stonetalon
hope you pick rogue or can bubblehearth otherwise the anti-gank squad is gonna encircle your ass and camp it into oblivion
you dumb fags are aware wow is a casual as shit mmo right
all this warlock virgin posting when the peak vanilla class has so many great builds
Respeccing should reduce your character level by the number of points removed. Want to re-assign 10 talent points? Fuck you you are now level 50. Level up again and earn them back.
you have autism
Any MMOs that do this? Sounds pretty cool.
not since 1999
frost mage here :) enjoy
>specjumpers on suicidewatch
Emberstorm + Demonic sacrifice = 25% increase fire damage. With Pyroclasm your Hellfire will also stun everyone it touches. Sac your voidwalker before charging in to last a few seconds longer. It shouldn't have imp. lash of pain though that was a mistake and could probably be put into Imp. Searing Pain.
>run out of quests and have to grind mobs back to 60
seething tbchildren
A 15 year old MMO is not your home
match my meme spec
spoiler that shit please
cope belf faggot.
It's not all Americans, it's just mostly right wingers in America
>t. *trembling* retail cuck
what are you going to do when soon no one gives a fuck about your pets, toys, mount and söycheevos
>have to pay monthly
>people still dont think it will be dead in 3 months
Starting combat then moving to subtlety
I don't even think ill respec for a long time either, this seems perfect for hybrid pvp/pve
Fucking hate this attitude, "any change is bad change".
There are tons of tiny stuff in Vanilla that was there due to limitations of the time or simple shortsightedness, but doesn't actually make the game better in any way.
For example, the Auction house in vanilla could only sort by 'trade goods', however there were no sub categories like cloth, herbs, ores etc. Who fucking wants to go back to that?
Or auto sorting your bags for specific items, like consumables go into one bag, equipment into another etc. Everyone is going to use an addon for this anyway so why not just keep the retail system?
>Daily reminder we will get news for Classic World of Warcraft Beta today.
No we won't lol
What are you cucks gonna do when there's no one left playing after a feeble month of nostalgia?
>people will le just quit after le 1 month
so it's just like retail?
>hanging out in capitol cities surrounded by players that you recognise
>interacting with players while questing
>getting mad at that faggot for tagging your mob that you were waiting for
We're going home bros ;_;
I know the asumption is that because its a mage lore weapon that its mainly mages who try to get it but what useually ends up happening is the guilds best priest says he wants it and then just gets it
If you have the highest attendance of all people who could potentially wield a windfury and you've always got all your consumables, then in all likelihood you'll get the windfury.
The issue is, the raid leader is probably going to have more attendance than you. The guild leader is probably going to have more attendance than you. If either of those are your tank, then they'll give themselves windfury.
>fell for the hemo meme
many such cases
Um no sweaty, shamans are the people's tank.
>bush stole florida
>russians stole 2016
>global warming
What is farming gold
>>global warming
that's the only real hoax here.
bungie already did
>a trash tank for trash mobs
>Never give people what they ask for, especially when it comes to loot.
Really? I've asked for gear upgrades in my guild bunch of times and they were fine with giving it to me.
Was I not meant to do that?
>But you have to understand that people are going to favor their RL buddies over you every single time.
Not true. If your RL buddies aren't very good at the game then you'd prefer someone who's actually good at the game over them.
All else being equal yes you'd favor your RL buddies. But if they're lukewarm sandbags then you know not to give them the same loot preferences that you'd give your actual players.
also forgot the mention the most popular one, muh weed cures cancer and shit muh hemp
Yes, it's basically retail without any of the QOL improvements. People been there and done that. Why the fuck would they waste more than a month on this shit?
t. someone who clearly doesn't do both pvp and pve
Only a few more years until they do TBC.
fuck streamers
What's the ideal server pop for classic? Did the numbers for low/medium/high etc change, or has it remained the same?
t. Someone who is too much a retard to have more than one character.
Help me decide on a class for Classic.
>want to easily level, and easily solo play at 60
>want to be able to farm gold efficiently
>want to be able to fight off ganks, and do wpvp alone
>want to be able to save my dungeon healer with a well placed cc or by dealing high burst damage
>want to experience every raid tier; don't want to be a class that will be replaced just because of my class, despite likely being the most dedicated player in the guild
Mage? Hunter? Something else?
>just have 4 mages lmao
>I NEED to have both optimal PvE and optimal PvP spec on a single character
So, you don't want talent tree specializations to exist, at all?
Mage or lock, by the sound of it.
>want to easily level, and easily solo play at 60
warlock or hunter
>want to be able to farm gold efficiently
warlock, hunter or mage
>want to be able to fight off ganks, and do wpvp alone
warlock, hunter or mage
>want to be able to save my dungeon healer with a well placed cc or by dealing high burst damage
>want to experience every raid tier; don't want to be a class that will be replaced just because of my class, despite likely being the most dedicated player in the guild
warlock or mage
That sounds fucking RETARDED. That would force you to grind mobs for exp for WEEKS just to get back to max.
warlock or mage
>currently a system that allows you to change spec but at great cost
>hurr lets give them even less choice and make it more hardcore hurr
you're that guy who complains about the state of WoW and probably never raided beyond normal difficulty, faggot
>great cost
Are you retarded? I'm responding to a comment that suggests respeccing should exist once every 6 months, at the current state you can respect between ideal PVP and PVE specs but at a significant cost, as it should be. I didn't say I need both specs but being able to swap between them if you're willing to farm and pay for it then you should be able to
>>want to be able to save my dungeon healer with a well placed cc or by dealing high burst damage
>respeccing from prot to arms to pvp with my bros 10 times a week
>not significant
>Isn't main tanking extremely stressful in raids?
Take it from me, it's more stressful NOT being the main tank.
I get really fucking salty when the group is just sitting around doing NOTHING when we could be pulling trash or pulling bosses.
You want to know why raids take 4 hours? Because people sit on their goddamn asses for 5 minutes after anything even remotely mentally simulating. If you just keep the pressure on, then you'll be done quick and you won't have to be doing the mental equivalent of sitting at a bus stop.
Granted I've had tons of people bitch at me for going too fast but fuck 'em. I'm not overtaxing healer mana, people literally want to sit around doing nothing for 5 minutes after a boss kill. They literally boot up their computer, open the game, log in, show up to a raid, with the desire and intent to spend part of it doing nothing.
Fucking bizarre to me.
One thing I did do though was to promote a few loot officers, separate from the raid leader.
That way the raid leader could still keep an eye on the raid while we cleared the trash, while the loot officer was back at the last boss kill handling DKP.
>warlock or mage
which is the deeper class?
>the feeling of being responsible for 39 people can be bit stressing
To be fair, those 39 people are going to make fuckups on their own, and it's better to have the power to mitigate it than to be helpless while they hurt themselves in their confusion.
both spam one (1) button in pve, well warlock has to place their designated curse too.
in pvp they are very different
>we will get news for Classic World of Warcraft Beta today
Fuck specshifters scum, respec 1 per 6 months would be great, fucking noobs who cant play anything but their cookie-cutter spec from a guide.
Nah. Make it a drop called tome of retraining that drops from dungeons
Respec cost should drop by 1g per hour when not using it, down to 1g. Agree/disagree?
There's no source, a bunch of classic streamers said some stuff and a bunch of people interpreted stuff as they saw fit.
>larping as some spec purist
post the spec you're going to play for your main and we'll see how different it is to known pvp/pve builds bro
>told to respec to go resto for a week of raiding
>now stuck as resto for 6 months
That idea is fucking retarded too.
just make two shamans bro what are you a casual xDD!
it's stressful in the sense that if you fuck up everyone notices since the raid probably immediately dies
but besides that part it's not very stressful, and even that part isn't all that stressful unless you have very intense anxiety or something. can take dozens of pulls to down a boss for the first time, there's gonna be a lot of fucking up from everyone, people usually don't shit on the tanks too much when they make mistakes unless they do it constantly. for a bunch of reasons, partly because everyone makes mistakes, but also because you don't wanna lose your tank, especially if the tank isn't a shitter.
personally, I always found tanking raids to be insanely boring, by far the most boring and shitty thing you could possible do in WoW. grinding mobs in a circle for hours is unironically more engaging.
on the other hand, tanking non-raid content is some of the most fun and engaging stuff you can do in WoW, at least on the PvE side. but you don't have free respects and easy cross-role gear etc. in vanilla so tanking is pretty much just boring shit in it
>two of the first big raids are filled with mobs immune to fire
Who thought this was a good idea?
Remember to give streamers proper respect
It amazes me how fast they went to nerf disc patch after patch in 8.0 yet druid has been top tier for years while pushing 2 buttons and still flying under the radar, both in PVE and PVP
ah shit bros I've been found out, please don't kick me from the guild pvpBULLS!
I'm sure that compares to the moon landing being faked, the holocaust being faked, aliens in area 51, 9/11 being an inside job, and all the JFK shit. Also global warming isn't a hoax, that's also your conspiracy
>duel specs and lower respec cost cap.
Please kill yourself.
Welcome to world of druids (since cataclysm)
They're superior in QoL, they constantly have at least 2 top PvE specs and at least 1 top PvP spec
Tell me.
Should i go Shaman or Pala?
I'm fine healing or buffing bitches in raids. I like playing hybrids. Fuck Enchant and Retribution.
Make it 1g per day and I'd be fine with it. I've no idea how quickly it drops currently
I wanna play a gnome mage but I don't wanna have comments or be made fun of about my race or even be left out of dungeons or raids because of it.
Female or male though?
Femgnomes are cute as heck, while male gnomes are the bane of eardrums and I would pick an obnoxious name and macro /lol and /chicken to everything in pvp.
reserving items is NOT part of vanilla and if anyone in your groups attempts to it is your DUTY to roll on it
stfu and reroll frost bitch
They could just...leave it how it was you dumb fuck.
they were warned that giving hybrids dps equality would make them op but did blizzkikes listen? nooooooo
>create dot depended classes
>also include debuff limit
What I want to know about all these dualspec tards is this:
Why don't you have an alt?
Level a PvP char to 60
Level a PvE char to 60
Play whichever you're doing at the time
If one of them starts to outgear the other, then switch their specs and swap which is which.
Easier to keep buff up as a shaman since you just throw down totems that buff everyone. Paladins on the other hand have to reapply buffs to everyone every five fucking minutes because blizzard thought buffs lasting five minutes was a good idea.
try creating a character and see which gnome you prefer. you can also see the animations which are different for each gender. not that anyone could see them because your appendages are so fucking small
Still seething from the last thread? Reserving is just natural way of things now that tanks know their own value and it's not going anywhere. Deal with it.
How about you both kill yourselves.
>I don't wanna have comments or be made fun of about my race
Retail is for you, then kiddo! Blizzard are sure to protect your precious feelings and ban people for toxicity there.
People asking for dualspec is dumb. Just get two sets of gear and start grinding gold so you can respec whenever you feel like it.
and what are those dot depended classes?
>For example, the OP's image is really not something someone who actually posts here would use?
Learn how to use basic punctuation before posting.
fem ud or fem orc which have the best tits ingame if you care about that.
Rather than gold grinding I'd just have two chars. Less gold costs that way.
No one is going to kick or leave you out of a dungeon or raid based on race unless they're fucking super elite tryhard autist sperglords. Just don't be a total cunt and you'll be fine.
From what I heard they removed it.
do elemental or resto shamans needs totem twisting?
sprey, affi, arms
they can't do it
they didn't, they are just using the 16 slots instead of 8 and that's more than enough
JFK was a Dem, 9/11 being inside job blames it on Bush, and most moonlanding deniers are sovietboos
Does this mean they changed the game from classic? Well, there goes the classic experience I guess. Way to ruin it.
Stop being such a mad cunt
Imagine being this much of a nigger.
also yeah sorry should have clarified
"""manmade global warming"""
oh and peak oil too don't forget that lol
They added AOE loot too, you gunna harp about that?
raids will have one shadow priest, affli is not a class and most warlocks will put 30 points there anyway and all warriors will have deep wounds it just doesn't have high prio so it doesn't overwrite anything worthwhile
Holy fuck boomkins are STILL meta in RBGs? I got bored of that shit in WoD when you faced 3 boomkins every goddamn match at 2k+ and higher matches.
it was 16 slots in 1.12 where the classic is based upon
Not him, but source?
his ass
Thoughts on bald older gentlemen for my human lock?
Will we get any non ironic pvp videos
If that's true yes, definitely.
nothing is forced except by being reddit metaslaves, if you look up a guide don't think what is best think what is fun and different while still being viable.
>Not the best=/=not viable at all
stop thinking there is only 1 way to play classic, it wasn't back in the day and it isn't now
The fucking demo you dumbfucks?
t1 looks great on fem human with those cosplay horns and all but dirty old man warlock sounds pretty great too
>oh no bros, they made it so we don't have to click every single mob to loot! what are we going to do?!?!
Shit fucking comp
this is my "I wpvp in brm when I'm on my way to raid entrance" talents
thank god
Not really, or well, depends on what you mean by totem twisting. You usually put down the standard buff totems needed by the group you're in; tank group, caster group, melee group. If the fight requires it you'll put down situational totems when needed, like tremor for fear or resistance totems etc.
Totem twisting in the traditional sense is when you're in the melee group and you weave windfury totem and grace of air totem. Windfury periodically applies a buff that lasts for 15 seconds. So you'd place a windfury totem, it applies the buff, you swap to grace of air, which is constantly active, when the buff is about to expire you place windfury totem again, rinse repeat.
It tanks your own dps though so your only job in the raid is to buff the warriors and rogues.
the """demo""" was fucking legion with level lock, do you think we'll have crit rating on Classic too retard?
>play a selfish greedy vain piece of shit that trades his immortal soul to demons for power
>doesn't have his ego boosted by having eternal youth through magical means
shit lock/10 would not accept healthstone from
one and only city "raid" ever
You're fighting an uphill battle, reddit npc:s will never understand that you can figure out your own way to play the game. They are brainslaves, only capable of following instructions.
>NO mortal strike
If you want to be a bro and don't mind being bottom to mid dps, go lock.
If you want to be an elitist, go mage.
Both have their cookie cutter specs. Both have fun gimmicky pvp builds (PoM pyro or Soul Link)
Lock gets a free mount.
Mage gets portals and food.
Downside for lock is you're expected to farm shards about an hour before the raid so everyone can have a healthstone.
Mage, you have to make water for the priests.
These massive inconveniences is what made vanilla good. removing them is only damaging to the game.
I have 2 warriors on a private server. Which do I pick for Classic? Dwarf or Human?
your loss senpai my candies are improved and delicious
don't think you get eternal youth from black magic in wow lore, just look at those crack addict belves in magisters terrace in TBC
nelf female
The numbers in that image are first of all total bullshit, and still "the oceans" are pretty big, the plastic waste from the US ends up on American beaches and in their US fishing waters.
Just blaming it all on Asia is like throwing trash inside your own house and then saying it's not an issue because your neighbor is a hoarder.
dwarf for pvp
human for pve
or just dwarf in general
do you retard really think someone gonna take you into a raid if you dont have bis stats
no one gonna take a wl into mc if he has a staff with fkn willpower on it
Niggas back in the day had mostly no clue what was good
this wont be the case and the elite gonna rise and the retards that suck in retail gonna be even worse scum than they are currently
stop fkn dreaming retard
wow and its community has changed
humans are better, aesthetics is your choice
>eternal youth
Get a load of this absolute faggot. Fucking tranny i bet.
is there anything more cucked than being nelf warrior? knowing that humans will always out dps you and out tank you
>inb4 muh 1% dodge
no you retard that weapon skill helps with tanking much more
>Who pulled the surger with the core hound?
Just go with dwarf. PvE racials are so goddamn overrated (except fear ward) and won't matter at all unless you're part of some neet group going for server firsts.
>do you retard really think someone gonna take you into a raid if you dont have bis stats
If I'm hoasting a gdkp run and you've got the g, then fuck yes.
>hunter did but he's dead now
In one of the novels (don't judge me) when they described the Shadow Council it was said that some of them looked like haggard monsters because all they cared about was raw power while others were incredibly vain and looked strong and beautiful due to their pacts with demons. And this is orcs we're talking about. The junkie elves are obviously too hooked up on fell by the time Sunwell campaign happened to give a shit about anything except mana anymore.
The raids are so brain dead easy that they will be puggable, people don't need to go into any elitist guilds to raid anymore, just to know what they are doing and what skills to use and they need to stop listening to these elitist as well
bad bait, NE are better tanks because 1% dodge and higher agi (more crit and dodge)
>autistic cretins who can't let go of the memories of having bunch of online friends 15 years ago
Every time. Vanilla is garbage, you need to grow up and play a real MMO like FF14 or GW2.
>Still no news
4 hours
should I play my favorite class with a race I don't like or a class I don't know if I will like with my favorite race?
troll priest or tauren shaman
you are so stupid you don't even know it, rage generation is much more important for warrior tank than avoidance
your image of the average wow retard is way too high
Jesus christ you are a fucking abo giga nigger
>"a bluh bluh rage generation"
Imagine voluntarily picking the gray or blue orc skin color
The worst class balance to date.
to rank high just play a druid or disc priest seriously. if oyu can stomach such garbage game play you deserve your internet mmr.
Imagine they have remastered classic into a new game engine and it’s got up to date graphics, but have kept it a secret! I’ll lose my shit senpai
having the same problem, want to go mage but i'm not really interested in any of the races
unironically this game has a good gameworld where there is shit to discover
Mounts killed it tho but there was such a thing at some point
I want to play an MMORPG not an always online action RPG though
>Up to date graphics
No thanks, that shit's for people who'd rather have +=+STUNNING SCREENSHOTS+=+ than visual clarity or decent framerates.
>why didn't they release the news at 3am?
>no arguments
solution is obvious then. ban niggers and yellow niggers
Imagine making an image about perspective and then fucking up the perspective
Please fucking fall off a cliff somewhere you cringey mutant.
You're not witty or quirky you're just looking like a dumb fuck.
WoW =/ Activision
WoW is it's own entity just like there's people that ONLY play starcraft and never gave a fuck about wow. your corporation boner means nothing.
>good gameworld where there is shit to discover
blatant lies
Lol its gonna hurt itself in the confusion.
I can give you an argument!
You're the guy advocating that +5 weapon skill is overwhelmingly better for a warrior tank than 1% dodge, right?
You're correct. I'd say it's worth 3% dodge ez, probably even 5% dodge. Weapon skill is really that good.
You'll end up healing with both of those, anyway.
Go shammy.
>be nelf """tank"""
>have to gear for hit
If you had friends you'd understand.
>no enrage
>no imp execute
>no imp intercept
>shield + dual wield talents
>no +aggro talent
what's this even meant to do?
just pairing you two niggers together
Jesus who shit in your coffee? Ok imagine they’ve remastered classic in a new game engine with up to date graphics, top notch frame rate and a few extra pixels for the pc elitist faggot so they can act all big dicked that they can play any game even remastered wow with no flicker in pixels or frame rate what so ever!! Jesus fucking Christ you pc bum boys are an insufferable lot!!
the countdown shit or whatever runs out in 3 hours or so
I actually like healing and am choosing these classes because of it
I'd wager you felt for some scoundrels ruse.
Is there an announcement planned for a few hours from now or are people just talking shit?
Who else going alliance to piss off horde lowbies?
if you like healing go priest, thats what the class was designed to do anyway so it feels more complete than resto shaman
new blue post in 5 hours
This is literally the shit that pisses off a lot of people
Gay faggots selling their shitty runs 24/7 in trade chat and basically dominate it
+ those sellgroups in the lfg tool LITERALLY NECK YOURSELF NIGGER
boosting doesnt hep those retards to learn
nice you just gave me an idea for a RP server character
a shut-in misogynistic incel warlock gets cursed into turning into a woman and wants to figure out a way to turn back to normal
not only can I act as a misogynist in-game and not be punished for it, I can also annoy trannies and bait people into trying to ERP and report them for it
I can't wait for it to be something like "Nothing to report so far, but please check back frequently for more exciting news!".
i'm going horde to piss off alliance lowbies
orc so you have a working penis and erp rape alliance women
get that toddler shit out of here
I wouldn't mind HD remaster of vanilla models but if it's those digusting pixarshit WoD models I'm out
So what are you going to name your first character?
Ever since I saw femtroll warrior on a private server I have wanted to roll one, they look seriously good in plate except for the fucking feet. How do I get over their hideous feet?
any vids of streamers getting sniped on WoW /pservers? shit is cash
that's what the succubusses futa cock is for while your femdead watches
>brainlet wojak poster
The graphics are just fine as it is
God i wish femtroll would rape me
How about this.
I imagine that most "remasters" are garbage because in their quest to make the game prettier, they sacrifice the readability and visual clarity that solid colors and lowpoly shapes give you.
Committees of shareholders seem to think that the purpose of graphics is to look nice. It isn't. It's to communicate information to the player. So they end up making something that looks good in promotionals but causes eyestrain as people try to pick out the useful details out of the beautiful noise.
I have seen competent remasters. Serious Sam's comes to mind. But I've also seen garbage ones, plenty of them.
This too, new models suck.
half of those shill vanilla posts have fkn gay ass wojaks as picture
whats your point baby boy?
Towelliee stream. 4 hours
This is all i got, starts at 1:30
25 druid jumping a 17 hunter and losing.
If there are going to be fools, I'd rather they and their gold be parted.
There not though are they, I understand all the of gameplay over graphics bullshit but if you think classic wow graphics are good then your fucking deluded
>serial reroller back in vanilla/TBC days
>account has 50 characters
>don't play WoW anymore and don't want to delete any of them even the level 19 ones because they're all literally as old as the average person on this board
guys I'm scared what if the 50 character limit per account also applies to Classic characters
>playing female character or male nelf
Stop. We don't want them in Classic. Let them stay in their retail containment area.
No we won't
>not playing a chad male nelf druid that never spent a single copper on a healing spell
I thought it was 15, not today. I've seen all sorts of dates - 19, 11, 15, 16. Who fucking knows at this point.
>Caring about PvP
>Being this cucked
Enjoy having your money stolen. If you pay to play a game and some asshole ganks and corpse camps you they are taking away play time to pay for. That's theft and if you willingly seek that out you truly are a cuck.
Everyone is free to sell or buy runs as they wish. Nothing they're doing breaks Blizzard ToS(except, you know, when people buy gold to pay for runs).
If anything, the onus is on Blizzard to crack down on black market sales and keep our gold valuable.
Besides, there's going to be far more people and less loot to go around. Some things will be far beyond the pricepoint of any average player, e.g. Atiesh shards...
Who cares if some fatass farms/babysits TSM for enough gold for to be carried? If you're a half-decent raider, you'll always outgear them by a mile.
fuck off furry
I guess all versus multiplayer games are now scams.
a furry would make a tauren retard
I just watched youtube.com
Is gnome mage really = human mage?
What about engineering?
What about pvp?
I remember when as a pug I gdkp'd my way into a MC run, I outperformed half their bench in my crap blues. 3 days later I'm killing Onyxia with them.
I died to deep breath :(
for some reason furrys avoid tauren like plague, at least the real models not those söyfied numodels don't really know why, probably not sexy enough for their degeneracy
allegedly, thats the countdown for an announcement. the rest is just specualtion
>plays vanilla for PVE
those one button rotations were rough! and how hard was MC!!!
get foot fetish
Fucking eww
>playing with Paladin talent calculator
>remembering how I used to be able to raid heal while still dropping reck bombs and having Seal of Command too all in the same build
>now going deep Holy means absolutely no fun allowed
Anyone have a link/SS to what pre-1.9 Paladin talents looked like? I don't remember gimping my healing too hard and yet I still had Reckoning and SoCom
I'm going Alch just to craft my own raid consumables and save on fees.
>He doesn't raid as Prot Pala.
disgusting and for some reason doesn't show feet, I wonder why?
He'll be a feral druid, herbalism + skinning, his job will be to pump cash in to my ACTUAL characters.
you dont need seal of command if go for reckoning. or you are thinking of TBC
You guys ready to watch towelie and those other cucks run 5 man's today?
god damn what happened. he looked so much better when i watched him 5 years ago
1-40 as dagger face stab mob grinding.
Man I can't even get Reckoning without skipping points in Holy Power in the 1.9-1.12 talent tree. I fucking swear I had almost every useful healing talent AND SoCom AND Reckoning AND Holy Shield before the talent overhaul
1-40 as combat swords questing till 32 and grinding to 40.
Sulfuras -> not THAT useful for pve, and extremely expensive. Aim for this.
Thunderfury -> just be the MT
Aetish -> not happening bro
Interesting, might get enchanting on my Rogue.
What's the best moneymaking recipes for enchanting?
New thread where
Disenchant boss drops.
objectively best mage spec coming trough, let some other cuck spec for winter's chill
Just when I thought modern gaming couldn't possibly get any more cancerous, Blizzard up and decides to give """influencers""" high priority on all content over regular players.
This kind of thing doesn't make me excited; it makes me spiteful. If the shit is ready, let us play it, screw this artificial engagement bullshit.
New thread.
Oh Im laffin
>no ice block because retard tanks and healers will 100% fail and you will lose your buffs
get better tanks and healers