Twitch viewership

Explain these numbers, Yea Forums. Why is Smash Ultimate so low and GTAV so high?

Attached: twitch.png (1617x1218, 2.78M)

because GTA5 roleplaying is popular for some reason, so gta5 is high on the list.

smash ultimate is so low because all the children are asleep

A lot of long time streamers with a lot of followers are roleplaying.

>Why is Smash Ultimate so low
That isn't even smash ultimate in your pic, it's smash 4. What went wrong??

based warioland 4

>lol still that high
Will it ever die?

>GTA5 roleplaying

>Why is Smash Ultimate so low
Because only absolute mobile-tier casuals care about Nintendo in the real world

>GTAV so high?

>Wario Land 4

All the big clickbait YouTubers have been "trolling" GTA rp servers so now everyone is doing that shit.

god just fucking die already

>sf3 10k viewers
Have fgcucks become uncucked?

Where is the Destiny Killer?

Finally Vinny is playing a game I want to watch, Sekiro I want to experience for myself and MK11 is just not enjoyable to see playes at a low level

It's Vinny.

>Dead by Daylight
>ranking that high still
I'll never understand this.

its a lot like what early versions of the matrix will look like
>autismos working virtual day-jobs for fun
>shitlords setting fire to dumpsters and having dildo fights
>constant cybersex with underage boys
i wonder if i'll live long enough to see it for real

>first year of gtaO
>friend is upset about grinding
>tell friend that we'll be playing this game for years so we should get it out of the way
>he laughs cruelly as if the game will be dead in a week
tfw venerated

Someone redpill me on autochess

Twitch numbers have nothing to do with the game, it's all about the streamer. If a big streamer started playing smash ultimate it would jump to the top 5 very easily

smash is trash always has been always will be

Is Autochess similar to Gwent (RIP)? That's the impression I got

>Gwent (RIP)
Gwent is very much alive

In my time of playing, GTA Online was a tryhard world of jets, tanks and flying bikes. It's more RP oriented now, I think. Haven't played in a long time. The RP autism is strong. I remember some biker gangs took GTA way too seriously.

momentary twitch viewerships are hugely dependent on what the handful of megastreamers are doing

Damn, PUBG really is dead

nobody, and i mean literally nobody ever watches twitch for the games themselves. people watch to spend time with their favorite surrogate friend streamer personalities

Apex is so boring how can anyone enjoy that

>Lineage 2
Literally what?

nope, the RP side of things is on FiveM which is similar to SAMP
wanna play some dayZ user? :^)

peaked at over 700k people today.

>peaked at over 700k people today.
All Chinese

lancafe insects from asia doesn't count

>just chatting
Is this code for camwhores?