Guys let's make a metro game where you literally never go in a metro also you can breathe outside and the isolation...

>guys let's make a metro game where you literally never go in a metro also you can breathe outside and the isolation factor of the last two games is gone

Literally genius

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>literally never go in a metro
Didn't play the game, did you?

look up what exodus mean you fucking dumbass

Play the game you fucking dumbass.

The last 4 hours of the game are entirely spent in a metro system, and it has the same atmosphere as the first two.

Replay the other ones if you want the same experience again. It's a great game with some on the nose but effective writing.

And yes, I bought it on Epic.

It was such a letdown.

>Why yes I'm from r/gaming how did you know my good strangerino?

>metro EXODUS
>you spend the last half of the game in the metro again


I was at the rental store last. Ight and picked this up. They were 100% out of any other interesting game or movie.

What am I in for?

I enjoyed the game, but it was basically just a streamlined STALKER clone. Too bad it flopped so hard because of Epic that we'll never get another even though it sets up a fourth game.

>i want the same experience as the previous games
>how dare it give me the same experience as the previous games

but you do go in the metro

yes, they had an exodus to a different metro, simple.

a pretty good time, its no goty but

Game keeps crashing for me in the tower fight after you meet the baron and I don't have a save I can back to. I'm not playing through the entire chapter again so I get 1 more try at it so I dropped the game. A shame because it was somewhat enjoyable.

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Wow. You're right. Let's get a petition going for 4A to give the rights to the series to this random faggot. He's figured it out. Cracked the code.

>And yes, I bought it on Epic.
glad i spotted that first, post disregarded

I've played it more and longer than you so yeah I'm more qualified

game was good, about on par with last light and 2033
best part is easily the dead city chapter

more AND longer? golly user!

>incapable of forming a simple english sentence correctly
>calls others dumbasses

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They wanted to try their hand the the open world meme, but failed spectacularly. The writing isn't half bad for what it is, but I hated the environments.
They should have instead made the entire Moscow metro and open worlded it, let us go from station to station freely, roam the surface, side quests, secrets to find, that sort of stuff.
Instead we get """open world""" with big quotation marks on a linear story where the only branching is getting to save your companions.

Still I enjoyed the gameplay and it was the first game where crafting wasn't a total pain in the ass thanks to only using two materials.

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Stalker but actually decent.

Yeah, it could have been amazing.
Imagine if all the game had been like the first/last levels.
The graphics are top notch, if they had weathers in Moscow: blizzards, radiation storms, mist and fog, cloudy, etc.
Have some vehicles to traverse both the metro rails and on the surface like the last level.
If the game's story had been all about uncovering the lies that you uncover in the first level it could have had you running around the metro.
I know it's easy to just throw ideas, but I feel like they missed the mark very heavily, they wanted to show off their engine with multiple environments and stuff, but it just doesn't quite feel like a Metro game to me.

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>Still I enjoyed the gameplay and it was the first game where crafting wasn't a total pain in the ass thanks to only using two materials.
casual shitter

What do you even mean with that?
Gathering a million different shitty materials scattered all over the map is the opposite of fun, and the gameplay is essentially the same as in the previous games, that is to say a simple ADS shooter.

I never got past the first outdoor train level it's just boring it doesn't feel like metro or stalker
Glad it flopped and it's gi/rt implementation is terrible especially outside

Exodus felt like Metro in the first and last few hours, otherwise it felt like a 2019 mainstream Stalker and I'm not even mad.

because its an exodus from everything that made previous games good?

It's Russophobic piece of shit

At least it still has good graphics.

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Couldn't get past the awful sound design. Never heard worse footsteps in any game.

almost every location you visit it's extremely isolating

>never go in a metro

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