It's more than just a meme, it really is one of the greatest games, scratch that, pieces of media ever made. Top 10 certainly.
What a shame
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Unironically yes It is.
Do you have single fact to back that up?
it's one of those games that is so good you know someone hasnt played it if they call it bad.
This really helps understand why, most post-mortem are fluff pieces with some development trivia thrown here and there but Spector really breaks it down
Will they even remaster it?
fortnite meme?
No but it doesn't need it. And if they did they'd just fuck everything up anyway.
It has aged worse than any other game though.
It would be completely gutted, both mechanically and narratively. The window of time for such a game has came and gone.
>whaaw whaaw muh graphix
Luckily we got this one though.
Reading the design document is quite interesting.
games don't age
More like muh controls, gameplay, mechanics and overall presentation.
Deus Ex with vampires is also pretty good.
It is indeed.
Sequel will probably be shit. In comparison, might be great relative to today's offerings.
>Sequel will probably be shit. In comparison, might be great relative to today's offerings.
Probably. But even if it's shit at least it'll have gotten more people to play the original.
I agree, all the onions, war on terror and silicon valley corporations ruling the world were meant to be in 2050, not 2010
System shock 2 aged even worse, not that it’s a particularly good game to begin with lol
Onions was gaining popularity almost 100 years ago and everything else was a current conspiracy theory, not a future prediction.
It's not even the conspiracy theories that are the good part. It's the military industrial complex shit. The themes, man.
are fine
deep, extensive, open-ended and fun. you're right, the gameplay has aged terribly.
>overall presentation
I want another game like Deus-Ex. I want hope in this existential nightmare
living in a dystopia will age a man terribly, it can't be avoided.
That's my point, you dingus. The story was meant to be crazy, not crazy accurate
>zoomers think everything is a meme
You don't have the mental capacity to understand why deus ex is top 3
played it for the first time ever late last year. GMDX. it's absolutely the best game ever made. kinda hollow having finished it knowing nothing else until the end of time will ever be as good.
>played it for the first time ever late last year. GMDX.
why mod a game you haven't even played yet
not them, but probably because there are lots of places that say to install that mod for a first time playthrough
it's dumb and imposing to tell new players to install mods for their first time. especially mods that claim to be vanilla but improved because they usually add questionable shit that makes it a sidegrade at best.
compatability issues. making sure the game runs as good as it can.
just use kentie's deus exe for that
>don't use mods
>use this mod instead
this is why i just did what i did. enjoyed the shit out of the game regardless.
Literally all it does is replace the exe, it doesn't change the gameplay in any way
>it's one of those games that is so good you know someone hasnt played it if they call it bad.
Absolutely not, expecially with things like GMDX.
>use this mod instead
a mod adds custom content or actually changes the game. fixing the game so it runs properly isn't a mod. kentie's deus exe is not a mod.
God I really need to watch this
May I join bros?
Didn't mean to quote that message.
I’ve never heard of this game, can I get it on switch?
>worse than the first dude sex but still better than every other fps i remember coming out at the time
Sure, why not.
>hurr durr racism and job market
As long as you don't say a word.
Absolutely. I don't think it's perfect, but cumulatively it's one of the best games ever made.
It's more of an fix or a patch than a full on mod
Agree. The lack of strong female character as a central
focus, dialogue promoting augs lives matters and lack of diversity characters (no, asians dont count) is really jarring.
Mankind Divided felt closer to the original in terms of quality, though I enjoyed both.
> closer to the original in terms of quality
Your comment makes me physically ill.
>lack of diversity characters
say what my nigga?
>Mankind Divided felt closer to the original in terms of quality
The narrative managed to be even more retarded than HR.
>tnt and barrels can be moved over, then shot with a gun to open up doors or kill bots
>doing above massively saves on lockpicks and multi-tools (I'm at 20/20 and can't carry more)
>swimming IS useful. Putting just one into it makes swimming so much faster and gives you so much more air
>stealth pistol, baton, mini-crossbow, pepper spray, knife, gas grenades are great
>cross-bow is great, but way too little ammo
>Stealth-pistol and prod are how you are meant to play given the abundance of ammo for them
>Fire extinguishers are one-use pepper spray
>Low-tech is really good
>pepper spray and gas grenades can disable entire rooms of enemies, allowing you to run past or to kill them
>Assault rifle is bad but shotgun is great
>scoped silenced weapons break the game as the enemy has no real AI to counter it.
Doing a second playthrough and I'm getting the mechanics a lot more.
>non-lethal takedown
>shoves giant blunt metal sword into them
I'm disappointed how few games have even attempted to reach the heights of Deus Ex. It's not like it can't be improved.
>More like muh controls,
Aiming is 100% up to the player based on their chosen skills. Untrained you are literally untrained and can't shoot worth shit. It's very satisfying to get Advanced in Stealth pistol, and to headshot people with the cross-bow or Stealth pistol.
>gameplay, mechanics
There's some obvious limitations in AI, physics, and such, but there's elements of DE that are far more advanced than other games. These levels are MASSIVE and they're loaded in at once. No streaming in of levels. Just look how far you can go between a loading screen in this game. This means you're given so mcuh more room. And there are so many different paths to do anything and approach your objective.
Here's one. I did the Warehouse mission going from the top down. I had a huge trouble knocking everyone out with the prod. But then I decided to explore, and went outside. Then I found an alleyway that led to a tunnel that was WAY better path for my character to take. I'm a low tech non-gun guy, and I was doing the frontal assault. The lower path needs swimming, multi-tools and hacking, but it avoids most enemies.
i smacked myself in the head for not noticing that path before. It's so much better suited for my characters.
That kind of openess and complexity is gone from modern games. Too big budgets spent on graphics, and they have to stream-line them, and they're too scared to confuse modern gamers so they dumb them down. Compare them to the DE sequels, which feel smaller, more cramped, and more linear.
>and overall presentation.
It's an UE1 game, and looks fine. I don't know what you expect. it's got good art-design and fantastic character models for the time.
It probably wouldn't sell as many copies as some other shit they could churn out
>Deus Ex with vampires is also pretty good.
VTM:B has way worse combat, but it does many things better than DE.
First, the hacking in DE is almost broken. Trained in Computers and you can do pretty much anything and there's no need to go higher. In VTM:B there's various hacking levels and requirements to hack, which is so much better.
Thief is another game like that. They literally can't make them like that anymore.
What I'm thinking is: why not indies make modest budget 3D games like DE or SS2, or Thief? Keep the graphics and engine kind of simple akin to early 2000's, and focus entirely on replicating these big open levels.
>VTM:B has way worse combat
How? The shooting is basically the same and the melee combat has a bit more depth as long as you actually paid attention on how to melee during the tutorial and don't completely neglect combat stats like a tard.
The main difference IMO is VtMB has a better dialogue system whereas DX did more with augs compared to VtMB's Disciplines.
For melee, they tried to advance it from DE by giving you a combo move. But you move forward, and you lock onto an enemy when you do it. What this means is you're often over-shooting the enemy and flailing around like a retard. I found VTM:B combat in general more annoying.
The game turns decent if you invest in guns and use slow mo power to turn it into Max Payne.
DE melee is way more basic, akin to Skyrim and other WRPGs, but it gets the job done better. You just swing with no combo or forward momentum.
>What this means is you're often over-shooting the enemy and flailing around like a retard. I found VTM:B combat in general more annoying.
I never really had that problem. I thought the combos were interesting since each combo had different uses, which gave you a reason to not just button mash. It's kind of similar to the first DMC game.
maxing out rifle skill and using the sniper rifle is too funny. shit has ZERO recoil and perfect accuracy from thousands of feet away. No wonder the snipers are such a menace with it lmao
I learned to take out DE snipers FAST. They're god damn insane.
Do enemies have the equivalent of trained/untrained skill levels?
One thing I realized is that DE is an RPG first and foremost, even though it loos like a first person shooter. It's just not a fantasy setting and there's guns so people don't pick up on it. Your stats do increase your damage, there's shop-keepers, quest givers, etc.
What this means is that the game is not balanced around Realistic mode in my opinion, that's like a bonus extra mode for subsequent playthroughs. Yet 99% of people play on realistic. This means JC is way more fragile than he really should be.
That's how I did my first playthrough. Man that felt /wrong/, like i was using cheats or something. Find a high spot, head shot everyone on the ground, and keep going. It's like playing with God mode.
>low-tech affects the DTS, the most advanced weapon in the game
what did they mean by this?
I didn't play Deus Ex until 2015. Absolutely loved it.
low tech in function
I put all my weapon mods onto my stealth pistol, and gave it a scope. It turned it into a one item slot sniper rifle with ridiculous range. Head-shot everyone.
Initially I thought it was a useless weapon, but even unupgraded it's great. You're meant to "double tap" headshots with it. I shot once, and then was confused why it wasn't killing them, and dismissed the weapon as useless. I did the same with the cross-bow. I thought knocking out worked like MGS2 where tranq headshots are insta-kills.
>What I'm thinking is: why not indies make modest budget 3D games like DE or SS2, or Thief? Keep the graphics and engine kind of simple akin to early 2000's, and focus entirely on replicating these big open levels.
Budget 3D is probably still a hard sell due to looking like shit so it's probably a major risk for the level of work still involved. At the end of the day most indies are still just interested in making money.
It's still just a blade, only a really good one.
Why the fuck it takes so much in the inventory though, fairly sure it extends from the grip
>Budget 3D is probably still a hard sell due to looking like shit
That's exactly what they said about 2D past 1995. I've been reading old game mags, and they will constantly shit on 2D games as having just 16-bit graphics like it's a bad thing. People were legit mad that people had the audacity to make 2D games for the Saturn or PlayStation. Where's the 3D?
I guarnatee you if we had thrown Shovel Knight or another well appreciated modern simple graphics 2D game into the late 90's and early 00's, they'd declare it hideous and nowhere near as cool as 3D games like Quake or Unreal. And we actually have modern 2D/3D games that mimic the style of graphics of Doom. Try showing someone from 2000 Ion Maiden, and they'd wonder why you'd want to play something so dated.
The point is that at the time, we got sick of 2D since that's all we had, and got enamored by 3D. But that wore off, and 2D became rare enough that it was new and interesting and added some diversity to gameplay styles.
What I'm saying is that early simple 3D can work the same way. As long as it has a good art design (like DE does) it can work. People will be drawn in by the gameplay, the story, and the experience. Costs would be cut by keeping it relatively simple graphically bu the trade-off is huge. THeres enough interest for a niche at least.
I only do that if I'm diong frontal assaults. Which means you shouldn't be doing that. Sneak around, or shoot from afar.
You've convinced me user. Me and my mates are going to go make a sweet UE1-tier game, or at least we're going to promise to in order to get steal some kickstarter funds. Who knows, maybe this will inspire somebody else to actually do it.
UE1 might be a bit too primative. Try UE2.
>doing low tech
>getting all these weapon mods I can't use
This feels criminal. Feels wrong. I wish I could upgrade my baton or prod.
is there a mod that adds all of the ps2 version improvements?
Only thing I would want from that is the ragdoll physics from IW working together with the strength aug.
last I heard old UE engines are a kettle of fish both license and development wise
>Give me my laser-sighted and silenced crowbar with scope damnit
>tfw no skul gun for my hed
Maybe you need to NOT press the skull icon when close to a npc.
>load up game for the first time
>wow holy crap what an intro!
>holy crap I'm a cyborg secret agent I wonder what I get to do
>game starts
>movement mechanics are absolute garbage
>shooting mechanics are absolute garbage
>A.I. has complete lack of hearing ability or peripheral vision
>Bosses take maybe 5-6 seconds to deal with tops
What am I missing here? Is there a mod that fixes combat? I love the story but holy shit this is not fun at all.
Only if UE1 will somehow get open sourced
>movement mechanics are absolute garbage
Deus Ex? More like Deuce Sex, because this game is fucking shit.
I start the game, and some old guys are talking about some boring shit. Something about a plague, I guess. The only cool part was when they were talking about me being a supersoldier.
My hopes were dashed as soon as the game started. Considering I'm a "nano-aug" (what the fuck does that even mean?) the fact that I die in a handful of pistol shots is shitty.
Guns and melee in this game are both broken. It takes forever to line up a shot and bullets do laughable damage.
I couldn't even bear to finish playing the first level. Fuck this game, and fuck Yea Forums for calling this turd a great game.
deus ex
system shock 2
the only good games
>every game has to have a female character as a central focus
Try again after you turn 18 bud.
Oh my god, JC, a bait
As someone who just picked up this game the other day, I disagree with your statement about movement. The only real pain in the ass is moving up and down ladders quickly. Other than that, JC moves on a dime in just about any environment (Swimming does require skill points in it to make it so slow, but it isn't bad at all). The Speed Augmentation makes you move at sanic speed as well and makes jumping easier.
I will give you that the A.I. is completely ass. This is coming off of H.R. where, it's not much of an improvement, the A.I. reacted to: doors opening, bodies, sight and sound. Just goofy stuff.
Shooting isn't so bad, but I can understand your gripe. The Training Room teaches you to take your time and to aim carefully. If you want to get better, put your skill points into it, but it would be nice for it to be not so sporadic. A point-blank crossbow still has a chance to hit the body instead of the head at lower levels of Small Gun Proficiency.
you new?