Thoughts on him?

Thoughts on him?

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if it's not fun, why bother?

there are other feelings
there are other words in the english language

Shia lebeouf makes games now?

In love with Sarkeesian. Nothing else needs to be said.



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He's good at writing "realistic" dialogue... but the games keep getting slower and clunkier.

Remember the Jak games? Yeah he had no hand in those. Except Jak X I think.

I want to walk with Elias.

jewish retard

Fuck off drugman

Failed wannabe Hollywood director.

His games are cinematic garbage, so I don't like him

Ugly jew who they skipped during the holocaust.

I hates kikes and whatever and I obviously don't know the guy (JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HERE) but his games are better than the original Uncharted trilogy so there's that

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>games need to be political
>but only when they advocate the political viewpoints i personally prefer

I understand his ambitions but Detective Pikachu just came out and it was a better movie than anything the Naughty Dog Hollywood studios produced tbqhf

His game are not fun so I don't play them

Disgusting like that helped ruin Sony.