Katana Zero

Its been a while since a video game's ending left me feeling THIS blue balled.

I need the sequel yesterday

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I regret spending 15 bux on this. I finished it in 4 hours and didn't even get the story. Why did the kid turn into a toy? Felt half finished and it was too easy.

Maybe you're just pretty brainlet bro. The story seemed pretty simple to understand to me, its just a bit trippy.

>Why did the kid turn into a toy?
She didnt

Not the girl, the past boy you from the dream.

That wasn't you. That was the twist. You're the soldier that killed the old man. The kid is just some random kid that you just made an orphan.

Ahhh, ok shit. Then that boss at the end must have just been the same army uniform or something. I think I get it now.

Yeah, thats why the final boss asked why you didn't recognized the uniform, because you used to wear one also.

Was he in the wrong?

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...user, did you play past the mask choice?

At the end of his level you could turn on a machine, what does it do? I didn't touch it, I went right for the pod.

Was Leon /ourguy/?

Would you rather Katana Zero 2 or Katana Fifteen

It's been long since a wholesome thread like this. Just some dudes explaining the ending and coming to a nice close.

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loved the animations in this. worth a playthrough but the secret boss is disappointing

15 all the way

It plays all of the videos you saw on the screens, showing that it was all of them were prerecorded.
If you activate it a bunch it shows you videos that you didn't see, intended for other situations.

Katana Fifteen and then Katana Two where they team up to become DOUBLE DRAGON

It plays through the pre-recorded messages you've been seeing the whole level as well as a couple others not intended for you.

10/10 game as soon as you could tell the receptionist your anime taste is too patrician for her

Too much story for action game
Too much action for story game
not enough action in the end
not enough story in the end


Whichevee gives me access to that shunpo mechanic again, that level was incredible

Yeah i was actually mad when i finished it. Should have been billed as early access. The fact that it took them 6 years to do this much doesnt inspire faith in me either

Ripped off Hotline Miami too much.

>every other tape where he shoots visitors
Fuck, since it's a game about time fuckery I thought that in a second run you could actually choose to not open the Cryotank so Leon wouldn't die, it's such a shame, I wanted to talk to him.
Also, who the fuck was shooting you all this time?

>Not Katana 00

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Some kind of automatic turret. You can go through the level without triggering the monitors (they either have sensors or a wire which you roll past/cut) and the sniper never fires if you do.


What about the little girl you befriend? That was the one thing I didn't get, was she real or not? Or it's supposed to be explained in the sequel?

>when you realize you're supposed to shit talk the slav so he won't shoot you

Fifteen was the Dragon, he just happened to keep hitting the same places you were hitting so your bosses thought you were suddenly being less subtle.

Probably explained in the sequel/next episode. The only other people who ever interact with her (besides V giving her the tape which might be bullshit) are Comedy and Tragedy, and it's not clear how real they are either.

I don't even know what happens if you don't keep interrupting him with shit talk, I just instinctively kept hitting that red button. Shit was so cash.

>he didn't shittalk him
Your tape was kid shit
You honestly thought you were in my league

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Best moment in the game, hands down.

Isn't sequel already confirmed by devs?

I really wish more games adopt the cut-off feature. Shit like that in telltale type games would be great

That whole scene is fucking fantastic. Getting shot and having new dialog options blew my fucking mind.

Why the fuck would you buy the game? Just pirate it like any normal person.

I fucking wished it actually did.
The level design in this game is HOT TRASH.


am i crazy for thinking that the 2 toys might have something to do with comedy and tragedy cause the toys have almost the same color scheme as the masks
>you give her the silver one before you go to the bunker
>you get the golden one
>a life for a life

Niggers, dragon abducted her because you killed his butt buddy. A life for a life.
How is this hard to understand for you brainlets?


Reminder that the boss in that uniform she mentions your therapists daughter.

>y.y.you are le dumb
>...I...I understood, I am le genius
yo nigger you think people care about your feelings lol.

>*the boss that mentions the uniform is your

ok faggot *BRAAAAAP* *pante fly off at the speed of light* TASTE MY



>mfw when Sneaky Driver starts playing
The ost of this game is the real best part. It's pure style in music form.

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Agreed. It was way too short. And yes, I beat the real ending. Even got the Psychopathy boss.
Also, yes, the girl is in the dream and she does get turned into a toy therein. Surprised you didn't remember that.
At first, you see the boy playing catch with an outline of the girl.
Then the soldier comes in and picks her up, throwing her into the machine, where she then turns into the toy and falls to the ground.
Then, in the last dream, the boy hides under the bed while you, the soldier destroy the machine and stop to pick up the toy, hence how it gets into your apartment.
This raises questions, though, one of which is, is the girl even real at all, or just a figment of your imagination?
At the end, the landlord says there was no girl in the building, and the girl herself has seen the masked men who are hallucinations themselves, which indicates that she is merely another part of the protag's psyche.

The only thing that was real in those scenes was the toy, which was a trophy from the raid Zero and Fifteen accomplished, and both the masks and the girl disappeared because Zero was losing his high on Chronos

Saying the toy was a trophy reminds me. The shrink says that Zero's psychopathy made him an idea candidate for the NULL program, but I never followed that up with "What psychopathy?"
What's the response? Is Zero actually a psychopath? Like, before being fucked by Chronos and military training from childhood, was he the kind of kid who tortured small animals?

I have the theory that the entire psychotherapist is a figment of Zeros imagination who just manifests Zero's own doubts and regrets over his past and his own job.
He could also just as well be a drug dealer which Zero mistakes as a Psychologist because he's completely high on drugs.

Hotline Miami 2 had even worse levels

>This game is pure kino and the best indie game ever ma--
>You just don't unders-

I just don't get it

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Stop replying to it you ass

I will reply to whatever I *BRRAAAPP* wqnt. oops LOL just sharted

Its called begging for attention and you're handing it out on a silver platter.

So is there any explanation to the masked guys?
The game seems good about keeping all of the story inline, but they seem to exist both only inside zero's head yet at the same time can effect stuff outside of it.

It's called the fucking janitors are complete shit at volunteer work. No wonder they get paid nothing.

i'm in the camp that everything that the psychiatrist said about zero's past is horse shit
in the bunker the music slows down for some reason in the area with the guys in tubes, and since zero is supposedly 22 and was confirmed in the war that ended 7 years ago, i think him and the other gammas were test tube creations and were fully grown when they were 'born' and then sent to fight right after going through leon's gauntlet


They are his subconscious representation of future events

Nobody pirates anymore.

Katana Zero? More like Katana KINO.

I pirated this game. Glad I did since it blue balled the shit out of me. Once the dude updates his game and it goes on sale I'll get it. Another play through sounds fun anyways.

i feel like watching jacob's ladder spoiled me on almost the entire story of this game

>both the masks and the girl disappeared because Zero was losing his high on Chronos
But this doesn't make any sense. Zero pretty much stuffed himself full of Chronos after the Bunker, he would be totally tripping on it. Also in the Chinatown mission, the cops can actually see the masked guys.

I know they toy with the idea that the girl is just an imaginary figment but they still leave some room for doubt about whether they're actually real.

What's the best track in the game and why is it Meat Grinder?

Fucking love it when games do tracks that help instill that dreadful "shit just got real" mood

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I've known about this for a while. Once you get over the aesthetic, it doesn't look fun.

>Once you get over the aesthetic, it doesn't look fun.
There are a lot of games that can be described this way.

Katana Zero ain't one of them.

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>he slowed time at any point
get good lmao

Fuck off autist.

>tfw didnt understand the story so I don't care about a sequel

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Ah bloo bloo bloo

Cocaine is a hell of a drug
so is being a genetically engineered super soldier
you couldn't save her

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That doesn't make sense, if she was his daughter why wouldn't he give all the drug to her instead of you?

Should I buy this game for $15 or wait for it to go on sale?

You can basically beat the game in four hours but it's some of the best four hours I've had in a long time so it's your call. Personally I thought it was worth it. There's free DLC on the way soon.

You pay 20 bucks for 3 hour movie tickets, just fucking buy this.

those 2 were cringe incarnate
a fucking teenager wrote this stupid shit, must be

It's cause they're a reincarnation of the two dude weed lmao neighbors


the dev is in this thread, isn't he. Fuck off, will you. Make a full game next time and then shill it non stop. Maybe then i would consider buying it.


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Fuck you, fucking pirate scum.

Is is possible to not kill anyone in jail? Does it change something or this game is pretty much linear?

Theres something about this game that just tries way too hard to be "cool"

If you manage to stealth the entire prison level (or kill everyone if you're doing the no-Chronos version) you get the Prototype Key for the Government Lab. The game is linear all things considered but there's a few bonus stuff you can unlock by meeting specific quotas, including a secret boss.

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I wanted to kill this fucking blonde faggot so fucking much but the game just ended.

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Yes. The trick in the place you're almost certainly stuck on is to hop onto the stairs underneath the floor so the guard can't see you, then throw the bottle backwards. The guard will hear and head to investigate, leaving his back to the door so you can quickly sneak through.

You get a key for it that unlocks a certain cabinet in the postgame, which contains a new sword to play with.

If you follow all the orders you're given (sneak out of jail, don't talk to DJ), you automatically kill the hobo.

DLC is already in the works, don't know about the sequel though

Overdose goes so well with you slashing your way down each level of the bunker

Yep. It's the using of all the now-tired memethestics from six years ago. Purple and Blue (the new teal and orange), synthwave, slow mo, samurais, pixel art. It's been oversaturated by bandwagoners. How it always ends.

I wanted to kill Snow but I'm guessing she's gonna be the sequel protagonist while Fifteen is DLC for this game, kinda like Biker in Hotline Miami.

>tfw when you can deflect bullets without slow-mo perfectly

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i felt retarded after seeing the actual solution
the way i stealthed through that area was to grab the bottle, go back to the alarm, jump, slash through the alarm then slash one more time to stay in the air while the guard goes under me
then for the 2nd one, do the same but throw the bottle whenever i would hit the alarm if it were there

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Anyone else think the girl, tragedy, and comedy come from a past memory of Zero's? Like his time in the null program?

Using you to kill everyone else, then have you killed so all the chronos goes to her.

You can also get it by refusing the medicine and getting a contract from the men in masks to kill everyone.

>when you unlock the savant knife and perfectly reflect turret fire when bullets are at point blank range

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based DMChads doing no slow-mo runs

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what prevented you from finishing the game? lack of dosh?
samefagging this hard and shilling your own game for how long now gives the impression that you were desperate.
Finish the game and i'll give you your 20 bucks, faggot

So um, how does a drug let one turn back the universe?

I want to use the claymore so shields can fuck off but knife is too damn fun to deflect bullets with. Also zero regrets using a katana to snort coke with my biggest fan

Eat shit pirate scum.

Yeah, this game have a very underwhelming bosses. I wanted to kill V but first our fight was stopped by Snow, and second time I was stopped by fifthteen. Final boss is just one of the blondy's minions.

Just roll past them and slash them from behind.

suit yourself. that's 20 bucks less, bud. If you were planning on finishing it anyway.


That "ending" really soured the whole game for me. It's straight up unfinished.

poo-poo face.

I expected to just get insulted for my opinion but you basically nailed it. Late to the party, no self-awareness, trying too hard at something thats already overdone

>So um, how does a drug let one turn back the universe?
The way the drug works isn't that it "reverts time", it's just precog.
All the failed attempts are basically futuresight. The actual attempt is the one that gets recorded into tape. It's why in at least one scenario, the replay plays out differently from how it played out in your head (the scene where you actually get blown up by a boobytrap and kidnapped by V).
If you go through withdrawal, your brain goes comatose and is perpetually stuck in time.

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How is precog good enough to predict entire conversations but can't predict a bomb rigged to a door?

>Has already sold over 200,000 copies.
Indie kino.

Because v probably has a null working with him, and when 2 nulls fight they both see different precogs.

That's not make anything better.

Shithead cuntface.

The drug ain't perfect. Zero could outmaneuver Headhunter, who is also loaded up on Chronos. She even says that the outcome she saw in their first encounter wasn't supposed to end in her losing.

They are LARPing as these intellectuals that use archaic vocabulary. If you keep saying you don't understand them when they stop time for you, I think Tradgedy calls you an idiot and goes back to using informal language briefly. He basically drops the whole pompous act and gets butthurt that you don't get him.

Just wait for the dlc goy

I have some free time for videa gays.
Should I buy this or Sekiro.
Can also buy both.

Until told otherwise, Zero believes he cannot die, even if he wants, and both times he's ambushed he's immediately knocked out. IMO what's happening is that Zero thinks time rewinds when he dies, but in reality he's precogging fights out instinctively, but scenarios where he doesn't die don't trigger his fight-or-flight so he doesn't "flee" those timelines.

Zero is going to be the antagonist isn't he?

Both desu.


Zero is like Jacket. He's nothing but a wrench in things, caught between at least three different factions (Psychiatrist and his Chronos suppliers - presumably government related, Snow/V and their boss - wanting to obtain Chronos, and the few remaining NULL operatives - seeking revenge against the government and wanting to eliminate Chronos). Logic dictates that he should be siding with the latter, but the dude clearly does not give a shit. He's tearing them all down, which at least Headhunter seems okay with all things considered.

Pretty sure the guy just wants to find his sense of humanity. He doesn't give a shit about any of it, he just wants to take care of that kid.

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It explains in the null facility that alpha beta and gamma nulls all have different levels of success, with gamma nulls being 100%.
Others assume our guy is a gamma.

>If you follow all the orders you're given (sneak out of jail, don't talk to DJ), you automatically kill the hobo.
Just did a stealth jail mission without killing anyone and I also spoke with DJ, even tell about it psychiatrist but I still just killed hobo. What the fuck? It's like my worst run even if I'm trying to be a good person.

>There are people here who actually didnt understand the story
as days go by my vision of the people who inhabit Yea Forums become more like drooling brainless creatures than actual functioning people

You better be able to romance the Receptionist in the sequel. Or at least watch anime with her.

>Should have been billed as early access.
But its a complete game. Short games exist dude.

>butt buddy
I thought the other NULL was a girl

Playing with no slowmo and no hitstop is super fun and almost feels like an entirely different game.

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user thats not the dev you fucking dunce
what dev would post on Yea Forums?

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>it doesn't look fun
Oh so you didn't play it

Do kindly fuck off

I think it would be possible if it wasn't for the note at the end. I think the girl is real.

There are more than you'd think

What’s your favorite of the new swords to use? I use the claymore and master sword a lot. Phoenix is cool too, but I’m having way more fun with the other two.

I'd say its more then worth it

I did it, its possible

Just hard as fuck

Both but play this first because this game is short

So how did things go between you and he receptionist?

Well Yea Forums? Was she real?


No, because you can see one of them in the chair in the reception room at the hotel in the second level.They can't be reincarnations if they already existed.

the dlc is confirmed free iirc

I showed her my trap card

It's close but this is at the top for me, but most probably don't know it since the secret boss has obtuse rules to get to it.youtube.com/watch?v=reJzXqRtpxs

I went with the shower story and really regret it after seeing what other people have gotten.

Chinatown = breath of a serpent > *

She just wants to have someone to watch anime with

Pissing her off is way more entertaining.

She can watch the seasonal stuff together, but her taste isn't good enough to watch or appreciate the patrician classics.

She is fairly cute when she's angry

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I kinda wanted to cooperate with the therapist desu

But pissing her off gets her killed and you dont get a second scene

Is there any possible reason why you'd be choosing dialogue options for one of the neighbors in V's tape? At least the Dragon had the excuse that it's a kickass playable level, but this case seemed like such an inconsequential thing to give the player any direct "control" over at all.

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this nigga using chronos in real life

Because why not

>tfw you realize that's Tragedy sitting there reading a newspaper

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Oh shit.

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Comedy rise up...

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Holy shit

>tfw you can see Comedy for a split second during the fight with V when screen "glitches out"

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>Comedy and Tragedy are just hallu-

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How will their boss fight even be in the sequel?

Will there even be one?

They wouldn't give you a chance to fight with them, they'll fuck off and let you fight with some different character. Snow at best.

>choose to die
>they react to Zero as if no one appeared or disappeared out of nowhere