Play World War Z, do it for her

Play World War Z, do it for her.

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Do it for her jewish brap.

Attached: brapjew.jpg (1400x1080, 598K)

Do it for Israel.

Attached: israel.jpg (1309x1080, 575K)

Put the game on steam and give it workshop support so I can download mods to maker her look like anything but a bike

Just give up my man, Valve cum garglers are so brainwashed and sensitive they believe playing a decent game could harm their precious corporate friend Gabe

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Imagine smelling her hairy vag/butthole combo after a sweaty day of killing zombies


>quad rail
get with the times grandma

i'm not givning money to chinks
no thx

That's why I'm playing it on console despite being supbar compared to pc, game's pretty good

Attached: 99999weirdo.jpg (1043x1080, 433K)

>no private lobbies two months after release
literal trash devs

>not sweaty feet after they've been inside those hot leather boots all day

t. chang

sleep tight

Attached: IonVJOh.jpg (4160x3120, 751K)

whats so good about it

You too xiao chang
Don't let winnie the pooh bite you

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it's the tps spiritual successor of LD4, plus it has classes and skilltrees where you can shape your build. nothing groundbreaking but it's quite fun and there's a roadmap with free updates, maps, enemies til this summer

Not gonna sucker me this time, rabbi

Attached: ArQLK.png (800x600, 92K)

Not installing chink spyware, Tim.

Why? Not enough disk space? Oh that's probably not it. You're just too fucking stupid to know how to install a program.

I prefer her gentle and clean brap

Attached: brapnip.jpg (1400x1080, 331K)

>install every garbage you come across on the internet because you have the space on your hard drive and it takes a few clicks and only adds an icon
I wish I was as smart as you user


Funnily enough, you literally take orders for a greengoldberg in the game

just pirate and try it youself

what if it's a turd
you do it

do i have to play as a black chick or a goblina to get access to certain gameplay elements (weapons, skills etc) or are characters just cosmetic?

Cosmetic. You unlock a very small background story or that character though by finishing a chapter with him or her.

cool, i'll consider the game. I always loved L4D

just cosmetic but character selection is tied to its own scenario (japan, moscow, new york and so on) with 4 different characters for every episode

Is she supposed to be an Israeli soldier? Because that's not standard uniform.

yes she's from gerusalem

Then her uniform is not standard and it makes no sense.
This is supposed to be the presentational "א" uniform, judging by the unit tag hanging off her left shoulder. These are stiff and tight uniform that aren't great for going around and killing zombies. That's what the "ב" work uniform is for, which is loose and comfy.
Her pants and her belt are not military-issued, which is unacceptable attire. Her shirt should have one pocket, and it has one too many buttons open.

She's a god damn disgrace, an absolute mess.