ITT: just turn off your brain bro

ITT: just turn off your brain bro

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What's the appeal of ARPGs? All you is clicking enemies like pinata.


Have you seen this game?

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>just watch tv while you grind bro

seeing numbers get higher releases dopamine

looks like garbage

one of those games where you come home from a long day of work , turn off your brain and kill shit

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That's the case with every RPG user

Musou. I got memed into playing this because
>lol just press X and Y and then you win
But I feel a little bit of brain power is necessary. At least until you level up your characters.
After playing pic related, Pirate Warriors 3, Fire Emblem Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, and Samurai Warriors, I'm convinced that the games could be a lot more engaging if they tried.

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My friend loved Diablo 3 so i gave it a try with him
picked necromancer
literally just held down the attack button every fight and nothing else and he wondered why i didn't like

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what games do you usually like\play, user?

The Dark Souls of ARPGs.

FPS games, Civ 5, Dota 2

had the suspicion, but now i'm sure you're a fucking faggot

similar appeal as musous turn your brain off

But isn't Dark Souls an action RPG?

*holds down attack button*
*lifesteals from you so i don't have to even reposition myself*
*you die*

heh, nothin personnel kid

Oh yeah. The Dark Souls of isometric ARPGs then.

i usually come back to new Diablo 3 seasons to level to 40 and forget about it.
they're brainless loot collection games

>t. never got past gr90

3 main things
>Mastery of the game's systems so you don't die constantly
>loot RNG for satisfying sense of progression
>grinding to a point where you just fundementally break the game

literally the popcorn of vidya genres

>"Just turn your brain off bro"

Uhhh, thanks for the advice OP.

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