What does Yea Forums think about this Middle Earth game...

What does Yea Forums think about this Middle Earth game? I'm new to this world in general and this is my first-anything from this series and I'm having an absolute blast feeling like a medieval Doomguy.

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unironically good, the second one was way better because they just took what was good from the first and added a bunch of shit to it, the nemesis system is fun af

I just installed it for the first time. Does the HD content dlc fix the weirdly fucked resolution settings?

I played the first one and really liked it but didn't finish it. Just got repetitive I guess. Is the 2nd one better?

Rad as fuck. Feels great when you really get the skill tree filled out and you're teleporting around taking heads off left and right. Too bad the sequel ruined itself because fucking around with the nemesis system was worth the cost of admission.

Back again to report that, yes, it fixes it. Before it felt like there was a weird fucked filter over the game making it look like ass, even at 1080p

>tfw no Star Wars game with Sekiro combat and Mordor nemesis system

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As a lotr game in both lore and gameplay it's dumpster garbage. As a standalone game it's just typical triple A. Not terrible not amazing just good enough. It's fun but gets repetitive. If I remember correctly the collectibles don't even give you a tangible reward like better skills or weapons which also sucked

>Heat Coin
>Guaranteed disease

Do not even look at it.

what did the sequel screw up

It's a big fuck you to Tolkien, his legacy and everything he believed in.

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LOTR is boring shit and the fans are autistic retards
Star Wars fans enjoyed every game the got
LOTR fans shit on these 2 Mordor games because MUH LORE despite them being 2 excellent games

Worth it for the orcs. (sequel 2 with bonus Olog trolls)

>despite them being 2 excellent games

The nemesis system was kino. I hope we can see it in other games.

Almost good. First game was alright for showing off the Nemesis system. Second game has more stuff in it but felt boring compared to the first

Good orc killing simulator
2 is an upgrade in every single way

shadow of war is much, much better.

who cares

it's fun as pokemon simulator

not him i'm i think you cant get all the abilities activated at the same time

Is the second one actually worth getting at this point, I skipped it on release because of the microtransaction garbage but I heard they got rid of it eventually

It's basically Assassins Creed Middle Earth

If you want more of the same shit, yes. I doubt you play it for the story, or the characters.

yes, pretty much everything is better, especially the nemesis system

You didn't finish the first one? You totally missed the literal QTE final boss

The LoTR films are also big fuck (you)'s to Tolkien. His son hates them and so do his estate.
What's your point?

LotR films are probably one of the best movie adaptations ever made, even with its faults. If he hates them, he's probably just being contrarian or he just didn't get enough royalties

Right? I wish the first game had microtransactions and loot boxes, then the second game comes along and gives me all of that. Thank God.
>b-but they removed them!

The nemesis system isn't better. They barely improved it. All they did was add more orc variety with one clan locked behind a paywall.

The "Tutorial" goes on for too long, why do you have to progress through half the game before you gain all of your abilities?

Otherwise no complaints, although I get the feeling it doesn't follow the lore of the original series 100%

> Shadow of War
Ruined by WB, also still has deunvo for some reason

Pretty good and fun games. Basically Batman Arkham in Middle-Earth, but with better combat (it starts out easy but you can die really easily later)

Gta 6 plz

First is pretty easy - noway to really increase difficulty but it's not bad

Second one is better but it's hard to get into after the first since for the first like 2-3 hours. it's a slog of a fucking tutorial like the first game

Way too easy, nemesis system is fun though. I played through on gravewalker or whatever that awful 3x hea;th 3x damage difficulty was, and there was never a point where I could say I was "CHallenged" because most of my deaths were just myself getting sloppy, and the orc that killed me the most's claim to fame was instant kill knives.

>Officer Dickens the Triggerhappy
>A punctured lung, no hearing in my left ear, and a hook for a hand, and I still blew that off just so I could make you pay!

Nemesis system was great, I liked seeing a random orc coming back as the big bad guy

It's good, but the sequel is better. Now remember that the contrarians on Yea Forums will tell you otherwise, but Shadow of War is better than Mordor in literally every single way.

Looks like a CMOS battery