"Why yes, I believe the Witcher franchise is overrated trash, especially the games. How did you know?"

>"Why yes, I believe the Witcher franchise is overrated trash, especially the games. How did you know?"

Attached: ugabuga.jpg (680x794, 45K)

that is awfully especific

First two games are garbage. The Witcher III is a pretty good game but vastly overrated.

So the joke is comically buff/near impossibly attractive people have good taste/are always right?

I'm literally better looking than that, and I have better taste than that.

It's not a joke, it's the truth

>Why yes, I do indeed think that Bloodborne is one of the greatest video games of all time.

Attached: eDQvTAB.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)


Gigachad sure went to shit fast

Witcher 3 is pretty good, Dark Souls fans vastly overrate their favourite series, and Warband with mods is a better game than either.

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not even close bro.

have sex

Can I get a quick rundown on this meme here

You want instagram levels photoshop?

Because I also feel this way about the Witcher series. I knew there was something I liked about you.

Attached: gigasmile.jpg (912x1024, 69K)

Go play super mario, faggot

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Do girls even like these kinds of physiques? Like all those boybands and kpops are some lanky dudes, and girls talk about how they want to be slapped by their dicks.

"Dragons Dogma? Right, I rather not play game with silly gimmicks like "pawns", especially Japanese games"

Attached: ugabuga.jpg (912x1024, 71K)

I like that you somehow made the acne scars look aesthetically pleasing

Yes, I a person on the internet have a better opinion.

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Whoa, so this is the fabled Yea Forums argumentative style...

It seems like it depends on the girl. I've been trying to figure it out lately myself because a lot of girls now seem to talk about being into "dad bods", and hating ripped, muscular physiques. My reasoning is that they are settling for less because the Chads that possess those attributes are pumping and dumping them.

10/10 would fuck
No homo