I hope none of you guys dropped out of school just to play games all day

I hope none of you guys dropped out of school just to play games all day.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=how do i learn to draw

What's this from? Reverse search isn't helping.

>tfw failed math 3 semesters straight and got expelled for being such a fucking neanderthal at it

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I did in fact drop out of college 19 years ago and been a NEET since so I could focus on my quakeworld clan activities

>failed/dropped math too many times
>college wouldn't let me retake it
>there was no online course available
>the only option I had was to drive to a different fucking county and take the class there instead
Nope, dropped that shit and never looked back. Would've kept going like a good goy too if their systems weren't dumb.

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I did finish school but then I went nowhere

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>did shit in highschool
>took 3 years off
>applied for university
>Havent heard anything in months
>probably rejected
>no backup plan

Im fucking trying here, it wasnt even a meme degree in gender analysis.

sauce? no hits from this or the op

Psh you better believe I dropped out because I had to take care of my mom whose health was rapidly declining.
She'd passed away last year and I'm finally working on getting back to school and getting my degree

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aww :3
that will be a good story to use for getting laid

Have you at least tried community college?


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i couldnt even go to a different college to continue my studies because the place i got expelled at its associated to the country's uni so not only i got expelled from that college, i got banned from studying in 90% of the country's schools

what a fucking retarded system

I stayed in school and now I work at a tv station! The irony is you don't really need a degree to work at a tv station

>dropped out of high school senior year due to severe anxiety and depression
>now a worthless neet at 25
i still enjoy video games though

>just to play games all day
Not "just" to play games all day, I also watch movies/anime and read manga/doujins.

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I graduated with an engineering degree and work in a fucking warehouse and petco bro. College is a meme. I had an engineering job but it was gay as fuck. Payed me 45k which is what I am about to make working 2 part time jobs...

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>It was just a dream all along

>This fictional rape doujin was fiction this whole time!

I did.
I'm also not in debt like all of my friends who have had their wages garnisheered so heavily they're making less than I am. College may be right for some people but I hated the atmosphere, I hated my teachers, and the information I was learning was readily available to me for free online. The only thing I would have been getting is a piece of paper that said I showed up on time and didn't fuck up tests. And that's not worth anywhere near $200,000

I also play fortnite competitively and made $15,000 last year from it :^)

I just hate the whole "it was just a dream" thing in any kind of fiction. It's lame

>be depressed
>drop out of highschool
>take jewpills like a good boy
>go back
>be depressed again
>repeat the above twice

Thanks God

I got a degree and THEN started playing games all day

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if it was anything less then calculus you probably have a sub 100iq.

We're going to make it, right?

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I dropped out of university 5 times
It’s just not for me I guess

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Universities have this policy for a reason.
If you are brainlet, you have no business attending college. Pick up a trade instead. They did you a favor.

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Fucking boomer, get off this website and get a job.

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My brother dropped out of high school and spent all his time trading items on tf2, he made thousands

>monster male on human female
into the /trash/ it goes

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ITT dumbasses and poorfags

ITP: normie

Being a dumb-ass is a prerequisite for posting on Yea Forums.

You probably didn't do internship while in school like a nincompoop. Real engineering companies aren't going to pay 80k+ to a newly grad with no initiative.

Only paid internships matter. Unpaid is just a scam

>fell for the community college meme and became an MLT
>make 50k per year with good benefits and plenty of job security
>just have to deal with bitchy nurses and the knowledge that if I fuck up I might kill somebody like any other medical job
>friends who went to a 4-year are in the same position as you
It's not exactly big money, but it's more than enough to live comfortably and the job itself isn't terrible. Just not having to deal with the public is a huge plus.

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stfu wagie

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I'd have done an internship if it wasn't more impossible to get one than getting a job.

Oh, I'm gonna make it alright... Make it out of this hellhole existence, that is

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Do unpaid internship even still exist? Feels like some weird 20th century boomer meme. There is literally no such thing as an unpaid engineering internship in this day and age, and I doubt it for other careers as well.

Not that guy, but our math teacher is a sadistic prick who doesn't teach us shit and just flexes his degree at us

The exam barely had anything to do with what he was teaching, too

>gamers rape up, reeee!

If you are able to straight to paid internship, it means you are that much more qualified/present yourself well.
Turning down unpaid internship for a year that leads to high salary at the company is just foolish.

>Turning down unpaid internship for a year that leads to high salary at the company is just foolish.
Unpaid internships don't lead anywhere.

What the fuck OP? You been stalking me or something? I dropped out as soon as I could and got my GED afterwards just so I could play vidya and watch animus all day. Employers have never given a fuck about my GED, and have never asked to see it even when I ask them if they want to.

Suffering will end eventually my friends.

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First time I've followed an exhentai link, unironically how do I get past the panda?

You need to make an account

I don't know reddit

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I only know the brainlet step around where you delete the "x" in the address and go to a completely different website

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I didn't do senior years of highschool because my parents thought that would have been the perfect time to move literally across the entire country and force me to come with them and as a result of being forced to do it against my will I completely lost interest in trying.
it surprises everyone at my job whenever they find out I didn't do it

Is that what happened to you? Not to be rude, but it sounds like you are making excuse.
Even if you don't get a job at that particular company, you have something to add to resume that you have experience. Its like extra curricular shit that you do at college that actually helps you land a job.

20-30 years ago it was incredibly important to go to college and school because the internet didn't have literally any piece of information you could ever want worldwide. Nowadays it takes 5 minutes on youtube to learn how to do anything from smash atoms to fix your fucking car.

got accepted as a transfer student for UCIrvine, starting in the fall

wish me luck, anons

should be the first dozen results in google
if you've run into the sad panda before doing the steps you'll need to delete your cookies for the site before doing them

>finished high school
>been a NEET for 3 years
>now looking for a job to see my webgf across the country
i'm going to make it, bros?

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i fucking hate the "if you gotta ask then youre not gonna make it" gatekeeping mentality my peers has, it really bogs down my motivation

Nope. 3 years is way too big of a gap, no employer will touch you with a ten foot pole unless it's a high turnaround job like retail.

they're right tho

this, i have been a neet for 5 years and nobody wants me anymore

>bombed out of community college cause i can't focus and write an essay to save my life
how the fuck do you drop out of cc fuck

Nah. I dropped out of university because I'm a worthless piece of shit, but it wasn't because of videogames.

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Lets be honest. They wouldn't want you even if it was 0 years

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You are going to have to get a low quality job like retail, dishwasher, hotel work etc. until you build up a bit of work history. It helps if you can find a place where they want you to show up in person to apply and can make yourself seem at least a little personable.

>tfw got a Math degree like four or five years ago
>tfw not used it for a damn thing and just done generic ass office jobs
>tfw unemployed right now after my last job ended amicably and know I should find work but am scared to leave my comfort zone

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me too. no idea what ill do at 26 when im off my parents health insurance

i 100% agree

ITT: retards

Why the fuck would you ever drop out of school or be a NEET? Get a fucking job

better dead than working

literally and figuratively kys

why the fuck would you work lmao

im fine with working. its working with people that i can not do. so i dont

I did. Also this

Not him, but literally just so I be slightly less of a disappointment to my parents. They never hinted at it or showed it, but I can only imagine how sad it must be to have a kid whose fucking useless. Working made me realize how much I hated myself when I was a NEET.

I did. Military too.

Truth hurts huh?

Wanted to become a game dev and bought some online courses, should I do them or just become a plomer/electrician?

Get a job man.
You will be happier. I promise.

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yep, all I can do now is to find someone who has a similar fate to me and wallow in each other's misery.

>failed math cuz I ain't doing shit online
>Failed biology cuz I am retarded with anything biology
I just wanted to make games man, now I am stuck wondering if I should keep trying collage or just go up in the ranks until I become the manager of the store

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I wish someone would have told me you only get one shot at this. Wasn't entirely my fault, but now the resume gap is so big no one wants anything to do with me. I even got turned down for retail, fast food places, and even an overnight stocking job that they specifically told me they were kind of desperate for applicants for. There's just zero hope left.

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>I studied instead of working and now I'm a poorfag with 18 months to go and can't get hired anywhere to make a bit of side coin
If I don't get a placement in my field I'm fucked right? I'm a 25 yr old in aus

I hope you are into dudes. Because girls in that situation can still find dudes easily.

[Methonium] Just Meat To You

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College is a fucking scam
>pay like 2k for tuition and books
>75% of the course boils down to "lol just google it"

Bruh, it can't be just resume gap if you are rejected from those places. You need to work on yourself.

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t. guy who couldn't google it

Even better
>Get into course with books and stuff other people lend you
>But you still need an unique code for the online book were the actual work is done
Fuck this shit

not at all and besides I have the gf department covered already

What do I do bros I'm 20 and I really dont wanna go to a 4 year school just to not get a job I love drawing but I know I cant get a good job with that

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Pissed me off to no end that the faggot found success in mainstream and stopped making doujins. fuck you all who supports his elf shit.

I managed to get an Associate in Arts degree which is basically just an associates in general education. I ended up getting too stressed out to continue schooling. The only thing I'm proud of is that I passed Calculus 2 with a passing grade.

Does the current manager not have any degrees?
I was gonna say take physics or chemistry if you're failing biology but then
>failed math

How the fuck have you afforded to live as a NEET for that long?

>rejected from those places. You need to work on yourself.
>blaming the unemployed in a system that incentives having a pool of permanently un/underemployed
>implying they aren't just playing at the same game the IT sector has been doing since 2000 in hopes of obtaining work visas to exploit foreign workers rights under the threat of deportation if they complain
shaking my head famoli san

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Have you considered drawing furry porn on patreon?

>You probably didn't do internship
I applied every year since freshman year faggot. didn't get shit. BUT

I worked as an engineering research assistant and am featured on the honors college website for winning a research conference

you assumption making nincompoop

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>Lost sight of my human life
Whatever the fuck that is, it's certainly not human.

I refuse to do it I dont like furries

You getting past the panda would defeat the point of it. Stay on your side of the fence.

I honestly don't know what else it could be. I always showed up to the interviews on time, decently groomed and not dressed like a bum, I asked questions and answered theirs, I wrote thank you emails for the interviews and followed up a few days after, and every time they just thanked me for my interest and said I didn't get it. I'm not a super sperg or anything and know how to talk to people without spilling my spaghetti, so I don't think it had to do with how I acted during the interviews. Granted, it is a pretty big gap if I don't count the odd work I did during the time.

I finished high school, then played games all day.

Watch all your interest in each other disappate the moment you meet in person. You'll be left frustrated and hopeless at having moved for nothing. Happens every time.

Didn't you read? He made BANK on quakeworld

Can you not draw for money?
I have a sister that does(not Lews) just those pictures you see "that" artist drawing on the local amusement park do

>want to learn programming
>have to sift through a ton of brainlet-tier meme prereq classes first
literal waste of time and money but it's not like I'd ever have the drive to learn on my own, and a degree is apparently important so what the fuck ever

like it or not furries pay big bucks for their fetish art
and unlike art "culture" you don't need to know anyone to get started or need to get lucky and dupe some richfag into buying your feces fingerpainting for five million dollary doos
just let go of all morals and standards but for gods sake never link your real name to the art

what kind of diploma mill were you going to?

my only problem is that I'm such a jack of all trades I ended up being mediocre in everything that I do

>An artist with morals
I hope you like not having money/making portraits of people

Can you make a living off that?
Cant do it I really dont like furry character designs

I'm pretty lenient its mostly just furry stuff I dont like

tough luv buckaroo

Gotta lie and bullshit. It's what I am going to have to do. Well, that and go back to get a masters.

Probably not, she does save a bunch of money and is married to an engineer, so I think she is fine.

I ain't blaming him brother. Just saying he should evaluate himself
>system that incentives having a pool of permanently un/underemployed
I don't like it but it encourages people to apply themselves Although its the companies that benefits the most.
Well, keep trying I guess. Look into hiring companies if you can. They essentially get you a job but take a cut from pay check. It sucks but you won't have that gap anymore.

Then make yourself public, make any and all social media accounts
Make some drawings bout popular or meme shit.
Make yourself a Patreon or take request.
Shit is really easy only "hard" part would probably be getting started cuz you need those exposure bucks.

I literally think college is a class thing. If you aren't at least in the middle class, it doesn't matter how well you do or what degrees you earn. You will have trouble finding work when you are done.

what you know never matters. ever. its who you know.

Shit just stay on top of what's trending and get some regular waifu fag whales and you be set

i discorgree, i like the fat mermaid

Explain to me why burgerfags college so fucking expensive?
Seriously, we don't have college debt meme here.
I studying in a rich kid, middle upper-class kid college tier and it cost about 10000$ for the WHOLE thing.

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Greed and corruption

Don't, seriously, study college and do art when you get home.
I'm a drawfag and it's not a good idea to pursue art as a career, it's a job like any other.

Partially so. The people who can afford to send their kid to a fraternity or what have you probably have the means to launch their kid into a good career. The child who just goes to college because it's the thing to do and takes a loan out and commutes to the campus probably doesn't have a chance. Even if he does the work he'll probably lack the connections to reach his endgoal. We're were all raised to be slaves by our careless parents to be honest. We live in a society.

Capitalism, and every damn politician doing nothing bout it

I'm not even a dropout and this thread is getting to me

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>tfw dropped out of high school because of stress and bullying
>tfw have to take care of my sick, dying parents before I kill myself

Life gets better right, Yea Forums?

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Careers don't make you happy. vidya and fapping make you happy. just make enough money to sustain your hobbies you'll be fine. getting married is for cucks anyway

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Depend on what you want in life, comfy life then yes, rich life with every luxury then no

No, not really.

If you read some existential novels from Dostoevsky and Nietzsche, there's no real future. Things get progressively worse.

NO. I am sorry friend.

If you applied through ucas, you should've literally heard something from the uni within a week

>survive off working part time

the most unbelievable thing in the pic desu

Don't you see that the PROBLEM is that you get enjoyment from video games and fapping? Don't you see how fucking degenerate that is?

Yes. I should work 16 hours a day. I see that now. Thank you for correcting my behavior.

>tfw our societal possibilities are given to us at birth and are completely decided by what genes you got
There's a reason some people begins getting bullied at three years old. it's because they're trash and should never have been born

Most functioning adults tend to find enjoyment in their careers.

As opposed to what? Don't even dare to say work, nobody works for fun. Work is a means to get money which lets you buy escapism.

>I applied every year since freshman
Damn nigga, how you get turn down when you offer to work for free???

I think you mispelled lucky.

most functioning adults find enjoyment in talking about the sports game and their divorce proceedings and drink gallons of cola a day.

>What's 2+2?
>And don't you DARE say 4! Everyone knows that the answer isn't 4!

a...at least were not communist!

None of my internships were unpaid. I've heard it can even look bad to appear desperate enough to work for free just to get it on your resume.


did your parents leave you anything?
I always figured if my parents died I would just take the will money and fuck off someplace cold,cheap and with good internet.

capitalists: "m-muh life is a wittle bit stwessful! I have to WORK sometimes, you know! :("

communists: "I have to stand in line for hours and hours just to receive a slice of bread. I need to divide this bread to feed my four children. One of them is dying from the flu, and there's no way the government can distribute vaccines to us. Life is hell."

Yeah, capitalists sure have it rough, kid.

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>this thread

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Hard work and effort grants +1 to luck
How you on Yea Forums and not know that? HMM?

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The problem is that colleges are ran like businesses instead of institutes for the betterment of our SOCIETY. The more people who go to college, the higher the prices get. If every facet of our society tells the average goy to go to college after high school, it's only going to get more expensive. Yeah sure there are public and private schools but they serve the same purpose and are ran the same. Public and state colleges should be ran differently but they're as expensive as private colleges it seems.

because they can get away with it, the best compromise would be that college should cost as much as you could save up on an average wage for like, 5 years.

and have really really hard entrance exams, so that the colleges could still weed out the plebs now that the monetary wall is gone

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Not really. My parents are kind of dirt poor right now.We pretty much just live off of disability at the moment.

So as a 25-year-old with no artistic ability at all, how can I learn to drawfag and cash in on internet demand?

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Capitalism is in theory about working to earn a living to be able to afford food and luxury. But because of economic competition, it ends up being about working and still not being able to afford a living. Capitalism is shit but no one has come up with a better system yet.

spend the next 5 years drawing 8 hours a day while studying the human vagina bones

I finished high school, I remember nothing I learned from it, and generally regard it as having done nothing for me except given me a piece of paper that says I did the thing.
Even worse, it was an online high school course so I never went anywhere or met anyone during those years so I'm incredibly isolated and the few friends I have are all online ones.
I had one job, overnight stock at a nearby grocery store, that I was terrible at and would have been fired if I didn't resign before then, partially because I sucked and partially because the employee that was on leave that had left the gap I filled came back to work.
I give myself only the credit that I went and got that job myself, nobody helped me, I went to the interviews alone, my mother didn't even know I was getting a job until I had it and I felt good about myself for that much time.
I've never had a job since and in the past year or so I've given up on anything I wanted to do or learn to do.
I'm comfortable in my NEETdom but have nothing to fill it with.

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lmgtfy.com/?q=how do i learn to draw


Because we give out retarded amounts of financial aid, inflating demand, without doing anything to control prices.
Also this, having gone to college is a status symbol signifying that you're in the intellectual/business upper class, not an actual financial decision to make yourself better at a field. Status symbols obviously grow in cost as more people get given money to attain them, to retain the exclusivity.

As if anatomyfags are even 2% of porn commissioners. Could probably make money off of average fandumb fags and waifufags completely separate from porn too

>no one has come up with a better system yet

How about...Commucapitalism?

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That's socalism. Socalism scares people.

you could half ass it but you'd probably need to be good at using social media and be lucky as fuck.

If only he had completely good politics and not like only 1 I agree with

socialism = white people giving their money to niggers and alcoholic homeless people

Engineering internships are never free. In my case the one I got (post graduation) was them basically hiring you for cheap. Heres how it went:
>Day 2 at new internship
>white collar hell but I am mentally prepped
>"hey user are you the Load Planner?"
>no I am the intern
>"yeah no youre the load planner. Make and print 6 reports (which you have never made before) in 50 minutes and come into the meeting with me."
>ok thats less than 10 mins per report with printing time not included but I gotta make this work.
>finish by the skin of my teeth
>go into meeting with my beard and sports coat still on as I didnt know what the dress was like there
>get mean mugged because theres a strict no facial hair policy that I was not informed of and I look like an over dressed yuppie asshole
>"ok user is our new load planner. So, user what do you have to present to the group today?"
>literally thought I made these reports for him
>as I barely made it to the meeting I didn't even know what said reports were about
>spill 1 meatball outa my bowl of spaghetti but not the whole bowl
>repeat this kind of nonsense but with higher stakes and cut throat office politics
>quit after 10 months and be this user

Your mid 20s are weird man.

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