Why do Americans like Sony and Nintendo?
They aren't American companies, you know.
Why do Americans like Sony and Nintendo?
They aren't American companies, you know.
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Low testosterone
Every time I see a picture of Isabelle I get a strong urge to shoot a shih tzu.
>Playing western games
God this thread is so fucking retarded.
Hhhnnngg doggie panties
>God this board is so fucking retarded.
Just because I love thing a doesn't mean I can't like thing b.
Snoy is virtually a mutt company. They love SJWs and censorship, hate Japan
Why do Americans want to fuck Nintendo's animal characters?
nationalist ethnostates will never appreciate the benefits of globalism
I wanna ________ that dog!
Everyone around the world likes McDonald's and Coca-Cola but they are American.
But Sony is an american company.
how if their HQ is in Japan.
Every American knows that stuff made in America is of inferior quality. Some companies try to make a big deal out of it because of patriotism, but everyone knows the truth.
Xboxone is an American product.
My hq does not define my race cunt
Are you implying that Western Animation is bad?
Because Japan is the birthplace of classic video games. I don’t care if you don’t like Nintendo but you have to acknowledge that they are responsible for the creation of the medium. Not totally but they had a large hand in it. Sony is also beloved because they ushered a new age of gaming with the ps1 and ps2. MGS had a lot to do with this, crash, tomb raider, spyro, sly cooper, jak and daxter etc. Then they kinda fucked it with ps3 but brought it back because there was a few good gems and then PS4 is obviously the big boy.
Most people on this board myself included grew up with a sega mega drive(Genesis)/NES,SNES/N64/PS1,PS2/GameCube/OGXBOX,wii/360/PS3.
And even if you were a Nintendo nutter or Sony sister onions or Microsoft mongrel chances are you had pals that had the consoles or even the PC you didn’t and vice versa.
People have soul and emotion invested in these companies as well has cash. It’s basic economics it’s called sunken cost it’s why everyone is watching this game of thrones season despite complaining about it at the same time
When garbage like Steven Universe and Adventure Time are considered quality shows, then yes.
Sony is split up, gaming division HQ is in california and they have another HQ in netherlands as well.
i really wanna fuck this dog
Yeah, point proven.
Why do Japs love KFC? Kentucky isn't in Japan you know.
so does this mean the PS1/2/3/4 are american consoles? they are listed as "Products of Sony Interactive Entertainment" which is HQ'd in Cali.
So how was Japan able to become such an culturally influential country from its 3rd worlder state of the past?
why americans like pizza and coffee? They arent american.
atomic bombs
>Because Japan is the birthplace of classic video games
>what is pong
Remember Video Games were invented in the west weeb.
Xbone is high quality though. controller is the best of the gen too and has said to be a tank by anons. console doesn't bend like the shitty switch either.
Neither was Obama but plenty of Americans like him.
USA pumped a fuck load of money into japan so the Russians and Chinese wouldn't be able to push it to communism.
at least obama was more american than any spic.
>Nintendo thrived and Atari died
We live in the worst timeline.
Fucking E.T ruined everything.
Why do Japanese like electricity?
It isnt a Japanese invention, you know
Russians lived in the USSR but yes I meant "the Soviets" if that settles your autism.
only idiot japs stay loyal to national brands for no reason
Nigga, that shit so basic it barely counts as vidya!
Nobody today even considers it a "classic video game"
Pong was shit. Video games were revolutionised in Japan. Without them we would have nothing but if America hadn’t dropped the bomb then they would have never have become so innovative because of the trading, military and resource constraints that America put on Japan after they effectively colonised them in a geo-political and socioeconomic sense.
So yeah America is accidentally responsible in a secondary sense but without their intervention in WW2 and beyond against the Japanese we wouldn’t have video games.
Give a well deserved day off from work to
>God this site is so fucking stupid
Actual consoles and all hardware is done in japan HQ. California just dictates everything gaming for the rest of the world
>this Weeb delusion
Video games would 100% exist without Japan
The entire PC section got on fine with no Japanese support, hell Video games would probably be more PC based if it wasn't for japan.
Japan most likely made Video Games worse.
Pizza was invented in New York City
sounds like Sony is just a shit company and America is not to blame.
i wanna touch that bulge
because they are degenerates
They didn't move their HQ to California until recently.
>They aren't American companies, you know.
Nah slow boards are based
KFC is QUALITY over there. Only fast food I didn't enjoy was Domino's.
>Fucking E.T ruined everything.
E.T. was developed by one man in only 5 weeks
>I'm required to be nationalistic in everything I consume to the point of altering my tastes to shun companies that produce the things I like.
I like anime and nipponese art.
I don't like kimonos and traditional jap music
I like spaghetti and pizza
I like quesadillas
I don't like loud spics
I like LTG
I don't like your run of the mill 50 IQ ape.
Turns out you don't need to be an ultra nationalist, you just have to be able to admit that maybe you and your kind don't make ALL the best stuff
Why would them being American companies or not have anything related to them being good?