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Mommy Chakwas

I want to give Samara a non-Ardat-Yakshi baby

Patrician taste

Kasumi Goto of course

she's mai waifu

Liara, Tali, Samara or Kasumi. The rest are awful


>lusts after jacob for no reason
>every other fucking line is about jacob
she's fucking trash

as a nipponese, she can and will be mindbroken, and forget about him

if she were written by nipponese but she's written by bbc fetish bioware numale

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Tali=Kelly=Chakwas>>>Samantha=EDI=Jack>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else>>>>>>>>>[BIG NUMBER OF ARROWS]>>>>>>>>>>>>Miranda=Ashley

I miss this series so much.
Played it 12 times

decent opinions
trash opinions
objective truth

Why'd they have to ruin Ashley.
Fuck ea

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>Jack in a dress, ever
>Miranda in a terrible dress like that
This entire pic is terrible, but those two are flat out wrong

I dunno man, Ashley was that one character literally nobody gave a shit sbout from me1. Not saying her redisgn was an improvement, but there wasn't much there to ruin to start with.

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>dating sim dlc
I thought the game WAS a fucking dating sim. Doesn't need a DLC for that.

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What's this?

What's going on at the bottom of her left cheek.

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Looks like some deformation of the model.

all the non human ones

Look who's talking

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It's always Tali

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I could literally jump open up honey select, click on "create random female" and she will look better than any of those female in the image.

>no frecklebeast

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But what about the personality?

I want to marry Liara

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Who the hell is Gabby?

Some nobody.

Torn between Miranda and Samara.
Can't help but imagine Miranda would hold a gun to my head while riding me while Samara would literally fuck your brains out.

All women have the same personality. Crazy bitch. Also Jack is the only correct answer.

Kelly>Kasumi>Chakwas>Liara>the rest


The cannot have Asari milf

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where da fuck is gianna parasini


Jack with a side dish of chakwas and a lot of space booze/drugs and toys

Imagine the biotic braps.

>Offensive Biotics

Same user. I wish i was a billionaire so i could buy the rights of the franchise and then create the perfect ME game, it would be fucking amazing.

>wanting to fuck a asian girl who lusts after nigger cock

they all look ugly

The choice between Kaiden and Ashley was lame. They're both shit.

WTF is wrong with their kneecaps, like a human face in them

edi > chakwas > samara > everyone else

Not him. But this series could be so huge. The waste of such a good IP is hilariously sad. Next gen, maybe... doubt it.

>Next gen, maybe
remember what happened the last time we got a "next gen" mass effect. dragon age too, rip in peace bioware.


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Tali is the only ME girl worth a shit

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Samara exists, so nah


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Blueberries are garbage

Samara is the exception. Also the green blueberry was alright.

>tfw didn't romance anyone in ME2 because I wanted Kelly but was too slow to get to the critical mission and save her in time

Liara>Miranda>Samara>dont care

Switch to the guys

Wrex. Grunt.

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Where my Jack fags at?

God dammit what happened lads ? Seriously what was it that turned ME into such a mess ?

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