It's okay when gamefreak does it

it's okay when gamefreak does it

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people hated LGPE

wtf how was Jessie brown as kid and white as adult? Did she really get Bleached that hard?

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some white chad must've plugged her mum snatch hard.

>it's okay when gamefreak does it
No one ever thinks this. People have known about GF's incompetence for years.

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so uh can i get some sauce please

sauce plz

do not give these anons sauce.

Poketards would buy a literal piece of shit if it had the Pokemon logo

I can't even think of any recent instance of people saying anything nice about gamefreak.

Pokemon is unironically held back by Gamefreak. The one time they advanced in anything that wasnt a minor improvement in graphics, was when fucking Iwata programmed the game to be twice the size and include Kanto, in a fucking GBC game. Its a testament to both how skilled he was and how incompetent gamefreak was

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Ironically from your pic it's clear they went through the hassle of remaking the animation instead of porting over the other one, you can see all the differences in skeleton lines angles and some details, but this website is full of people who just latch to anything to complain, losing credibility when they actually have the right to

He's talking about how the animation from the previous game was reused for another character.

Oh also I forget to mention the dozens upon dozens of fangames and hacks that improve upon and change the Pokemon Formula in ways that are fun, professional, and make sense.

This, the animation was clearly redone entirely in the new engine. It's like saying "omg sonic spins in this one too, rehash"

>professional, and make sense.
You lost me at fangames, but this is the real error.

A lot of Nipnongs turn pale white to crispy brown instead of getting sunburned.

Things Pokemon got Right in Recent memory:

Things Pokemon got wrong in recent Memory:
Mega Evolution
Kanto fellatio
Kanto fellatio
A Tekken clone?
Increasingly Linear worlds in a series already known for being linear
Primal Groudon
Furrybait designs

I want to ______ Jessie.

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who doesn't?

No it's not okay when gamefreak does it. Let's go gets is fucking hated here as the laziest piece of shit they released. Removed a major fun mechanic, set on the 1st generation again but with less fucking content than the latest couple of generations which also had shite endgame content. Even though the game was smaller gamefreak couldn't be bothered with doing good attack animations, for god sake nintendo 64 pokemon stadium had way better animations. It was only successful because of the fucking fan hordes who would devour any shit thrown their way. I have an autistic friend (nice guy but his autism is a real handicap at times) who keeps bragging about how it's a mainline game and he wants more if this.

It doesn't bide well at all for future pokemon either with masuda at the fucking helm. Guy seems obsessed at making the series as braindead easy/accessible as possible while ignoring the fans more invested in difficulty.



ignore these anons. they do not deserve sauce.

but why? Reverse image search failed me

not sure why you're saying this on a board that shits themselves with rage at literally every single thing that gamefreak does

haha look at him go

... watch James have sex with Jessie while I watch and masturbate ...

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mbby on gelbooru
get fucked nigger

alternatively "Loli vs Densha gangbangers" on dlsite

thanks m8

I got u senpai.

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The more I think about Game Freak, the more I wonder if the Pokemon franchise as a whole was just a lucky ruse that didn't deserve to become popular at all.

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For a series about evolution the devs sure never evolved, Nintendo should flaunt the fact they have control and force in a secondary studio to work on it with them.

The games are still highly rated and are one of gaming's most successful IPs (the most successful IP in existence when you factor in media and merchandise outside of the games themselves), there is zero reason for Nintendo to try and tamper with what Game Freak does.

There's an argument to be made that more money in means more money out, if they pushed a new pokemon game as the biggest thing on the planet it could work.

Do what?

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Pokemon became popular with a competent game dev.

even during the development of RBY, Iwata bailed them out of their own incompetence constantly. Now he is dead so they don't have their backup code wizard anymore to help them actually make a game correctly.

It's weird to think those two pics are on radically different hardware.


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no it's not. the bottom picture looks better in literally every way. better textures, 3d assets in the background instead of 2d cutouts. the game is supposed to look simple, as it's intent is to look like red and blue, which are extremely simple looking. do you want to get memed on and have the game look like "OCARINA OF TIME IN UNREAL - NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN!"?

>redditor doesn't understand Yea Forums memes

Nintendo in a nut shell

I wanna hold hands with Jessie.


you just made me masturbate to jessie cosplay

thanks Yea Forums

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god bless this artist

he went mental knowing jessie and james got together and had kids in the old pokemon manga

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So according to this B&W2 is the peak of the franchise? How accurate is that?

Well looks like 'm gonna have to blast off again

no it's not you retard
everyone shits on gamefreak, especially /vp/
close your fucking mouth for once and think before you speak

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A bunch of incels racists complaining about people of color... wow what's new?

Try having sex.


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It's 100% accurate.

based user

One of the best, which is better between Emerald, Platinum, HH/SS and B2W2 is a matter of opinion. They all have their good and bad points but are great pokemon games overall. Shame that X/Y backtracked B2W2 and the series hasn't recovered yet

Why can't people actually put effort into bait anymore? Legitimate question.

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I'm going to play devil's advocate

You call Gamefreak lazy, but each generation they put a lot of work fine tuning the pokemon themselves for competitive play. Buffing them with new moves and hidden abilities and don't forget that they have to update the 3d models for all of these pokemon. I'm sure a lot of work goes into all that.

imagine being a 10 year old boy being pursued by a pvc clad thot

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>hair down
>no lipstick
i wish jessie was always like that

Effort isn't required

Who cares post Jessie

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This E3 will be a literal riot.


It's not about stereotype you humongous retard.
It's about reusing animations

Primals are fine honestly, I would even said every prime legendary should have a primal form, they are mythical beasts for fucksake
The rest are valid points I can get behind

I don't get it.

cringe samefagging

>was when fucking Iwata programmed the game to be twice the size and include Kanto,
I love how people always feel the need to mention this when it isn't even true.

Man that was a weird anime


They got a couple of other things right

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But their games do work correctly and Iwata hasn't been involved for 2 decades.

>muh literal who opinion with 2ch slapped on the filename to trick retarded weebs

Because Redditors can only mimic in a gross form that can only be taken as a mockery; they're too low IQ to create anything but trash.

You say this like people haven't noticed this.
And that they have been using the same 3D models and animations for pokemon now since X/Y and that won't change this gen and probably not the next one either.

0%, games went into shit the second they started adopting 3D for the mainline. Everything after Gen 4 only introduced garbage.

Redditors are the ones who respond to low effort bait user

No, marketing.

>it's mutually exclusive for no reason

Do the Pokemon games on the Switch change up enough that it feels like a fresh game? Or will memory from Red be too much and you're doing the same old thing.

I just wanna a fully realized, original, Pokemon game and no more gimmicks or reused assets.

I'll shit-talk Gamefreak all fucking day and so will a ton of other people.. Some of us are just enough of Pokemon junkies that we buy it anyway.

You don't know what samefagging is

Please stop posting until after you've seen a vagina.

They also got the exclusion of a couple things right if you know what I mean.

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>that armpit fat

No it’s not
Everyone around the globe is sick of Game Freak’s shit