Who is funding Crytek? In Fall 2017, they received a major investment from an unknown party...

Who is funding Crytek? In Fall 2017, they received a major investment from an unknown party. This money allowed them to stabilize after years of financial woes including the closure of most of their branches between 2014-2016, and they've seen been able to work on Hunt: Showdown with seemingly little risk of bankruptcy. Employees are being paid. Everything seems fine. But where is the money coming from? Microsoft seems like a possibility. Hunt: Showdown is going to release on Xbox Game Preview on the 16th. It's gonna be a surprise announcement on Inside Xbox that MS accidentally leaked when they unloaded the "This Week in Xbox" page a few days ago. MS and Crytek have ties that go back to the original Crysis. But that doesn't mean MS are the ones who handed Crytek millions of dollars. So... any thoughts?

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Yes, (((who)))?


jewish kike

Why doesn't microsoft just buy crytek?

No, the Amazon money was from 2015. It was a single cash injection of about 75 million, I believe. No strings attached beyond that.

I like Hunt:Showdown I wish they would've made a singleplayer game based on that you know with hunting and more variety of monsters. Who knows might've turned out pretty good.

Wasn't Ardogan's government that fund crytek ?

>Why doesn't microsoft just buy crytek?
Historically the company suffered from shitty management and they were also fuckhuge and management was super proud. Also, MS weren't interested in buying studios for a long time. I imagine they've considered buying Crytek in recent years. They've also considered buying IOI and a few others. But Crytek wouldn't necessarily sell. They refused to sell the rights to Ryse to MS back in the day, which was why Ryse 2 got canned. They sat on TimeSplitters for a decade. I figure Crytek are the kind of company where MS is likely to want the milk instead of the whole damn multinational cow. Hunt has the potential to a massive hit. If MS can keep it exclusive to Xbox, it can drive sales just like PUBG did. Unfortunately, Crytek's forte is FPS design. Sandbox FPS design. And there are some short-sighted people within Microsoft with a "We have Halo, so why do we need another FPS game?" mentality. These people were the ones who snuffed out Perfect Dark 3 back in the day.

That turned out to be a false rumour based on poor translation, I believe.

Ah fuck, that'd explain a lot. Sad.

The original Far Cry and arguably the entire Crysis series are FPS games that offer an experience you can't find elsewhere. It really annoys me how console kiddies think that Crysis was "only popular because it had good graphics", and who don't understand what a design revolution Crytek's games were in a market dominated by linear Half-Life-likes.

Crytek can die for all i care
their only good IP just escaped

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Crytek never really cared about TimeSplitters. They only inherited it when they bailed out Free Radical.

I mean that's true, what good ass open ended games had existed by that time? I've beat the first crysis 3 times and I've never experienced such very open but linear levels in any other game.

>unt: Showdown is going to release on Xbox Game Preview on the 16th. It's gonna be a surprise announcement on Inside Xbox that MS accidentally leaked when they unloaded the "This Week in Xbox" page a few days ago.
Some poor intern probably got slapped.

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Oh fuck it's going to run so bad on og xbox

Turkish Goverment

name a more incompetent company

The open world meme took over. Now open worlds are great, but they trade actual level design for open world constructor-set world design. The actual skill of designing LEVELS has started to die out in modern production pipelines. Crytek kept pushing for actual level design in Crysis 2/3 and they put a rather large focus on physics and destruction, but everyone else was in love with Ubisoft's "let's just stick outposts and grass and trees everwhere and call it a day" approach. In recent years, developers such as Arkane have tried to push proper level design. Also Eidos Montreal in their Deus Ex games.

>Oh fuck it's going to run so bad on og xbox
I dunno. They've massively improved performance on PC, and Crytek became rather performance conscious when they started doing VR stuff where high framerates are mandatory. Crytek's console games used to have hilariously low framerates, so it's understandable people would be wary, but I expect they'll try to attain a locked 30fps. I'm wondering whether the PC and Xbox versions will stay in development lockstep, or whether they'll drift apart, PUBG-style.

Oh yeah, I play the game and they surely improved performance by a lot but that doesn't mean it will run perfectly fine even for console standards, and yeah I think that pc will be way ahead of them too.

>And there are some short-sighted people within Microsoft with a "We have Halo, so why do we need another FPS game?" mentality. These people were the ones who snuffed out Perfect Dark 3 back in the day.
But didnt MS clean house when Phil Spencer was promoted? I'd imagine things are different there now considering that hes the top person of Xbox now.

CI Games.

I really like hunt showdown and I really want it to be successful.

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'BR' mode is so nerv wrecking I thought it would be complete shit at first but boy oh boy. I guess the absence of the death wall helps.

It was actually Spencer who turned them down.

>"And it was a process of what do you guys want to do, what's unique for us, and they were just going to do Crysis, and they'd just come out of Far Cry, and we said we've probably got enough military future shooters, so go do that."

I notice non-FPS fans often seem to have trouble appreciating the nuances of the FPS genre. MS never understood, for example, that PC fans wanted a different type of FPS experience to what console fans wanted. Tactical shooters were never really popular with console audiences. But PC audiences loved them. MS missed a huge opportunity to pursue more PC-oriented FPS games. Spencer turned down Crysis, and then wanted Crytek to make a Kinect game. That later turned into Ryse after multiple reboots. If MS had gotten control of Crysis, EA wouldn't have driven it into the ground.

Microsoft fucked up a lot with game franchises they had an opportunity to protect and nurture. They could have ensured KOTOR 3 got developed. They could have thrown money at EA for a Jade Empire 2. They could have saved Crysis. They could have saved Deus Ex. There are a fair number of game series or companies that have a strong historic relationship with MS, that MS just neglected due to poor management. Remember when Mass Effect was an Xbox/PC exclusive? MS squandered that. Hopefully their new direction means they'll capitalize instead of shitting brand power up the wall.

Last but not least, Microsoft bought exclusivity for SC: Conviction, but when the series really needed MS's backing, after the financial failure of Blacklist, MS just sat back instead of stepping in to reclaim Splinter Cell as the iconic Xbox series that it was.

Jesus christ, in retrospective I just hope that microsoft doesn't ruin all the new studios they have acquired right now