Brazil is a dystopia for gamers. There's no worse place...

Brazil is a dystopia for gamers. There's no worse place. Consoles are extremely pricey (back then we called the PS4 the PS4K, as it cost 4000 bucks for us) and games are out of anyone's budget. This is a literal dystopia.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I could give you a list of good games which run fine on older hardware, user. No one will mind if you pirate them either.

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just buy a computer and games on steam


man if only they hadnt elected Haddad the dollar would be lower, oh wait...
also go to paraguay or buy black market shit, only retards buy legally imported shit

>using steam spyware
Get a load of this cia nigger.

guess you can pirate games but what are they gonna spy on, literally nothing, it's not worth the time and money for them.

It's that or get fucked by overpriced games because inflated taxes, choose your poison.

>playing vidya
>not buying a gun and shootin niggas in the ghetto
you're doing it wrong

what happened to Brazil becoming the world's fastest growing economy like 10 years ago? lmao

how the hell would that happen. they have no industry outside of farming and natural resources.



white boy can't handle real people food?

previous government got embroiled in so much corruption shit, fucked shit up here.

Society is a dystopia for gamers.

7 X 1
1 X 7

7 1X7

>Having a birth certificate
Get a load of this glowing fuck

What the fuck is this?

I don't live in a dystop-

>being a paranoid cp collector
Yikes dawg.

Well, then move to Japan.

Brazilians elected Bolsanaro, of course a country with a populace this stupid ends being shit.

But he's better than Haddad.

>implying that Argentina or Verguenzuela are worse
M8, our salaries+ inflation gonna kill us for real. Videogames? A long forgotten dream...

Your entire country is a dystopia because its a racially mixed disaster and you actually believe in the pseudoscience of racial equality. Frankly, if you care about video games, you need to care about the racial demographics of your nation.

Bolsanaro was the only guy in Brazil who even presents Brazilians a hope for salvation (he won't unless he recognizes genetics determines everything and starts genetically improving the population, first by getting rid of leftists like you).

>implying Haddad would be better
Get out of here, petista safada.

Didn't Brazil keep the Master System for years after it was discontinued in other countries?

the first thing smart people do is seek education outside of brazil and never go back, they'll never EVER be anything.

This simply isn't the truth anymore. It used to be so much fucking worse before, consoles were luxury items in the 90s and people still had them(although we mostly played rentals, owning games was difficult).

You can actually buy vidya for under R$100 today if you wait just a few months. That's like 25 USD and about as much as a grown man is willing to spend on games. You can get 60~80 hours of entertainment even from AAA western games. A weekend of normalfag partying or clubbing cost more and last a fraction of that time.

It has improved a lot in recent years, DESPITE economic recession. Calling it a Dystopia is ridiculous, I'm sure gaming anywhere else in South America is much, much worse.

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I lived in Brazil as a kid. A SNES was expensive as fuck, but then my dad bought a PC and it was the turning point for me. Now, your digital games are even cheaper. Maybe you miss out on some Sony/Nintendo exclusives but that's it. Hardly what I'd call dystopia. Plus you get dedicated BR servers!

It's not bad in Chile and Peru.

Off you go, chimp.

Up until recently, Brazil was ruled by a hard-leaning leftie party, the Worker's Party PT. Under them, we had unprecedented economical prosperity. That's where the sleeping giant memes and predictions such as yours came from. Everything was fine up until the end of their third term.

They did get elected for a fourth term in office(we're talking about Presidential mandate here) but immediately after the election, they were forced to release some data which showed that, contrary to their electoral propaganda, the country was quickly approaching recession. It was later revealed that PT was performing some "creative accounting" to keep the economy going strong, which is really just n euphemism for putting make up on numbers to hide the fact that we've been systematically spending more than we've been collecting. You know, the same mistake that put Greece where they are now. And keep in mind, Brazil is the most tax-hungry nation in the world and we still overspend.


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Bruh I've never paid for anything except pic related. And played every game out there. Just pirate nigger.
If you really want to play console exclusives look for gaming cafes in your city. That's how I played Bloodborne. Just $70 over a span of months and finished it. Used to go on days I felt like it and played 3-4 hours.

Over time, it was revealed that money was leaking out everywhere. From borrowing it with no guarantees to other left-leaning countries around the world(mostly dictatorships), corruption and financing artists that supported left-leaning doctrines, most of it was being misused. This exhausting lead to the impeachment of the president, the VP finishing the term.

Lat 2018 happens and, like many places around the world, Brazilian middle class no longer saw themselves represented by leftie movements. That's when Bolsonaro comes in with his liberal promises and a very pro-USA alligned agenda. A complete and utter break away from politics.

Their first job is fixing up the mess they've inherited, which means taking some unpopular reforms. Some people are afraid that they might screw up like Argentina(which also took a hard turn right but didn't end well for them, it never does for Argies).

Another problem is that PT still has the most seats in Congress and most politics will not vote in favor of anything unless you assign extra resources(money) to be spent in their respective states, which in turn helps them perpetuate their mandates. It's been a problem since day 1.

Let's get to what matters: Vidya. The R$ -> USD exchange rate went from hoving just above 2:1 to stably around 4:1 recently. It made vidya tougher to get but a still much better situation than the 90s.

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Truth hurts mutt

rapazes, i bought this PC for 1970 bolsonaros, prebuilt. Did eu do good?

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Here in Chile is not ideal, but it's pretty decent. Consoles are affordable at least, and we can digitally buy games with international credit cards, which ends up being super cheap. Physical games are pretty expensive compared to what they actually cost in the US, but they're not expensive to the point it's stupid either.

It's an inflated bubble propped up with cheap central bank money just like every other "huge economy" like the USA. Also GDP means nothing when there's massive inequality

forgot pic

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>Mas e o PT?

don tcomplain brazil bro theres way worse places in south america like us (argentina) our peso is worth 1/46 of a dollar and the console market is 20 times smaller than in brazil , shitholes will always be shitholes tehres no escape

>not moving to japan like the japanese did to us
>not earning twice what you make in brasil
>not getting a qt japa gf
>not moving to the land of video games
food and work here is shit but there is video games and money so I'm happy

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How much do games cost on release? In Brazil it's R$250 which translates to $60 USD exactly. Physical games can be found cheap if its mainstream stuff that stores overstock but for stuff like weeb games it never goes down.

I would rather earn a little less and not be forced to do 4 hours unpaid overtime every day of my life, thank you.

except they were always there.

if you want proof that video games aren't the main evil of society, look at Brazil

there's plenty there to piss off people on the left or right.

don't worry, america will be just as fucked up as you are in a few decades

Niggers are the ones that get addicted to gibs which is exactly the promises that the previous government made. They never understand that it's just an excuse to tax people more and divert the money.


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just like democrats in america.

I guess you did what you could, because an okayish gaming rig is gonna be 3000 bolsonaros if you buy stuff during a sale. 4500+ for the powerful stuff.
And it's only going to get worse, prices never stop going up.

Bullshit. I see all of you faggots on Battlefield 4 and Hardline. I had one of you Brazilians call me "poor" (???), and I told him to go back to his mud hut with his 2liter soda flip flops, go fling your spears at parrots or whatever the fuck you do.

This. Bolsonaro has the right idea, the less money going through the hands of the state, the less opportunity there is for corruption. The problem is, how do you turn the country with the world's largest and most complicated tax system into an efficient, liberal market machine?

It's difficult for people to handle the idea that they will have to plan their lives on their own instead of relying of state-mandated systems and "gibs".

Brazilian NEET with a cute girl folder. AMA

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>3 slices of jalapenos at the end
For what purpose?

all brazilians in porn are so fucking weird.
>women are pale as fuck
>guys look like mexicans with black medium sized dicks

Precisely, the short answer is >niggers, but there's an actual explanation.
I'm with you on that, and honestly, I wouldn't want to be in his position. That being said the first step would be making all taxes and services isolated at a state level, why? To begin with so that the south doesn't get fucked. Secondly so that in case one state gets fucked up, it won't spread to other states. The more compartmentalized something is, the lesser the chance of cross contamination.

I was happy at the prospect that another monkey understood the value of genetics, then I read the rest of your post. Why don't people understand that behavior, and because of that, culture, is genetic? Where you from user?

This is difficult in many levels because states are greedy. Look at how much they wrestle over the royalty rights to the Pre-sal while at the same time owing obscene amounts of cash to the Union.

>there are less corruption in private companies

You don't know shit about the world, son. That's why you belive in Bolsonaro. That's why you, like most brazilians, you turned against your fellow men. Pay attetion to the next lines, because its what you've been needed to hear for a long time;

Lile any underdeveloped society, Brazil lives in a cast society, but its even cruel because it's subtle. Take a look at yourself, how many times have you said "I ain't the same as those piece of shit". How natural it is for you? How hard it is to starting to realize how deeply devìded we are from each others? Do you think others think the same about you? Well...

Food for thought.

I do not expect you to believe me or to understand how and why this is a problem. This answer was an act of mercy. Good luck.

If this isn't projecting than I don't know what is. Spoken like some sheltered social studies major, well done Mr. Gift to the World.

That's OK user, you're new right wing government will fix it

Delicious. 200% greese pizza, what's not to like

não ironicamente uma delicia

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That's why whoever can leave this shithole is leaving. The country sabotages itself harder every time when the solutions would be simpler.
But the people WANT to divide, they WANT to feel superior to others and WANT a huge chunk of the population to remain poor and uneducated while only they and their friends could get anything.
There's no solving to this country's situation unless some external force completely wipes everything to start over.

I think you have more to worry about than high videogame prices lmao

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>the less money going through the hands of the state, the less opportunity there is for corruption
And the less money the nation will have. Also don't think for a single second that Bolsonaro is above corruption, he is already very close to JBS.

If each state only had the right to the taxes they themselves collect, that question would become a non issue. The problem is that actually managing to put enough congressmen in power to change things is ridiculously hard.

>rest of the world won't meet brazilians in games
What's the dystopian part?

persona in brazil when
you don't even need a shadow world

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Ps4 hasn't been 4000 reais for years, fuck off with your outdated retarded bait. Anyone with a job can afford one now

Bolsonaro is a retard though.

A job is not the same as disposable income, mauricinho

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this is the average brazilian woman
say something nice about her

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No but i'm sure you are

You're supposed to be out fucking Blazins, Volleyball chicks, and other thots.

Its the price you pay for not having a population thats 50% hambeast.

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The fuck was that ever stated? Far back as I can recall China and India were always the two people looked at. China is still on track and India is fucking itself all over the place due to no infrastructure, class discrimination, and rape gangs.

>implying Yea Forums doesn't spy on you

Plenty of asian shitholes also have full priced console games but according to steam's regional pricing they should be much cheaper

Someone post the clip

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you haven't seen nothing yet

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Passando só pra dizer que frango com catupiry é uma bosta.

embasado e vermelopilulado

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Please tell me those are traps.

>Presents problem
>Talks about how it can't be helped
>Does not propose a solution

3/10 effort. I bet you're a humanities student in some public university.

Human beings are inherently better some more than others. Horizontal equality is a myth, a lie we tell to make the world not seem so bad. It's like Santa.

As long as we are still wishing to move forward, things will continue to be better. Even if you don't like Bolsonaro, his election was a sign that Brazil wants to improve. Haddad might have been largely the same but, ultimately, he represents stagnation. "This is shit but I am too scared to change".

I believe Bonoro is the man this country needs and deserves right now. For the better or worse, we're still trying.

Textbook argument coming from someone indoctrinated by socialist school textbooks.

Unfortunately, that's not how a country works.

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is this a sushi pizza

I'm hungry now

>Unfortunately, that's not how a country works
I know, I was replying to the question of how to fix the country, the first step is compartmentalizing the states so that each state can only use the taxes that it collects.

Physical games are usually around US$70 when new, which is pretty stupid. People mostly buy used or digital because it's usually half the price.

>Textbook argument coming from someone indoctrinated by socialist school textbooks.
What, that Bolsonaro is close to JBS? I'm not seeing how that is relevant to your post

At least they're not Venezuela tier

Just be rich.

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come back to portugal and we'll help you out

Brazil and Greece are both permanently economically fucked by the leisurely lifestyle of the populace, and the overhead transportation costs from the mountainous coastlines.
That said, though he of course has his flaws, Bolsonaro will slowly improve the economy at least compared to Rousef and that other guy between the two.

Dear Hue friends, please stop coming to Portugal without a valid excuse to do so. You won't enter this country.

Buying videogames isn't a good excuse

They aren't allowed in.

fucking greece. if you are a greecenigger reading this PAY THE DEBTS!!!!!

Half this country thinks Portugal is heaven, and and entering is as easy as buying a plane ticket.
Good luck with that, Manuel.

100 years is not long enough for Greece to pay its debt.

Looks at this outdated chart. Every Greek owes 38 grand USD. EVERY SINGLE GREEK. And unlike the other countries in here, they've got no industry or any means to even begin constructing a plan.

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Not paying denbts

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Which country can pay it's debts at this point, it's a fake currency, that has zero value, created by a dirty jew to extend his influence and control the world. It HAS to fall at one point.

This honestly.
Most countries pay loan interest with more loans.
The jew here is the US though, who can print international currency and accumulates debt faster than a fat american eats burgers.

I don't agree.

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>who can print international currency and accumulates debt faster than a fat american eats burgers
Hold on now, depend on which fat american.

How about you give us more money for these programs, Hans? We will repay you whenever.
t. Stelios

Steam, Origin, and other digital distribution services have discounts and even outright giveaways so often that you can get by quite easily these days being a poorfag. As long as you basically game 1-5 years behind everyone else.

just go to mexico then walk across the border to america then live there. its not like there a wall or anything to stop you.

rip hue user.

Pay war reparations you kurwa

B-b-but the immigrants will get less welfare!

Thank the gods for bessie and her tits.

Steam and greenmangaming have good prices.
I bought MHW for R$80 ($30).
Just dont buy AAA and wait for promotions.

one of my cpu cooler's legs broke. So now its attached with 3 legs.

would you eat it?


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Could there possibly ever be a more based and redpilled user than this one? Didn't think so, retards.

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For some reason countries with more social issues are less likely to elect socialist scum. It is too late for Germany and Sweden
press f

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>live in fucking BRland of all places
>worries about spyware

You have bigger things to worry about than some spyware spying on your monkey business.

No thats not the correct use of the word. You live in a shitty country, its pretty much normal.

BRIC was a big thing by being propped up by far left anti-western idealists years ago who believed that brazil, russia, india, and china would topple the US and EU economically and the resulting turmoil would allow for anarcho-communist sentiments to take hold. however what these sheltered whities didn't undesrtand is that all of these countries are far worse than the EU or US in regards to human rights and would likely stamp them out via force. a decade later and they've finally realized what people are were telling them back then is true since those same countries are showing their true colors now.

This is such a garbage pic

>Argentina(which also took a hard turn right but didn't end well for them, it never does for Argies)
Peronism fucked the country so hard that its almost impossible to climb out the hole that it finds itself.

that jump was so pointless but I enjoyed it

The condition of any group is the responsibility of the people who make it up or those who created it. Only exception is direct outside influence like poisoning resources, invasion (wartime), etc.

bom dia rapazes

North Korea

Having lots of natural resources and being a breadbasket are recipes for success though

Péssimo dia

>waaaah I can't buy consoles
And nothing of value was lost

good i wont have to deal with you fucking Brazilians running around spamming JAJAJAJAJA

get fucked

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It’s actually kkkkkkkk or huehuehue

They use venezuelas money
In fact every country growing up In south america is thanks to venezuelas oil
Even literaly who bolivia is in development
God fuck chavez everything its hes fault

do south americans hate each other? like balkans for example.

Yes but only whit culture clash
We talk the same lenguage but aur culture is different in every region

found the amerimutt

>caring about videogames when shit like this happens on a daily basis

>hard-leaning leftie party,
>hard learning lefties
loling at you. enjoy your actual commie-tier president retard.
>but at least he hates fags! doesn't matter that he's a statist!



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Ohhhhh no. Peeples hyeurting each uzzer. Fyeurst time in history!

those are olives

>righties want bolsonaro because he's a liberal! fuck commies!
>bolsonaro in power
>starts doing turbocommie shit like censorship and forcing theaters to show MADE IN BRAZIL movies
>bolsonaro promises BRL stronger than USD
>1 USD = 4 BRL
>bolsonaro promises that he's a PATRIOTIC NATIONALIST
>cuts funding to science research which was surprisingly one of the only white things brazilian government has ever done
this is what happens when you have "religious" retards in power
i want out bros, it doesn't matter if it's left or right anymore, i'm done with this trash country

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enfia no seu cu

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post Brazil kino

>living in a south american shithole
Yeah, I pretty much assumed it would be a dystopia.

Why they dont have guns at night?

>tfw can't afford a dreamcast.

This is your government.
Say something nice about it.

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who the fuck cares about our sopa de macaco recipes anão?

>it doesn't matter if it's left or right anymore
It never mattered, too bad it's taking brazilians 2 mandates of Dilma + Temer + Bolsonaro to realize that and that the only way out is a drastic political reform.

Too bad both hardcore lefties/righties are too proud to admit when they fuck up because they think politics is some Fla x Flu petty rivalry and not a means of democratic debate and development of our society.

Posting superior version

Games would be the last thing on my mind if I lived in Brazil.

just in case you guys don't know, that's fake pizza dough. they sell these dumb things for people to practice. it's dumb because dough is cheap as shit and it doesn't stretch or feel like the real thing so it doesn't actually really help you get good at throwing pizza.

source: worked at a pizza joint for shits and giggles to learn how to make pizza one time.

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Dont you fucks just rob and murder your neighbors for that stuff anyway?

>Wanting Hues on PC

I'm glad I got to read this on the internet, I thought everyone was on either extreme. Your last sentence is spot on.

I can't wait for all the religious boomers to just fuck off and die so we may have shit done on this fucking country. But tell me anões, what games are you playing recently? I'm emulating Persona 3 and I'm liking it so far.

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i'm sorry friend but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon.

source: not from brazil but live near and know a bunch. they're real religious.

By design. Everyone is being subtlely engineered into being dissatisfied with democracy. They'll cry out, screaming for a new system to save them from the corrupt politicians. lol there already is a new one waiting for them.

>br food
I will fucking kill you

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baseado e centristapilulado

I finished Automata ending E last week and went back to emulating that one Pkmn Platinum hackrom that released last year.
Are you emulating the PS2 or PSP version? If it's PSP is it too bad compared to the console version? I want to get into Persona but I no longer have my PS2.

Where is the list...?

Yes, I have a colleague that lived in Japan, the pay was good but working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week really sucks. And the food is terrible, and you can't complain because all Japs eat it, and it's all they have.

>I can't wait for all the religious boomers to just fuck off and die so we may have shit done on this fucking country
And the next generation will fuck us over, the millennial gen is the most cucked generation in history.

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this is the best YTPBR


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