Post a mosaic of your favorite current gen games and let other anons rate you!
New indie games count too.
8th Gen 3x3
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Is there a good generator I can use for this?
Making one on your own is preferable but
>sonic mania twice
uh then technically 2/3
>>sonic mania twice
Fuck me I didn't even notice it.
It was going to be Deus Ex Mankind Divided.
TLOU is last gen.
Katana Zero looks awesome, I've never heard of it until now
Boring fucking gen. Some good games, but boring.
>Mania twice
Yikes, we get it op, you genuinely, legitimately have autism and a supervisor must hold your hand every time you leave your room.
It's been hell of a lot better than last gen, but I say that as a PCfag
Hollow Knight
Enter the Gungeon
Guacamelee 2
Shovel Knight
Mega Man 11
Sonic Mania
Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Starfox Zero
This has to be bait.
ETG will always be fun to play as long as you don't burn yourself out on it. Also am I the only one who hates playing as the bullet?
Odyssey was such a great game it actually made me want to 100% complete it and I had a great time doing it with the exception of the cloned missions like the binocular ones and the dark side of the moon secret challenges.
Get ready for some bland taste. On a side note I really wish Overkill would've focused more on improving Payday 2 instead of shoving more DLC and mircotransactions into it.
>Get ready for some bland taste
You're nowhere near as bad as other fags in this thread
>8th gen games
>The silver case, a game that came out in fucking 1999
>Sonic twice
Op, you are a retard.
That's 25th Ward though which was a phone game that wasn't completed until the rerelease on the 8th gen.
Tbh the only hope I have left is that somehow a soundtrack update emerges from the wreckage of that company
fite me
Bumping while I make one
>Sonic Mania twice
I know it's been mentioned already but I will continue to condemn you for your mistakes. Forever.
Life is Strange does not belong here
Nintenbro doesn't belong here
good tastes
You smoke weed 100%
hahahaha holy shit
this is a female
someone who unironically says "get good"
>Battlefront 2
>fallout 4
>shadow of war
This has to be bait.
AC7 was great nigger
Too retarded to mosaic...
>Dark Souls 3
>Mario Odyssey
>Shovel Knight
>Witcher 3
>Smash ultimate
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Wolfenstein New Order
shit was boring as fuck
>someone who unironically says "get good"
Stop being a shitter.
ah, another 3x3 thread, lets see here.
There's some taste to be found here, but not an especially good one.
That's a no, and cringe from me, quite a large one. Yikes.
woah, this is half cringe, half based.
now this is, moderately based but there's like an aftertaste of cringe.
yeah, not going to bother with this one, although mgs5 is the best mgs game and titanfall 2 is alright. Otherwise? Big cringe. But two very based games.
yeah, this is okay. Actually, pretty based.
this is not very good because of stardew walley
this is, doablie based, although witcher 3 and sekiro are mediocre.
Well, that's it. Here's my 1x1.
double cringe
zoom zoom
>hunie pop
cyberslut is based but goddamn they fucking blew it with HM
jesus fucking christ
on second thought I should have replaced VTMB with pic related.
The game is still good but once I read up 20+ WoD lore books the setting is woefully underused but I really can't blame them.
these are my tastes
they belong to me
People really like Hollow Knight huh. I didn't really, I prefer Ori.
What's top left?
CrossCode looks fun, tempted.
Is Dusk good? What other indie shooters are there? I feel like there's a few, but I forgot them all.
Awful post.