Who are the most interesting followers?
Who are the most interesting followers?
Just started playing this actually.
Part of me likes Fane, especially because I am a skeleton so having us both have the same race is convenient. While his backstory is mysterious and interesting, he himself is kind of a cunt. Not sure if that changes.
you're a skeleton?
Fane is a walking spoiler for a lot of background stuff. Lohse's plotline is really well done and has a fucking amazing ending. idk about definitive, but beast and ifan were meh in normal. Red prince and sebille are also really good, have a lot to do with the ancient empire. Plus sebille is an edgelord and red prince is a hilarious prick, so there's that.
of course
Fane and Sebille are coolest. Lohse is awesome to play as protag but as a companion she's pretty blehhhhhhhhhhh
tell me about lohse i heard her romance is less than half sebille's content
i don't know anything about the romance, but her demonic infestation plotline has a lot of work put into it. Having her in the party even spawns the potential for a new ending, if you can believe it.
Not sure about her romance arc, never got into it
if you main as Lohse, are you able to get her to sing?
I'm doing a run with ethan, sebelle and lotse right now. Beast's a good guy but he's not any different from every other fantasy dwarf ever.
You'll have to play and find out won't you? :^)
thanks sebille is too tall
i guess Lohse having a romance with Sebillewould be interesting to see after the nameless isle
she's a tree you dip
she's too tall elven females taller than all males too tall
Lohse's romance seems a bit lacking compared to Sebille's. Sebille will actually change the way she addresses you if you get her lusty enough
She wants the lizard dick.
damn it shame she's too tall
>be Fane
>treat the Red Prince like a bro the whole game
>suddenly he gets calcium fever and fucks me on the way to Arx
What did he mean by this?
3 meter tall elf girls.
Maybe taller.
I'm currently playing the game doing lone-wolf co-op with my friend. I'm loving my elementalist build I got going raining fire, ice, and poison across the map while my friend dicks everyone from behind with instant crits.
I'm trying to do a full 4 party by myself and I can't bring myself to play and get out of the fort. I just get bored because of how long fort joy is..
why not play a lizard and be taller?
female elves taller even male lizards i checked
I never noticed that before.
But for what it's worth, I think it's still great to have her in a party at least.
I like that Sebille pretty much turns a complete 180 by the time you leave Fort Joy. She's pretty much the most loyal party member I have. Even fucking Beast tried to betray me at some point in Chapter 4 but managed to pull through via a persuasion check.
i would romance her if she not too tall make her shorts
All followers backstab you unless you've completed their personal quests.
Is this game worth playing again? I bought it a few months ago and played it on tactician but it was too hard so I stopped before leaving the island.
Play it on classic or git gud.
I think that’s what I tried it on but the learning curve was too steep and I couldn’t kill the spiders or the fight club thing.
first island sucks you don't have gear. pickpocket for money and gear.
I tried tactician with an OC and Ifan and it was pretty easy
Just steal skill books and equipment and you'll be fine.
I think at that point, the only personal quest you can fully complete is Sebille's. So there isn't a need to persuade her as long as it's taken care of.
Not sure about Fane, but everyone else's has to resolve after Nameless Isle even if you let Ifan shank Alex.
I as a skeleton mage and I just went around killing NPCs for equipment and resurrection scrolls because my party members kept dying.
You'll know soon, user. Fane is still the best character in the game. Everyother storyline couldnt hold a candle to his
>letting an undead in your party
As a companion:
Red Prince > Ifan = Sebille > Beast > Lohse > Fane
If you play them yourself:
Fane = Lohse > Sebille > Red Prince > Beast > Ifan
Flawless list.
Fane is basically the MC glad I first played as him.
Looks about the same height to me with Red Prince only slightly taller
Red Prince is best boy
Grab mods. They can really improve your experience.
Also, get the Divine War mod that changes the combat back to DOS1 and gets rid of armor
Make a full physical party and steamroll (almost) the entire game.
I only played for 2 hours but I love the Red Prince.
>try to wake him up from unconsciousness with water
>mumbling complains its not wine
How was divinity 1 combat?
Also armor is a huge meme I am doing a tactician play through soon and I assume lone wolf and melee+melee summoner/buff is still the easy game mode right?
He's pretty hammed up and tropey but he brings a fun dynamic that I can't imagine playing without
Divinity 1 combat was much easier, the Divine War mod changes much more stuff than just removing armor.
Damage now scales into only Strength alone, so other stats are more for utility. This makes it so that a warrior can still use staves and wands without having to go back to the mirror every time to respec. Also, some stats like stun, knock down, and poison now proc on % since the armor stuff has been removed.
Generally, it makes battles a lot quicker
>Also armor is a huge meme
Better than rng cc from the first game and instakilling half the encounters
Gameplay-wise his personal story also actually provides a lot of benefits compared to the others. Namely an extra encounter in Act 2 which provides another chance to steal the set uncanny evasion bow, and a unique summoning skill as a possible reward at the end of his story.
>replacing a tactical system with RNG
Sounds fucking shit mate.
YEah no, nevermind you are correct
I’ll just stunlock every encounter lel
best chars to play as- lohse, ifan
best bros- red prince, fane.
sebille is kind of a bitch, i fail to feel anything towards beast
why does metamorph only scale with strength not primary stat? fucking retarded man.
Is it better to play as an OC or an origin character? I could never decide when it first came out. OC seemed too generic and worse than the origin characters, but the origin characters having such defined characters but still having all the dialogue options of an OC made for some really immetsion breaking character breaks
Just because you have to choose between bad and less bad doesnt automatically make the less bad option good tho
I just want to know why polymorph gets apotheosis, when it shouldve been a sourcery spell instead
>Reshape yourself and your enemies
>Oh, and become a god for a few minutes
Fucking what
Armor exists to prevent exactly that, retard.
*Breaks your armor in 2-4 actions tops)
It’s stunlock time :)
It depends. Origins have their own unique story that is partially or fully intertwined with the main plot and is still available partially as a companion. Fane and Lohse in particular feel very different from an OC or hell even the other origins due to Fane dropping later game spoilers in the first act as the MC and Lohse having a very different reason for going on the main quest. OC's on the other hand lack anything extra outside the main quest but as you'd expect have the benefit of being fully customizable, so if you want a race/gender combination that the origins don't offer you could choose an OC instead. They also have their own choice of tags instead of preset ones which can get really important for certain quests. In terms of gameplay the OC's unique source skill is one of the best source skills in the game, especially in comparison to some of the more lackluster source skills the origin characters get saddled with.
>not getting excited to bang a tall Elven lass
>first game
>stunlock from the very beginning
>second game
>stunlock after 2-4 actions
>somehow second game bad
Stop huffing glue.
i have been stuck on who to take for a long time, so i just decided that i'd go for it as a full self insert and only take the ones that feel natural as if i was there.
>red prince
first person you see after crashing, take him so i'm not alone in a prison island
met him in the sinking ship so i know he's good, have him tag along
saw him trying to make a boat so i join with him for that escape chance.
everyone else i just had no reason to talk to so i skipped them.
literally who since she hides at the shrine and is easily missable
just stick around an elf picking a fight with some guys, since i went for mhu self insert experience i just left them be since i didn't want to join a fight
actually killed her since she tried to poke me as soon as i asked her why she was following the guy i needed to talk to.
that's about it and i must say i'm not disappointed in the least, this is the kind of game where if you think meta then you go crazy (at least for me) so i just went with the flow and didn't regret a thing
Right. I feel like I should actually get my meme "legit" path of blood run done for DE before Fallen Heroes releases whenever that is. Any suggestions for interesting builds/companions to accompany my Summoner/Support MC? Wonder if they added anything else to the reward for it aside from the wings and talking down Braccus Rex