So what is the best version of FF7 now?

So what is the best version of FF7 now?
Original PS1

Attached: Final-Fantasy-7-Switch-release-date-962x520.jpg (962x520, 75K)

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anything other than the original are trash

PC and modern PC are different ports. The only reason not to play the modern PC port over the others is if the added mouths arouse your autism or if you actually like not being able to see the battle models

PC (with mods)
PS4, XB1, Switch

Actually just use this:

Attached: kek.gif (338x338, 704K)

>added mouths
really simple patch for that, none of that seventh heaven shit

did that 60FPS menu mod get finished yet?

PS1 and only PS1.

Every port of FF7 I've played I've dropped and never finished. They're a fake version of the game.

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the closed mouths are fine but those open mouths are fucking retarded

Imagine being this pathetic. Being so brainwashed you prefer an inferior product.

The original PS1 version is the ONLY acceptable version.

All the ports are complete garbage because they're based off the PC version from the 90s, which uses fucking Direct3D. That means no soft shadows, no glow effects, no particle effects, no proper transparency. Everything looks like shit because it was made to be able to run on PCs from the 90s that didn't even have graphics cards.

You are retarded.

Imagine being younger than the game

PC with New Threat mod if you have already played the original.

Was almost a year old at release :)

PS1 original. The newer ports look like trash with the clashing hi-res models+low res backgrounds, the mouths look fucking stupid, the menus are less responsive, and the audio STILL doesn't loop correctly at certain points. The PC port has some decent mods, but for the core experience the PS1 original is the only acceptable choice.

pc with mods but fuck setting shit up so ps1 with mdef fix

You are clueless philistines.

PC version with REmako when its completed. Otherwise its what ever is the most accessible, for you.

Attached: MmxxkAk.jpg (1280x1778, 491K)

Attached: Final Fantasy VII 25-Jan-19 12_01_35 AM.jpg (1440x999, 401K)

Attached: Final Fantasy VII 24-Jan-19 11_57_15 PM.jpg (1440x999, 595K)

Attached: bugin1a_0_base_0066948.jpg (1280x960, 220K)

The Switch version is kind enough to speed up the battles and heal your party each turn of the battle. It was a breeze going through the game with those options.

This one of those AI creates better textures out of old game textures things?

This still looks like shit. Those models simply don't work in high resolution. The game only looks good in its original resolution, with the PS1's dithering effects.

Attached: datiao_1_0_base_0000516.jpg (1600x1216, 759K)

Yeap, the technology is not even a year old at this point, at least the version people are using to upscale old ass game textures.

Attached: canon_2_0_base_0001020.jpg (1600x1200, 470K)

this would be perfect with the cartoony battle models and not the realistic shit mods try to force

>turning on cheats for an already piss easy game
Why even play it over watching the cutscenes on youtube at that point

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As long as the visuals keep looking like a student project in every port, the PS1 version will always remain the best. See image.

>PS1: Atmospheric soft shadows
>PC: Big flat solid circles

Attached: ff7comparison.png (320x448, 172K)

How does this look on backgrounds with moving parts?

The models are fine, its not really that different from watching it on some big ass crt monitor, the background textures make it acceptable to play on modern computers at a acceptable resolution.

Attached: bonevil2_0_base_0000772.jpg (1067x1600, 495K)

>It was a breeze going through the game with those options.
It's a breeze going through the game regardless, you ding dong

autistic nostalgiafags

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>heal your party each turn of the battle.
You are a faggot.

Either PS1 (emulated at 240p, NOT upscaled) or PC with HD Remako mod.

None of the above. 7 was never good :)

Still in beta and has some kinks. At least I am juding off this video.

However motion shouldn't be a issue in the long run since the tech can fully upscale shit like the SMT intro.

Nice. I’ll have to keep an eye out for this mod. Thanks user.

switch because i can use the cute little kickstand and play at the counter while i eat

Attached: Beary_Pink (1).gif (205x274, 16K)

>like the SMT intro
>posts the PSP IS intro

Attached: 1438311894747.jpg (500x375, 30K)

Has anyone tried the Beacause retranslation mod?
I'm curious if it's actually better, or if plebs just think it is, kind of like most of these visual mods.
It would be nice if it made some of the story details more explicit, as long as it's more accurate to the original.

PS4 is pretty great the 3x speed is good for the tedious parts

PS1 version on PSP for portability is the best if you don't have a PS1 with a CRT. I can't believe they still haven't fixed the visuals on the rereleases.

I find switch to be comfy. Not too attached to the original desu but I have a copy

I still own the original but I don't have a CRT anymore.

Probably going to replay this.. should I buy it on PC :^)?

>PC and modern PC are different ports
No it's not?

the correct answer is "PC version or just get the rom for your PSP/vita"


Attached: whatYellowJL8.jpg (75x122, 7K)

Switch for portability.

Not even meming. FF7 becomes much more bearable with passive playing, there's so much fucking padding