Why instagram "models" usually own switch but never ps4?
What makes Switch so attractive to the young, sexual girls?
Why instagram "models" usually own switch but never ps4?
I think it's to literally attract basedboys since they tend to be the audience that drops money on camgirls
because switch has mario, zelda and pokemon which are the only three games girls like other than the sims
because they dont actually play games
They're trying to appeal to infantile, emotionally stunted, lonely losers, with no social life. In other words the ones most likely to give money to a girl they will never even see. Those are switch users. Also nerd cred. Normies think Nintendo is hardcore nerd gaming. They know what's up
Then why it was xbox just a gen ago?
Why do you care, you fucking retard, you are never going to meet or even talk to one so why even concern yourself with such useless information?
>only console with gameplay focused games
>hurr durr no games
Because Switch is the next new thing and the PS4 is a glorified FIFA machine. Last week I saw a fucking permanent PS4 banner in a champion's league match. Instathots have no market leverage for faggotball addicts.
Your faggy fisher price iPad only has games that appeal to 5 year olds and manchild incels.
*plays SJW-propaganda, faggotball and cencored gacha trash on his Söystation 4 Pro
Girls also enjoy Overwatch and League, but I'll take the Sims girls over League girls.
I only clicked this thread because I thought the thumbnail was Taki cosplay
>What makes Switch so attractive to the young, sexual girls?
Nothing, let me explain:
We are talking about Instagram models here which are glorified attention-thots. Anything they do is for the sake of getting more followers and the attention that they bring. Knowing all that now take a look at the average userbase of each platform.
Nintendo's playerbase are beta orbiters, kids easily imporessed by the looks of the thots and m'lady basedboys that will slurp anything those women secrete for the sole reason that they own the same platform as them.
PS and Xbox players are, in general, more normal guys and PC player are either seething incels, redpilled men or autists that just hate the idea of somebody owning anything but a PC.
Nope I play on PC you fucking peasant.
Nincels just deflect to Sony every time anyone criticizes their favorite corporation. It’s sad honestly.
Nintendo bux
That Zelda is appealing to me
Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda and to a less extend Mario are like the entry levels of vidya for any girl that wants to consider herself a "Gamer girl" because they're for the most part cute games, fairly easy and fun, so they enjoy those games and at the same time boast about how gamer they are.
>b-b-but S-Snoy!
All they need to do is say they play Zelda and the money and worshippers come rolling in.
Because Xbox is the console of the dudebros aka chads.
the fact you give enough of a shit to save this image proves his point
>Half sisters hot friend friend charges $250 a fuck.
>Lose virginity finally at 31.
I'm not one of you incel losers anymore :).
>not your hot half sister
>can't even get laid for free from sister friend
>can't even get laid for free from sister
fucking loser