Do you think censorship in video games is justified?
Do you think censorship in video games is justified?
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you want the porn then watch it, I don't mind censorship that much
the only people who seething are butthurt altright pedos
I don’t like any changes to the artist vision, but it’s a business so you have to change shit some times to sell your shit, sometimes to get a lower rating sometimes to appeal to a certain crowd.
I don't remember ever seeing the right sprite. Is this just a US thing?
>soulless vs soul
Keep your dick out of real child you stupid projecting faggot
Wait, I thought only cute girls get censored.
Only if it's kid games.
>Do you think censorship in video games is justified?
I think westernization/japanization can be justified: remodeling or slightly changing content (not enough to affect?effect gameplay, story, or visuals) to make it more marketable to a foreign audience is completely fine. I'm at least 70% okay with it and at most understand why it's done.
I'm not okay with Censorship though: purposefully removing something to spare.. Who? What? The audience? The customer? Children? Censorship doesn't make sense in media because that's what the ESRB is for: to """trigger""" warn and let the customer know what to expect.
These two points though can step on one another's toes and become a massive gray area.
Like, in the case of YOUR example given: I'm perfectly fine with it, because it didn't ultimately change or completely strip the image of it's 'purpose' or violate it's design. One guy has a speedo, vs one guy has tight-ass spats. He's still wearing appropriate swimming attire.
This is me going off on a tangent, but ultimately my semi-related thought to all this is: I really just don't understand why developers or whoever are pushing out sex appeal, but are okay with gratuitous violence? Why are big tits and hot women not okay, but removing heads, spraying blood, and spilling viscera fine?
Fundamentally I am against it, but it's classic slippery slope fallacy. No censorship in a game has absolutely inhibited my ability to play it, and from what I see the games that are getting censored the most are games I don't play and the ones I did play were subtle changes that I wouldn't have realized unless someone told me. It's hard to care until it personally affects me I guess and as prevalent as its first and foremost a business decision, so unless entire games get cut because of censorship I don't see it affecting me in a way that will actually anger me.
Censorship is never justified.
>but it's classic slippery slope fallacy.
>its first and foremost a business decision
Why censor niche Japanese games, then?
>no trigger discipline
>They then actually went ahead and censored the artbook
Sure whatever.
It doesn't affect me so I don't care.
post the female swimmer and I'll give you an answer
>Oh yes I can only think of porn when I see swimmers using swimming clothes, I am totally not mentally deficient
You don't need to justify what you do with your own video game.
Right is objectively superior.
>being an EOP
What’s this limbo from? looks cool?
I don’t like it, if you remove sexy stuff because you find it morally reprehensible, but not instances of extreme violence and sadism, you kind of imply those things are good, or at least acceptable. You might as well say make war not love
NOA was out of control with their bullshit. Im glad Nintendo told them to cut that shit out
This isn't censorship, this is stupid.
No censorship of any kind is justified, all it does is make things worse.
>edit the guy in speedos
>the buff pokemon in speedos is kept as is
Left is everything wrong with the west in both videogames and movies and drawings
Games are usually censored for 2 reasons. To sell more units or to get brownie points so more units get sold. Both suck ass
censorship upholds good Christian ideals and keeps up separated from those without Him in their life.
If you use social media then you're embracing the tool that creates mass censorship.
Speedos feel uncomfortable and can't properly contain my dick so i don't care about the censorship in that pic
Censorship is never justified.
> it's classic slippery slope fallacy
The rules for the platform should be explicit from the start. A dev should know exactly what they're allowed to do on that platform. If they don't, it's the owner of the platform's fault. If they do know and still break the rules, it's the dev/artist's fault.
Censorship is never acceptable but waifu/husbando faggotry annoys me to no end.
So mostly I just wish for games to stand on their own with fanservice as a bonus.
Okay dicklet
>slippery slope fallacy
Sometimes it's a fallacy, sometimes it's a genuine slope, because the first innocent change sets the precedent.
Tom was too good for us.
The man speaks the truth.
>male thighs
Anything you want to take off your chest?
no but desu that pic seems more to just fit better with what the US wears, rather than actual censorship
I can't be sure but I'm almost always against changes in different versions of the game. even times where they make it more sexual or violent rather than less. for example MG:R changed blood to be red for the US release, but originally when you fought Sam he had red blood, and so the impact that had is completely gone in the US release.
Instead what I feel they should do is keep everything as the original version intended, and make any changes options instead.
Resident Evil 2 (2019) should allow you to choose the gore level (the jap version is more tame in gore)
MG:R should have red blood be an option, but be like the original jap version by default to respect the artistic vision
DMC3 already fixed the difficulty being different in the US vs JP release in the HD Collection, as it always should have been
old games should that changed to green blood in certain versions should let you switch to red (most, like onimusha, did)
when it comes to censoring sexual content, I wouldn't actually mind an option to skip them or change them, but devs should never be pressured by the retardera faggots who want sharia law to include one. it's like easy mode
however, NEVER EVER bend over for them and outright stop or remove it, tell all the videogame journalists, retardera, Dobson and all the rest of them to fuck off and not buy it. don't listen to a word they say when they cry that it's not enough to include an option for them
also allow you to choose jap controls if you wanted, I never would want to but there's no reason not to be able to
Just remember
A video game can't make you shoot up a school, but it can make you rape women apparantly.
Nope, never justified don't censor fiction that's dumb
>you want the porn then watch it
No i wanna play a game right now
>I don't mind censorship that much
Why not? Explain why you don't mind censorship that much
>the only people who seething are butthurt altright pedos
That's implying only sexual themes get censored which isn't true, a lot of different things get censored as well too. Also if you're talking about lolicon content you could just not support whomever is making that content.
you look like those stupid guys who get drunk drinking juice in games where alcohol was censored
>porn on his mind 24/7
I find Yea Forums’s unensing desire for fanservice annoying (”why doesn’t she have bigger titties REEEE” in games that aren’t about fanservice at all etc.), BUT if a game has already been made and the designer wanted to make the designs sexy or revealing, then they damn sure should stay that way. It should be up to the dev team to decide what vision they are aiming for with a game, and nobody should be mucking around with the end result in one way or other.
And Nintendo of America certainly went overboard with all that shit when they started censoring designs that aren’t even that sexy. What was that thing in that Wii U FE/SMT game, a normal white wedding-style dress that they ”localized” with long sleeves and closed cleavage? What’s the fucking point, considering that you could just go out for a walk in the summer and see much skimpier clothing all around? That kind of shit is just irritating in principle.
Yeah, this one. Still blows my mind to even speculate about the thought process behind this decision.
>The rules for the platform should be explicit from the start. A dev should know exactly what they're allowed to do on that platform. If they don't, it's the owner of the platform's fault. If they do know and still break the rules, it's the dev/artist's fault.
No one really wants a platform where an artist can fuck everything up by doing something wrong.
You can't put rules on the platform to prevent people from violating them. You just can't do it.
It's important to ensure that rules are clear and well-defined if they're going to be enforced. The whole point of a rule is to protect from abuse. The artist will never understand to the rules unless they're well-bound and enforceable. By making the rules as vague as possible, or so that you can easily change them, you create less of a barrier before artists or creators can try to break them. Make sure that everyone is on the same footing. Use different rules in different circumstances.
>This is me going off on a tangent, but ultimately my semi-related thought to all this is: I really just don't understand why developers or whoever are pushing out sex appeal, but are okay with gratuitous violence? Why are big tits and hot women not okay, but removing heads, spraying blood, and spilling viscera fine?
That is unironically an American thing
This. If the devs don’t want to include fanservice, it’s their right to not do so. But if they want to include fanservice, it’s also in their right to do so, and censoring it is retarded.
The only cases where I can sort of understand (yet still not agree with) the rationale behind it is the sexualization of minors that look like actual kids (Moero Chronicles etc.), because the theoretical backlash could be huge, but on the other hand they’re also such niche games that will anyone really even notice? Besides, games like that are risque enough even after the censorship - does changing loli’s panties to microshorts really matter in the end if someone decided to make a scandal about the game?
I'm not gonna waste time learning a dying language just so I can read some shitty vidya """plots"""
Dumb peasant, kys
You can tell they wanted to go for the full Burka.
Do the shitlibs that support this have even a small amount of self awareness?
Or is it that they are intimidated by a fictional woman that much?
fuck off white supremacist feminist
>a dying language
>see a dude in swimming gear
>immediately think of porn
something you wanna tell us, user?
Out of all the arguments supporting censorship this one is by far the most retarded one I've heard so far.
dont be this guy, i dont care if you're liberal or leftist or alright or a nazi or racist.
Just don't be this guy.
fuck off amerimutt
literally kill yourself
That's just retarded. Swimmers wear speedos, fuck I wore speedos as a child. The american localizers are fucking idiots if they think kids can't handle seeing thighs.
For the consumer no, but businesses that want to minimize risk from hypocrite prudes and get a lower rating so they can sell to everyone for more sales. Bravely default and TMSFE still had Teen ratings so they did extra work that upset their base and still didn't expand their sales potential and now both of these series are dead.
No, retard mutts should stop being so sensitive about nudity.
These fags will never go away when all you fags give them so many (You)s for their retarded bait.
Fuck, now I'm giving them a (You)
>does changing loli’s panties to microshorts really matter in the end if someone decided to make a scandal about the game?
It wouldn’t, and that makes the entire thing pointless. If someone decided to latch on a game like that, they would get enough ammo against it anyways, it’s not like covering 2 inches of thigh is going to change anything when it still sexualizes minors.
No. Censorship doesn't belong in someone else's work just because you don't like their work.
There are plenty of other games for you to play that don't have any sex or lewd aspects. Go play your Bob the Builder shit and let the 18+ consume whatever entertainment they want.
someone check this dude's computer for cp
People saying right is better are fucking brainlets
this post upset a lot of pedos
That's a good point. I can understand if it's for ESRB/PEGI ratings becuase that shit is one, if not is the highest, impact on whether a game will reach a certain audience
I'm indifferent to censorship of gore/nudity. I do detest censorship of words, however. I hate that the word 'retarded' is becoming the "'r'-word" now.
It's the principle, you fucking indoctrinated tax asset.
If they know they can keep getting away with it, they will never stop!
Censorship is inherently evil. It's the erasure of information. All of its forms should be outlawed. Regardless of whether or not it's meant to protect innocent minds.
Don't leave it up to them to decide what you need to be protected from. Let the source go untouched, and moderate yourself.
Censorship is never right. People are responsible for the content to which they expose themselves. If they don't want a certain kind of content, they can simply refuse to consume it and the sales numbers will tell creators whether they should change the content or not. We have ratings systems for a reason, so there's no excuse for buying a game rated M and not expecting mature content. Controlling the expression of an artist is unconstitutional unless they're actually hurting someone; obviously not gonna advocate snuff films or something like that.
I thought the r-word was rape.
I think you might be a bit r-word, then.
Are you telling me the r-word isn't "redskins" anymore? Well then, I can finally tell those redskins what's what, yessiree Bob.
>playing a dumb fairy game with a stupid fucking title.
You deserved it.
I don't think op pic is censorship I think speedo just got a really bad rep in USA and they wanted to make him cooler or whatever. Also they made him whiter lmao
>Doesn't censor shit
>Has low rates of rape, sexual assualt and crime in general
>Censors everything
>Skyrocketing levels of sexual violence
How many blacks does Japan have?
As long as they don't censor the original version I'm fine with it. It'd be a new form of region locking.
No. Censorship is a meme that helps no one. No one wasn't going to buy your game and then bought it because there's less sexual content. In your example I don't think anyone would've noticed if he was wearing a speedo instead of spats.
The image in op has literally nothing to do with pedophilia lol it’s complexion favoritism.
Why? Right looks like a dress someone would unironically wear. Have we gotten to a time where people call a woman a slut for showing cleavage?
pretty sure its murrica that fucks it up for everyone
Or are the Japs just fucking with us now?
We are in the era where a common question of morality is whether or not robots and AI should have rights. Yes, people are this fucking unaware.
Japan censors violence and gore, I think.
I remember RE4 jap version removing the decapitation attack.
Right looks like an inflatable toy and his eyes look like someone sewed brown buttons onto dinner plates. I'd take the left any day.
>any sort of lewd content is wrong and you are degenerate for defending then despite the game clearly having a focus on certain demographic groups
>But gore and violence is pretty based and should be mandatory in videogames and movies, isn't like is harmful to people sensibilities or something.
Real talk though, if the game isn't rated for everyone or has a certain niche fanbase in mind, I don't see any harm in letting then have their fun as long doesn't harm anyone, is not like you are forced to enjoy their games or something, games like smash censoring certain characters is understandable because they market the game to all sort of age groups, but lewd games like Senran shouldn't have to face this shit because they already had a fanbase that know what they want and expect of these games.
JRPG are bit more difficult to handle because they depend on which are group are being marketed, but the Bravely series or #FE faced such a very stupid level of censorship that honestly makes it clear they don't care about the games sales or the fans, as long they can cut the lewd content is enough for then.
No, censohip is disgusting.
It seems to be the same in the EU as well but I can't find any screenshots so dunno.
What's ridiculous is a game like 300 with decapitations, bouncing naked breasts, and half naked men walking around everywhere killing people gets a 13 rating, but oh man oh man when Manhunt 2 does the same (without the titties)? FUCKING BAN IT
It doesn't make any sense to me
FBI here, I need to check your PC for any suspicious files.
Rigth is better just by the fact that it's a more accurate representation of Crash's personality in the ND trilogy
>That's a good point. I can understand if it's for ESRB/PEGI ratings becuase that shit is one
Nowdays it seems to be that some gaming companies want E-Sports money and some of the organisers doing those are run by prunes and you end up seeing self-censoring due to that. Look up the incident with EVO going all mental over Dead or Alive ad they did