What the fuck went wrong after Gen 5?

What the fuck went wrong after Gen 5?

Attached: how y'all look when saying gen 5 is bad.jpg (674x475, 109K)

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Gen 5 sold horribly. That's what went wrong.

Attached: eevee.png (123x122, 30K)

They focus too much on normie bait like customization and stuff rather then content.

Change of director.
Did B/W sell that poorly? B/W2 were late DS titles, so I understand those, but the originals?

>what the fuck went wrong after the gen i grew up with
fucking zoomer

Gen 5 sold great compared to regular games, it was also the fourth (BW)/fifth (in B2W2's case) round of mainline Pokemon games on the console, harder to inspire people to buy the new game if they already have one for the same console. Also late in the lifespan of the DS. inb4 "those are just excuses"
Gen 5 is the last actually good Gen to date which is why I pose the question

Move from a sprites to models. Models require much more work in general. The problem with Gamefreak is that they're actually a relatively small company. They aren't as big as people think they are. You have to keep in mind that the Pokemon franchise is split among 4 different bodies. The Pokemon Company, and Nintendo, Gamefreak and Creatures Inc which each own 33% of Pokemon company. So they're not the ones getting all the money like people think they would be.

Gen 5 sold fine


nothing, Kalos and Alola are great, I just miss the 3ple battles

Everything except pic related

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There is no excuse.
Indie devs can do better.
Single-man teams can do better games with the assets GF already made
GF is lazy, out of touch with their fans and completely, utterly stupid, ruined entirely by retarded japanese seniority bullshit with their leaders and a total disregard for the quality of their products in relation to the market they're in because the fans keep eating shit up.

Gen 5 fucking sucked. I miss the original 493 pokemon.

Game Freak's programmers are shit who can't manage 3D and that's probably half the problem - how can the designers iterate if the devs can't program? Compare the graphics/performance/3D of 2013's Yo-kai Watch to 2016's Sun and Moon. There are no Iwatas there, that's for sure.

Going to 3d models requires a ton of work. GF should scale up their studio.

Shauna was Gen 6
If you want a top-tier Gen 5 character, Skyla or Fennel are your best bet.
Or Lenora since you like brown girls, she's had a lot of porn made of her.


Normalfags hated Gen 5 cause they couldn't have their KANTOOOOOOOO mons.

Old news, Mallow is the superior brown pokegirl.

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>Gf said she'd let me take her virginity if I pulled Mallow Full Art at pre-release tcg event
>Pulled it on the last pack

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That's actually Hapu.


>posting factually incorrect information
>posting a smug 9gag-tier reaction image
faggots like you that post these "gotcha"-type replies while being completely fucking wrong on almost every conceivable level purely to project some sort of contrived superiority should be taken to a jungle to be filmed having their heads sawed off like the negroids they are

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>gen5 sold more than hg/ss
>those massive dips at every third release

It's so fucking blatant how retarded the Pokemon fan base really is, because according to basic market data, Gamefreak should stop making shit like Emerald/Platinum/etc. since customers apparently don't like more content-rich versions of the exact same game they buy every gen, jesus christ.

I hated Gen 5 because most of the pokemon were either weak as hell, stupid as hell, or both. Gen 5 seemed to me to be when they ran out of good ideas for new pokemon, and just said fuck it, ice cream and gears.

The third version is a lot cheaper to produce, it is just easy money.

>Gamefreak should stop making shit like Emerald/Platinum/etc. since customers apparently don't like more content-rich versions of the exact same game they buy every gen, jesus christ.
This is assuming third versions take the same amount of resources to develop as the original they're based on, which is very obviously not true.

It lets them get another 50% more sales while putting in probably less than 50% as much work, and keeps the core IP pumping out content.

>a mainline pokemon game
>ever selling poorly
lest we forget, it prints money

Gen 5.

b/w sold well, comparatively. B/W2 sold pretty poorly because they came out so shortly after. If it were a single third title like they'd done up until that point it probably wouldn't have scared consumers as much. Plus it lost all of it's wi-fi content like 6 months after launch, or maybe it was closer to a year, but either way it was basically no time at all before half of the game's content was totally destroyed. pokemon's got a lot of legs, titles will sell all the way up till the new title comes out. not b/w2.

Most pokemon fans hate gen 5 because most pokemon fans are deviantart furry manchildren who want the same game over and over but easier

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