ITT: Biggest lies of the industry

ITT: Biggest lies of the industry.

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I mean, the fact they said they wanted tester signups to gauge interest basically confirmed they hadn't even started making it yet. Expect it next year if ever.

they said they'd all be out before the end of the year

>not even a release window of when we can expect the flighting
We don't even know if we'll get it this May.

343 fuckin up every step of the way once again

Their incompetence is impressive. You have to hand it to them

it was so close

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>10% mouse sensitivity

he's playing PC and I'm not.....bros...

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Fuck Reach, when is 3 coming?

>Expect it next year

i can wait

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*dies tomorrow*

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It almost the halfway mark of the year. It's not infeasible to think they haven't even started on it yet. Only a retard would sincerely believe this shit's coming out this year.

>they believed in fucking 343

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That's such a shitty font

Unless they pull one of those E3 stunts where they go "and it's available today!", then it is 100% not coming this year. Believe it.

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At this rate I’d be surprised if they release any game beyond halo 2.

I just learned about this today. Why are we forecasting doom?

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Can't wait to play reach on my ultrawide

>one month left till microsoft e3 presentation

>We want to take the time to make it right so we don't have another MCC on Xbone disaster
They've shown playable builds on the dev blog. Calm your shit.

Why are people mad they pushed the release back? Do you want a broken shitty port?

I'm mad they even mentioned it, I'd rather have gotten everything at E3 then cock teased and blue balled for 3 months.

It'll probably drop around e3 calm your tits

Maybe on E3?
After all only Microsoft will be in it

They probably only revealed it as early as they did for some quick good PR after they were getting a bullocking in the press over Crackdown 3 being garbage.

>Nintendo only announces titles near release
>People get mad
>MS announces titles super early
>People get mad
You can\t win.

what is metroid prime 4

>>Nintendo announces titles early
>People get mad
You can't win.

