Why Sony?

Why Sony?

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Dirty Aloy!

Fuck I'm cumming.

Horizon Zero Dawn?

Imagine the smell

what the fuck... is this real?

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Woman are disgusting

Stinky caveman pussy

>Real life women are disgusting

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>sour grapes

Yes, only really noticeable with one suit. Haven't bothered to check others

What was the thought processes behind making a yeast stain on her panties

>making their cartoon versions as fit attractive females

I'd respect them more if they weren't so full of shit tbqh.

Speaking as a dude with three daughters... yeah.

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Imagine the taste

truth hurts some people lol

I've had sex, can confirm.

Is that meant to be a stain, or some red bush visible through low-thread panties?

Like a clam that's obsessed with self improvement. Also the clam has been dead for a couple of weeks.

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To show how powerful her character is

This guy went into the game and examined the crotch area in detail to care about this? You need some help man, there's all kinds of websites you can use to get off - you don't have stare in awkward camera angles at your video game. Lame

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

Isnt she supposed to be a caveman? Makes sense to me

Those are her pubes you morons. You can clearly see her clit hood and shit below it.

>he hasn't fapped dozens of times to crotch shots in games

user, it really noticeable if you make dodges and you make them in this game a lot.

Jokes on you, Mr. Copypasta. They're all massive tomboys.

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Based. Doesn't matter how "clean" a vagina looks they all smell and taste like shit. Even "innie" vaginas which are super rare still smell and taste as bad as the roast beef vaginas. I quit eating pussy a long ass time ago and most women don't give a fuck as long as I'm giving them a couple orgasms one way or another.

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It might be minor to you but idk I'm a super hygienic guy and I just saw those "piss stains" that they used resources and designer talent to add to the 'realism' effect I couldn't stomach it. That's fucking nasty as hell man! I almost vomited in my mouth when I saw that shit! Srsly why in gods name would they do that? Just completely turned me off from this game because this tells me they're probably pushing all types of unnecessary agendas to enforce the 'hur due female warrior' thing.

I mean I'm sure all fictional characters shit but you don't see everyone walking around with a shit stain. Wtf man. This is the type of thing that will keep me up and night cringing in the most crude ways.

Have sex

Is the alternative that you fuck your daughter?

Imagine being Bruce Willis and reading this

is this the butt hay that MatPat keeps talking about?

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Why is that blonde woman so tall? She dwarfs the other two, even in build. I wouldn't mess with her. That's exactly my type, is she single?

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haha, seriously? Is what my friend told me to say.

So you're type is a below average height beta male with dyed hair that's taken hormones? If that turns you on you must be the luckiest man on earth because there definitely isn't a shortage of amazonian "women" with penises.

>amazonian "women" with penises
I feel like I'm missing a joke here?

Yeah, he was spotted at a GDQ event.

They should have included QTE mini game for washing her panties in river

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Yep seriously. If you've ever eaten a single vagina you would immediately agree. There's definitely a evolutionary advantage that tricks your brain when you're eating the pussy of a more attractive woman but the truth is they pretty much all taste nasty. It's just more of a willingness for you to actually do something that you don't like for the chance of impregnating someone that has much better genetics.

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She's ugly, sure


You are: 1) a prissy bitch who has never gotten his hands dirty 2) fucking some nasty whores 3) a faggot

Pick one

Just wait for her turning up another Sony's lesbian character.


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I mean, I've eaten two pussies so far. One was absolutely disgusting and salty as fuck. The second one was tasteless, comfy, and an innie to boot. You got unlucky.

So is it something like this underneath her panties?

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I'm from Southworth and I know this guy, lol.

Please no, why do you think there is no porn of her?

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Good bait, user

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Yea Forums talking about how cutting their hemorrhoids out gives them anal prolapses any time they shit isn't much better

Is it true that girls have 3 holes for pooping, fucking and peeing?

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Yeah, all 9 of them

Nigga you gay lmao

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What's the point of this thread? What's it purpose?
Mods delete this off topic shit.

Tumblr and Reddit are in the other direction, newfriend

Why do they call her Ophelia now instead of her more widely recognized name cracky-chan?

>be an incel
>get mad when people call you an incel
>make an mspaint comic about it
>remain an incel but feel a little better about it

>Yay shedding!
Always gets me, this is exactly how woman speak.

What happened with Bruce?

>N-no you!
Yikes and seething pilled

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Then you failed faglord. Enjoy her trooning out in high school and crying because they can’t beat boys on the track team.

He has five daughters with two wives and no son.

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Nah, they'll be ok. They look like their mom, so I doubt the trooning thing. There's more to life than just beating boys. At least I don't have to worry about pregnancy scares.

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Three daughters with Demi Moore and two with his current wife.

Not many girls know how to properly clean their pussies because of poor sex education. Hell, I had to teach 2 of my girfriends how to use a douche.

>only one daughter turned out to be attractive
Poor Bruce

Damn, he's kind of a turbo cuck who will never have a son.
That's ok though, my father has 6 older sisters so as long as he keeps impregnating his wife he still has a chance.

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If she needs a douche, cut her loosh.

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All women need a douche every once in a while, most women don't do it and that's why their pussy stinks.

Imagine if you couldn't peel your foreskin back. Kinda like that for women inside their vagina.

Also I got your joke, good one.

32 year old dude here. I've eaten 7 pussies thus far starting when I was around 20/21.

1st girl brunette: delicious pussy (small symmetric labias)
2nd girl dark blonde: Only tasty the first round. After that she smelled terrible down there (circle, bump-like labia)
3rd girl brunette: Tasty like the first girl (looong ass labias)
4th girl redhead: Rancid pussy. Shit taste and very hairy also. Hirsutism kinda.
5th girl brunette: Okay-ish pussy taste. Don't remember much more
6th girl light blonde: First (and still last) innie I ever encountered. Clean shaved, had to look for her clit. Barely any taste.
7th girl (current gf) brunette: Meh taste, a little too hairy around her inner labias for me to go down on here often.

Based Sony

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Bruce has some strong ass Jaw/Chin genes

Snatch sweat?

>ass jaw
>ass chin

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Do you write down notes like a fucking autist?

>eating pussy

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>not raising a lesbian
Look at this faggot and laugh

There's a reason why it has always been considered unmanly to eat a woman out, only in recent times has this idea of eating pussy become some sort of thing a "real man" does.

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is she autistic?

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Sometimes. I just did it for you guys.

He's still getting more sex than you.

It's self cleaning bro

i bet you think sucking dick is the manliest thing you can do


she leaked a little in her undies? that's pretty common

.... I didn't know he had a horror flick out.

eating a girl out depends on her diet and how clean she is

I had one REALLY bad experience but one chick I use to go down on tasted like peach

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and more STD's

do they have mouth/face condoms so you can avoid all of the disgusting parts of putting your tongue in a vagina

I appreciate it man even though you know full well it's inapplicable to anyone here

rug matches the drapes.

Try women condoms

with this data i can reach the conclussion that taste is just sweat trapped in the labias and hair.

Part of me wishes I wasn't an incel but the thought of actually licking a vagina has always disgusted me.

yes, its basically a thin piece of latex, shaped like a tiny paper sheet,

supposedly pheromones help you get through it but what do i know, i like the idea of fingering more than eating anyway, the porn is more entertaining too

>the thought of actually licking a vagina has always disgusted me
You're right to feel this way. It is disgusting.

Is this really what you need to do for a relationship?

Women don't seem worth it.


It's one of many things. No, they absolutely are not worth it. It's the power of conditioning: You want it because of a biological imperative, not because it has any worth. It's bullshit.

I want kids so I have to figure it out somehow.

There are good women out there, but the number you'll have to get through(unless you're fucking lucky) is ridiculous. I've slept with 11 women and I can easily say only 2 of them were worth it. Not just the sex, but everything outside of that too. Your odds aren't 0, but it's an uphill battle.

Get a dog. They are like kids except not annoying and you don't pray for them to leave your house after the first few years.

Funny, my mom doing everything that possible for me to stay in family house, while we already want to move out.

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I can't even get one at 26, I don't have high hopes.
It isn't the same.

level 24 wizard here, what am I looking at here?

Spider's nest with a piss stain

Remember to dial eight

and press 3 for greek

I like farthest right, and the one to his immediate left from his perspective

Just to remind you guys who eat pussy, your chances of getting mouth and throat cancer are highly increased for doing it, so watch out for that.

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I didn't believe you and checked for myself. This is shockingly true, there's only a few images besides the disgusting SFM 3D crap.

that's hot lol



Not if I don't fuck filthy whores and wore a condom

Based and learned.

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>Not claiming the throne for yourself
That's your fault for not having the courage lol

Of course, that's the point of having a daughter.

>Raisin a nature failure

Fucking Kek

Which is? All of them look like trannies

>his girlfriend panties aren't all stained like that.
whats wrong with you guys?

Do you have an agenda where you write and describe all the pussy you eat?

Speak for yourself, I fuck since 2005

Penis Inspections don't count

Imagine being in jail or in a coma for like 7 years and then coming back to your website of internet superheroes and professional perverts to find out a lot of the posters have been replaced by absolute wastes of space like this buzzkill here. What the fuck even happened. How did this place of all start to promote normalcy and go YIKES over fun stuff.

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i've never tasted bad pussy, but i've had some that tasted... boring? like, the salty coins meme is just sweat and the fact that you're licking a hole, but it's never tasted outright bad. for the record, they were all white or black. my current gf is hispanic, and her pussy tastes good, which i now assume is because she's a clean freak.

This place clearly isn't for you because we've all done this shit in all the DOA and Soul Calibur games. OP is just in his natural habitat.

have sex.

get a clue.

>have sex

the holy trinity of seething

The one that looks like her mother, Demi Moore.

I'm so glad I have a menstruation fetish
I'd much rather find it sickeningly erotic than just sickening

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>get to eat pussy and die early
don't lie to me user

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based japan

1 and 4 are cute
2 3 and 5 got all the chin genes

*takes a deep whiff*

5 years ago when I see this pic I say "this guy is too far gone"
Today I say "Based and Redpilled"

>have daughter
>she meets a good lad
>you get 6 grand children

imagine ending your bloodline because you're retarded.


>she meets a good lad
the good ones don't want your ugly fuckin spawn
only pump and dumpers and nignogs

Incel fucking based

Seems realistic. I've heard the tales about the absolute state of women's public toilets. Blood, piss, and shit.

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Not that guy, but I've eaten two pussies aswell, one salty as fuck while the other of my current gf tastes next to nothing, however it has an unpleasant smell. It's not stinky or anything, it's just unpleasant.
I think the reason some pussies are so salty is that they have a hormone imbalance which comes from a not very good diet

Never understood the "women smell bad down there" meme. There were two girlfriends I've eaten out, one which tasted like nothing and one that tasted actually sweet. I was excited (and terrified) about eating my last girlfriend out. She was vegan, which I heard makes the pussy taste good. On the other hand, she only showered every 3rd day. It was weird. Even after heavy sweating, she didn't really produce any body odor. But the clean freak in me was still suspicious.