>here's your collectors edition bro
Here's your collectors edition bro
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Please don't share this picture of me.
dios mio...
lol haha cute and funny mascot like claptrap :)
>the average American’s face in 50 years.
What is the percentage of that white American?
Why would somebody pay money for this?
>I'm ready to settle down now~
It sings. Not going to be buying it but as far as CE goes its better than an artbook and the usual shit
Someone stuck their penis in that.
Does it sing like this?
go ten minutes if you want the action.
>go to dentist for my horrifying second lower jaw's worth of teeth
>get shot
I'd much rather have an artbook than some singing Big Mouth Billy Bass novelty bullshit.
la creatura de las americas...
La atrocidad de Estadas Unidos...
Average Bethesda consumer
Okay? Why would somebody pay money for this?
No it isn't, it's fucking hideous, is an electronic that'll break in a few years and it massively bloats the cost of the CE.
Glad I only got the special edition.
I don’t understand why they say Americans are ugly when we have Fabio and Arnold Swartzanegger
Fabio is Spanish and Arnold is German, retard.
Jesus Christ this game is getting anti shilled hard, what the fuck is happening?
Also I’ve noticed a lot of pro BL3 comments in these threads
Hot glue it
>OP posts video game product
>go to /pol/
Kill yourself.
That's what a brainlet would look like in real life
>op posts some dumb game shit that happens to look like the 56% meme
>whole tread is about la creatura
>It is about videogames I swear!
American fucking education