How boring are you Yea Forums?
How boring are you Yea Forums?
Couldn't even be bothered to make the fonts match, could you? Which year is that from? Points for making some edits to an old image, though, I suppose.
All of the games on there are pretty good but they're not my favorites
Well, except for Nier Automata and Bloodborne probably
What a fucking retard.
I only like 2 games on that list
How did I do?
Anything by Valve is peak normalfag core
It's the same list retard as always
Just ignore him
Unfortunately I'll never be as boring as you
I never finished TLOU, RDR's great, and NieR Automata is one of the few objective 10/10's in existence.
Oh this is that game we play where we pick a bunch of popular things and then attempt to gather (you)'s by saying something inflammatory about the people who enjoy them.
I love this game!
i liked earthbound before it was cool
>Portal 2 not portal
>npc games
>No sonic
nice one sonic fag but
almost all far left twitter accounts have sonic fanart
Sonic is Kino
>super mario 64
>doom 1998
lol ok
>NieR Automata is one of the few objective 10/10's in existence
I only like obscure PC-88 games you've never heard of so that makes me better than you.
Yeah 85% of a game series being shit is kino
from left to right then next row
>absolute dogshit
>wtf even is this
>absolute fucking dogshit
you all realize this shit (normies, npcs, other stupid nonsense) is just you being hipsters right?
>Doomfag has the worst taste
Like clockwork
is there some video gamer underground where theres a ton of really good obscure games that arent made by smelly trannies. i want to play indie tranny version of bloodborne
These were my favorite games growing up, rate my taste
> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. Wind Waker
> 3. Majora's Mask
> 4. Twilight Princess
> 5. Mass Effect
> 6. Banjo Kazooie
> 7. Donkey Kong 64
> 8. Banjo Tooie
> 9. Fallout: New Vegas
> 10. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
> 11. Conker's Bad Fur Day
> 12. Super Mario 64
> 13. Batman Arkham Asylum
> 14. Red Dead Redemption
> 15. Mass Effect 2
> 16. Fire Emblem Awakening
> 17. Call of Duty Black Ops
> 18. RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
> 19. Pokemon Diamond & Peal
> 20. Star Wars Battlefront II
> 21. Diddy Kong Racing
> 22. Super Smash Bros 64
> 23. Assassin's Creed 2
> 24. NBA: Street Volume 2
> 25. Luigi's Mansion
>List of good games
>"If you like any of these games you're a souless robot unlike me"
>you all realize this shit (normies, npcs, other stupid nonsense) is just you being hipsters right?
>doesn't understand what am NPC is
Doom is literally the only bad game in that picture. The others range from average to masterpieces
easy bait desu
By columns from left to right;
Overrated, good, didn't play it, didn't play it, overrated, good.
Good, good, didn't played it, don't like it, don't like it, ok.
Ok, good, good, ok, good, good.
Good, don't like it, overrated, didn't played it, don't like it, didn't played it.
Good, good, didn't played it, good, good, didn't played it.
Overrated, didn't played it, didn't played it, good, don't like it, didn't played it.
where can I make these animated 3x3s?
explain it then, if you're not just using a weak defense to be a nuHipster
What's the game in the middle?
>being a contrarian is fun
>Either Half Life
If these are NPC I don't wanna be a PC. Also:
>Portal 2 over Portal
an NPC is a person who just follows what ever the media tells them to. A hipster is the opposite of an NPC.
I don't know what program he uses, but try out Shotcut.
Reminder lads, this is his taste. This guy pretty much exclusively plays menu simulators.
Why would I let you in?
My money says it's one of those neo-Farcry games
Metro last light, it was a good game for sure, but Id say the original non-redux was better
>an NPC is a person who just follows what ever the media tells them to
this is very sad. you're not counter culture just because you base your opinion off of what you think is contrarian to what's popular or anti-popculture, they're the same thing at the core, just being contrarian to different standards.
it's really easy to call other people sheeple or NPCs but at the end of the day you're not any more special, or smart, just because you like what's not popular. you're just a fucking hipster.
Glad someone made this, but he's been doing more than shitting up smash roster threads. This fag has been shitting up the boards with his "consensus" threads trying to prove Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII are not overrated and posting a million top 100 games of all times lists all over the board too.
I feel like using the term npc without irony doesn't inspire a perception of originality.
Don't you?
the thing is I don't need originality. It doesn't mean anything on its own, originality with no other virtue doesn't have value. I just think it's stupid to imply that anyone who likes what is commonly liked is just doing it to follow orders, and I think anyone being contrarian to be contrarian is equally dumb. Just like what you like on its own merits and if that lines up with what's popular or whats ironic then...fine. So be it
Don't fucking diss on Valkyrie Profile nigga
i don't know what it is about Yea Forums that attracts so many autistic serial shitposters, this is supposed to be the fastest or second fastest board on Yea Forums yet there are so many obsessive posters you can identify just by the images and shitposts they spam
Who hurt you?
None of this would happen if you faggots just ignored these threads, why do people respond to posts that they so obviously hate? Literally the same as Sony fans spamming the same wojaks, one person posts something & then everyone starts copying said images and using it as bait. Same exact thing happens with these charts
I was arguing over the definition. You wasted your time writing that.
Where's the witcher 3 and overwatch?
>why do people respond to posts that they so obviously hate
one of the few reasons I come to Yea Forums is to have a fun time slinging shit with people over trivial things. It's like roughhousing but verbal and bite sized
>Persona 5
why do i have a suspicion that this image had Persona 4 on it at one point and it was just changed to make it seem like it wasn't outdated?
so the semantics are the be all end all of the discussion for you?
>some SINGLE guy is obsessed with KOS-MOS
i think you are the one that is obsessed
So then aren't these threads good things then, if they constantly get hundreds of comments every time? Like surely it's better than the endless Smash & Console war faggotry
>menu simulations
Implying that dungeon, scenario and world map exploration, the creation and implementation of strategies, puzzle solving etc. Don't exist
Typical Yea Forums brainlet
if you wanted a 3x3 thread just ask man
here is my 3x3
oh I dunno, I wasnt the guy you responded to and I didnt read it
This image is so infuriating. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they have an ulterior emotional motive. If you want to say they have shit taste, fine, but this fucking stupid thing Yea Forums does where they think they have perfect insight into everyone's psyche is responsible for 80% of meaningless shitposts on this site.
JRPG's are not video games dude, just accept it already and move on.
I understand hating games that are hyped (imagine when you're a fan of one and watch it get shilled beyond belief) but I can tell you probably haven't even played all of these, which goes against your credibility as someone who's calling someone out for not playing games. Also some of these games are overrated for sure but to shit on someone for playing a legitimately good came because it's popular is unprecedented levels of retarded. Lastly unironically using the term NPC should be a bannable offense.
It's ironic since the people who spam the images & comments about how much they hate this boogeyman, are the same ones spamming the same WRPG vs JRPG charts
I'm not defending OP, what I am trying to say is that you are as retarded as OP by dismissing simple to comprehend gameplay elements
I'm almost certain that OP saw that chart that someone posted about the highest rated games & just edited because they are contrarians
Navigating a menu is not gameplay my man.
Neither are WRPGs either Divinity Kun
Jesus Christ that movie taste lol
>popular = bad
never change Yea Forums
WRPG's actually have gameplay user. Try playing one someday you fucking fatlus.
Typical brainlet behavior, (when you don't have counterarguments you start generalizing your opponents behavior instead of responding to the criticisms presented) I'm not even a frequent Yea Forums user. And if it wasn't for you, I didn't realized the existence of WRPG vs JRPG threads. Well you remembered be why I don't frequent this place, its because its full of retards
Lurk at least two years before posting.
This, this entire thread can be summed up like this
> 80%: Retards falling for the bait
> 20%: Autists going through fireden & making charts about how much they hate this supposed person who has been posting things for months
Another dumbass, again the menu navigation is only a portion of the gameplay. You need to polish your reading comprehension instead of writing bullshit
Yeah so is that why they all sell like complete shit?
Weak bait. But got me to post I guess.
Well that's true, this place is full of weebs and contrarians
You need to stop dismissing the substance of my other replies to properly respond to them faggot
I don't understand, is it just because they are popular? That it automatically makes them bad, or is it because they are Japanese? Like the only bad thing i can really say about it is that Persona 2's gameplay is fucking garbage & that the movie side is extremely generic & boring
Only a small percentage of the population has a very high IQ, so them selling badly is a testament to how fucking good they are. They literally pleb filter out most of humanity with their mechanical complexity.
But go have fun with your turd produced for the masses though.
are you part of that small percentage user? or do you just emulate them?
Here's how this goes, since Yea Forums does this literally all of the time & never learns
> 1. user makes a bait image & posts it in several threads
> 2. People see how many (you)'s they routinely get & start copying them
> 3. Other people follow the exact same pattern & start spamming them with the same file name
> 4. Guarenteed (you)'s every time
> 5. Now Falseflaggers win because the games or characters are associated forever with a boogeyman, like Final Fantasy XV is with Barry
> 6. Other users now go out of their way to make charts about how much they hate the other charts, not realizing that they are contradicting yourslef
> 7. Games are no longer capable of being discussed since contrarians have convinced themselves they are bad, due to these reasons of above.
> 8. Continually repeat all of these steps whenever there's a huge drought with no big AAA game releases
It's so fucking toxic, and you retards always fall for it instead of ignoring them.
Anyone that's still saying Overwatch is one of their favorite games is anything but typical.
I’ve played 3 of those games
>stop liking things i don't like
Literally everyone loves Halo CE, Doom, Bioshock, and alttp for totally good reasons though.
dunno bro, i don't really think about that when i play vidya.
> Yea Forums complains about how much they hate chart posters
> Posts charts & comments enough on this post to reach bump limit
This board is full of retards