What marketing?
What marketing?
Its costs billions to hire a twitter snark?
7/10 is just what I expected from this game, good combat, fun driving and a decent story. Why you guys are celebrating the failures of single player games that do nothing wrong (i.e epic exclusive, no microtransactions, etc) amazes me.
who cares about metacritic
That guy should be given a billion dollars.
The ads that run on Twitch, Youtube, Steam and every game related website.
They really went balls out on the marketing, a lot of people are going to lose their jobs today.
That's not even an attempt at rhyming I don't even care about Rage but at least try to rhyme and not fall off key in the second line
What marketing?
Six syllables
Knowing Bethesda/Zenimax's talent with budgeting, maybe it did.
They tried too hard to be hip and edgy, what an uninspired waste of time. To think that some corporate suits thought this would sell.
OP GIVES Yea Forums
>fall off key
But how could the game possibly suck when they hired this guy to sing one of his songs?
Rage 1 was already mediocre, why should this one be different ?
I wouldn't even know this was coming out if not for Yea Forums threads mentioning it rarely
but I guess I got ublock origin to blame for this
>any games marketing budget
Why in the fuck would anybody ever buy Rage 2 after the absolute snorefest of the first game?
>market to a bunch of inept retards on an e-celeb website
well, having not played the first one and living in ignorance, I guess I could consider the second
My Steam handle has been RAGE for over 11 years and even I haven't even played Rage. The best part is that nobody incorrectly assumes I'm a fan of the game even though it's literally my name because it's simply not believable.
That didn't rhyme faggot.
Sensible chuckle
Inept retards are the target audience of big blockbuster video games.
Adblock exists bitch
the second game has fuck all to do with with the first Rage
honestly it felt like Avalanche wanted to make a Mad Max sequel but they lost the license, so someone at Bethesda told them to use the Rage IP instead
Yeah, just install adblock to the Twitch app, easy.
Did they really though? I’ve seen about two ads and there is a good chance I’m in the demographic they’re going for. I was almost certain this game was coming out in June/July until now.
Fuck off, commie thieves.
This is exactly the sequel that Rage deserved.
>another shit game by Bethesda
Tumbling down tumbling down tumblind down
typical amerishart bootlicker
Delete the thread and rework the lyrics
Call me crazy but the game looks fun. The hate on this board feels forced.
lol who even are you
crack when
The guys lost some weight since his silvermania video.
It's fun as shit but it has some noticeable flaws, still gun combat really does get crazy
the MTX shit is unforgivable though, probably wouldn't have bought it if I knew they were gonna pull that shit before hand
Shouldn't of messed with Steam. Your next, Epic.
>the MTX shit is unforgivable though
What's the setup here?
What's happening with Bethesda? They keep delivering a pile of hot shit after a pile of hot shit.
yes he fell off key
Holy shit I don't care at all about Rage 2, fully expected it to be bad, but fucking cringe post
It's a full prices game with a cash shop. What other "setup" do you need to conclude it's disgusting?
>come on stay alive till the next elder scrolls
>if we can just survive to elder scrolls they’ll forget all this shit
>oh god
>oh fuck
Remember at E3 when the crowd was completely interested?
Pete Hines and his Swedish butt buddies
I'm of the mind that somebody with a lot of power and influence that helped keep Bethesda on track left a couple of years ago and the resulting vacuum opened up a huge gulf between developers and publishers. Someone was the glue and they bailed. That's what it looks like to me, like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing half of the time. Complete lack of unified leadership.
Played it for just under two hours.
The guns felt decent but the enemies weren't challenging at all. Pop overdrive and boss enemies are nothing and you can get overdrive refilled very quickly. world felt pretty empty, just outposts to clear out. Felt kinda like just cause and mad max in the rage universe.
Pretty bland so far.
Dunno. I've played games that contain microtransactions that I end up completely ignoring, whereas other games it feels like I'm missing pieces of the game or other people are getting a leg up on me because they spent money. If the cash shop just has some kind of easy mode tickets or cosmetics I don't really care.
Why the fuck are you using the twitch app?
Are you playing on Normal? Because I had to restart and try again on Hard because after a few Arks nothing felt like a threat. I feel like Hard is much more balanced so far.
>They keep delivering a pile of hot shit after a pile of hot shit.
The true redpill is when you realize they always did.
Fuck e-celeb.
Yeah I guess ill do that, normal shouldn't be so easy.
what is mtx?
micro transactions, right now its just all skins for guns and vehicles
Zenimax happened, and when it happened that Bethesda became a commodity it all went downhill. The reason we're only seeing this now is that Zenimax bought Bethesda simply to move their money around and diversify. Just look at the people who are on the board. it was literally just a money laundering operation for some rich guys. They didn't give a single fuck about this stupid shit. until, ofc, Morrowind showed them the potential, then they got very serious about it, since then Video Games is no a multibillion dollar industry on par with Hollywood. All we're seeing now is the inevitable greed take root. Bethesda is owned by scumbags that watch as EA and other gacha traps make huge bank off retards. It was only a matter of time before they cashed in fully as well.
That Plague game came out today too. It had something like 50 reviews on steam last time I checked. Wew.
>open a loot box to get dragon shouts
>pay 25 dollars to unlock the beast box, and get a chance to unlock the exotic argonians and khajit
>pay 50 dollars for the mod store key
>pay 75 for the deluxe adult mod store key
There's nothing not get trashed on this website
Kiwami 2 was released a few days ago, so everyone cool is still fucking around in Kamurocho rn.
nice try shill
didnt even rhyme you nigger
>do nothing wrong (i.e epic exclusive, no microtransactions, etc)
except there is Micro-transactions
it does look fun but isn't that what trailers are supposed to do? make a game look fun? everyone with half a brain took a big step back and decided to watch and see what Bethesda would do after FO76. Obviously they are only publishing this game, but compound that with the fact that Rage 1 is still a seriously flawed game and a sequel to it confused everyone, well, you get the point. hype has been muted around this shit for good reason.
Actually I haven't really watched trailers because I don't care much about Bethesda or RAGE. I've seen some gameplay since it released though. Looks like a high action arcadey shooter. If I ever play it I'll grab it from the bargain bin.
I honestly thought you were referring to the vehicle segments with MTX. How horrible is the cash shop anyways?
I mean so far it's just skins for guns and vehicles, and there's no pop ups or banners in game to tell you to BUY BUY BUY or anything, but still them pulling this shit in a full priced single player game really rubs me the wrong way
>not ublock
id software made this game you gaggle of chodes
ID made the game, which is kind of sad. i just don't like the arena shooter vibe with what appears to be tacked on rpg-lite elements. I didn't like DOOM (2016) for the same reason. even though i thought it was a good game, having played the first 3 levels, it just didn't keep me interested enough to actually finish it or buy a copy.
>using Twitch through browser
Time to take the meds, gramps.
it makes more sense that you just chose the word for anger and put it in all caps instead of naming your whole profile after the poor man's single player borderlands
no it was mostly Avalanche, id just did the gunplay and combat
that's probably why everyone that plays it agrees the gunplay and combat carry the rest of the game hard
Strange. Cant say anything bad about this game except its visual style.
Game itself looks kinda generic and Bethesda has a dogshit reputation around here, combined with Avalanche's so-so reputation (Mad Max seemed well-received but I've seen nothing positive for JC3/4) and it's no wonder that people aren't hyping themselves up for it. And of course this is Yea Forums, so if it doesn't look like the absolute GOATAY it's utter trash.
I agree, especially with fucking $80+ DLC incoming.
Hey, at least it’s got a better metascore than Days Gone
the only good thing about the game is Loosum Hagar's midriff
I actually really liked Days Gone
does that mean I might like this as well
>rage coins™
how bad will doom eternal be?
Oh. I thought you were going to say Todd Howard and his sweet little lies.
BFG ammo $2 each.
oh look it's DOOM 2016 all over again. Journos are so unreliable these days.
Knew it was gonna be shit from the start.
Dont you worry bros, Memelands will be GOTY.
did you like DOOM gunplay? you will.
>Avalanche Studios
>third game flopped in a row
>all of these use the Apex engine
Who cares about denuvo. There is no denuvo on consoles where most of sales will be done.
>That time Bethesda let a cancer-ridden kid play Fallout 76 and then took it away from him after that one play session
Seriously it's a kid with cancer he's not gonna do anything to your company just let him keep the early build.
>Who cares about denuvo
Discriminating customers that don't support companies that make the experience worse for customers strictly out of unrestrained greed; trying to squeeze blood from a stone regarding piracy at the cost of good will.
They didn't want to get sued for accelerating his cancer progression.
Yes but also no
Mpv exists you retard
You guys seen this major faggot crying about it?
Hes a white male who finally can get a fat hit of those sweet sweet victim points.
>Twitch app
Do people actually do this
Mediocre is generous.
It takes a special kind of failure to make a videogame that feels like nothing while you're playing it.
His cleft lip isn't even bad. Shit head needs to stop treating video game review publications like a vector to express his feelings. People who can't tell the difference between opinions and feelings should not be allowed to express either.
>watching a stream without a chat
>still have to open Twitch anyway to get an URL of a stream or vod
The absolute state of zoomers.
>wanting a shitty cluttered browser window
>not using an app tailored for the best experience
The absolute state of zoomers.
Isn't that shit easy to fix? Also it's a fucking horrible diaper shitting mutant, I doubt people are focusing on the fucking cleft lip.
Game is fun, I know better than to listen to v ever again bunch of contrarian weeaboo faggot
Yes. Children born with cleft lips get surgery early on in developed countries and you can hardly notice it by the time they're entering school. It's only a problem in developing countries where surgery is not so commonplace or affordable.
>not using an app tailored for the best experience
I'm not trusting Twitch with an app for the very few streams I watch.
>everything you download from the internet is a computor virus
A'ight, gramps. You do you.
ubisoft published morrowind tho you're thinking oblivion
>spend 10 minutes driving to place
>get out, shoot a bunch of same faced bandits
>loot a bunch of useless shit
>repeat for 30 hours
Sounds great.
>Thanks for letting me play the game, it was fun playing with you. I can't wait to play again tomorrow after chemo.
>he says while posting on 4channel
Using twitch at all is zoomer tier user, using the fucking desktop app is even moreso
the real reason this games getting bad scores is the childish fucking journalists are ass mad the twitter for this game memed on them
You are such a dumbass. How did this site get so bad?
there was marketing?
What, did you think the pitiful attempt at hype threads on Yea Forums were actual people excited for it?
That's not marketing user.
You can't advertise to people that wouldn't buy your game anyway
corporations are dumb enough to try though
>73 is a 'shit game'
I have no interest in any Bethesda titles, published or otherwise, so I'll be giving this game a miss, but even so, come on man. Anything above a 70 is worth a play at some point whether full price or a rental imo.
Nobody bigger than a AA dev would advertise on Yea Forums, hell even AA devs are unlikely. It's easier and cheaper to do it on Reddit or some shit.
it's not bethesda's game idiot
they just published it
someone owes this man some good boy points
>What is Twire
he''s dead by the way.
Imagine being such a whiny self conscious baby that you whine to the devs that they should change a character because their cleft lip makes you feel bad.
It looks like a low quality texture to me.
I dunno guys I mean it's kind of fun, mostly after you get more abilities and shit but... I just don't care
>dollars one hundred and five Good Point Boys
ESL retard nigger faggot idiot.
$100 and 5 GBP
*cough* *wheeze* *ahem*
can you repeat that amigo?
from what i have seen it doesnt seem so bad
not gonna buy it though
That didn't even rhyme faggot
he subverted your expectations
Looks like DOOM Eternal is...DOOMED.
i guess you browse half of reddit
Guess Doom Eternal's score?
I haven't seen a single "ad" of it on any of those platforms
On steam it's a best seller and a new release so no fucking shit it's showing on the front page for the first few weeks
Then you haven't been on the internet for the past month.
I've been "on the internet" for the past 10 years, nonstop. I leave my apartment like 3 times a day and otherwise sit on the computer for 10-20 hours before sleep and repeating the process
You are a retard nigger if you don't use adblock
>use T(hird)P(arty)R(equest)B(locker)
>a webzine REQUESTs my browser to load advertising material
>deny the request
lol how you view the web is your choice famoli
protip: icecat is like firefox only better, by default
>you are a thief if you put a sticker to your mailbox that says "NO ADS"
Ameritards at it again
Decades of bad karma finally catching up to them.
>Knew a girl in high school with a cleft lip
>She was super hot
>Somehow, a cleft lip seemed cute on her, even though they look horrible on just about everyone else
Goes to show that if you're attractive enough, birth defects become endearing rather than gross.
what a crybaby mutant
i dont even what game this is. looks like a really dull dudebro game from last gen.
Yes it is.
Is there a crack yet?
Come on now...
Is bethesda ever going to make good games again?
Figures, you people support infidel beheading when it is done by brown people lol
No, stop asking.
>User reviews
>game has been out for just a few hours
You should be persma-banned from metacritic just for trying to do this.
Has anyone bought this? The recommended specs says that
it's better if you have a GTX 1070 but i have a GTX 1060.
Anyone with the same video card or something similar that has this? pls respond
keep crying bethesda
No, but that's somewhat irrelevant.
>making shit up, has nothing to do with the matter at hand and zero arguments to defend his original point
Get out and never come back
Lmfao half of the reviews are obvious Bethesda cocksmokers, retard.
Post steam profile nao :)
>journalists can review a game after a few hours playing
>but consumers can't
>Bunkrupts both the company he leaves and the one he joins
Metacritic 7/10 is like a 2/10, you also glanced over the user reviews because you work for Bethesda.
muh chink conspiracy
That's the point though. "journalists" can't either.
They have, however, had review copies available to them for a couple weeks now.
>Fallout 76 failed so hard that it's taking other IPs down with it
Journalists are far more likely to get the game early. They're also biased in multiple ways making their reviews worthless to begin with.
Yes, chinks are subhuman, that's why we don't want them here.
>user reviews
How about people start reading the reviews instead of looking at the overall score and making conclusions?
It's easy to scrap 80% of the trash that's hurting / boosting the score
I swear to god, it's like you people purposefully choose to be retarded
Poor Abdul is mad lol
>not using both
Bethesda is the publisher, not the developer matey.
Microtransactions. The mtx in this game aren't even pay to win and are just cosmetics
for guns and vehicles. This just shows that mtx are only okay when Capcom does it. In DMC5
you can buy red orbs with real money, but when the mtx are cosmetics everyone loses their mind
We live in a society
>this game is made by bughtesda
but it isn't tho? It's avalanche and id Software, Bethesda's merely the publisher. These people are fucking retarded, and the score's bombing because of these idiots??
So yeah, they're the ones actively delivering the hot shit, as he said.
Published by Bethesda is enough reason to review bomb it.
I get no benefit from the success of this game, so might as well see it flop.
Very likely that you'll like it since it has vehicles as well and even crazier shooting.
It's inane remarks like these that make everyone laugh at you instead of taking you seriously.
Get some new material, amerilard nigger
>It's avalanche
That's even worse, those guys only make muh krayzee games for idiots.
wow what a retard
Go to a game you think has an accurate user review score and dig through the comments and realize that metacrtic is worthless.
mad af lol
go back to raping kids
Are you confusing them for another developer?
Avalanche are the guys that make huge boring maps with copy-pasted enemy zones.
OR you could just not give a fuck?
Why are you people so obsessed with things to hate instead of focusing on the things you like?
Hey, don't have to tell me twice, your family's next on the list
lol so mad
>nog riot logic
It isn't enough reason, because if it's a good game you're just telling every publisher that making good games doesn't matter. User reviews should reflect the grade of the product 100% of the time, that is the most accurate punishment for a shit dev.
But you want their phones, computers, coal, herbal tea, rice, ginkgo biloba, and plastic shit?
It's not confirmed if Epic works for the Chinese government, but there is a possibility.
why does this garbage even exist?
who gives a shit about this
where the fuck is doom eternal?
>Who gives a shit about THIS garbage?
>Where's MY garbage??!
The cleft lip is the least of this guys issues if he thinks a video game character is taking a stab at him personally. What a faggot.
Yes, I want them as slaves to build our shit, nothing more.
That's the thing
I've never thought of them to be accurate, but what I am able to do is skim through the existing reviews and read between the lines which ones I can take more seriously and build up an image as to what the game might be and whether I am insterested or not
However, I do not use the website, so there's that.
>he believes it will be a 90 or above and not 70 or lower
Because playing things you like while seeing things you hate fail is double the fun.
Why would it be a good game?
Bethesda hasn't done anything worthwhile in the past 13 years.
yes, and they keep publishing shit video games, you mong
Aye, off-shoring our working class was the best thing the west ever did.
Totally not coming back to bite us in the ass now.
It's not like millennials are willing to do such jobs, they are too lazy.
That is literally irrelevant, unless you think "guesses" are just as accurate as informed reviews. Let people play the game and review it, if it is bad like you are so certain it is, let them receive their due punishment.
Oh I know we are, but we'll soon enough have to.
>five Good Point Boys
He could just be a pedo
>Because playing things you like while seeing things you hate fail is double the fun.
You seem to have a lot of free time in your hands to focus both on playing games and hating on games. You have no life outside of this?
You know what on second thought, go apeshit. There will still be faggot fanboys throwing down 10s on games if the shitposters stop, so the only solution is to crash the whole review market and disillusion the public with them. Make every game a 1.
Oh no the shills are strawmanning, let's shiver in fear.
This game had nothing notable or interesting out there at any point during marketing, why would anyone think it would be a good game?
What marketing?
I hate retards that leave reviews in any other language than english and english isn't even my mother language. Its a language I was forced to learn.
>Ginko Biloba
Wtf are you?A geriatric?
I take that as a yes, I have little interest in the game itself but rather the discussion and there's always bound to be bottom feeders such as yourself concentrated in these threads that make themselves the laughing stock
Is that Master Blaster?
what makes it a bad game
it could be a good game, just not expecting a great game
Not him but I'm allergic to aspirine, ginko is a good alternative for me.
I still think chinks are subhumans for what they do to dogs.
Never saw an ad for this game .
He fell off time, you idiot, unless he stretches out the MAAAADE a few more syllables.
what are ads
>play persona
>spend 30 minutes going through pointless dialog
>get out and kill a bunch of demons with glorified RPS mechanics
>repeat for 80 hours
>great gameplay and satisfying af gunplay
It's fucking garbage how a game like A Plague Tale, which is basically just a walking simulator (so it only gets praised for story), gets better review scores than RAGE 2, which is praised for its gameplay but criticized for story.
nope, never see any.
could tell from have one single look at those woke graphics back when it was first revealed.
get woke, go broke.
bye tod. time to get a real job. siiiip.
You do realize that the twitch app is made with Electron which is basically a web browser, right?
Yikes and oofpilled
op's pic is already outdated
shit is going down fast as expected
It has microtransactions and is bethesda trash
we did it reddit!
next stop dykenstein
Doesn't matter if it's bad or just overwhelmingly neutral
If it's not good, why bother playing it?
I love morrowind but it could be argued that bethesda was never good
How much does this cost again? Or is it depends on publisher's size?
This is the sequel no-one wanted to the game no-one played. I've been saying this since the game was leaked, and what do you know?
Leave it to MrMatty to gargle Bethdesa cum every chance he can get.
>What's happening with ? They keep delivering a pile of hot shit after a pile of hot shit.
>great gameplay
>generic open world affair
fuck off it's repetitive and clearly unfinished in a bunch of areas, they couldnt even be bothered having the cars you summon drive to you instead they literally just spawn in front of you
For a generic FPS this game was sent to die due to lack of marketing
every fucking time
>Fallout 4 is a NEAR PERFECT game
>Fallout 76 My Brutally honest opinion *proceeds to praise the game*
>RAGE 2 - everything I had hoped for
more like mrbattyplays lol
Oh shit, I was expecting better than this. Oh well.
Fuck you, Skyrim was fine and Oblivion was great. Both will be fondly remembered long after you die.
If you hoped it would be boring shit trying too hard to be Mad Max but not getting the point, then yes, it's everything I hoped it would be.
boy i cant wait to buy micro transactions in this single player only rushed piece of shit game fuck gaming
that article is clickbait and you fell for it
Can't wait till Bethesda blames the pirates for poor sales. Amazing how out of it the suits making shit like this are.
it has denuvo
>Youtube thumbnail
>Open mouth
Neat, another average game to get when its
It looks fun, but how's the performance on PC? Are the user reviews bad because it sucks?
it probably got a shit review just because they called a journo a literally who on twitter the other day
Dont worry guys, Starfield is going to be good
Todd would save the company
Hey look, it's the cousin of Far Cry New Dawn! It's like an Airhead candy, colourful, and sweet, but damn there is nothing to them.
lurk moar newfags
BGS actually has 0 to do with rage
"Required" as in annoying login shit that will halt you from playing whenever bethnet is down, but still can be skipped (like sqeenix stuff in Just Cause 3) or required required?
Probably because its a shit game
Its called"gap moe", like adding something unappealing to a cute girl, making her more unique(scars,skinburns,eyepatch...).
why do people think this was made by bethesda? are people really this stupid? do they not understand the concept of a publisher?
Did we really trusth sites like this?
I mean, you dont even need to play the game to leave a review and is full of fuckdenuvo and Epic-tards scores.
Its even worse than this board.
>publishers don't have any influence on anything and ID didn't delegate most of the production to avalanche studios (that made the flopped JC4) while continuing more important work on doom eternal
>support beheading
>have nothing to do with the argument
Keep up with that, You are 200m away from moving this goal post to another stadiums.
Who cares who made it? It's shit and Bethesda is the biggest thing on the box, don't really care to find out who made it.
What can you buy with that?
does it really matter?
Reviews are bad because muh
>F76 Bethesda fuckery
Gonna pirate it and see the stuff myself for this.
Nah, journos are fucking pekky.
I think Rage was made by ID
I saw an ad at a bus stop.
>73/100 is bad now
>Video game journalists are worth listening to now
C'mon son. The first Rage was a 7/10 too and it wasn't bad either.
An EPIC gold skin for your weapons. GNARLY right?
True, but the game also sucks ass
little hint: it's always I, stupid kike
Its ok because i dont need that.
1st game was ok. stop talking shit out of your ass.
otherwise there would have been so sequel in the first place.
the great thing about rage is it's art style, the rest is a tacked on shooter with a meh everything else. still, world and design is old iD tier.
too bad that company sold out and is gone now.... they too, in a sense, got woke.
it's the way of all flesh.
From what I can tell the core gameplay is genuinely fun, but it's got that Assassins Creed 1 syndrome where the open world is boring and empty and the missions are bland and repetitive, so there's nothing to do with that core gameplay.
Reminder the first RAGE had 9 dungeons in the open world you could walk up to but not enter unless you had a code from the special edition, which is far worse.
sure thing. now fuck off to your hive.
>which is far worse
no it's not, that's dlc and actual content
typical kike hivemind: we we we
in contrast, white men: i i i
think, bois.
anyway, this series is now dead.
>time to install rage and a few mods again. gamer was neat and levels were the shit (as in THE shit as opposed to r2 shit)
also i checked and that's bullshit there are no 9 dungeons lol
Yea Forums is a Borderlands board.
My fellow Yea Forumsheads and I are all eagerly anticipating the long awaited sequel to the smash hit Borderlands 2.
Borderlands 3 due out 13th September 2019, pre-order the standard edition today for the Gold Weapon Skins pack and a bonus weapon trinket.
Count them with me, retard. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9! 9 DLC dungeons!
"Many people were able to actually get the DLC for free, as a code for the DLC was included with every Anarchy Edition of the original RAGE; these copies were sold for months after RAGE was released."
woooow yeah definitely worse than having a cash shop get the fuck out, oh and again at least it's fucking content
different dye for your dyke hair
>unless you had a code from the special edition
I already said that, idiot.
Having a big BUY THE DLC message pop up when you try to open a door - 9 fucking times, to access content which is already on your disc, is quite clearly worse than yet another funbux item/skin shop full of trash that isn't worth buying and is easily ignored.
70 by "game journslists" is basically trash especially since bethesda sends them free shit
Fucking rage coins. Why is this f2p cellphone strategic tolerated its fucking disgusting
>bethesda account required
>online only in a sp game
>sequel to a mediocre game
>lukewarm reviews
More than enough reasons to give this the seal of utter garbage cash grab
Haha I’m still going to enjoy it lads
i'm pretty sure the only one spending bucks is soros, paying these clowns.
there is no reason otherwise, as zenijews loves their shekels and they are smart enough to realize this will make them go bankrupt. oh, wait-
Look I want the next elder scrolls to come out this century. I have to fund Todds extravagant lifestyle. Don’t @ me nigga.
>7/10 is a bad score
based and badasspilled
Based trips delete microtransactions
>The ads that run on Twitch, Youtube, Steam and every game related website.
So all the cancer that is killing traditional video games?
>a lot of people are going to lose their jobs today.
That's good. All these worthless trannies and patriarchy smashers with bachelors degrees in dance therapy need to fuck off somewhere else
>bethesda account required
>online only in a sp game
i didn't knew it was this bad.
Thank god i'm not interested in shooty tooty games.
Thank you Ttim for paying my copy of the game.
When I started the game I realised they shouldn't have focused on the guy va (cause that dude sucks at emoting his lines right). With this punk setting they are forcing, should have gone with the female va more and used Joan Jett Bad Reputation as the main theme for both a punk girl and a nod that Rage 1 had a bad reputation. Then you see the female MC and go "The fuck is that thing?"
lol what even is this game
Gman, the other Hagar girl from the dlc is better. She wants to stay in and play video games with you.
what a faggot
the account thing is for multiplayer and it isn't online only sp. Other stuff is true.
So does this mean Yea Forums has to love Rage 2 now?
>fuck off it's repetitive
so was DOOM
>clearly unfinished
so was dykenstein colossus
doom sucked
got a 85 tho
8 is good, 9 is great, 7 is “ok”, 6 is bad and the other numbers don’t get used
>2.6 hours played
those fucks at steam better grant my refund request
Game has very fun shooting but everything else is shit, get it on sale lads
fallout 76
It had ads?
>MFW using Ublock so i don't see cancerous ads on Youtube
>MFW not using Twitch
>MFW never going on Steam store front page when it's not sales season
Have you played it?
I hope this flops. Everything about it looks wack. Looks like it's trying to capture the 'cool' of 2013.
>>that's probably why everyone that plays it agrees the gunplay and combat carry the rest of the game hard
Guess what I play FPS games for? Here's a hint: It's not for some sort epic and soul-touching experience.
Those don't cost billions of dollars though. It's the ad spots on major network channels during prime hours, billboards, signs posted on buses and bus stops, magazines, etc., and doing so across the country that add up. Just buying ad spots on internet sites doesn't cost you that much in comparison.
I am hoping you are running bots boys. Make sure they don't get a bonus. Until I learn how to be happy again everyone should be miserable.
It has denuvo
Have sex
I was in advertizing for a brief period. One of those ads you see in subways can cost up to 60,000 for a less than a week.
>ever playing fps on console
Fucking disgusting
>a physical copy
what a novel life you lead
Amerimutts are offended by everything, more news at 11
To all my mates who say 7/10 isn't bad, we have to take into consideration of how over saturated the industry is, there are games coming out every single week, and since video games require time to enjoy, we have to wager which game we want to play, thus tomorrow an 8/10 or 9/10 game can come out, practically making Rage 2 a game that should be passed.
Maybe because nobody played Rage 1. Nobody realy care about 10 years old game.
Rage 2 is combo breaker. Doom and Wolf:NO and OB were good too.
None of the new Wolf games are good though it's fucking weird why people keep saying this.
They are clunky, bad dialogue, corridor shooters, awful AI, all they have going for it is the atmosphere and that was made 30 years ago.
Honestly that's the whole reason why I was interested in this at all. As generic as it was, I liked Mad Max and this looks like the closest thing we'll get to a sequel any time soon, or ever.
7/10 is an "I don't care" score for a big corporation funded mass marketed video game. 7/10 for a AA or A game like killing floor or Mount and blade is goty.
How many failures do these companies need to spit out before they change their business strategies? EA has been pushing out failure after failure and still keeps driving their train full speed thanks to Fifa MTs validating them. Is there a single game out there where whales aren't buying every god damn thing?
Where are at a point where we just accept shitty generic open world games because (apparently, I don't know) there are no microtransactions or some kind of DRM bullshit.
>Memelands will be GOTY.
No chance i will play it after Memelands 2. I enjoyed it only with Zero. Still have all DLCs for 2 if i would like to play Memelands ever again.
>Sounds great.
Sounds great for me. At least i can have 10 minutes break from shooting.
>Published by Bethesda is enough reason to review bomb it.
Good enough reason to stop reading reviews than. If incels want to destroy their own hobby, good job. Epic Store is right about not having user reviews. Gamers are more pathetic than SJW fags.
>Why would it be a good game?
Because it is mix of IDsoft nuDoom and Avalnche MadMax.
>destroy their own hobby, good job
This industry deserves to be destroyed because it doesn't release good games anymore.
Seeing studios shut down is bound to be more entertaining than any videogames they could ever develop.
>Epic Store is right about not having user reviews
And it's rightfully getting shat on by pretty much everyone, all courtesy of Tim Sweenie's autism.
One of us, one of us, one of us!
It is maybe not good for you. Maybe other people have diferent opinions. I have lot of PS4 games. I can´t say that any of these games are realy good. Moust of them are average. Titanfall 2 is great. Everything else is just average.
Wow ur so edgy I bet ur the coolest kid in class
Rage coins, huh?
Not like I needed another reason to ignore this bland pile of shooter porridge, what with Denuvo and Bethesda's launcher being required, but whatever.
Not even going to touch this when it's up for a fiver; stick your gay monetisation shit back up your faggot-ass monetisation-obsessed asses, shekel-grabbing faggots.
They are good. NC is crap. Who cares. Yea Forums love only shitty weeb trash so why bother.
>is quite clearly worse than yet another funbux item/skin shop full of trash that isn't worth buying and is easily ignored.
but it's not, the anarchy edition upgrade was available for 3 bucks on ps3 and 360 and that price is dwarfed by any single item available in the cash shop
i'll take some minor side missions being locked behind a paywall over having a cash shop with currency packs nearly equal in price to the game itself any day
How is that edgy exactly?
Bethesda has always been a purveyor of mostly crap that managed to hit gold with Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Remember WET? Rogue Warrior?
When is a 7/10 a shit game if it’s not a 9/10 or a 10/10 everyone labels it shit
>all review sites did Plague's review first to divert attention away from this
Like the look of it. Far Cry but in a fun not-so-serious setting. Hope it goes on an early discount.
They probably nerfed normal to easy for the reviewer babbies.
What marketing?
>Mutants have mutant lip palates (and that's a bad thing!)
>second party Besthesda game
>spending money on advertising
Fucking haha idiot
>Children born with cleft lips
Children diagnosed with cleft lips in utero is grounds for a medical abortion in developed countries.
Literally Far Cry but in a clown world with a pretty color palette. Buying for the weekend.
Post a thread with your disappointment tonight.
>Rage 1 is still a seriously flawed game and a sequel to it confused everyone
This is basically it. Marketing can only expose people to a product, but once they've made up their minds about that product, changing their minds is extremely difficult. No amount of marketing could overcome the "Who the fuck asked for this?" response to the E3 reveal. The hype train stalled before it ever got out of the station, so it never had a prayer of making it to its destination.
Is the consensus that the shooting is good but it suffers from open world game syndrome?
30 seconds into the reveal, my brain automatically sorted Rage 2 into the "I might pick it up on sale a year or two after release just as a curiosity, because even if I'm optimistic that it will be better than the first game and possibly even fun, it is physically impossible for this to be good enough to justify the inevitable $60-plus-DLC price tag" bin.
Journalists get the game a week in advance, retard
I'm just still sad that I was probably the only person that thought RAGE was great, and I was pretty excited that it was getting a sequel, but then they made sure the game looked as little like the first game as possible.
I don't get it, people like me that were excited about a sequel would notice the drastic changes. The people that didn't like or didn't play RAGE either wouldn't care that its a sequel or it would turn them off.
Why even make it a sequel at all? It seems like it might as well have just been a new IP or a spin off loosely tied to the setting or something.
probably get it during the steam christmas sale after they're released all the dlc shit and it's $15
This, but unironically. It's easy to forget RAGE 1 had a ridiculous marketing campaign with a ton of hype leading up to it. It was supposed to be the first real id game since Doom 3, the best graphics and performance anyone had ever seen, TECHNOLOGY out the ass, and a free pre-launch mobile game that was actually fun.
The sequel has absolutely none of that. I can't point to one thing in any of the marketing that answers the question "Why should I buy/play RAGE 2?"
As soon as I heard it was a full open world game and not mission based with a connective area between them I completely lost any and all interest.
I too loved the first Rage but fuck this thing, I mean Rage was not even close to Borderlands in terms of writing or attempts at humour so why completely upend its style and tone? To make it more like another game who has just announced its next entry and completely stolen your thunder?
Yes but the game is also short so it's probably not going to wear on you as much
>Fallout 76
>Crackdown 3
>Days Gone
>and now this
Is western AAA just going to just jump off a fucking cliff this year?
why are people trying so hard to make out the game is horrid, it really isnt
Nobody is doing that. Nobody gives a shit about the game. There's nothing to say about it, that's how unremarkable it is. A lot of people are surprised the game is even out.
It’s better for sharing I have friends unlike you.
>more marketing = better scores
are you retarded? marketing is literally just for the purpose of selling your product, not to actually make people enjoy the product.
the average IQ on Yea Forums has been slowly going down over the years, but ever since nu-/pol/ started invading other boards it's been fucking plummeting.
I hope, then they can start over and tell the pink hairs to fuck off for killing them last time.
Back in the PS2 days a 70 meant a game could be good,in these days an heavily marketed 70 game means it is a 4/10.