Link vs Link

Which one Yea Forums?

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My money's on Link.

Both are shotas, so it doesn't matter

out of all the Links in Smash?
Young Link
out of all the Links in the series?
ALTTP but OOT is a close second due to how strong they are

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Young Link, but both are good.

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Soul vs soulless



Toon link has a wife waiting for him at home

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YL is definitely more soul than TL

Young Link if I had to pick between them in Ultimate, but in general, TP/Smash 4 Link. I never cared for Toon Link and I can't get into his playstyle at all

Toon links forward smash is damn terrible now.
Young link has a cool farm girl GF and Mario as his father in law

64 - Link
Melee - Young Link
Brawl - Toon Link
Sm4sh - Link
Ultimate - Young Link

Which one has a tighter asshole?


God I would give anything for a zelda with the style of your pic, the other ones with the same look are amazing. Think it would be best as a Nintendo/Fromsoft collab

I've been waiting for a From Zelda since at least 2010, hopefully if Monolith's Zelda does well and From does a few more Nintendo ports it might happen

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BOTW link

>botw link
>tight hole

>God I would give anything for a zelda with the style of your pic
You realize that's ALttP concept art, right? You're asking for something that already exists.

Young Link has two good games, TLink has only one that wasn't even made by nintendo

define good games

What's the competition here?
Size comparison?

Yeah, it would if did the same style it would be GOTG with nintendo's involvement (froms games run like shit on consoles but if N is involved then they would keep the FPS a steady 30fps depending if they use the same DS engine or a new or modified engine).
Ideally It would have to be Nintendo×MonolithSoftxFromsoft

Now that Young Link is back i barely play Toon Link, not that i hate him or anything

Only the concept art has the style,the official art they went with is a lot more cartoony. anyway I know you know what I meant, I want a full 3D game with the concept art's look.

>That scene in the Majora's Mask manga where Link turns back from a Deku Scrub and checks to see if his dick is still there

And nobody's ever capitalized on that.

Young Link players are the most campy faggots I've seen online. They're legitimately worse than SSB4 Sonic players. Thus, I infinitely prefer fighting the other 2 Links.

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Who is the better shota?

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