Was indie games a mistake?
Was indie games a mistake?
pic unrelated I'm sure since this is a decent game
Shut up and post Fidget
Yeah, furry vibes (and iirc a kinda 'meh' story) aside, it's a solid game.
indie games have produced some of my favorite games in the last few years so no
how bout you just shut up and fuck off.
>All furry games in recent years were either shitty doujns or borderline pedophilia
>Fidget will never turn you into a Nimbat and dom you.
Is this an by the dudes that made Dofus and Wakfu?
no but furfaggotry certainly is. we need to round them into concentration camps and torture the degeneracy out of them.
I don't like furry games. I like good games with furry characters.
No, this was made by one guy who spent 5 years making this game.
Allowing furries to have human rights was a mistake.
Indie games are fine though.
Nah, some of them are pretty fun.
No, if anything they're a blessing. Sure there's some real shit games out there, but that's the same for full on AAA games. This way we get to play/experience different mixtures of genre that would've otherwise never been touched, and at a much lower cost.
god i want to use fidget as a cock warmer
Modern gaming in general was a mistake. Let the industry crash and burn.
You dumb. Indie games basically like 1990-2005 era of gaming.
Magical, full of unconventional experiments and ideas and you can find soul in them. Indie games are blessing in today gaming.
And dust is a pretty fun game tho.
Yeah I know pain. In past anthropomorphic animals were just used in normal games, normal cartoons and well it was fine. Now anthropomorphic animals are considered as borderline zoophilia or fetish fuel for people who really got too much aroused by image of LoLa from space jam.
I had fun with dust but mostly because I could slash things... Alot of things and that's what that game was about.
If it goes too much then yes it becomes too cringe and toxic. Of course putting anthropomorphic animals doesn't mean game becomes some furry fetish fuel.
And the reason why Dust the elysian tale has anthropomorphic animals is because guy who created this game was Dean Dodrill who also designed Jazz Jackrabbit, so probably this guy was more comfortable with creating anthropomorphic animals as characters of his game than creating normal humans.
>funded by Microsoft
>indie game
Also, there's always been indie games. That's how video games started.
No but almost all the popular ones are basically trash for retards who don't know fucking anything about video games.
This was a fun game. Ironically it probably would have sold better if it had more furry bait, would have been discussed on Yea Forums a lot more as well.
Also Fidget is for platonic cuddles only.
It probably would have sold better if 1) It didn't debut on a system that tries to discourage "cartoony" games and 2) Wasn't ported to Steam with a stupid requirement to use a Microsoft controller. It's like Microsoft did everything they could to turn people off.
That game was great fuck you
It never had a controller requirement. I bought it day one on Steam and it worked with both keyboard and mouse, and controllers with Xinput drivers.
>and controllers with Xinput drivers.
Exactly. Unlike lots of other Steam games, it won't accept a PS4 controller. And right on the settings screen, tells you to use a "Microsoft Compatible" controller.
And playing a game like this with a mouse and keyboard is just fucking stupid.
Hating a game just because it has animal characters is just as stupid as hating a game just for having anime style art. Not every game with anime art is an underage panty quest and not every game with anthro characters is fetish pandering.
It came out before the DS4 and you want it to have drivers for it?
You clearly haven't played many PC games, Xinput has been the standard for over 10 years.
Finally a rational post
>It came out before the DS4 and you want it to have drivers for it?
Lots of Steam games that came out before have updated to have support for later controllers. Microsoft just doesn't care to do it for their games because it's competition.
Correct. And people who ignore "anime" style games are missing out on all the games Dust took inspiration from.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Xinput is the standard, DS4 uses Dinput, which has been depreciated for years. It was not MS's decision to have modern controller support in the game.
So many games exclusively feature Xinput support that Steam itself includes a driver to make DS4s work in the 90% of its games that don't have Dinput support
You dumb nigger, you can literally configure the ps4 controller with no new drivers to be recognized as both an xinput controller and a 360 one. Just because you are too retarded to use the ladder given to you does not mean it's the game's fault in any way.
name of the game in that gif?
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
god dammit why can't I have a console version of Muramasa Rebirth? I guess I could buy a PSTV and play my Vita copy but PSTVs are getting expensive.
Humanity was a mistake
I got one and a 8gb card for 30 bucks a while back. I never use the thing nowadays though.
>you're dumb for not knowing a work around that's not in the games options!
Just because you think you're master race for knowing a work around doesn't mean it excuses the game. It's like those people who say Sim City 4 are just fine, despite having to turn off multi core and download a bunch of mods to make it run better.
I know your pain. Muramasa is my favorite game. But even I wasn't going to buy a whole system just to play its remake. Plus, if any game needs 1080p support, it's that one (and my other favorite game).
With Odin Sphere getting a full remake and Dragon's Crown getting an enhanced port, there's no excuse not to release Muramasa.
Yeah, Muramasa is due for a re-release.
story is shit and voice acting is cringe but gameplay is fun
it was made by the guy who did the jazz Jackrabbit artwork.
Pretty sure there was supposed to be a sequel for this game by now based on the ending and what the Creator said. Honestly was pretty decent despite being furshit. Spinning around everywhere was really fun.
>Has a combo list
>Only ~3 actual combos
nah mate it was boring
Only worth it for the narrator desu.
Get your fill of the bamham combat and grappling torches long before the true ending