Battleship thread

battleship thread

Attached: Gaming-Room-26.jpg (728x453, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>TV that high
>Sofa behind desk
That's gonna be a yikes from me

Are you Bane or Cia?

God I wish that was me

Attached: god I wish that were me.jpg (125x125, 2K)

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Attached: __amatsukaze_rensouhou_chan_rensouhou_kun_shimakaze_and_tokitsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_takan (850x599, 150K)

Where's the dilation station?

Attached: __yura_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tantaka__7e3a16312c51c944c10e5961eab6a149.jpg (1439x2000, 611K)

One job.

I'm a man.

aside form the desk setup itself i hate everything about this room

actually i take that back i dont like the desk either

Here's muh battleship. I choose C7.

Attached: rg34.jpg (2048x768, 675K)


you got gf?

yes we know, when will you be killing yourself?

not bad i like your living room better

start hrt and become my gf plz

source on the art behind your bed? (three girls with the pink, green and blue bg)

Attached: adbf21cd3077f56a09f905e15a64ede6.jpg (1080x1080, 514K)

art by couch is gay af
art over fire place is shit

Attached: new_place.jpg (937x1249, 297K)

>art over fire place is shit
My sister made it when she was 7. =(

Those are destroyers you tit

poorfag hating

Look up Ilya Kuvshinov.

Where'd you get the Kuvshinov prints? I wanted to just have my own made at walgreens, since his site doesn't have the pictures I want for sale. I'm just scared the walgreens people or whoever will question it.

Attached: __real_life_drawn_by_ilya_kuvshinov__24460321b8533f5ed553ac3102f17442.jpg (1080x1080, 577K)

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 13K)

>Sombra pillow
nice taste

Glorious Leader

Attached: Say_cheese_OR_ELSE.jpg (978x1052, 211K)

>Where'd you get the Kuvshinov prints?
They are canvas actually. The individual one on the back was from his redbubble store. The other ones I have custom made. Tried a few stores before they turned out well. Quite the expensive endevour. If he just sold more of his art it would be easier.

>I'm just scared the walgreens people or whoever will question it.
As in judge you? They definitely won't care about the origins of the print.

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battleship bellies

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There's nothing wrong with being a man.
No way fag.

Shit old pic, here's the better version.

Attached: bs209ed.jpg (2016x1512, 695K)

What's the blue dirty circle on the wall?

a painting? I think thats what you're talking about.

holy crap they are multiplying. Quick, kill them before it spreads.

you a old man?

Ill be 30 in October.

Attached: wall_art.png (592x272, 35K)

you fuck

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ugly ass computer table and set up.

I miss my home.

Attached: 15865449-A55D-42D2-83DA-8B82F35C9D81.jpg (4032x3024, 2.09M)

>Purple lights.... Eww

They’re philips hue lights

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Do you work for Maersk?

have sex retard baby, how about posting your setup for us to shit on

me on the left

No, the train kit was awesome though

Attached: 1562FDEB-5F55-444A-A539-64C9C3542329.jpg (2048x1536, 970K)

I do like me some trains.

That’s a very nice video. I got to ride the Long Island rail Road and the air train from Jamaican to JFK airport I land due to work. It was pretty enjoyable and I ended up seeing very nice weather. Taking a train while it’s snowing it’s fucking amazing

I feel sorry for your neck

Me on top

>asian faces look like shit
>asian bodies look like shit
>even asian genitals look like literal shit (brown, sideways, smelly and hairy as fuck)

jesus christ how can one race be so fucking subhuman

just no 0% comfy

how do you guys afford a house?

I have to live in a basement 2x4m room and i have no moneys

comfy corner

Attached: battlestationnew.jpg (4128x2322, 615K)

That looks really well organized and all that but its too busy user. 6/10

I bet you buy toys and think its comfy lol.

Reminds me of this

Attached: The-40-Year-Old-Virgin-movie-poster.jpg (800x1200, 295K)

A job.

thanks it's been changed since then, but probably still busy as you say.

i guess if i weren't engaged.

Some people pay money in exchange for your labor.

Who's the lucky feller?

we both are I would think. high school sweetheart

t. white roastie

Attached: Battlestation.jpg (3862x3500, 1.87M)

>surround sound

Attached: DSC04169.jpg (1920x1080, 609K)


>random copy of Tomb Raider

Because my nigga ass aint had a job for 3 prior years, gotta start somewhere. Im going to a place tomorrow for 9 plus tips, probably wont get it.

>left handed mouse
Nigga I’m left handed but even I dont do that gay shit.

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I work for less.
>pic very much related

This I like.

Attached: IMG_20190429_154242.jpg (3264x1840, 867K)

>tfw fapping at night

Attached: 1556485387476.jpg (2184x1456, 335K)

tfw no Yea Forums mansion

why live

What is that, some kind of communion?

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Attached: ilya.jpg (1080x1080, 206K)

Nigga I don't have surround sound, count the speakers

what is this?

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What job do you guys do ? How much moeny do you make?

I have no job and eat my own semen

xray/ct tech 100k after 1 year experience, I think I top out at 150k after a few years

you single nigga?

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I sure hope this doesn't post sideways because I made it a point to not do this on a phone.

Idk how to make my desk any neater.

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doesn't stretching your arm out for your mouse get tiresome after awhile?

Nah it's like the length of my forearm so I just rest my arm on the desk.

very nice, been subbed for a while but forgot the name because I can't read gookrunes

I wish I could paint things so expressive like that.

>that rig

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