Sequel starts with hub of the previous game being destroyed

>Sequel starts with hub of the previous game being destroyed

Attached: 1546023744547.jpg (512x512, 26K)

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Kingdom Hearts!

I think Lufia did this.

banjo tooie was the obvious answer

Destiny 2

lol literally who

Attached: Blue_Dye.jpg (326x284, 19K)

___ _____ ___ _____!

HOLY SHIT, what a fucking based post, thank you for reminding me about this video

WOOL was my first exposure to him.

I actually really liked Ghaul, he had some pretty good lines.

AC Brotherhood

>You are not brave. You’ve merely forgotten the fear of death. Allow me to reacquaint you
Too bad that he and just about every other story element from Destiny was wasted potential


Ghaul was great and his VA fit the role, the campaign as a whole just kinda fell short.

Witcher 2

Banjo Tooie?

Dark Souls II and III
Crono Cross

Close enough with Xenoverse 2

>Sequel kills highly important character from previous game offscreen
>Only casually mentions it in passing

>Main Hub is fucked over and you have to walk through it to find your new hub
>You keep all your moves from the previous game and learn brand new ones
>Streamlined your old moves like not stopping after a roll
>Bigger better worlds, with interconnected segments ahead of it’s time
>proper boss fights every world
>Transformations every world
>darker story
>Banjo’s voice got manlier
>The music got more serious while still being goofy

Literally the perfect sequel

>sequel starts with party members reasonably leveled up and upgraded

>random character killed off-screen and casually mentioned in passing is a significant character in a prequel

You can tell his VA really enjoyed the job, felt like he was giving it 100 percent in every one of his scenes.

Not destroyed, but Grim Dawn's Ashes of Malmouth expansion has Devil's Crossing attacked, with a few NPCs there actually dying.

>AC Brotherhood
What does the AC stand for? Animal Crossing?

Borderlands 2 kind of counts. It also kind of counts for this. Helena deserved better.

>Dark Souls II
Been a while since I played, I thought it was in a completely different part of the world