Will the inevitable Overwatch sequel manage to garner the hype and excitement that the original did...

Will the inevitable Overwatch sequel manage to garner the hype and excitement that the original did, or would how Blizzard have mismanaged the game in the last couple years off put a dent in its prospects?

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Can it even be done? The game is kind of literally designed to never die, the only reason to make a sequel is a jump in technology so great they simply can't update the existing game. Which hasn't happened. Even a whole new generation of consoles wouldn't be enough thanks to crossplay.

If it introduces sequel worthy features that make the game look like a new fun multiplayer game to master, then yes. I don't see how that could be done though

usually these "hero" based competitive games don't get sequels

Tbh I don't even know what happened to Overwatch or why it died so fast. Maybe its because Blizzard took all their libtard basedboy devs and put them on the game while the good devs were elsewhere.

where are the good devs? on a new project?

probably a new project or working on the next WoW expansion to fix the dumpster fire that was BFA.

>The game is kind of literally designed to never die
Well they did a piss-poor job of that.

What does blizzard even work on? I don't even know how they can keep 8.5k people busy when they don't even make games and when they do it's a tiny sliver of content. Shouldn't they be able to pump out as much content as indie multiplayer devs? Fucking deep rock galactic gets more content than OW. How???

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Overwatch bled a ton of players across a month or two around the time of the one year anniversary thanks to the rise of PUBG, which came at a time when people were really getting sick of Blizzard trickling new worthwhile content so slowly.

a dent, breh
just like apex

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Pubg, fortnite, destiny 2 and apex split up a ton of the players. I can't imagine the playerbase ever picking back up.

It didn't die, its FOTM period ended.

This game is piss poor because playing it with ransoms is about as fun as cutting your own dick off

Focus on e-sports killed the fun as always

Overwatch was trash at conception, however it gained popularity with incels quickly with it's hot female avatars. Now that permavirgies have an inexhaustible supply of SFM porn, a new game is a waste of time and money.

Not true, the only incels I've met in real life have been massive tf2 autists. Every overwatch player I've encountered in uni has a gf and regular sex.

>inevitable sequel
just like how league of legends, dota 2, and cs:go got sequels?
t. permavirgie

OW was never good

>bashes tf2 players out of nowhere and flatters the OW players

go back to your wife's boyfriend basement

>incel language
I see I hit a nerve. And I didn't bring it up out of nowhere, we're talking about games incels play so I offered personal experience.

Only furries, bronies and third-worlders still play TF2

I'm interested in the story but for real they have to add more than a single fucking map and 7 to 8 minutes of video for every update related to it.