Why did dance dance revolution die out?

Why did dance dance revolution die out?

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Why am I in this thread.

Kill yourself

why have you posted kramer feet

Because arcades in general died out outside of Asia.

kramer feet has drawn me also to this thread and now i am uncertain of how to comport myself

Oh no

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fuck you anonwhat the fuck

Amerifats had to exercise


there are a fuckton of console versions even one with mario i think.

motherfucking epic.

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Because it's an outdated peripheral. The idea just got old and no one was interested after a while

post more dad feet

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Because dancing is gay as shit, shoudl've ever gotten popular even.

I want it to come back, I legitimately lost like 80 pounds thanks to it. Great exercise.

But part of the reason is that the games just got bad. Instead of good music that is fitting for DDR, they got more and more licensed shit that was popular like 5 years before the game was released. Then peripherals died out probably a lot due to fucking activision.

those are sum big feet, user

Why did I come here?


"DDR on Console"
>They kept adding shitty pop music that only normies wanted over music that the actual fans could get excited about/ keep the same music the console releases had. (Never forget "DDR Extreme US" and the shit UI and massively minimized song count. A game with over 100 songs got gutted into a 30 song shitstain.
>No real way to get a durable dance mat besides RedOctane and then RedOctane got fucked in the ass because of Guitar Hero and the retards that made it.
>The only dance pads that existed after the fact had the durability of a plastic bag and would slide all over the place and were a massive joke for anyone that actually got into the game. Can't play a game if the controller fucking sucks.

Most of the normie stuff died out but its still going really strong for a core community. DDR A is in round1's and Dave & Busters with online connectivity and score saving. The latest version (gold cabs / A20) is headed to the states pretty soon too. SFEvolved just happened along with Frezno Frenzy which have a pretty large following in person and online.

Pump it Up is also seeing a revival thanks to cheaper cabs and a big catalog of k-pop songs that are attracting a lot of new players.


I'm fairly certain you can buy home pads and i think there's a mod scene like for guitar hero games where you can basicaly play any song that exists.

I don't even like this song or game but the video serves to ilustrate how far the modding scene has taken it.

I think there are still Metal pads that people make and those might be a decent option but the average person isn't ready to pay $300 for a game controller they can step on. The hard foam pads that Red Octane made were hit and miss where some were really well made and others weren't but it was a middle ground where the cost was like 75-100ish. Those basic plastic ones are a massive joke.

Stepmania and In The Groove are still around and support custom songs and charts, there are entire communities built around making them (Zenius -I- vanisher being one of them).

>konami stopped making ddr games in america
>us indie company made itg, a ddr clone with western music
>konami sues then and wins, even though they are no longer making american ddrs
>autists continue to hack itg machines to keep the game updated, but the locations are very limited, and the autist hacked versions have no mass appeal
that’s basically why it died. however it’s being somewhat brought back with ddr a in round 1

also kyle ward is making stepmaniax, a ddr clone with a fifth panel in the center of the traditional ddr layout

How the fuck is niggerman videogames?

theres a two DDR A machines 2 dance rush and 2 pump it ups at my round1 here in fucking new mexico and its pretty popular. wouldnt say its dead

Zoomers wanted to wave around wiimotes instead of use a dance mat. Those bundle packs of the game and dance pad were also not super profitable for the company. DDR is alive and well in Japan though.