Where do you like to play your switch Yea Forums?

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>Yea Forums has been reduced to reddit reposts

At work or on a trip where I'm not driving.

on my couch while my netflix machine (ps4) plays me 3rd rate movies and i wait to die

>watch the cart for me sweetie, mommy forgot something

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Just fucking garbage
This is beyond bottom of the barrel
This is digging into the foundation of the building tier garbage

I feel like this post is a joke but I really can't tell

I mean the fact that he is in the beginning of botw so he obviously hasn't played it for shit and the fact that he is playing that shit in a target line is either a joke or a reddit post

it's almost like redditfags have entire communities dedicated to stealing our shit

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it's 2019
just do the online ordering grocery pickup
never again will I set foot in a grocery store

At home. If I'm playing undocked it's because I'm not home.

Playing at the hospital. I order my groceries online. Fuck stepping in a supermarket unless it’s a Publix

I forgot I have one

You must be pretty ashamed of yourself

I would not play it here or there
I would not play it anywhere

Hell yeah my man. I just started doing the same thing and there's basically no reason not to. There's no extra charge and you literally just pull your car up to a parking spot and they bring it right out to you. My wife is super social and isn't bothered in the slightest by crowded spaces and even she prefers it.

On New Year’s Eve I went out with all my co workers after our shift, we went to a bar and I brought my switch cause I thought it would be fun for them to watch me play and I could maybe teach them the basics and then they could get their own switches and we could all play together sometime but nobody seemed interested they all wanted to drink and dance and flirt or whatever I even took the switch on the dance floor and did a little dance while playing smash to show them they could still play smash and do other things because the switch is portable! One girl was actually mean about it and said “put away your game boy and try to act like an adult” and then when I explained to her how the game boy was a very different and much older system and while it has some good old games it would never be able to run smash she just ignored me for the rest of the night until they all went home. Fricken normies right?

there are still reasons to enter the store

for example: you get to pick which fruits/vegetables you think look best, you get to look at the merchandise before you buy it, etc.

It's just wierd. They're a cringey bunch yet they all circle jerk each other to point where they feel like literal kings of the internet

Commutes to work or class. Playing on the bus and train is comfy. Long flights too. Only when I have a lot of downtime or long waits.


Diabetes or you have a kid

Playing during flights is amazing

Imagine needing to be entertained while waiting in line at a department store.

OP's probably a diabetic kid.

At the laundromat & on flights

ADD america

On the tv. You know how fucking gay it is to go around playing games outside? Like what the fuck did you come outside for then if all you're gonna do is what you do inside anyway?

imagine being so poor you have to resort to staring at complete strangers for any source of entertainment.

Seething nincel

I met my wife by trading pokemons on our gameboys when we were just barely teens. It was corny to a lot of people, but we had fun regardless.

I honestly do not understand this comment

Imagine being a seething manbaby playing bing bing wahoo in public.

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In bed and in between classes


on my wii u

> Yea Forums - Twitter screencaps and reddit screenshots

>zoomers play nintendo
>zoomers are manchildren
>posting wojaks, ever
Please leave my board

I like to play mario kart when my friend finishes work. We normally get a coffee or a hot chocolate and I walk her home. We used to play UNO but the switch has a bit more variety imo.

Im not sure how familiar you are to how things were back then but you had to use a cable just to do any form of multiplayer on gameboys.

Granted, it didn't just happen, seeing a girl play a gameboy was pretty rare back then, i borrowed my friend's cable after i heard that pokemon BG music coming from her Gameboy. You have no idea how dorky it looked for someone to come up to a complete stranger to ask to trade pokemons on a gameboy.

I think she knew, but i kept making up excuses to trade pokemons with her just to spend time with her.

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Home on TV
Handheld on airplane only

any other answer is incorrect


I know, what does that have to do with going to a supermarket and looking at strangers?

Eh she's a Jesus freak and never been kissed. I enjoy hanging out with her because it's like having a little sister or something. Beats being a doomer all the time.

Pathetic orbiter.

Mostly at home, being a handheld guy i just prefer playing it in a handheld mode. Tv is alright too. Often take it to my friends's places, also take it myself when i go to visit my grandparens in the village. Took it with myself on business trips couple of time .

>Handheld on airplane only


>playing xenoblade chronicles 2
>get tired of sitting up and want to play in bed
>it's handheld mode performance is eye cancer

Any advice on dealing with this?

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I did the opposite of this. I mostly play my Switch on handheld and have never played Xenoblade docked.

reposting from reddit is okay when it's a nintendo advertisement

welcome to nintendogaf

>A long line of fat people, including OP
What the fuck.

Is there anyone not fat in that image? Jesus christ I fucking hate americans. Glutton Mutt fucks. God I cant wait until you all become some hideous brown mix of the worst life has to offer

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What's with the white stuff on the control pad?