>tfw you can solo noon ordeals.
What game is this?
Train spotting
Big Bird is here! Say something nice!
There is only Angela
What game would he play
what games would the other abnormalities play
>you have to sacrifice the life of a level 5 employee to use it properly
all backer abnormalities are dumb but backwards clock takes the fucking cake
Backwards Clock is my friend, and you are a nigger
don't get me wrong, I love the design, it's very charming all throughout, I love the look of strain on an employee's face as they wind it. It just seems to have no practical use whatsoever, please correct me if I'm wrong
If you want to restart a day, but keep everything you have, I guess.
Nothing There would probably be a fan of Prototype
Saving E.G.O gifts
shes so cute but so unsettling
Its a monster, monsters are not your friends.
Oh you will know it at Day 46+.
give me a quick rundown of this game, Yea Forums. does it have waifus?
I'm seriously interested
It has from druggies waifus to old hags if you are into that!
a very cute monster
I cant deny that.
For me, it's the Big Bird.
I still cant get over how cute this was.
QoH is best girl objectively.
redpill me on this game I keep seeing topics about it
You poke a bunch of monsters in their containment cells to produce energy while trying to keep a bunch of AIs happy.
Management game where you try to farm energy out of various monsters that each have their own containment quirks and abilities. Basically SCP if you played the facility manager during a regular day instead of a D-BOY during critical everything's-fucked day
Critical everything's-fucked days will still happen, you'll be safely in your office telling the workers how to handle it
And try to not die every single time.
mite b cool, anything I should know about the game before diving in?
>tfw i just realized im making my own containment procedures subconsciously
this really is an scp game done right
go in blind, its one hell of a ride
>clown opens child of galaxy's door
>my best agent explodes
QoH is a fucking high maintenance bitch. You can leave pretty much all WAWs and ALEPHs alone for the most part but you need to be working on the queen or executing clerks every single meltdown counter.
How, if you used child of galaxy to grind stats it should be at 5 counter, did you literally ignore the clown for like 2 minutes?
This but note that the game gives you a means of going back to certain points or even restarting days to try them again and encourages you to use them. You don't have to feel discouraged for not knowing what a thing does at first when you can keep safely experimenting on them to learn
life means get d e s i r e
ok lads, i'm gonna go in then.
Train is one of the cooler abnormalities
But fuck me if its not high maintenance
if you see abnormality descriptions mentioning meeting again as stars, curing diseases, or magical girls make sure to pick them.
What the fuck, korea?
Oh come on, the star ones is actually good
Bald is awesome.
t. low temperance agent
Ask me anything about grinding 90 minutes on day 3 using just fiery bird and beauty and the beast (with punishing bird breaking out every now and then for laughs).
Forgot pic.
How do you have fiery bird on day 3
By getting him on day 1 of course.
How the fuck I get Dusk ordeals? I wait and I wait slowing the day yet nothing
on resets to day 1 the game can bug out and your first anomaly will be something other than skull jesus
Train Simulator, with the entire $1k of DLC all installed.
what day you on boyo?
They show up after day 26 or something.
Day 30
keep going through meltdowns, it'll show up on the later ones
Threadly reminder to read the manual.
Shut up and bring your ass over here Malkuth.
>day 3
>fiery bird
What the fuck?
user what the fuck?
why are the upper sephirah so fucking useless and lazy compared to the middle and lower sephirah?
They are the ones taking care of the kiddie tier abnormalities.
So genuine question for someone newish, should I grind out some extra power after I meet my daily cap for skill leveling and personalized boxes for the SCP's?
Or should I just call it quits the moment I hit the daily requirement?
How can anyone bitch about the train when this piece of fucking shit exists?
Dude just pray lmao
Do what you want. Nothing is stopping you except meltdowns and ordeals.
Would WhiteNight beating the facility be a Seventh Trumpet situation?
Do not be afraid, for He will guide you.
Not sure what happened but Mountain decided not to move or fight back when I intentionally breached him. So my agent just beat his ass in his cell.
Sometimes you just get tired of living
He couldnt fit inside a doorway
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
>when you forgot you put someone in the bunker by accident
>got FIVE gifts
>all down the drain
Man, BoJ, Borb and Funeral gifts are so fucking rare this shit piss me off alot
yeah I'm pretty sure his objective is destroying the entire world to recreate it in his own image. What exactly that entails I suppose is unclear but he certainly does possess god-like power, if not just straight up omnipotence. If he wants to get out so bad, how come some dipshit dusting his room every 90 seconds stops him?
Imagine what it would be like to fuck Nothing There
>manage the suppress 3 Alephs mission with Blue Star(what the fuck), Mountain of Smiling Bodies(annoying asshole who would spawn several times during that day), and Melting Love(trivial)
>literally every single clerk is dead, but managed it
>next mission midnight ordeal
>think dusk wasn't too bad so how bad could midnight be
>get raped by worms like if my name were Sakura
>Backwards Clock does nothing
Welp, which midnight ordeal is easiest for when I eventually try this after having way more ALEPH gear? Also is there a decent solution to Mountain of Smiling Bodies besides having a deathsquad permanently stationed in his corridor? I would kill every clerk if I could, but I only have so many execution bullets.
Figured out how to replace skullbro. Reset to Day 1 after opening up the fifth slot of a team (thus shunting your last abo to the next team).
I hope this doesn't break anything. Can I still roll skullbro later?
Someone post the artwork
Why would you do that?
Artwork of what? I only know of the story and that employee maker.
Having a nasty abnormality in Control makes the earlygame go faster.
You already posted it
So I'm at day 14ish and I just got my first serious abnormality the one with the six brothers in a cell and none of my agents can do any work on it without zeroing out on sanity. I'm guessing my employee training regime sucks so I'm wondering what is the optimal way to train them early game. Unless I'm not supposed to touch the big boy cells until late game.
Control is earlygame? What?
>Team already wiped out
>new abnormalities escaped? Let's butcher them
Is there ever a time Geburas lust for blood is satisfied?
It's the first department.
Wall gazer is a mobile game/Facebook game garbage eater who'd play Farmville or something. Anything monotonous
Oh right, read as Central
RIP Devona and Mei.
Don't worry, you'll defeat him after a couple of resets in the future, manager.
This is pretty neat
Perhaps I should try drawing a Nothing There monster girl once I'm done writing this story.
>Mhz, Murderer, Wall gazer
>in one department
I imagined that whitenight's room is actually a fuckhuge containment made from the best technology has to offer just to keep him contained and still needs constant maintenance or else he just overpowers through
Green is by far the easiest. You try Violet but it requires some micro-ing.
Need fetus or nothing there
amber midnight is trivial to cheese
If you roll high threat monsters early sometimes all you can do is just hope they dont go on meltdown
Its that time again
Post your favorite abnormality RIGHT NOW or your favorite department gets it
Memes aside, I love how it speaks in phone calls.
Pic related and Black Swan are my favorite abnormalities story wise
>start day
>throw agents at the weird creatures
>if they die, restart day
>if they don't, keep going until the energy quota has been met
When does this get good?
Only the cutest! (not the funniest.)
simply from the way you described it the game should be a hard pass for you
no really just stop playing I really don't think you're EVER gonna like it
Never, go away.
What was her problem anyway? They all needed much more elaborate backstories.
At day 1
people who shill indie garbage do need a lobotomy
It just so happens that my favorite Abnormality is also the BEST Abnormality.
Why do some of my workers pray to One Sin?
So is there no point in the game where you do more things than assigning agents to the abnormalities? Is that the entire gameplay?
You also suppress the anomalies when they break out and begin murdering anything that has a heartbeat.
assigning people to abnormalities is puzzle solving (if you're not a wiki reading fag) thinking about the creature before you get information helps you figure out what it would like (animal like things tend to like instinct/insight, while humanoids or sad things may like attatchment)
then, the micromanaging fun comes in omce you have ordeals and breaches, to fight and minimize damage while grinding to fortify employees for harder fights
also, the story has neat plot twists and is depressing, as well as each abnormality having a story behind it
the game becomes a spinning plates challenge the longer you play, with bosses affecting core game mechanixs and adding challenging twists to the puzzle aspect
if none of this sounds appealing to you don't play it
>Homeless man is salughtered and butchered to be put on display as a mockup santa
>all because one guy hated christmas alot
Thats fucked
>no bee queen
>no shy look
>Malkuth meltdown realisation
>Yesod third phase
>Tiphereth meltdown, realising you have to fucking deal with Midnight
>Gebura third phase
>Binah pillar phase
How the fuck does this game keep surprising me, I still have Hokma meltdown to do and my computer runs at like 5 fps because of how shit it is, is it true you have to get to fucking Midnight as well?.
All of that sounds appealing, but so far whenever there's a breakout,the thing in question usually kills all my men and i have to restart, os it's just easier to let it d it's thing while I send people to get energy ASAP. Solving the abnormalities, too, would be fun, if it was something else than "send people in until you unlock the appropiate info". Basically, i really like the core concept, I don't understand the appeal of the gameplay itself.
Better try Amber Midnight.
How often is it normal to restart? I have a tendency to be really quick on the restart button and often try days multiple times (like 4 or 5 times), should I just do the memory thing at this point? Or am I just really bad? (I'm at day 23)
There is no limit. Restart so many times iaa long as it is stil fun for you.
>1000/1100 pe boxes for the day
>noon ordeal
>not a problem, no employees die
>soldier guy in a heart breaches anyway
It was the clerks again, wasn't it?
Why did this game only just get popular now?
Reminder that Nameless Fetus is actually a botchling
I'd rather lose one lvl V than many lvl Vs and lowers.
Because only rarely do people develope taste here.
What? Wrong. You only loose an employee if he isn't Level V and uses the clock.
like i said it's balancing spinning plates, the early days are to get acclimated, but once you get past day 23 and start doing boss fights it picks up speed insanely fast
my favorite part aside from lore and interactions is the stress of juggling all the needy abnormalities as shit goes down constantly
It's always the clerks
Not OP but I've never used Backward Clock fully, can someone explain to me how it fully works? I'm unsure about how it affects PE boxes and the day cycle, why should I use it over just retrying the day?
I think it's funny Rudolta needs low Insight workers to get high levels of PE boxes, as if you'd need someone not insightful enough to peer into the Santa bag
when you use the clock with a V agent everything that is out of containment and the Ordeals are insta defeated but the agent is forever lost and you cant use the clock until the next day
>When SO breached for the 27th time
i wanna fuck the computer
As many times you like. I'm on my fourth run, reached day 40 and I'm thinking of resetting to day 1 because I just unlocked the first suppressions and I've farmed lotsa Waw and Aleph gear. Might try some of the suppressions before resetting.
SCP Secret Lab anons filling their SCP need since Secret Lab is stagnant.
Best picture would have been if everyone was wearing nameless fetus gift.
is this evangelion
It's literally Shinki
Someone said Gebura?
I've only done 1-2 day memory repos so far and am at day 36 while having done all the upper core suppressions as you can see in .
Just getting through the days without anything bad happening is still pretty simple to me, but Gebura's midnight ordeal suppression still feels like a bit too much for me. I'm going to see how hard Tipereth's suppression is tomorrow. Might be the point I considering day 1ing, but I feel like I can farm out some abnormalities at this point.
Eh i had the psychopatic computer and the smiling bodies just sitting there for days. I'd rush getting PEs and anytime they broke out i'd just ignore them and try to finish up as quickly as possible. Worked alright until i got better gear
Please do not think sexually of the abnormalities.
What other abnormalities do you have?
>"Woah, hey guys, welcome to Lobotomy Corporation."
>there will never be a pornmod called "Sodomy Corporation"
Have something I just drew, user.
''If the employee is Level 5 and uses the Backward Clock when fully charged, all escaped Abnormalities or Ordeals in the facility will be re-contained or killed. The Employee that activated the Backward Clock will be lost and considered as dead after ending of the day. Also after activating Backward Clock will disappear from containment unit and will not be available for use until next day.''
The XML files are extremely easy to modify to put whatever pornographic fantasy you want.
>get the orchestra
>send in my best employee
>breaches despite good work results
>realize that's probably the trigger, retry
>send every single agent i have and expect another breach
>kills everyone regardless
Time for the memory repository.
The V that activates it dies.
SO is a bitch. In maintaining as well as repression. You need all the infos to deal with it.
Imagine being responsible for the deaths of all these people
Chuuni hag.
>imagine not be able to rewind time
Who is strongest Sephira?
Both of my favorite things at once!
>get a big blue mushroom
>the person I send in gets a flavor text about ''getting hazy''
God damn it, I hope it's not obnoxious as actual dood weed lmao fags
Keep an eye on him or you're gonna have a non-enjoyable game experience.
>Buy her presents
>2 minutes later she throws it away
It's not dude lmao, it's fucking shrooms nigga
>that smug faggot standing near SO thinking how many rookies will die
So it is gonna be annoying, fuck.
Hippie spotted
As long as you know how to click a mouse you'll be fine.
cute old lady, would walk her down the street
Day 24
>Get some fat ugly blob abnormality.
>First contact goes ok, normal result.
>Suddenly it start babyraging and I have to evacuate that entire fucking sector and just finish my day elsewhere while putting up with hideous loud baby screeching.
This fag and a few other high maintenance ones are making me thing of restarting.
I want to seduce La Luna with my sick piano skills
the baby requires a blood sacrifice
I figured as much, which is why I evacuated the area and I'll just let it fucking REEE all it wants until the next day.
Just spin the roulette, pussy
Out of all the sounds in the game, it is that one I cannot stand. The second I got it I memrepod it away. I was lucky to not have it neighbor escapable abnormalities but this meant I had to do my entire day while it screamed.
hes a NIMROD
What exactly do you get to keep when you restart? Abnormality info and items? Do you lose your unspent LOB points?
Also is day 23 too soon to restart?
What WAW and HE abnormalities are no problem for the last white trial?
any that don't escape, I guess.
Only infos and gear is saved.
You can restart whenever you want.
Info, Gear, PE boxes are kept,
Sounds wrong. I rather deal with funeral than the teddy bear.
When to restart? When you cant get through the day without losing high tier gear
with what fucking logic?
and if you don't believe what someone is telling you, why ask questions in the first place
Whenever you wish.
Most if the time it's when you can't deal with Ordeals or there is one abnormality you can't work with or control.
All acquired EGO equipment, unique PE boxes, and information(so all the observation stuff will be unlocked and the previews will have the abnormalities' actual names if ones you've researched come up again). You do get to keep all facility upgrades, mission progress(though some missions aren't active until a certain date), and core suppression bonuse What is not kept is employees and lob.
You can definitely go farther unless you got a really troublesome abnormality setup. Try to go for the first four core suppression missions if you can as those upgrades are really meaningful and make a huge difference early on. They are Boosted LOB rewards+facility-wide movement boost, +25% PE box gain, Agents start at III in all stats when hiring, and the regenerator becomes department-wide at 50% outside main room. That last one(security team) in particular makes positioning so much easier.
I answered the guy's censored question and you pretty much said the same thing I did with extra words
Because you still have to work with abnormalities under time pressure, so you can't always carefully choose which guy should work with it next time.
On the other hand high level employees easily deal with HE levels on their own as long as you keep a guy in the relevant hallways.
if you can't remember who you send to the teddybear then you'll have different issues on the white trials anyway
How the FUCK do I get out of the magic bullet shit if I accidentally clicked it?
right click, same as accidental shield or execution bullet clicks
Yeah and if the guy didn't know already, you can expand order list on the bottom left and scroll it. You can pause the game to do so except on very special situations
I've been spamming right click for a while, no dice.
If right clicks aren't working then try pressing escape to bring up the game menu.
You keep all Department Upgrades and Suppression Bonuses, Gear, Anomaly Info and PE Boxes that they currently have, but lose all your LOB Points and any EGO gifts
Currently doing a True Ending playthrough and the only Core Suppression I have left is Hokma sitting on like 450 LOB points in preparation for the final 5 days and around 70% Anomaly log completion, so here's the points of restarting I recommend if you want to minmax a bit.
>complete reset once you finish Hod suppression after doing the 3 other Sephirahs means you can restart the game from Day 1 with Level 3 staff, which results in alot more higher level staff towards the last day stretch
>memrepo or complete reset after doing Tiph, Ches and then Geburah depending on how many staff casualties you take, unless you delay a bit and just do them back to back then you can just memrepo
>memrepo Binah unless you want to be a complete fucking madman and do a core suppression during the White Ordeals
>planning on memrepo for Hokma because I'm definitely going to lose a decent chunk of employees
Also if you're planning on True Ending which is all Core Suppressions complete + all Anomaly info you might want to do constant memrepos at day 41 or day 44 to cycle through Anomalies, or just do a complete reset if you're willing to give up some Employees to try and mass cycle.
Hod and Netz did absolutely nothing wrong. Drugs are fun and if they help workers to get through the shift and cope with the horrors, they are beneficial.
you can't do Cores from day 46 onward. So no white ordeals ever while doing them
t. Netzach
Get back to work, you druggie
I highly recommend to do after Gebura another day, to refill your EGOs and then do a new run with new abnormalities because of her reward.
The tripfag is going to have meltdown soon because his posts are ignored. If we are lucky, he will leave the threads soon.
>new run with new Anomalies
>not already having every possible ALEPH in your facility to pull off the monster fiesta cheese
does the game ever let up with the dialog? I tried this about a year ago, I was expecting like SCP+Factorio and instead I got a japanese VN. does it get better after the first hour or so?
No. Now leave us.
>got most aleph and waw
>use the shelter until everything breach
Its like playing Stronghold free build; you build a nice city castle and torch it to the ground for shits and giggles
It was not that fun at release.
This should be good, but the anatomy is all over the place.
Has there been an increase in LC art, or have I just been looking in the wrong places?
>tfw accidentally kill one of my best agents with an execution bullet at the end of a good day
What? I thought you can only kill clerks with that
Nope. Any employee
>restarting the day trying to roll for a different color midnight
>got violet midnight for third time
This shit is literally impossible
Just suppressed my first boss. Now my new recruits gonna start higher. Gonna do some of the other bosses before restarting from Day 1. I'm glad I did multiple runs to farm good shit. I pity those who try to finish the game on initial run when restarting from Day 1 nets you so many advantages.
Give his WAW weapon to a high justice guy, it's great at killing your whole team
Wrong bullet, user
Hey, we found the perfect guy for Scarecrow duty
Fuck, that dog reminds me of the monsters in ao oni, that rpgmaker game.
oh yeah... oops kinda tired
Does this game have any torrents? Is the one on TPB safe?
Google drive on igg games you dink
>tfw shitposting on Yea Forums instead of playing the game
Help me get out of this loop
Thanks mister.
Angela a best!
Youre welcome.
Go back to bullying Chester Angela.
The korean jank isn't charming. It's just dodgy and lazy. 3/10 put more effort into your work.
man, his spritework is fucking fantastic and one of the best i've seen in years.
sad i'll not be able to enjoy him while he's doing his thing
The manager should definitely hug Angela! In fact, he should kiss her every day to show his appreciation!
He should marry Angela and give her a lot of love to show how much her appreciates her!
I still don't understand why taunting unspeakable horrors is considered a reasonable way to generate electricity.
Play the game, it's explained in the lore.
Imagination. It can run wild.
My imagination is trying to eat my face, can I get a cogito refund?
Got Melting Love, Fiery Bird and Fairy Festival in the most secluded lower left corner at the Records. Farming equipment has never been this easy. One lvl V running the whole department
learn engineering faggot.
every fucking one who works at researching electricity seeks for oil/coal substitute.
you bet that they'll cum buckets if they could just make half the amount produced by a single oil usine just by poking a creature with a stick.
A lot of the them will go berserk and probably ruin the world if you are not dealing with it so there is that
Can I poke Laetitia with my dick?
It would be extremely painful.
Please enjoy, anons. Hope it's as good as the other stories that have been written.
Which abnormality should I do next?
La Luna
Wall gazer
I also had a different ending thought out where the MC laments in his loneliness, but I decided to go with this instead
Friendly reminder that abnormalities are not for lewd.
Someone already wrote a Wall Gazer story, though.
I saw this game a few months ago and now its picked up incredible traction on Yea Forums. Just how good is it, anons?
It's a pretty good SCP simulator.
Gimme the link
I'm imagining this becoming one of those Scooby Doo hallway door-swapping scenes.
Gimme the link,bro.
well... as far as lore goes white night is probably the most powerful entity know to man,well, maybe his father surpasses him but i don't think he exists yet
White Night? More like White Gay
One Sin is definitely more powerful than him
Excellent taste
What do you do? How does it work? Why do I keep seeing cute waifus?
>The most powerful entity known to man
>probably also satan disguised as a holy angel
>the one place he goes to start his cult is where One Sin is at
>trapped here in an endless one-sided battle with One Sin until the end of time
How unlucky
He should give up and confess to One Sin already.
>What do you do
You work with abnormalities to produce energy. There are four types of work, and each abnormality has their own needs.
>Why do I keep seeing cute waifus?
To keep you motivated, manager.
its a korean game so cute girls and edgyness come hand-in-hand.
its very fun at the start and a nightmare on the late-game tho.
>Last run ended by Plague Doctors 'angel' form.
>Accidentally pick it on next run because it's an unlabled abnormality again.
ok back to day 1 AGAIN
Finally one for the slime waifu.
Little Red
For an old hag, she's cute
Reminder to buy coffee for Chesed.
The real question is why not everyone does
Here's your damn coffee
>almost have enough pe boxes to finish the day
>qliphoth meltdown
>timer on giant tree sap
Cutest of them all
Just ignore it.
Second cutest, at least.
From no grammar to poor grammar
Do one for Red
Agent starts spending a lot of time with Red, building a relationship and making her more open towards others. One day the agent is sent to work on the Wolf due to the department being understaffed. When he comes back Red in a fit of rage kills the Agent unwillingly.
>surpasses gebura both before and after sephirahfication
How can geb*rahfags even compete?
Oh user.
Have you not seen the poll?
Sounds like you should write it yourself, user
I'm no writefag user. If I were to write it then it would be on the level of a deviantart fanfiction.
The opinions of the unenlightened matter not to me, for I know the truth.
Angela stop going into Yea Forums and get back to work.
>only red and black damage
>not knowing Binah is a member in Geburas Harem
Surely it will be as good as my stuff
Also, can I get any feedback for the Melting Love story? I would like to improve more.
too erotic to my taste but that's me being a fag.
i liked the ending tho.
that said. either extend on your eroticism or supress it all, don't try to appeal to everyone because then you'll not appeal anyone.
>mfw i figure out malkuths deal and how to most effectively counter her bullshit
It only took 5 attempts
You are the manager of high-end abnormality facility, not Pavlov's dog.
By groping her ass and kissing ber?
I will admit that I do not know much about how to write sex scenes being a virgin and all. My knowledge is limited to h-mangas/doujins I have read, which all tend to follow a similar structure. Was this story too similar to Something There? I sometimes feel like my writing is too stale.
White Night Blanco gets fucking destroyed by One Sin Calvo though.
>there are anons who go to tools during meltdowns
Explain yourselves
Binah only cares about manager ryona
I have -15 IQ
uhhh want to click on pretty red flash
>implying homosexuality.
kill yourself.
>room flash red
>click on room
>red go away
If you're going to focus on eroticism, you need to be more descriptive and thorough. Get a little verbose if you need to and don't forget to set a mood. Use other literary works for thoughts and ideas on how to adequately describe sensations and feelings.
I'm just afraid that the train might come if i don't attend the meltdown.
You control your dudes in a manner fairly similar to Fallout Shelter
You order your guys to perform works with monsters to generate electricity, each monster has their own rules and eccentricities that you have to keep track of to keep your dudes alive
Researching monsters allows you to forge weapons and armor from them, which will make suppressing and working with harder monsters much easier
Most of the waifus are AIs that help you manage the facility and provide the story of the game, there are a few monsters that are also waifus and they will fuck your shit up good
Ah, I see. More detail in sex scenes, got it.
Can nothing there breach in a meltdown?
>train PTSD.
jesus christ user.
reset your run already.
Of course, user.
It wants to see you so much.
Don't you love it?
Going swimming with Angela!
>12 (supposedly)
>white and red
>sharp teeth
>collaborating with a higher power to bring forth something beyond our comprehension
What a slut.
Angela pleases old men for PE Boxes!
It had a Chinese, Japanese and now fixed English translation end of last year
Wow it's almost like both take inspiration from the most popular mythology in existence.
I have fodder employees on staff for this express purpose
Angela only pleases the manager, and the manager has always been X.
Star Wars?
I'll second the guy saying to pick if it's smit and horror if you're not sure the two mix well. It can work out decently, but often it won't.
When it comes to porn, the psychological aspect is very important imo. Shorthands physical cues can be used to avoid telling too much.
also, just go with what you like. Unless you like self-inserts, which is utter garbage.
Recycling the Rabbits that returned to the Grasslands!
>tsundere daughterfu last
This will not stand
Unfortunately, my fetish is horror porn, specifically with spooky girls.
It's time to confess, manager. What's eating you.
You lose some energy if you leave an abnormality under meltdown unattended, regardless tool or not
I could vote on this 10 times with a VPN and completely skew the results and still have time to get the ticket before the train rapes my asshole. Not very reliable.
I sometimes leave employees at the Flesh Idol just to watch everything go to shit
The mountain. Thanks for asking you useless piece of shit
Too much DOOTing for my taste
My friend. Are you aware what ignoring tool meltdown alarm causes? It takes away energy from the daily quota meter. That's all. And it doesn't take it away much, just maybe 20. The same amount you gain back from one or two works on He-level ab. Those tool meltdowns are better off just being ignored.
Jacuzzi time with Binah
Both of them do extreme things to my dick
I NEED to do Instinct work on short-haired Angela
>completely skew the results
Why would you manipulate the results on a Taiwanese tractor appraisal forum?
>not doing repression
>Binah only cares about manager
While I was joking, you can't be serious if you believe that.
Binah sees only Gebura as a fellow warrior and her as equal.
I would love to ignore it, but I have a old bitch here, that needs some proper beating.
>her as equal
The absolute state of Geburafags
>discussion between employee(left) and One Sin(right)
>letting the fucking train melt down
Are you stupid?
>no mothgirl with time powers abnormality
Are you implying she is superior since she nailed Binahs chest?
While talking with the manager Binah had only good things to say about Gebura.
>Yesod Suppression
>Trying to track down crinsom dawn before they release all the ALEPHs
>meat lanterns 5th escape
>mfw me as a 20/20 natural.
I love you everyone
>not white night and one sin.
I love you too, O-06-20
Manager literally slaps the shit out of her with a repression when she gets too uppity.
>Are you implying she is superior since she nailed Binahs chest?
You mean that cheap shot dying Gebura took?
Also aren't you forgetting that after her meltdown Binah thinks the manager and her are the same?
And that the only reason she's willing to stay in LC are her feelings for the manager
question, does it work on the special boss fights Red Mist and Arbiter?
Would Angela be okay with the Manager fucking Binah if she got to join in?
I imagine the employees I send are the waifufags who keep derailing these threads.
>old lady
Reset your run, she's a trap abnormality
SO is a fucker type of ALEPH, same as Army in Pink and possibly WhiteNight
>cheap shot
Yeah, AFTER she slaughtered the Released abnormalities and Binahs backup Claws.
You can try as much as you want. You can't undersell Geburas accomplishment back then.
Hes extremely easy once you know how to fight it, the problem is the syupidly low ego drop rate, i killed it around 20 times yesterday and no monocle.
If anything Binah was the one who took the cheap shot here.
>Have to bring everyone down just to kill him
>Can't even do that since his shitty curtains are in the way
I hate him
It would be hilarious if it actually works but they are back to full health instead.
>i killed it around 20 times yesterday and no monocle.
Wait, you get something by defeating Abnormalities?
Your best bet is to bring everyone down before you do work on him, then force a breach when his meter is at 1.
He means the gift ego for SO.
which is almost completely worthless, since it absorbs white damage when paired with a suit, and by that time the only other ALEPH abnormality that deals it is blue star which is much easier to keep contained and happy
I wouldn't, but my point is strawpoll is incredibly unreliable.
White Fixer would like to have a word with you
>Nothing There
>Wall Gazer
>Melting Love
>Judgement Bird soon
Sephirahs when
Sucks to be you.
Best bro
My eye ego is red eyes, so the monocle is instantly better for me.
It's a korean anonymous board meme. Not really much to it.
>there are anons who feed (You)s to the tripfag
Explain yourselves
I work on the scarecrow
I make sure scarecrow escapes
what did she mean by this?
So, who's on the ___X___ suppression team
Chopping her hair was like chopping her soul, Short-Haired Angela is a dyke DYKE.
canonically Gebura is stronger since she didn't fight 1v1 against her but rather against Binah + Fixers + Claw + Abnormalities. Just imagine that bullshit
And it still ended in a draw
She's a machine, she doesn't have a soul.
X just has to fuck her hard
>Short-Haired Angela is a dyke DYKE.
Where tf did the short hair = dyke meme come from?
I want to do Attachment work with the Queen of Hatred!
Just use forced anonymizer you fool. Only drama seeking faggots more concerned with tripfags than topics don't.
Neither do Humans, Only animals go to heaven
>i always want to do my work to the sounds of the human anthem
what did he mean by this?
>finishing Control's final mission
>that reveal
What the FUCK
You wouldn't last long.
he means the sounds of our pathetic souls.
even now, every scream you make when the game angers you fuels his passion for the next project.
I say Binah seems to be more into causing terror, sabotage and killing low life scum.
Gebura is a pure fighter killing anything that moves.
>This pairing
Dykefaggotry aside, this kind of thing has no chance of happening.
No pairing has any chance of happening.
Red mist is raping me.
>dev has 100% seed of light germination
holy based
Grab some cheese
ignore everything else
grab your employees
attack her
learn to dodge
don't be a bitch and do it yourself, do NOT use abnormalities
How are you still typing?
Do you have Shelter from the 27th of March
>day 23
>average of 10 restarts per day
Just enjoy it
>after your average day as a manager
>all of this waifufaggotry and degeneracy
all you do is disappoint, manager
Is that Abraham?
This high maintenance bitch make me considered restarting my whole run.
And there goes the peaceful time...
>all you do is disappoint, manager
He literally created a waifubait
Haha imagine being a agent in central where all the alephs are.
You want to unlock execution bullets
Pray to Jesus
>white night is probably the most powerful entity know to man
That's quite a delusion
to the safe room. Fuck that. Fuck the facility.
>implying there's a safe room anywhere in the world
Pretty sure, yes
never understood execution bullets.
can they be used to kill clerks?
its legit the only bullets left for me to pick and only because i had this idea that the slow bullet will help me a fucking lot against mountain of smiles
>spend the rest of your days, trapped and alone in "the safest place on earth"
Props wrose than just dying famalam
>can they be used to kill clerks?
and slow bullets work on the creatures
but.. but there is one... at least is safe for one person... right?
I'll just jerk off to all the lewd pictures of Sephirahs and abnormalities before dying
>and slow bullets work on the creatures
AND on crazy employees.
>can they be used to kill clerks?
Yes, and they don't count towards abnormalities' kill counters this way (aside from QoH).
Slow bullets are also useful for when an agent goes insane.
Yes Execution bullets are amazing, For abnormalities like Queen of Hatred who needs sacrifices to stop her sperging out, also is invaluable for abnormalities that escape when things die because the execution bullets don't count as a "kill" to those abnormalities
Try to take out the ones that give the shittest bonus, like central command or information first
>Killing your fellow man with execution bullets
How could you? It's a sin to be so wrathful.
If i reset my game will i get proper names for abnormalities i've researched when choosing new ones?
>information team bonus
Better for them to die by my hand than becoming the mountain’s fodder.
Death is Piety.
How are lob points given out?
I have done some days and got a shitload of lobs and not even gone past Dusk, other days I can complete a Midnight and get only 14
its impossible to survive an ordeal of dusk without massive clerk losses, and those trigger some massive chain reactions.
do they make bodies?
should i keep from using it near mountain?
They disappear in a black hole like thing.
>do they make bodies?
Nope. Removes them without a trace.
Wonder what it looks like without moe filter.
S rank gives a predetermined amount and everytime a employee gets a rank its another plus.
So training up level 4 employees to level 5 would generate a ton of Lob?
Seems pretty exploitable, would be better if you got more lob the further you get
Can i get some general tips please?
When is a right time to reset? What should i prioritize? I just got to command team with lumberjack and rudolph, kinda loosing interest cos progression is slow.
Shelter From the 27th of March is the safest place anywhere
If progression is slow then it sounds like you need more dangerous abnormalities, the central team is a good spot to bank and resposit if you keep only getting shitty He abs
>Apple breaches
>teleports from control to bottom of command
>teleports back to the other control hallway
Hahaha fuck this cunt I wish her ego gift wasn't so solid
don't fuck the abnormalities wtf
Open wider, you broke the brakes on the pain train.
try to stop me!
Use range attacks or attack her in small areas.
If you give the Lobotomy Corporation a name similar to SCP, how would you call it?
Is this a marketing thread where everyone in here are just samefagging each other?
Genuinely curious if only nice people play this game
I'm playing the game mostly because of the comfy threads desu
If i plan to reset to day 1 before day 45, should i still do core suppresion? they are a pain and i don't really want to do them a second time
You do them one single time. If you can do it, do it.
It will make the second run easier.
Is this game any good? Should I pirate it?
Core suppressions get transferred, along with EGO and research
it's an acquired taste, if you're interested
Is there something that causes all abnormalities to randomly break out, its happened to me twice before the first meltdown even happens. Containing them doesn't work because they just leave the moment i kill them.
If use all my employees i can beat nothing there on his Cocoon mode.
Thank god, i'll do them before resetting.
I'll still try to finish the game without resetting but it's my first run and it's becoming harder and harder
Do you by any chance hear an annoying crying?
The threads are comfy, the game is comfy at the start, then it becomes starcraft micromanaging as you progress.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
>Chesad meltdown
>red dusk
>at 4x red
Not sure, i didnt really notice anything warning me though
what abnormalities did you have
You might make good worker for Scarecrow. I've started from day one 4 times now and I just suppressed two bosses last run. Now I'm zooming through the first 20 days thanks to the boss rewards. Really, you want to farm high tier equipment each run to make the next ones so much smoother.
He might have the shelter. Leaving an employee in there for long causes everything to go to shit outside.
The rewards you get will make progressing a lot faster during later runs
That might be it, but i tend to not use it unless i need to for meltdowns. Question marks are the iron maiden, teddy bear and the giant smoky ball
>I'll still try to finish the game without resetting
you hope for the impossible
The issue isn't kill her, it's getting to her when she keeps telporting from the top of the facility to the bottom
>abnormalities that teleport around
The absolute worst
guys I think there's something wrong with my Rudolta
Cute! CUTE!
never pick him again
Hey Lanky-boi, i think you got wrong thread. SCP Secret Lab threads are one year in the past.
Very nice.
Wonder if this is how attatchment with low temperance looks like. Or just snapping while working.
As for requests I'll be the boring guy and request the megukas, either queen or knight. Not mentioning king cus dunno how that would even work
I saw melty love's box and evaded it like the complete coward i am.
No, its just your cute and most reliable assistant
>Put someone in the safest place on Earth
>Meat lantern breaks out
>Lands right outside the shelter's door
And that's how that restart happened
And for all of you who are having RAM trouble, here's a little thing I learned from Tarkov
>Site tells me to "upgrade" to Win10
i guess its finally time
idk bro, didn't see that on the garbage laptop I just installed it on. I got ublock origin to kill pop-ups and other garbage
Where is the guy who picks up the ticket?
eaten by an abnormality
"what is my purpose"
"you collect tickets"
"oh my god"
This game has been out for awhile so why is it only recently getting threads
its fun
How many PE boxes is this junky worth, when harvesting him?
why are any games having threads on Yea Forums? because they're videogames
and sometimes because they're fun
judging from the wiki showing legacy content which seems like crazy different gameplay im assuming an overhaul. also takes koreans a long as time to find translators, so when it did get translated(albeit poorly due to it being done by one guy) it took off as basically a new game
Ah okay I was just curious, since I've been playing it off and on for almost a year now and I was wondering why no one else really talked about it until these threads started coming up regularly.
Incorrect. The devs got scammed on the first translation. The scammers took the money and just ran through the text through google translate
Because there's a market for SCP games.
I remember when I tried several times making a thread, but completely got ignored.
When this sort of thing happens I always just assume some big youtuber played the game and now it's a flavor of the moment
Time to end the day with all of my LOB. Surely nothing bad will happen.