Settle this once and for all Yea Forums. Who has the better games?

Settle this once and for all Yea Forums. Who has the better games?

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Thats not to say that Sony doesn't have anything that I like but Nintendo just has more of it. And Sony as of late really hasn't been doing it for me outside of Marvel's Spider Man and Persona 5(which isn't even a first party game).


the only games I care about from sony are bloodborne and demon's souls

Has infinite homebrewing capabilities rivaling PC, in addition to all of these games.

NOTHING, it has exclusives and that's it

Nintendo has the best exclusives and IPs.
Sony has the best third-party games; only a few of their exclusives are worth a damn.

Nintendo has better games, despite the Nintendo Bonus,

What's the name of that leftmost game (the flower) in the 5th row of the 1st column on Sony side?

first party? Nintendo, why is this even being questioned, are you dumb?
third party tho is still a little better for Sony, but I think, and hope, they'll get fucked hard next generation

Tearaway, one of the most underrated games on the Vita

lmao those gay ass david cage games aren't even sony exclusive anymore

fuck, I got it wrong, Tearaway was below the one you asked, don't know that one


They’ve literally changed the entire industry on several occasions
Also Gyro controls become the standard fucking when?

Just because the whole Souls series I'd have to say PS4, but the only console I own is the Switch.

>play station side
>90% are dead franchises

Nintendo has the best IPs, 3rd only to Capcom and Sega.

Overall the PlayStation brand has better exclusives because of 3rd parties.

I thought you were fucking with me until I googled it. Thanks bud

Out of that list I choose Sony. But even as whole I'd choose Sony cause I really only like about 4 nintendo series.

>I really only like about 4 nintendo series
Nintendo only cares about 4 of their series as well.

I mean Nintendo has had a pretty rough go of it this gen until like the last year but I guess overall their IPs are more valuable and versatile.

Most of the good PS games were in the 6th gen or before. Ninty wins.

Sony's best games are from decades ago and they no longer make anything like them. Nintendo still makes good games.

I like both of them


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This has been settled since before the Playstation existed.

Sony's best 10 games since the PS1 launched pale in comparison to just the top 10 NES games.

It's almost an unfair comparison as for almost a decade now Sony hasn't made a really good game.

Why are you counting heavy rain? Thats not Sonys Detroit is. Instead choose something llike Alundra LoD Wipeout promo art or Okage.

Idort here. I always Sony AND Nintendo. Sony for choice and Nintendo for, well, Nintendo. Nintendo make the best video games in the world. Always have done. Simple as that.

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Not XBox and that's all that matters

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Nintendo franchises such as Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. will always be more valuable because they have been getting games over many years while the only Sony franchise that can say the same is Gran Turismo, Sony as of lately is doing a better job at keeping some franchises alive with Uncharted getting to a natural end, God of War getting popular again, MediEvil and Shadow of the Colossus remakes, Ratchet & Clank reboot, etc.

But they still have a long way to go, I overall like Sony exclusives more but they don't leave the impact Nintendo exclusives do on the industry.

That said, I feel like you went for the most popular games on the history of PlayStation because Um Jammer Lammy was better than Parappa for me, the first Alundra and Wild ARMs are among the best games of PS1 so is The Legend of Dragoon, Tokyo Jungle was damn fun I hope Sony someday does something with it again, etc.