What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
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Microshit brought it
other than that, nothing
The novelty wore off, revealing the boring repetitive structure that had been there the whole time.
It has no value.
Everything you can do on Minecraft, you can do in better games.
>nb4 microsoft
>nb4 hunger
They just don't know what to do with it anymore. If mods are legitimately better than the base game then might as well stop trying to pump out another shit update. The aquatic one was the last good one they had in years.
Started out simple and accessible.
Like what
Tekkit is pretty sweet though
What mods do you fags use?
They neglected the underground, nether, and the end. Neglecting the underground was the biggest mistake since it's literally where you are for half of the game.
No Patrick, Dragon Quest Builders isn't a good Minecraft clone
Mods add better, meaningful content. Imagine being so fucking lazy as a developer you need to make a poll in your games convention to add in ONE (1) new monster into your game. Was it so hard to add in the other three? What the fuck does these swedecucks do if it takes this long to add in three months work worth of content each update?
Name a game that does a better job a letting people be creative while also having a survival aspect. Please im so sick of crawling back to this game every other few months.
Are there any worthwhile servers you guys can key me in on? I just started playing it again
Hunger sucks dick and world gen got fucked
>make poll only for bugmen that effects the game for everyone
Gee who fucking figured chinese insects would unanimously vote for theur government sanctioned animal. What do they even add to the game? Nothing.
I mean it was pretty shit to do that. Especially since A could've been a neat underwater mob besides the new Drowned, and I guess D is like a cooler Blaze or something.
I don't understand why can't they just add all four in? Who the fuck makes a poll like this? It just cements how absolutely lazy the swedecucks at Mojang really are if they can't be assed to code in new hitbox frames but make stupid shit like villiger clothes and reskinned zombie.
Personally would prefer just A, B and D. C just seems off imo
This. The base game DESPERATELY needs more variety. Fucking mods have been adding shit loads of creatures in forever
>What went so wrong?
D could have been a neat mini-boss that drops a special fire shield that sets arrows on fire once bounced back. And C could have been a cool new cave monster.
You don't even really need the underground anymore
Trade with villagers to get a bunch of gear, and find a bunch of ingots, diamonds, and emeralds in buried treasure/shipwrecks.
>villiger clothes
Not only pointless but it makes it actually harder to differentiate between professions. The colored robes was great. The new shit is so bad.
That's probably the biggest problem.
Theres no reason to mine in MINEcraft
>add stupid shit like wither rose and mandatory craft dye
Where's Mojangs priorities? The only good thing to come from them is scaffoldings and lanterns.
This is the biggest issue i have with vanilla. Are there any good mods that fix this? I cant seem to find any...
What are you specifically looking for?
Bigger caves?
More difficulty?
Both. Just any sort of variety for underground. Biomes or anything would be nice
not him but I just want more things to find. I don't mean ores but nice touches like maybe random glowing mushrooms, random treasure thats sometimes trapped, the odd furnace and workbench that seems like someone was in that cave your in, I don't really know on anything super big. Also different types of stones depending on the biome would be better than having granite and shit just clogging up your inventory.
>adding a bunch of ugly as shit stone types to the underground that do nothing but clutter your inventory instead of actually making the underground interesting
For real they need to borrow some Terraria elements like generated complete minecart tracks you can ride down, traps, glowing mushrooms, underground cabins with treasure, furniture paintings and unique fishing loot instead of worthless bullshit like cornflowers, dye item and pandas.
It seems like everyone digs down to level 12 or so, then expands out in a grid looking for diamonds. There's no difficult or risk in going down into deep areas of the map.
Worley's Caves pretty much revamps the entire structure of minecraft caves and makes them a lot more fun to explore by making the generation much more random. You can find anything from tiny to massive caves.
I think quark adds a couple of biomes underground as well
there are a couple of other mods that add in some more cool underground stuff, but they haven't been updated in a while (anywhere from 1.7.10-1.10)
hot take
okay just post the sex mod already
Another one please. Saying Terraria is like telling someone tired of coke to try pepsi.
Nothing really, Notch dragged his feet kicking and screaming when it came to updates until they were ground to the ankle and then Microsoft bought it up and went full marketing towards the children. Working in an Elementary school these kids can't get enough of this game, probably the biggest thing of their childhood they'll remember when they reach adulthood
Lego Worlds
>mad that people who are barely old enough to talk would shit on you in MC
Boт зaшeл я нa cepвaк.
Кy, хaй oл, пpивaтить кaк?
Пocoны c кeм мoжнo жить?
O, aдмин, дaвaй дpyжить.
Oн читaк. Я cдeлaл cкpин
ПBП! Я был oдин.
Я лaгaл a oн лeтaл!
Гдe тaкoй oн мeч дocтaл?
Aдмин дaй pecoв!
Бpaтaны я yмep.
Bce cгopeлo в лaвe.
И aлмaзы и бpoня пpoпaлa.
Caм ты нyб чyвaк.
Дa я c бeты гaмaл.
Пpocтo зaлaгaлo!
Aдмин дaй pecoв!
Heмнoгo aлмaзoв и eды.
Aдминкy дaй. Я aдeквaт.
He бyдy тpoгaть нa cпaвнe пpивaт.
Я apхитeктop, идитe вce лecoм.
Кpeaтив мнe и вип! Aдмин, дaй pecoв!
Пoчeмy я yмep вдpyг?
Taм в пeщepe был пayк!
Чтo зa лaгaный cepвaк.
Кpeaтив пoлyчить мнe кaк?
Кopoчe, пaцaны, oтcтoйнo тyт.
Booбщe ни зa чтo мнe дaли мyт.
Я cepвaк oткpoю cвoй.
Bce игpoки пepeйдyт нa мoй.
Aдмин дaй pecoв!
Heмнoгo aлмaзoв и eды.
Aдминкy дaй. Я aдeквaт.
He бyдy тpoгaть нa cпaвнe пpивaт.
Я apхитeктop, идитe вce лecoм.
Кpeaтив мнe и вип! Aдмин, дaй pecoв!
whats the best modpack? tekkit is really fun with friends but i wanna try other stuff out. something i can make a server with.
hexxit goes allways
Hunger, not enough variety for mining
Hunger... This killed Minecraft on the most basic gameplay level
i love games with super intense weather. is there a minecraft mod for this?
Unironically sold out
The game is very simple at its core. It lacks things to seek out. It lacks a loot pool. It's a mat grind at worst. You grind, accumulate shit, and then fight bosses and walk away. It doesn't have the steady progression or variety of something like Terraria. It doesn't have the rare and elusive mobs of something like Terraria. It doesn't have things that can drive people to go to the trouble of exploring the world, nor does it ably support such endeavours. The map system is too clunky and limited, and a zoomed out map amounts to nothing. So generally when I try playing I feel sort of bound to my local region. But even then, why would I explore? What's there to find? What's there to chase after? Oh great, I found a pyramid or a temple that just has the same generic shit I have hundreds of. Great.
They keep adding half-baked shit and never expand upon it.
>Add nether
>Never add anything of significance to it until years later
>Add a brand new dimension on top of that that's just for a shitty end boss
>Both dimensions any sort of variety
Once you've seen your first Nether fortress, you've seen the entire Nether.
Pretty sure there are mods that add tornados, hurricanes, etc to the game.
>caves are incredibly boring and the most "interesting" thing about it (being the abandoned mineshafts) is primitive
>the nether is near worthless due to neglect from the devs. the only reason you would ever want to go there is because of blaze rods, glowstone, and quarts
>the end suffers the same issues as the nether. but then again, it's mainly for you to face against the ender dragon
>almost all temples / generated buildings are way too simplistic and serves only to get some generic loot (diamonds, saddle, etc)
>game feels incredibly empty even with the presence of the current vanilla mobs
>post ender dragon fight is boring as hell
>any other boss than the ender dragon is not worth fighting against due to lack of incentive to actually face against
>this existing
>pillager raids lack any true benefit outside of a villager who might have good loot and a shitty achievement
>straying away from the original concept idea of being a DF-esque game because of ""simplicity""
mods are the only reason why i still play this game anyways.
>this was voted into the game over a hunger boi
I'm mad
>>pillager raids lack any true benefit outside of a villager who might have good loot and a shitty achievement
You can get totems of undying from them, so that gives them a decent benefit. But that also makes woodland mansions kinda useless.
You'd think a game with such a simplistic art style would make it easy to pump out new enemies/creatures. Rigging/Modeling/Animating all 4 of these shits should not take more than half a year. It shouldn't even take more than a month. What does Microsoft gain from paying the laziest developers on the planet?
wait really? i never got one at all. i only got the occasional emerald and crossbow.
Any particular use for these things? I kinda prefer using a shield
You have to be on at least normal difficulty, because for some reason higher levels of bad omen only dictate whether or not they have enchanted gear.
yeah I always have it on normal mode. eh, I might just have bad luck or something
Toxic multiplayer communities on survival servers
Are you on Java or Bedrock? I'm on Java so it might be different.
Who knows considering modders have been making Mojang eat shit since Beta. Look at Aether for fuck sakes, the original content mod which added new ores, enemies, bosses with actual mechanics and a new dimension. What the fuck has Minecraft added? Beetroot? Drowned which are reskinned zombies? Villiger clothes? Who the fuck wants this bullshit?
I'm on java. i have never played bedrock edition outside of that one time when PE came out.
Well I don't know what's wrong then.