WoW Classic beta tomorrow get hyped.
Westfall... Home
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Reminder to roll on EU realms.
>No streamers
>No zoomer army following streamers
>Better players overall
haven't played since wrath, but is skinning herbalism better than skinning mining for gold? assuming most worthwhile herba spots are gonna be camped or not early?
>WoW Classic beta tomorrow
>tfw used to hate the idea of classic
>tfw play private server so i can have an idea of what im talking about
>tfw fall in love with the game all over again
where my best priests at
*streamer beta
Yeah better get hyped for tipsout and esfand to stream it. I can't wait to subscribe and donate :)
Bros ... the retailchads are laughing at us again ...
im gonna play shadow priest to buff the warlocks :)
I'm not dealing with that ping and more importantly, europeans
Here Yea Forums, heres your Classic WoW leveling Dungeon guide.
Nothing wrong with having 1 s.priest in the raid.
if i get a release date, then fuck it. i'll give them 5.00
Mining will you get you more gold because of engineering and higher volume but you should always have a herb alt for potions
Engineering is so damn expensive to level though.
Based. I'm dropping a $20 dono bomb to my man towelliee if it's true
>better players
>russians and polacks
Yes suka spamming Russian is more professional player than >KAPPA >DOGE >WEED underages America has.
Look at wowprogress. EU wipes the floor with NA.
Remember to not waste time pickpocketing till 60. This guy spent 12 hours pickpocketing elite mobs at level 30-40 and barely made 24 gold. That's like 2g an hour.
isn't literally everything doing skinning mining, doubt anyone will buy ore from AH first month?
sub vros just farming bats to level cooking in the superior version of the game :)
>still can't decide between priest or shaman
On the one hand I have hands down the best healing kit in the game, easy grouping and generally don't have to worry about wonky itemization on my gear.
On the other hand I have melee Enhancement memes.
>female belf
by all means, stay on your garbage esl chink server
we don't need your kind tainting classic
Gentlemen, *taps cigar* I come to you today with a problem. *audience snickering* A problem, that will be effecting us all very soon *laughter stops*
I am of course talking about..the Warrnigger Crisis *audible gasps* these things...will infect every faucet of our beloved game, all levels of PvP and all levels of PVP *looks at druids*
They are like a locust upon dungeon groups, kick one and more will show, devouring everything from even cloth for their 'spirit set' *baby cry is heard*
You healers *points at priest* surely you know the horror...surely you've seen what these creatures do in group content...*prieet looks towards his feet*
I ask you, no I beg you all, we must address this as the threat that it is...ragnaros can wait, the Warrniggers are coming...
Garbage zone but hyped for Classic
I would instantly group kick a warrior who needs on spirit cloth, not gonna lie.
got bored didnt read
Why on Earth would I ever take cloth gear? I'm going to have enough inventory woes as it is.
>searing gorge
It's boring and you spend 90% of your time in it in just one small spot.
you're a faggot
not him but ere's the thing; the first two leveling zones are going to be scrubbed clean of copper. you need 80 mining to dig out tin. by the time you leave for the level 23+ zones, you'll be seeing less copper. so you'll be leaving with at best, 50-60 mining. so go check ah for ore to smelt?
copper ore is like fucking heroin+crack cocaine, cut with baking soda for the first month. it sells for huge, and sells immediately. copper bars will sell for a stack for 1g20s months into launch.
Shiiiiet man the autism is leaking hard in this video.
He admits to only sleeping 3 hours and is babbling like a drunken retard.
dont worry ill be playing female undead when classic comes around xD
what gives a more comfy leveling experience, lw+skinning to supplement gear or herb+alch for potions? I want my professions to really play an impact while leveling
I'm going to intentionally be a shitter when I play as a hunter. And I'll still beat most melee classes
Big if true.
i dont have account.
It's happening
Alchemy is the only crafting profession worth leveling as you level instead of at 60. Mainly because it's cheap and is really easy to gather the supplies needed for it.
you could at least post a picture of it
imagine not having iron grenades before people have pvp trinkets
gonna roll enchanting and make so much money off of wands at launch prob will fund my epic mount from level 5 wands alone
no russians or polacks play retail, only the rich kids and they're very scarce. private servers are another story
Damn I am too late! The Warrniggers are already here!
>deadwind pass and moon glade
if you funnel the gold needed to level it from another character, sure. Engineering is too damn expensive.
i got my first epic when game launched selling runecloth bags
Alright, here you go.
Confirmed. Just checked on the secret streamer discord and they account is already flagged. It's fucking happening bros.
The expansions should had gone;
>Outland (A: Blood Elf, H: Ogre)
>Northrend (Death Knight)
>Emerald Dream (A: Furbolg, H: Goblin)
>Northern Isles (Tinker)
>K'aresh (A: Arakkoa, H: Ethereal)
>South Seas (Monk)
>Underworld (A: Dark Iron, H: San'layn)
>Pandaria (A: Jinyu, H: Pandaren)
>when you're rolling priest and your irl buddy is going warrior
some rarespawn in mulgore
Oh yeah, just what I want is to have to raid at 4 in the morning because of euro timezones
Either a cat, a hawk, or a boar.
Rake is only the 2nd fastest cat.
Lupos / Brokentooth.
Fake and gay.
Are you buying ores from AH or something?
>Asmongoloid is allowed to play the game before others because he influences the horde of smelly virgins
except its not that rough to get to iron greandes while leveling.
the upper level engineering is more obnoxious.
ive done it on pserver launches several times, and i realize that isn't going to translate 100% to classic, it was still crowded and packed. I grind a lot in caves.
wpvp while leveling is too fun to not have the grenades, even gnomish net isnt hard to get to. and once you're at grenade level you'll get like 25 skill ups off of spamming those, and iron is far easier to mine than tin. Tin is the annoying part, you can mitigate a chunk of it with silver.
There's also the wetlands cave to skip a lot of mining skillups.
All this advice is almost irrelevant however since we dont know how server pops will be, and while i played retail vanilla i definitely do not recall how nodes operated or what their respawn timers were. And that would be something i'd assume all pservers are best guessing.
You don't want to play on the same server as a streamer anyway unless you're there to dickride them.
Cat or wolf for pve.
Either a owl, vulture, bat, turtle, or boar for general use.
lupos will not be shadow damage in classic.
all it says is ptr1 and ptr5 and those were around previously.
Just got this, anyone else?
Lupos was only good before they did a patch that removed his shadow damage. Now he's just meh.
I can't wait to farm gold and help my favorite streamer pay for his epic mount!!!
friends is rolling druid, me rogue, the most buddy of combos, better than slave master warrior priest
Check your email, beta invites have just been sent according to my inside guy on Blizzard.
I'm not an eceleb, so no.
Shit taste: the image.
>when your friends all turned into normalfags and don't play video games anymore
What about bear?
its fake
The wolf from Alterac Valley that can run at warp speed.
ah yiss
depends entirely on what you want it to do.
cats have the fastest attack speed and can stealth, so they're typically the best dps and are nightmares for casters in pvp. wolves have a party-wide AP buff so your warriors and rogues will like you. thunderhawks have a ranged focus dump that deals magic damage instead of physical. boars have a charge that roots their target for a second, useful in pvp. turtles have a shield wall ability that makes them super tanky for hard-hitting mobs. gorillas have a thunderstomp that lets them hold aoe aggro pretty well. raptors are cute.
>WoW Classic beta tomorrow get hyped.
Nah, that won't happen until mid August.
Yeah but I'm not gonna bother. I've done 1-20 a dozen times on private servers and it's not like anything carries over.
imagine being 30 and having a gf thats playing splatoon2 right now while you surveil wow generals like a super autist, hehe
The only correct answer is that unique wind serpent that appears in a lightning strike
Scarlet Monestary is shit, it's the patient zero that started the winged dungeon cancer. People only like it because it has the best loot for the next 35 levels.
same omnivore diet as a boar but without the CC stun
>bad: westfall
nigga kys
>preferring russians
fucking ew dude
>region lock
>right click report
>renamed items
>no wall jumping
>multiboxing cancer
>vpns not banned
>only 3 day bans for botters
>nu blizzard
enjoy your stay, homefags
false retard
>when the company is in california
They always indicate time of day as PST, user. Why are you posting reddit troll posts here?
How to avoid streamers
>pick pvp realm
attack speed isn't the only thing that sets pet families apart, retard
This Lupos and Brokentusk are not bugged in Classic.
>implying streamers won't have hordes of twitchkid shiteater sycophants following them around killing their tags and dogpiling anyone who stands in their way
20 level 20s can kill a level 60 with melee attacks no problem
incorrect, you're thinking of tbc again my dilating friend
>not macroing pickpocket to ambush and sap
>the nicker and black menace renamed
fuckin wow
>Sit macro bug is fixed
>Lupos Brokentusk bug values are fixed
"I'm a DPS warrior"
Make a guild to exclusively gank those niggers so hard until they quit your realm
i dont know if brokentooth attack speed is a bug or not, same for lupos shadow damage.
but yes, the rest of what you said will be correct.
im not a hunter but i can read patch notes on wowpedia
wow they renamed the black menace too?
Do they even realise how racist they actually are by giving in like that? Fucking revisionist scum
Horseshoe is very fucking real.
Those values are going to fixed in Classic because they are bugs.
>would want to have a rogue on a pvp server just to gank people and camp them
>would want to level a warrior in peace on a pve server
>there is nothing to do on a pve server besides being afk in the city or doing a dungeon or raid or something quite literally
>mfw when i pick a pvp server it might aswell turn out ot be 90:10 horde favoured if i happend to be alliance or vice versa
>mfw it looks like picking the streamer server is the best choice because it will have a lot of people for the auction house and faction unbalance so you can gank someone but you most likely never will
did they even fix the netcode yet or are people going to be phased out once they get more than 50 people in a single area lmao?
I'm planning to use a carrion bird for AoE screech, though many people prefer cats or boars due to their higher single target damage.
>be same faction as streamer
>fuck with his mobs
>he gets his opposite-faction orbiters to gank you
>they get banned for cross-faction collusion
I'd rather use a pet that stays alive and tanks while I do damage.
Are resto druids wanted in raids? Or am I just going to be someone they take just for BRES/innervate and some minor off heals?
>no russians or polacks play retail
Crab is the only correct answer.
Worryingly cringe. Who Mortal Struck you?
is that why they manually added bugs such as stuns freezing players in mid air?
shut the fuck up retard
innervate me you shitty furry, you know the real healer, holy paladin
Do you trust Blizzard to not somehow cock it up in some way?
That is the purpose of the carrion bird, yes.
>popular streamers ever getting banned
What alternate dimension do you live in? Can I come live there?
What about gorillas?
based and fact pilled. Won't be able to spit without hitting a warrnigger
They're solid healers but you're spot is mostly for the latter reasons. You'll be considerably more useful than balance or feral druids though.
The real question is will the server be able to handle the AQ Gates this time around or will it be a clusterfuck of lag and server crashes again like last time?
reckful literally threatened to hire assassins to kill people and still wasnt banned
What's her weapon preferences? I want to know if she's a filthy casul or not.
What is the point of this image?
Amputee midgets and furfags are both trash.
streamer-only event sorry you can buy a battlepass for only 9.99 though through the in-game store!
Retail servers even now lag and can't even handle 40 vs 40.
>reckful literally threatened to hire assassins to kill people and still wasnt banned
What does him getting banned for what he said on twitch have to do with getting banned in WoW?
retail servers cant even handle AV.
>playing a soulless game
Just admit it, once the Classic nostalgia wears off youll be waddling back to FFXIV
I agree with this.
I wish gnomer were higher. Gnomer has some badass skips, you can skip most of the dungeon if you know what you're doing.
That tunnel from Viscidus Fallout to the Electrocutioner can be skipped almost completely if you run along the railing at the side.
Just pull all the aggro, then jump onto one of the supports in the Launch Bay. Mobs will evade. Gg ez
it's going to be a clusterfuck of lag and server crashes everywhere because the modern server architecture can barely even handle 40v40 instanced in av let alone 40+ in wpvp
don't be surprised when they delay it because they have to rewrite the whole net code
>Bad: westfall
You can't in classic.
They move slowly.
I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but if your pet moves slowly it's a HUGE pain in the goddamn ASS while you're busy killing shit and your pet is doing its slow ass noob shuffle over to where you are.
Birds get dive and dash.
It has the 2nd lowest desirability just ahead of Hunters, 2-3 slots.
amputee is patrician tier fetish though
remember to grasp tightly when yanking your healer's ponytail
Show up as omenferal and do as much damage as rogues until end of BWL by using manual crowd pummeler. Innervate and Brez when needed. Don't bother healing unless things really go to shit, your other healers will very easily keep people up without your way weaker heals.
Don't play druid unless you are going to try though. Even a slight fuck up in your rotation is a big dps loss. You'll need to farm mcps every raid. 14 minutes for 5 runs and wait for dungo reset. It's brainless easy, but uh you'll probably want an alt to log so you have something else to do.
>That doujin where the father amputates her daughter
whats the best classic server right now?
retro wow
if you are talking about pservers
>and do as much damage as rogues
Why would you want to skip Gnomer? It's one of the few places that actually feels like a proper dungeon.
this is what furfags actually think
Resto is pretty good if you know how to use your full kit and not just try to healbot it.
for instance, Resto druids have an ability that stuns an enemy for 2 seconds and can interrupt spellcasting.
Resto druids also have a movement speed buff - they can increase their speed by I think it's 70% for 15 seconds.
They also have a spell that reduces the armor of the person they cast it on, and have a spell that can reduce the falling damage they receive.
There are many restos that outright do not know their full kit and end up looking like dumbasses as a result.
this just makes me sad
the idea of a 14 year old donating to a streamer with their dad's CC is one thing, but mid 20s guy or grown man doing this, its just... i dont even
this is pathetic
>t. Never played druid
>tfw no idea how many hours until we get news
Ah shit you got me, I spent most of my time playing good classes that contribute to groups.
>thinks 100 bucks is big
It's def a kid using his parent's cc
what if the nite time tranny druid crew was just pretending to be retarded but really they were pulling the biggest troll by convincing retailnigs to roll druid and waste a million hours farming level 25 maces so they can lock down all the resto raid spots?
Screech apparently builds a lot of threat each use and it lowers AP of mobs in the area essentially making the owl tanky. Personally, I like boars.
Its just beta bro, chars would be wiped so who gives a fuck
Until AQ40 starts they absolutely do. They scale hard with mcp and world buffs.
100 bucks is a big deal if you're a wageslave earning peanuts at some shitty job at the mall
which someone low IQ enough to throw $100 at a streamer, probably is working
aw I asked the other day and anons said hunters would be ok as long as i'm not going for world first type guilds
one job
Enjoy getting 1 drop every three resets them from that class congestion then haha
I don't know why this got me so bad. omfg.
big chance to test macros/addons
and also if it goes on long enough low level wpvp is surprisingly really fucking fun
A mass shooter in the making
hunters are still needed for tranq shot. and people dont like to waste gear, you can get a spot in raiding guilds. or if worse comes to worse you can just solo farm tribute and pay for raids lel
Did you all take off work/school tomorrow? I did. I'm so excited for Classic WoW to release tomorrow!
What's the point of playing wow classic?
Semesters out and my internship doesnt start for another few weeks
but you lock down the resto druid spot merely by existing, then you get geared out in 2 weeks and are bored with your life the rest of the tier
to gank your moms ass every night
31 years old neet here
finally. I can't wait for you faggots to come back to Yea Forums 20 minutes later "welp its shit.."
>>No streamers
Like most other games, for fun.
i'm gonna have fun and no one is going to stop me
Your class choice won't effect the raid until midway through NAXX. People keep memeing about cutting edge classes when 95% of the classic population won't care one iota. Just show up, don't pull random mobs, and have a good attitude.
There is literally no reason to start an open beta a month or two before release. The retail betas are out almost a year before release.
Another thread with the SAME wojacks, The SAME image spam, the SAME post, and the SAME op general style starters.
You are a /vg/ thread allowed to be here only because blizzard gets free publicity from you idiots.
Good job on being shills for FREE.
He has to be talking about Forsen
Russians have their separate servers that they stick to because no one else understands their runes.
>not randomly pulling mobs
>implying implications
>summer 2019
more like august 2019
>somebody makes a classic wow thread without putting "home" in the OP
>shillbots can't find it, struggles to get 50 replies before archiving
rly makes u think
It's a PTR and invite from Blizzard only.
northdale best classic pserver right now?
stuns didnt freeze players mid air during vanilla, bug or not. Jumping charge was always a pvp tactic back then.
Ya but it's shutting down the day classic is out. If you just want to practice with a high pop server go nuts
for leveling etc yes, theres also henhouse for dueling or retrowow for bgs
the raids are 40 man, people will often take what they can get, it's rough trying to make 40 retards all show up at the same time.
he was banned for streaming himself playing on a different dudes account way back in mop though and haven't been unbanned since.
chinkdale, but it's full of chink so it's best not to bother.
a fool and his money...
It's forsen, who will have a huge retard army following him around just like he did during the blizzcon beta.
probably best to just standby until classic comes out tbqh
>North America
>literally no info, source or blue post
>based on rumors from e-celebs
What's actually going to happen is the Youtuber Towliee, in approximately 10 hours, is going to start a stream of the closed Alpha/Beta which has been ongoing. Well, maybe.
That's my secret. I'm always seething.
Uhhh, furryniggers???
love mind blast
>Spends all day in Gnomeregan just to do the damage of a mediocre Rogue
That'll be one single yike from me.
t. didn't play vanilla
None using mcp
Russians are the most adequate players you can possibly meet once you understand the slavspeak. They say thanks for the group after every single random dungeon.
delete this please
I did play vanilla, I did a fair bit of pvp. the whole metagame of mage vs warrior was to jump the charge stun so that they couldn't close the range to get hamstring off, meaning you could easily get to max range when you nova them without needing to waste blink until the intercept comes.
his progress will be wiped. chill. it's good to hype more new players if possible. no point in worrying about jack shit unless it's live servers. (asmongold is a fucking retarded faggot fuck him)
>beta tomorrow
say what
it's not a good sign for the content of your expansion if devs have to work off the clock to make it so headgear can appear on their touted new races. DOA enjoy your abysmally slow content drip
>20% warrior pop on every private server, literally top played class by a large margin
>Impossible to find a tank, you rather find a willing druid than a warrior even at level 60, every warrior that whispers you is dps
Warriors are literally niggers
>any faction
>not a single horde character in the list
really makes you think
>davai cyka
>rush b
gg ez
human racial is just better for rogues.
for everyone who doesn't know by now, this is ironically the SAME copy pasta posted in EVERY thread by a SEETHING retail cuck. ignore and move on
Y-yeah, t-the guy who popularized MCP just wasn't taking things seriously, m-maybe in a more serious raid, in a straightforward fi-
I don't get it, I feel like having a tank spec is a great tool for me.
male or female orc rogue?
what site is this?
Isn't there some op ghost pet that deals magic damage in ashenvale or something?
uh horde bros...
Male. Female is for ranged specs
i thought the +5 weapon skill just adds like a 1,8% hit chance or shit.
It adds a lot more than that.
what is it, like 6%?
Sorry, by "a lot more" I meant more things than just hit rating. One of the bigger things it does is reduce the damage penalty of glancing blows.
it modifies how glancings work so its a bigger deal
that list isnt totally accurate because legacyplayers last 4/5 is scuffed (and because tryhards flock to alliance in general), this is best overall
Look at all those warrniggers, disgusting
the dps increase is like 5-8% from all the bonuses you get from the extra weapon skill. Hit also isn't very easy to get in vanilla.
hordebros dominate the chad warriors
Brez and innervate is like + 300 dps each bruh don't you know?
>stuns didnt freeze players mid air during vanilla
100% FALSE
One quick google search proves your statement irrevocably INVALID
lel, not like you even have to go that far to beat a warrior as a mage
>Beyond the normal "weapon skill reduces the chance to miss", every +weapon skill point gives directly +0.12% to hit the target, directly +0.04% to crit, and implicitly raises the crit cap by +0.12%. E.g. if you push your weapon skill to 315, you get -3,60% to miss chance, an additional +1,80% to hit the target (together they make +5,40% to hit, and the crit cap is raised the corresponding +5,40%), directly +0,60% to crit, and your DPS increases directly by 12,00%, because the glancing blows occurring 40% of the time do not any more reduce the damage dealt.
>go that far
>just pressing spacebar
You're thinking of Lupos from Duskwood, but his 100% Shadow damage auto attacks got nerfed in the great pet normalization so 1.12 wont have him out dpsing entire Retards in MC
NEVER trust an elf!
The increased rep gains is the best racial in the game. Dont @ me
the problem with horde fury warr is threat
your super dependent on having a good tank (and good healers that let the tank wear crazy threat sets [and shaman that can twist windfury and tranquil])
you got all that thought and its the best in the game bar none
In TBC but not in vanilla.
>pretend that timing and understanding of skill mechanics don't factor into pressing space bar
you got me good man, just a space bar what was i thinking
Rolled a warlofk on northdale a few weeks ago and this game has snatched my asshole right back up.
They crafted perfection 14 years ago and it has only gotten worse.
All of the mealy mouthed faggots implying anybody who is excited about classic has rose colored glasses can go back to Fortnite.
Anyone worried about nublizz fucking it up entirely like a bunch of scheming Jews is reasonable, however.
I hope the hold off on shuttering northdale for a while after release just in case.
You just spammed spacebar. The depth of understanding that came with it was just someone telling you to spam spacebar.
Yeah exactly, pretty stupid idea desu, ruining such uniqueness
ignorance is not idiocy
>those meme servers that show the warriors using two 2-h weapons
Please tell me this isn't going to be in classic WoW now
>spams space bar
>warrior waits for you to land and then charges
wtf my pro pvp friends told me to just spam space bar???
>Vanilla progresses to TBC.
It is, you’re the boss. And it’s also how you make money/get gear.
what reps are relevant in vanilla? Basically just argent dawn. Sure if you want the agility enchant or the frostsaber those are rep farms, but they are hardly necessary.
>mfw showing up as PvP spec to raid
Thanks for the free loot you dumb fucks. Yeah gimme that fucking loot. It belongs TO ME. Now shut the fuck up and maybe mommy will give you a rank 2 heal.
No, because Titan's Grip wasn't added until the Wrath pre-patch.
>wanting to go back to this
no thanks
it was retarded though. i think uniqueness is fine, but lupos straight up ate through armor due to shadow damage, and that was further boosted by weaknesses. every hunter had one, it was dumb af.
uniqueness that could have worked could be like 'lupos has a special attack that deals 200 shadow damage' and then assign other cool shit to rare spawns. would have been a cool system
the wow latency isn't so precise that you can tell what point of the jump someone is in.
Finally, can't wait for you losers to play the game and realize that it's all nostalgia and it isn't that good at all
ok I'l bite
what is "grinding"?
Just don't invite them lol
>romanians and bulgars
>welfare euros
>constant autistic screeching
>horrible baguette spitting
>fucking ARABS
>A R A B S
no fucking thank you, the euro servers are going to be the most fucking rancid degenerate and putrid trash ever present in a videogame; ill stick to my north american servers where everyone is chill but braindead thank you
lock sm/ruin is viable in both and not like anyone has a reason to complain until naxx anyway.
killing mobs (boars, bears, defias bandits, etc) over and over instead of doing quests
it's funny that this is where the argument has taken a turn to. You tried, at least.
I think it would be fine to nerf the damage and scaling of the pet to the point where it would perform worse Vs cloth and better Vs plate in comparison to normal pet and resists like thing from the priest would be op against that pet.
In a game where two mages can sheep each other at the same time resulting in two sheeps, you think you can time when someone who is spamming jump is on the ground?
brood of nozdormu if your a complete autist and want to get scarab lord
theres also ZG, althought thats buyable so the human racial isnt a huge deal
Well you can't. Literally log on to two different accounts and keep them on two monitors and jump on one and then see how long it takes for it to show on your second.
dps warriors are top tier melee dps and the best dps in the game until mages can start rolling ignites once AQ drops. they even beat out rogues for top spot as kings of melee dps.
only a total fucking retard wouldn't stack his raid with them
Well I say you can. Literally log on to two different accounts and keep them on two monitors and jump on one and then see how long it takes for it to show on your second.
I understand that, the concern is that they'll add it to classic because they think people want it. Honestly I have that concern about a lot of things involving classic WoW. What's to stop them from doing what they did to current WoW to classic WoW AGAIN?
I have, I had friends growing up and we often played WoW in the same room.
I also did the same thing and had different results.
they do have one downside though, they have no threat reduction ability, can't wait to see horde warrs pull aggro and get one shot because they got a windfury crit
Probably the lynch mob of Vanilla zealo-- enthusiasts that will crucify them. But really, I wouldn't expect them to do shit like THAT. Of all the dumb things that could hold over, I don't think egregious class changes will be on the menu.
>ill stick to my north american servers
As you should, the regions exist for a reason.
Tfw i cant decide which one i level up first Warlock or Paladin.
Both get their epic mounts at Phase 2.
No you didn't. Are you completely unaware of how the data batching works for WoW?
Yes I did. Are you completely unaware of how the data batching works for WoW?
WL has it easier tho since only one has to grind mats and can just help out summoning bosses for other warlock bros for small compensation or free.
it's funny that this is where the argument has taken a turn to. You tried, at least.
Tfw i wanted to Heal and Tank with Pala. But man Warlock is cool too. It's so hard pick. But eventually i'm gonna pick both.
;) looks like I win again
That "free mount" is shit.
It costs mana
It uses gcd
It is basically inferior to a normal epic mount and you will still have to buy one at some point
I'm sure you were purposely trained wrong, as a joke.
which is why it's important to gear tanks first, especially as horde
fury/prot throws down some retarded TPS via increased damage that will let your dps burn harder for longer
generally boss fights don't last longer than a minute and between the monster bloodthirst crits and heroic strike spam you'll stay well ahead of 90% of the dps out there on threat
t mad shitter
You can tank 5 mans for easy pre-raid loot grabs
>want to level with friends
>almost certainly going to play more than them
>dont want to level past them, but playing solo seems just as fun
what am I to do?
gg, friend. better luck next time. Regardless I hope you will enjoy yourself as much as I will playing classic (until nu-blizz kills it)
Something that all these nu-wow fuckers that haven't even played Classic dont know is that alliance doesnt have poison cleansing totem so druids are much appreciated in AQ40 and Naxx for that reason alone.
pally can't really tank in vanilla, they have too much downtime between pulls due to having to blow all their mana to maintain threat
if you want a hybrid tank, druid are top tier though and are fantastic at soloing and leveling
>actually playing as the niggers
make new friends and leave your old ones behind
Palas can tank 5 mans already said.
UD strath is the only dungeon I would allow a pally tank. Anyone intelligent knows you are a liability in every other case.
>druid offtank afk looking at his character pane while the warrior maintank tanks the boss
They should disable trading for a month so faggot streamers can't get donated a free epic mount & then brag about it
Does anyone have an addon for action bars?(moving them, changing size, etc) I can't find any that work
it's only patches, he's just there to soak the hateful
Theres literally Paladin Tanking guide for all 5mans.
STV was like fucking Vietnam as a lowbie just trying to level with my friends on a PvP server.
>lets change the game for the majority so that the 5 people I don't like can't use the feature
Sound reasoning.
There are literally warlock tank guides on the internet with warlocks tanking onyxia, doesn't mean anyone is going to use warlock tanks for their raids.
take solace in the fact that these streamers cannot experience the game as intended as a result of their orbiters. They may have a leg up on your in terms of progression but next to none of it will be earned, and believe me, it takes almost everything out of the experience.
Oh no did i hurt your shitter feelings. So sad.
I guess shitter like you never got past MC.
Sure paladins “can” tank 5-mans. But they shouldn’t. A warrior or even a druid will fill that role far more efficiently. If a pally tanks a dungeon it means dps have to sit on their ass while you blow your whole mana bar building up threat for hours before they can do anything. And then having to drink between every pull. Paladin tanks are for if you’re retarded and want your run to take twice as long.
>paladin "tank"
>calls others shitters
bros how are locks in vanilla? will i be able to get in groups as one?
"Phew!" The Freshcuck breathes a heavy sigh of relief, as he turns in the first stranglethorn tiger quest at the Nesingwary Expedition.
Having spent 5 painstaking hours trying to tag mobs previously, and 8 hours in the queue before that, the Freshcuck endlessly plickers to and fro the graveyard every 5 minutes, mounds of bones from player corpses stacked as high as the jungle canopy surrounding him. He begrudgingly accepts the next tiger quest from the big game hunter himself, just before two undead rogues, the 5th and 6th unique ones in less than 10 minutes, step out from the shadows of the tent and the Freshcuck is once again forced to run himself back to his corpse. Unfettered, the Freshcuck grumbles "At least we're on an even playing field......." while waiting out the resurrection timer, which is now at 10 minutes.
After finally resurrecting himself after waiting for the 6th time in half an hour, the Freshcuck manages to tag one of the elusive panthers that have been endlessly camped for the past week and a half, and is close to killing it when out of nowhere he is charged and mercilessly cut down in a single stroke by a Bonereavers Edge wielding level 60 Warrior in full pvp armor...
"At least we're on an even playing field....." The Freshcuck grumbles once again, while running across the river back to his corpse with a now 12 minute resurrection timer. The Freshcuck takes solace in the fact that, being a melee class, he actually has something to raid for in molten core, unlike every single other class that has to settle for greens that are better than anything out of the Molten Core from 5 mans for the next 4 months....
"At least we're on an even playing field......" Echoes through the piles of bones littering the ground and the endless lines of people waiting for all the quest entities to respawn for all eternity.
worse mage.
People will love you for healthstones/soulstones/summoning.
They scale well.
They are good for PvP.
So yes.
Imagine having this horrible case of autism.
Such is the life of shitters.
alliance locks are suffering
horde locks are pretty good
The real autism is the inability to accept that you won't be tanking as a paladin in classic. Reality is going to knock you the fuck out, have fun healing at 60.
Only halfheartedly played horde in vanilla - what do paladins do if they cant even tank 5 mans? Will they get taken for heals over priests or restos?
They are great. However, PvP will be difficult if you are Alliance, as half of the enemy faction hard-counters your fear and has shadow resistance on top of that. On the upside, there are less warlocks on Alliance because of this, so it will be easier to find groups.
>oh no you have to deal with UD in world pvp who have WotF where you can just death coil and grenade through it then fear them afterwards
as if this invalidates alliance warlocks. what a bad meme
>playing wow since 2005
>still get lost in vanilla brd
that place is really something special
>alliance locks are suffering
>horde locks are pretty good
Opposite for raids.
Race though?
It's between male human, male gnome or fem gnome.
Male human is just so standard, basic, looks good aesthetically, can't really be complained at visually. But human racials are awful for mages.
Female gnomes are just adorable and cute. They look alright in mage gear, robes and dresses after all. Their racials are actually very good for mage, for pvp, and the +15 to engineering gives engi summons +3 levels as well which is useful in raids.
Male gnome would be a joke just to mess with Horde, they hate being killed by the little shitty midgets. I'd go with an obnoxious name like a shitty pun and slap on the ugliest disfigured face and hair combo.
Oh, you’re just baiting. Thought you might actually have some input as to why I would ever bring a pally over a warrior. Alright I guess just fuck you then.
Hmm thats strange i already TANKED as PALADIN in chinkdale but hey what ever makes your shitter feelings better. And yes like i said FIVE TIMES I'm going to heal in Raids but ofc a autistic person like you could never understand that.
>hard-counters your fear
They have will of the forsaken, but not all pvp trinkets clear fear. Also this is only relevant in 1v1s, in group pvp alliance has 2 different classes that can dispel fear while horde only has one.
>how many year old game
WoW people are fucking dumb, enjoy your no quality of life improvements and just bad mmo crap
gnomes have better racials for mages. If you care about minmaxing, you go gnome over human.
Have fun waiting 2 hours as DPS to get a tank for your (ITEM RESERVED) run.
most mana efficient heals in the game
good stat buffs
decent at solo pvp but really shine when paired with a dps class that they can spam heals and blessing of freedom on to negate roots and snares
they're basically heavy support
Alright bro have fun trying. It's not my duty to stop a retard from hurting himself.
don't you have mounts to farm?
>most mana efficient heals in the game
thats actually druids, though they're still shit because of the long cast time.
>image from BC
>acts like i'm not running my own groups with full control and friends or guildies tanking for me as they know I'll return the favore
It's beautiful. SwoleBenji should do this.
I usually don't care too much about minmaxing, but in vanilla it feels like 5% more mana can really help out, escape artist can be life saving and I'll be using engineering either way.
I do consider heavily on appearance though because I'll be focusing on this 1 main alone for most of classic.
yeah, gnome casters getting that extra crit from higher base int helps quite a bit
plus alliance get access to blessing of salvation which gives a generous increase on raid threat cap
>Yea Forums
>running my own groups with full control and friends or guildies tanking for me
Holy shit the shitter damage control is real
you thought it was until he beat your ass in a 1v1 argument
>you pull the boss before they manage to change to master looter
>need the item anyway
Nothin personnel retail cucks
looks like a clown suit but I really know that's bis gear
>he doesn’t know about illumination
>he posts on Yea Forums
>he is dumb and I am smart
>I post on Yea Forums
>he is dumb and I am smart
>or even a druid
Aren't druids really good tanks for 5 mans?
You can change loot settings mid fight user
so then you just wipe if you do this to a healer or a tank
Sounds about right.
Stay mad faggot.
Yeah you can but it doesn't apply for the mobs you are already in combat with.
Good luck getting invited to a dungeon or raid on that character again
If someone pisses him off the druid autist might posts the video again but no, the bear is actually MTing there, warrior is just eating a Hateful.
>wipe well into an instance
>implying the group isn't going to disband because of the runback
not mad, enjoy your lack of argumentative ability.
Your the one that thinks hitting jump is pro pvp kys nigger
Yeah they’re not bad at all. A bit more unconventional than the warrior though so they have to know what they’re doing.
The scummiest players in the world (Russians) and the worst players in the world (French) each have their own servers so playing on EU servers isn't that bad. The worst thing about EU servers is all the Dutch and Swedish subhumans who can't stop spamming the public channels with their garbage language. I have no idea why Blizzard decided to make fucking Portuguese servers but not Dutch or Scandinavian ones to make these faggots fuck off.
they need gear or their healer does
>Yea Forums
See there we go again next your gonna do what? tip le fedora at me?
no I was merely making a sarcastic joke that is evident to literally everyone besides yourself. Must suck to be so thick my man
I don't mind not getting invited by reserving cucks. Let's not imply rolling on an item that someone decided you can't roll on will matter in terms of your server reputation, people do that all the time.
>girls at school are going to mercilessly mock me for rolling alliance pve
On private servers we would start raid bosses accidentally in free for all loot and then switch to master mid fight and that worked fine. How is that any different?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Oh okay
I don't actually
Real question for wowfags you really would be fine with classic having zero updates? i don't even think blizzard would even consider making it like OSRS with the classic gameplay but pumping more new content that is polled by the community
If even one of the other 4 players hold a voice in the community, you're stamped as a ninjalooter forever.
>sarcasm is pretending to be retarded, not understanding blatant sarcasm is smart
got it, thanks for clearing that one up
>girls at school
Global rule 2.
The only update I want is the option to transfer my character to the inevitable TBC legacy server.
>How is that any different?
Private servers are not copied code from retail vanilla, they're written by people like you and I googling shit and watching videos, guessing what values to put in. As a result, a lot of shit is incorrect on private servers, and even more have been over the years. Hell, nost even released the epic pvp gear like a year early on accident.
just so everyone's aware, streamers will probably plague YOUR realm, fuck em
>hold a voice in the community
You mean if I accidentally ninja tipsout or esfands gear? Even then, they don't really hold that much sway outside of their own guild. People ninja loot and get away with it constantly, just because you upset 10 out of 3k people doesn't mean you'll never get invited to something again.
Jesus christ. You know, I don’t like using this term but, HAVE SEX.
I was a shithead teenager in vanilla, I sometimes ninjalooted and spent a lot of time being a sperg in trade chat and I have never ever had someone turn me down for invites because of reputation.
This is why im adding any druchads willing to tank dungeons. Such a bro passing on items that a warrnigger would add to his pile of unused weapon epics.
leave em behind and be there to help them at 60 when they need to gear up
>Noooo don't take my gear I need to do half a Rogue's DPS PLEASE
Cannot fucking WAIT to roll ret pally bros
druids and warriors are the only classes that could really be considered the defacto tanks of vanilla
bear druids get higher HP and armor values than warriors which makes them great in raids as off tanks for threat swapping. they are, however, hindered by lack of +def gear and as such are subject to getting hit with more crits and crushing blows
in 5 mans both bear druids and warriors can effortlessly clear content where hunters/locks/pallies/shamans and whatever else class can "tank" would have to constantly blow consumables or be subject to unnecessary downtime
Who the fuck cares it's just a 5 man. As long as your filling the roles it really doesn't matter what you bring for a 5 man.
5mans in classic are just about grabbing a piece you'd like and having fun with a random squad and maybe getting a friend or two from the experience.
yes, good dps in pvp and pve. They say AQ40 locks are monsters but I never got far in to it raiding
I AM the rogue you dumb warrnigger. Now put on the fucking shield and shut the fuck up.
wrath servers wont be out for over 4 years bro
the REALLY sad part is that this was for a male streamer
it's about 10x worse with E-girls
Hey man, 5 mans can take a long ass time if you have a retard or two in your group. I’d rather not risk bringing a pally tank and extending that time even more. I would only bring one as an absolute last resort if no one else was available.
This. For dungeons I'd rather bring literally anything but a warrnigger. All they do is take shit and act like they did nothing wrong. Sorry sweety but you aren't going to roll on tanking gear and dps gear while you're in my group.
Rolling in a item reserved raid is bad form if you knew ahead of time. I think item reserved is bullshit for the most part, if you need an item as bad as the next guy you should both be able to roll.
Nonetheless you knew what you were getting in to and could have just passed on the raid.
I'm a teacher.
stay at the mudhut nigger side
>reserving an item in a 40 man raid
that shit isn't going to happen, imagine being that self absorbed
>paid Blizz shills still going at it
Having a 1 item reserved group isn't bad, and it's nice to have the clarification. there will be many situations where people who already have that item but need a different one from the same dungeon will gladly take the spot. As long as it's communicated beforehand, I see no problem in bringing people who don't care if your item is reserved.
god I wish blizzard would pay me to shitpost about classic all day.
back to retail
it literally always happends, your never getting into a 40 man pug without a couple of things hardres for the RL or his friends
This. Blizzard has 5k server caps so in hells balls its not happening.
I get raid/instance mixed up a lot. I really just meant for a dungeon
>Honestly I have that concern about a lot of things involving classic
Why? It would be a lot more effort and investment - it costs more to add shit and make changes.
Considering that subs are not how blizz makes money anymore, you have to wonder why they'd do all that just in an effort to drum up classic subs.
The common sense thing to assume is that classic is a lure for past blizzard customers to come back and pay 15/mo to be assaulted by promotions for other products that DO make money. That's why getting it working on the new bnet system was the most important step and what they did first fucking thing.
Worrying about potential changes like ruining your favorite class or adding things to make a memespec "viable" are short sighted at best.
Even if that were the case, consider how the entire project is bare bones compared to their other shit. Expecting them to spend more resources than necessary is honestly pretty dumb, and none of things you're worried about would remotely qualify as "necessary".
Don't forget to climb every mountain with your bros.
>pinned down at nesingwary
>me with the shield
What names are you going to reserve?
I am still split between rolling a warrior or a priest.
Then I am going to steadfastedly refuse any fury warrior or ret paladin a spot in any group I'm in. Good luck finding a new tank/healer, because I don't need this frustration for the nezxt 3 hours I COULD spend grinding
I have a list of the most obnoxious attention whores from /wpsg/ and will be stealing as many names as I can from as many servers as I can.
I have an euro counterpart who will do the same on the EU servers - and frankly he has the tougher job as the worst of the worst /wpsg/ fags are euro.
If it inconveniences at least one of the more awful ones i will consider it a good use of my time. Live by autism, die by autism, you absolute shit eaters earned this.
john. i know it's hard but you need to listen to me
let go
i need you to
let go
they are gone now
good to see Yea Forums is as retarded as ever
Anyone else here listen to the Countdown to Classic podcast? Just randomly found it while browsing shows on Stitcher, and for me it's been the right amount of discussion where it doesn't feel like it's just going over regurgitated info.
>want to rp
>want to pvp
>know every most rpers are carebears and wont roll on the pvp realm
what do?
Every greek god
Yeah Josh puts out pretty good content nowadays, but it was rough going in the beginning. His John Staats interview is fantastic.
the worst of the wpsg fags are south american.
Im rolling UD rogue and theres nothing you can do about it.
how hard do you want to rp? either way pick pvp.
not him but are you suggesting that you can't have an argument on Yea Forums? not sure what i'm looking at here
Warrior BVLL incoming, going to reserve the shit out of dps gear and there is NOTHING you seething r*gue cucks can do about it.
Enjoy looking for a tank for two hours every day.
Ah, it's good that I found it when it was around Episode 80-something then. The people that he's gotten access to for interviews seem to have gotten better and better lately, like the World of Roguecraft or Tales of the Past guys. He's very friendly on the Discord too, greets every new member personally.
Same. Reserving is fucking gay. However reserving is not gay in any situation where it benefits me as an exception.
based and WARRIOR pilled
In the early episodes he was still trying to find his feet (and there was hardly any news), so he was spending two hours doing crap like reading reddit. He'd also do lore examinations of zones/dungeons, but he was clearly just reading the wowpedia article and wasn't able to see deeper nuance in zone design.
Classic... How will a mage farm for the first phase? Maraudon will be out for hunters and warlocks, but DME lashers won't be until phase 2, probably 3 months later.
Hopefully the sense of server community and accountability returns. Remember, once the dungeon is over you go back to the same realm as the rest of your party. Everybody will know you're a loothogging child and eventually nobody will join your group, even if you're a tank people will wait two hours rather than put up with your bullshit.
>better players
>slavs exist
they are either drunk, retarded or both.
or theres the 1 in a billion god like PILAV
*tips Hand of Justice*
nothing better than reddit trying to unionize dps players to not accept parties with tanks reserving items
Reminder that blizzard said that they would include phasing and sharding in the first weeks so soccermoms and children won't get bored about not being to instantly do quests
Ah yeah, I do remember listening to a few of those wiki readings. It does honestly feel like just within the last 10-15 episodes where it's gotten to a point that you can listen to it on its own and not just as background noise. But now that it's good, I think he's hit a nice stride for sure.
Don't delude yourself, private servers have already conditioned people to accept reserving and rest of the warriors will adapt to the same model in order to compete.
Face it, as long as tanks are rare they can do pretty much what ever they want and there won't be any server blacklists because there is just too many damn dps who'll take any tank they can get even that delusional Paladin.
Imagine being Warrior who will never get raid spot so he just wanks around 5mans.
convince me not to roll a rogue for vanish alone
my guilds (probably) going horde and being threatcapped in pve is fucking abysmal
I want to play a class that is
1. able to solo farm to earn money
2. needed in raids
3. not too overpopulated
does such a thing exist? Alliance side warlock I guess?
feign death does the job better at a lower cd.
Why alliance?
im sorry I like doing dps past MC
Cope harder, there is nothing easier than getting a raid spot as warrior, well mabye as dwarf priests or alliance warlock but not by much. Actually worst reservers are warriors from raid guilds.
I have been told warlocks are a lot less popular Alliance side due to WotF.
literally any class except warrior and rogue can solo farm but some need gear
Everyone worth their salt will be alliance in classic, they have better racials and the better unique class.
Paladin is one.
You can farm lashers
Your buffs are needed in raids
Palas are not too populated.
Warlock fits that perfectly.
they can try as hard as they like, tanks are the ones in demand, they are not.
>waaah waaah he won't let me take his item even though my role has no value!
Roll a tank or wait 2 hours for your shitty run.
don't listen to him that free mount at 40 is not worth having to do 15 min buffes for 40 people
But i already rolled a tank :O I can form groups in 15min :O
you joke now but there will be doubtlessly be countless dps cucks crying to r*ddit about those evil tanks reserving stuff
Okay, then have fun running at half efficiency because you need twice as many runs to win the same item. How's the HRT going pussy?
Dwarf prot paladin or human ret paladin?
pls respond
What is so bad about reserving again? You dps cunts do realize most warriors will be dps in raids and they have to get that gear somewhere and the best way to do it is by tanking.
Also thinking druid, boomkin, or cat DPS?
you'll end up as holy anyway, they all do
>Be Buffdin
>Get your tier set because no real competition
>Sometimes get a chance to win something good.
Tell me again how Paladin is bad. With Warlock you actually have summon people make SS/HS, use Banish, and spam shadow bolt.
Literally nothing, tanks hold all the power and they rightfully can use it
Go balls deep and melee boomkin.
Orc hunter for me
Play Goblin Death Knight.
every raid will have numerous paladins so don't count on gettign that set so easy
Sounds like a plan, but instead of some random tripposters or whatever, streamers would be a better target.
Anybody got a list with names of streamers that will play classic?
If item reservation magically became somehow unacceptable we'll just go back to the days of tanks ignoring invite requests from rogues and DPS warriors, retards.
>lvl 60 rogue in stv
>gank a 35 priest in troll camp
>/yell macro a few times
>stealth and wait for him to respawn
>kill him again
>spam same /yell macro
>stealth and wait again
>taking longer this time
>1 minute turns into 5 minutes
>he's not respawning
>10 minutes
>must be gathering his guildies, it's about to get heated in here
>20 minutes
>dead body just sitting there
>unstealth near his corpse in case his entire guild is rogues to
>no one attacks me.
>do a few more emotes of priest's corpse incase he's watching from his spirit
>finally decide to go do something else
god wpvp is gonna be epic
Nothing wrong with it, raid dps warrior who tanks dungeons and doesn't try to meme himself in as """dps""" warrior is actually a valuable member of the community and deserves to reserve few dps items.
They can get it the same way everyone else does. I don't care about carebears trying to avoid bad fee fees from losing a roll on an item they want.
>tfw I can roll a rogue in peace because my pserver guild is rerolling and i can count on my warrbros
reserving doesnt get that bad until 20mans honestly
>roll on eu realms
>forced to deal with slavs
>forced to deal with 150+ ping
no fucking thanks
If shitters would learn to tank there would be no item reservations but because even classic has 90% ''im a dps warrior lol'' shitters this is what gives tanks the power to form reservation mafias. It's not abusing it's just shitting on the shitters who cant play the game. They deserve it.
>other people don't deserve a fair shot at loot because I have a shield and can taunt
It's just warniggers being warniggers.
If you're american, please stay on NA. We don't want another nationality to add to the list.
why dont you fight someone your own level, pussy?
I'm rolling rogue as well and love ganking as much as anyone else, but is that really more enjoyable than killing someone your own lvl?
Whats the difference? Why would those want to do that instance anyway when their bis items are all off limits in those groups?
I'm going too. I prefer being forced to play with actual spics over european spics(slavs).
if you hate reserved runs then just make your own group?
I... I can understand people being lonely, but 100 bucks for just being noticed by a generic "brodude" streamer?
>as a lower class I deserve the same privilidges as a desired class
not how it works man
>waiting 20 minutes to try and kill a level 35 for a third time
For what purpose? Is your life so devoid of any stimulation that you must grief people to find some?
What the FUCK bros? Pump droodcoin NOW!
W-wait, they'll just reserve EVEN MORE shit? This isn't fair, DPScucks we need to unionize!
Ah finally someone who puts Moonglade in S-tier where it belongs. Searing Gorge is also cool because it is literally Mordor.
yeah but why should they when they can just reserve it?
get a load of this faggot
In one case, you're not getting to do the dungeon at all. In the other case, you might not get one specific item that the tank reserved but everything else is up for grabs.
God rogues are based.
>warrior joins the party
>instantly kicked
>I tank as retpal better than no-damage warrior ever would and Justice is restored.
20 minutes is nothing, i've seen people corpsecamp for hours even though they get no honor from the guy. I guess it's the same type of people who extract pleasure from griefing minecraft servers.
>be priest
>buddy is playing war
We'll be running reserved drop groups obviously. I get first dibs on on healing and DPS cloth, he gets literally anything else he wants. DPS can have the leftovers of shit we don't use or already have. Don't like it? Don't join. We can wrangle enough DPS to fill a group 10 times over before you can even fill one of our roles.
don't like it? you and everyone else who doesn't like it roll a tank so the role is oversaturated, then the reservations will vanish. Oh whats that? you don't want to tank but need one to run your dungeon? well maybe you should sweeten the pot by letting him know that the only reason he's attending to help you will be 100 percent available to him if it is to drop. get fucked. by the way i'm rolling dps.
Rolling a troll priest, what would be a good class for my wife to try, who is generally pretty bad at video games.
I was thinking hunter due to being ranged dps and the pet aspect.
>and the whole bus clapped
idc lol, take your gay swords and I'll take all the leather
how about your waifu rolls the priest and you roll warrior
if any of your leather options are an upgrade for his warrior friend, that will also be reserved.
What are the odds of getting a legendary in Classic if you're a high performance raid member, but not an officer, not the guild slut, not a friend of the guild leader, not a raid leader, and not the guild leader?
>by the time it was over everyone had grown beards due to how fucking long the instance took with a paladin tanking
based and redpilled
in a REAL mmorpg like Classic superior roles can rule over the dps masses as is their divine right
nigh on zero unless you have farmed enough gold to pay yours or someone elses guild for the drop.
about 0%, legendaries are for the clique
>eye of sulfuras
decent if you can fund it yourself (1000s of gold)
0 unless your the MT
extremely unlikely unless your consistantly the top mage
or you could just talk about it like non-manchildren do
>LFM Strat Baron dps
>lvl 60 fury warrior / rogue here
>I am going there just for the cape, so unless you already have that I would rather not take you to avoid wasting both our time
>I already have it / I want something else from there / you can have it if it drops - welcome aboard - great
>I don't have it - let's play together some other time - ok too bad, maybe next time
way better than
>LFM BRD HoJ reserved
and everybody knows you are an asshole
look at those nubs getting baited
I don't plan on rolling tank and I don't think tanks reserving gear are assholes in the slightest.
your right
what type of asshole only reserves HoJ, any non-tard is taking ironfoe too
Not him but you're mistaken if you don't think this is how the famed "epic world pvp battles" start.
I've done the very same thing on a warlock back in the day just to start shit and get 60s out there to fight, and when shit pops off, I call the bros and we have ourselves a nice brawl.
lowbies are just the catalyst, nothing more. Now if you're just killing lowbies and purposefully trying to dodge 60s as a rogue? You're the biggest bitch-made faggot and deserve to be ridiculed.
>extremely unlikely unless your consistantly the top mage
lel atiesh goes first to druids, since it's a way bigger dps boost for them
atiesh itself is not even better than the staff that drops from kel, while it has more spelldmg, it doesn't have the -25% resistances, so the actual dmg is lower than that staff
Migrate Migrate Migrate Migrate
yeah no, it goes to who ever is the mage or warlock leader as a epeen extender
Except paladin acts like 4th DPS so it took less time that with worthless warrior.
100 bucks is a lot of money outside America.