We should invade Japan and force them to stop sexualizing women in their games
Other urls found in this thread:
resetera is unironically based
>Skimpy outfits and no pants certainly don't boost sales either
What fucking world do these people live in.
I honestly hate Yea Forums's obsessive about resetera but also their constant complaints about pol. either shut the fuck up about one or the other.
Figures both neo-nazis and communists have absolutely zero knowledge of geopolitics or history and just immediately default to "ISRAEL BAAAAD, PALESTINE GOOOD"
Like these faggots have the balls to walk within 20 feet of a black guy lead alone change an entire nation
>4Tran (Yea Forums + tranny)
>no display picture, clear new account
>obvious outlandish quote ripe for screencap on discord
>eechi doesn't sell because as a millennial third wave feminist in America/yuroop I don't like it
/pol/ hates both.
quick rundown?
I'm glad SJWs and people false flagging as SJWs ruined this site
this place deserves it for banning gamergate topics.
And that's a good thing!
Nintendo created "Nintendo of Israel"
Or a code monkey silicon valley soi boi
>babbis first existential shill rant
Good riddance. This site is better with falseflagging and mass shitposting.
based and redpilled
How about I invade your anus and set you straight.
All the cringey social networking feminism that's popped up in the last 4-5 years is actually considered its own thing now.
Kill yourself
cry moar
Is that a videogame I can play?
imperialism is good, but unironically
resetera posting should be fucking banned
OP is a faggot
I really hate how disingenuous the "[x] didn't outlaw [y] until [z date]" argument is.
Just because a specific law is passed doesn't mean the practice was entirely legal beforehand, and was most likely already covered by something else.
It's such an abuse of facts for a false narrative. I don't know anything about this specific example in the image but 99% likely it's bullshit.
you should be fucking banned from life.
>wahhhh stop posting things I don't like
>If you dislike the disgusting abomination that is the modern day "Israel" it must mean you have no knowledge of geopolitics and history.
Go back you tranny fucks.
Just what exactly is wrong with creating a game with sexy women on it?
actually unironically based
all weebs are incels anyway and incel culture started in japan
>name is literally 4Tran
nice fake account you dumb nigger
not as long as you keep getting baited like a retard
fuck jews desu, glad nobody wants them regardless
Why do trannies always post anime shit? Wish you were a cute girl huh. Go dilate.
Scared of tits are you?
sexualizing women is disgusting and degrading to women, unless women are doing it to themselves, in which case it is brave and empowering, unless the women sexualizing themselves are under 18, in which case you are a pedophile and child molestor for noticing that her size 34D breasts are in any way attractive, unless you are also a female and under the age of 18, in which case it is brave of you to identify as a lesbian and not repress your attraction for people of the same sex.
You’re pretty right on. Dunno how long real cp has been banned in japland but the 2014 thing is referring to the ban of loli hentai.
I think loli porn is fucking disgusting and so I wasn’t affected by the ban, but it’s disingenuous on their part not to specify exactly what happened in 2014.
I want them. Jews are cool.
stop acting retarded
pretty cool of them
fuck jews
Are you fucking retarded?
>sexualizing women is disgusting and degrading to women,
No it isn't. Creating a bunch of fictional characters doesn't mean it's meant to represent real people.
>someone literally got banned for inappropriate language for saying "FUCK TRUMP"
lol wut
>DOA6 tries to pander
>becomes a massive flop
>Venus Vacation still has tits everywhere
>over 10k players even after a year
Those boobs sure don't sell.
>referring to the ban of loli hentai.
How is drawn porn disgusting?
How the hell could you have such a strong reaction to something that doesn't effect your life in any way?
e-celeb threads, lol threads, twitter screencap threads are fine though
the creation of the state of israel was an act of social justice to give the jews a safe space after thousands of years of persecution and the holocaust
Everyone who's not a vindictive asshole loves boobs, even women.
oh wait no it's because he said his country was being "raped" by tariffs
are you fucking retarded friend? Why would you respond to post making fun those people and act like the poster actually agrees with them?
I think he was banned for using the word "raped", not "FUCK TRUMP".
That's why for most threads, I just open the gallery to get new pictures.
He's making shit up, dumb friend
>Get persecuted for thousands of years in every society they find themselves in
>Not once do they change their ways
The tenacity and incorrigibility of Abrahamic religious zealots is admirable.
didn't read the rest of the post
This is true.
Also remember
The most gender diverse company in gaming as shown what games women truly want to make are. Here is what their characters look like.
Even if you're being ironic fucking die OP
I'd actually reckon games with lots of fanservice sell better, as long as its tasteful and not just full blown tiddy games. Tons of franchises started selling well the moment they added waifus and fanservice. Persona, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, etc.
make me nigger
When the Olympics rolls around the rest of the world will be able to pressure Japan to get rid of all the problematic stuff. Please look forward to it!
>false equivalence
holy fuck what a goddamn nuthouse. Literally anything can be a possible ban.
They are unironically based sometimes
>Yea Forums hates pedophiles
>actively goes to resetera/kotaku/neogaf and associates with the likes of christopher goldberg
All 3 are acceptable, yes. Anything that's a "secondary" topic has been acceptable since the beginning. Tertiary and beyond are not.
What's your favorite video game, Yea Forums?
What's your favorite place to play video games at, Yea Forums?
What's your favorite brand of toilet paper to use while playing video games on the toilet, Yea Forums?
Why do you think we should boycott Charmin, Yea Forums?
they're quite toasty actually
I'm looking forward to it in the same way that I look forward to fapping after a week of abstaining. Shit's gonna be good once the games are over.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
Moderators just smash combinations of those terms together to justify why they're banning people they don't like and/or disagree with.
>I didn't read the rest of the post
4channel in a nutshell.
Ten seconds in photoshop.
reading this shit gives me aneurysms
I can never fully desensitize myself to these fucking next-gen retards
>2020 olympics happen
>comiket moved
>Olympics end
>All the doujin artists pent up frustrations from not making their doujin now make the most amazing doujin of the century because the fucking gaijin are gone now and they had that much extra time to make a new book.
>We enter a new golden age of eroge and doujinshi because of this
I am, I do wonder what will have the most doujin though. Probably Fate but who know's maybe it might get dethroned. Especially if ZUN is releasing a new Touhou.
>that last guy
Wow I never knew a man could say he likes tits and act like a total homo in the same breath.
sexualizing women is bad
killing people brutally is good
>imperialism is ok when it's imposed on 1st world countries
based retardera. Meanwhile that faggot is probably fine with sandnigger countries treating women like property
The latter two are always their favorite fallbacks. They hate "whataboutism" and what they perceive to be "false equivalence, because analogues highlight their hypocrisy and hidden motives.
I wanna be snu snu'd so bad bros...
They'll just claim that it's the repressive nature of their society and that these women don't truly know how to express themselves and make games with other women in mind and not just horny men living in their one bedroom apartment. They really are just imperialist bitches, completely unable to empathize with another culture and demanding that it kowtow to their own moral standards and they'll see nothing wrong with this.
>loli hentai
>Banned since 2014
Even assuming the ban takes place on December 31st, 2014, that's a lot of illegal porn still being drawn and sold at conventions, porn shops, etc. This is just a small sampling of the ones scanlated, uploaded online, translated, and uploaded on sadpanda since December 2014. That's 197 pages, with 20 hits per page.
You do know selling doujin digitally has really caught on right?
>can't tell if talking about Yea Forums, /pol/ or resetera
Aren't the creators of the Rance games mostly female? I know for a fact Bayonetta was designed by a woman, and when a man at the company asked if it was okay to release a character that sexualized, the woman protested that Bayonetta stay uncensored.
You have no idea of the absolute orgasmic feeling I'll get when all waifushit and lolishit finally gets censored.
The last one is really fucking discouraging to my soul
The way these people deal with FOMO is to try and rally to manipulate a developer/creator to make things more welcoming for their small mind. Its disgusting
People need to shut the fuck up about both, this board is for video games retard.
I do, but I'm still hoping for a new Golden Era for the doujin community.
Sexualizing women is bad
Killing people brutally is good
It's the same as the policy of Islamic world
this is why china needs to become a super power
>Girl fetishists
This thread is just, ugh...
Pretty much and her argument was about the fact that they didn't want to send the wrong message. If Bayonetta couldn't be sexy while at the same time strong and up front and confident, then that was limiting the ways that girls might think they are able to express themselves. Bayo's sexyness was part of her power and gave her that commanding aura. Taking it away wouldn't have made the same impact at all. I worry that there was someone on the team that didn't understand that.
you'll never be a real woman, tranny
>That one homo using Elma as his avatar
These people are fucking insane.
forum screencaps are not video games
That and Kamiya has a fetish for being scolded by a woman in glasses.
palestinians are human garbage, the only problem with Israel is that jews are hypocrites about it
you need to learn to ignore these threads
u mad?
This is true, regardless of what the women say. I just find it ridiculous how all these people pushing diversity can't respect the single company who has every lead position for a team as female. They care more about calling it creepy and how its made for fat otaku. THIS is who the content is made for. They really just can't believe people are different to them.
what is a "girl fetishist"? Can someone please explain this to me. I'm kind of confused. Does this mean someone who has a fetish for women? Like anyone who's married or has a girlfriend would be a "girl fetishist"?
These threads need to learn to stop existing
>That one guy with a Mob Psycho avatar
>Shitting on sexualized youthful looking girls
>When the creator of Mob Psycho's other work had this as official artwork
>Said character gets beaten by sperm
I have a feeling this post captures the essence of the 2020s.
Strap yourselves in, lads.
Kamiya approved the design with one caveat - Bayonetta had to have glasses.
that last guy you can tell is a faggot that is faking his true opinions in attempt to be neutral so he doesn't get banned or ridiculed
>Talking shit about Wiz
Horeshoes or not, lefties are becoming more religious totalitarians by the day. They already practice iconoclasm and are puritanical when it comes to expression of heterosexuality.
Yeah... I'm thinking SEGA is based.
Isn't the Palestinian resistance fundamentally a nationalist and religious movement ? Two things that leftists hate when it comes to western conservatives yet love about Muslims?
The doublethink never ceases to amaze me.
The invaders (white liberal expats from california, britain, australia etc) are already in japan trying to change it. The only thing is they are completely irrelevant so they spend their time bitching and whining in the comment sections of web sites like japantoday. You'd think they would just fuck off back to their own contries if they hate it so much.
Based M
That's a shitty pill selection
>I've had a few stern words thrown my way after she saw a few games.
imagine letting your wife tell you what you're allowed to play. Me and my wife recently played some porn VN's on a whim and had a fucking great time. No wonder this guy is on Resetera, he's already half way to a tranny.
the one in the middle is honestly pretty shitty. the ones on the sides are fine. dude is a faggot either way though
Why is it always Japan and not China or Vietnam?
Lmao are these people whipped?
>(Xenoblade) Chronicles X already pushed (an SJW) away from the franchise
Based and Ma-non Pilled
Boy I sure do fucking love the intense irony of the West giving Japan shit about CP, despite Japan having one of the lowest rape stats in the world, while Americans celebrate Desmond the Drag Queen, and push shows like Big Mouth.
In what fucking stance has Israel ever justified the equivalent of a Berlin wall to anybody but a Jew?
These people really, desperately need to have sex.
isn't japan the safest place in the world?
Speaking of Resetera I recently went to check Neogaf and that place seems to have swung in the other direction since the scandal
2D girls make roasties toasty.
Man the butthurt is massive with these fags.
How much do you think it hurts when almost all the women and men hired to make guest characters chose to draw sexy babes instead of anything else.
It's the same regarding Irish nationalism. Leftism support it.
In theory, the modern left is supposed to be anti-nationalism (both civic and ethnic). In reality they support nationalism when its by a group that opposes what they see as US imperialism.
I think most leftists who do so are just retarded and thus inconsistent. But some leftists are inconsistent for a strategic reason. And they have low expectations for non-whites. It's why they're not keen to advocate for LGBT in nonwhite countries, unless those countries are seen as allies of the US. They're unlike liberals who are closer to the center and don't mind shitting on any country or group of people they deem to be barbaric. Resetaratards are more like your more extreme bernie supporters and the average DSA member.
>Frankenstein monster of conflicting ideologies
>goes on to explain how all the traits are geared towards a singular idea
Do they even read what they type before they post it?
By robbing and persecuting the original inhabitants of the land they now sit on. Good one, user.
THE safest? I don't think so. Is it safe though? Sure. Like everywhere as long as you're not an absolute retard it is safe.
You're the one with zero knowledge of politics or history if you support Israel or Jews in any way at all, even a little. They have been the most destructive force in human history.
>fourth poster
>becomes the best-selling game in the series
People like this are why MK 11 is in the state it is in right now.
>They pulled up that strawman comic about hating on sexualized males, DESPITE Jojo proving to be successful with the same crowd that likes everything that the thread hates
Um, no sweetie.
Extremists exist at both ends. One is not okay while the other isn't. Communists killed far more people than the Nazis.
Remember when Resetera had a melt down that when Japan's era ended and they had a poll for best vidya they got mad it was only Japanese games?
>most destructive force in human history.
Right, not the Mongol empire. Not the Soviet Union. Not the various empires that existed in antiquity and in the Iron Age. Not the Sea peoples at the end of the Bronze Age. Nope. It's fucking Israel that's the big boogeyman in history despite the fact that they've been mostly fighting neighboring states and renounced some territories they conquered (Sinai, Gaza strip).
He's right. You have zero knowledge of history and geopolitics. Including zero history of science as Jews contribute more per capita that any other group.
No, that'd be the Vatican, with a whopping 0.0 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. Hell, I doubt they've had ANY violent crime.
Japan has astronomically low crime rates, though. Only rich, homogeneous white countries, like Iceland, Liechtenstein, San Marino, and Andorra have lower crime rates.
>saying that using an anime avatar
fucking ironic.
and who are the communists? There are actual nazis on the right while the left is just a bunch of consumer whores. They sure as fuck aren't communists
>people go to japan and try to act like japan is a shithole who will die if they don't conform to their views and treat themselves like the secret society of heroes fighting a corrupt system
>japan stops liking foreigners because of these retards
I swear, these people are more the reason why japan hasn't changed their ways than anything else
Vatica probably has the highest pedophilia per capita.
>japs dabbing on the trannies, even in real life by sterilizing trannies
Fuck reset fags
Fucks mudslimes
Fuck kikes
Fuck OP for making a faggot thread
But most importantly fuck all of you, scorched earth motherfuckers.
no, meanwhile exist iraq and iran.
I used to consider myself left leaning but the left's weird alliance with fundementalist Islam is what turned me away.
Sometimes I wonder. Is Resetera just composed of people from Yea Forums roleplaying so hard that it ended up just being a gigantic community of RP'ing faggots ironically being sjws?
If you were any further in denial you'd be in Ethiopia, you fucking pinko.
>and move on to what anime used to be
Uh, the same thing with different popular genres?
funny how netherrealm studios turned out to have been treating their employees like dogshit after this big dog and pony show they had about how respectable their characters are. liberal bullshit at its finest
>Breasts get much bigger
admittedly Peach looks stacked in those screenshots but Rosalina went from a 60cm bust to a 61cm bust it's nothing.
>clothes get more skin tight
they added detail to Peach's dress but the shape is still the same. Her medieval princess look means she probably has a corset on.
>face looks less cartoony
they look the same.
should have gone a step further and euthanized them
What in the ever-loving mother of FUCK is wrong with this person?
I voted for Obama in 2012, and now I'm a full blown /pol/lack. The redpill hit hard with Trayvon Martin, and I think I overdosed with Ferguson.
How are these people any better than the Western colonialists leftists love to hate? At least Western colonialist brought technology and trade with their cultural influences.
Vatican is a small area which means when it has a scandal, it'll be quite highly represented per capita.
They have doubled down. They're even trying to change Islam by claiming classical Islam is inherently pro LGBT but it was the evil Western imperials who changed everything. They're delusional.
Fuck westerners they are garbage.
I amost bothe reading your shit bait but
You can't make this shit up bahahahahaha
>American awards don't show nepotism for western games
In what world dost this faggot liveth?
It's just a flock of clockwork parrots.
>implying no girls IRL have ever had thigh gaps
>implying that somehow having thigh gaps is inherently bad
>this is the same site that loves feminism and female empowerment shit
These fucking people are such hypocrites it's ridiculous
That's why they post this shit, they hope a (really stupid, because even girls like boobs.) girl will notice them.
>Move to new country
>Demand it become the old country you left
Why do Anglos do this? At least muslims have the excuse of their old countries being shit.
Do you motherfuckers seriously go to other websites to find posts to bring back here? What the fuck is wrong with you.No one did this shit 10+ years ago other than like making fun of weird deviant art
I honestly don't know which is worse in their leaps of logic, Yea Forums or Yea Forumssetera, but I guess I like it here a bit more.
How can this Resetera bitch be so dumb?
>a small group of outsiders infiltrating a society and changing it from the inside.
this sounds strikingly similar to the "cultural marxist" meme that nazis push.
If it's perfectly acceptable to show gratuitous violence, we should also be able to show explicit sexual imagery
The dream world, obviously.
I wish one day will get there and only the gameplay would matter.
Vatican City actually has no pedophilia crimes because of the fact that there are no children and no women there. Just a bunch of old dudes larping as those guys that save your games in Dragon Quest.
Yea Forums needs to be reminded about Resetera every now and then.
When I used to play MMOs girls I knew would always dress their characters like sluts.
to be fair Japan has it's share of white collar crime and shady dealings, as well as suicide which does count as violent crime
But yeah, still absolutely nothing compared to violent crime in South Africa or even tax fraud in southern Europe. I hope I can get in as a teacher once I finish University.
That's because they actually are religious. It's just that this religion is so new we haven't seen broadly successful codifications emerge yet.
This is the actual damage atheism caused: a power vacuum and absence of transcendent meaning when apparently most human animals want and need exactly that. I'm an atheist myself and that's not likely to change but holy shit is it nonviable at the population level.
can someone explain these types of people
they seem to like anime but seem to hate it at the same time
It's mostly Leafs who do it. Look it up.
How is it an excuse to turn the country you escaped to into the same hellhole that made you want to leave in the first place? That sounds like the reproductive strategy of bacteriophages, desu.
christians bad
>Games made by women for women are sexist against women
>Games made by men for men that shows the brutal torture and murder of women are not.
This thing has a disease. The cure is death.