What games do you wish you could play in it's prime again?
Personally I would love to play TF2 in it's Glory days again.
What games do you wish you could play in it's prime again?
Personally I would love to play TF2 in it's Glory days again.
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Yeah same here
Although that would require the internet as a whole to go back as well because the community is what made it so fun.
PSO. I didn't have a chance to play it when it was a big thing and I always felt that I missed out on something special.
Chromehounds when the servers were still up.
Tribes Ascend, so much fucking fun.
so many.
cs alone feels like five games i miss because of all the custom maps and modes that are gone in fucking global offensive
tribes ascend
the first week of destiny was great
battlefield 2
>inb4 Classic
>mfw i barely missed tf2 in it's peak.
>only had a taste
>now servers just full of chinks, hackers and youtubers with their mic spam.
no one even goes for clever cosmetic combos.
When were the TF2 glory days?
At least once a week I think about how I will never play Demon's Souls for the first time ever again.
Unironically before it went F2P
Minecraft was great in its early days before all the kids and youtubers picked it up. Yea Forums had lots of cozy threads of people exploring and building tree houses.
>My face when remembering playing TF2 before hats.
Halo Reach I got this day on my 10th birthday the day it came out and it was my first video game that I owned.
Fucking loved playing multiplayer and custom games.
Then everyone just drifted away.
>TF2 youtubers
Those still exist?
Hunger ruined the game
>tf2 in it's peak
So.. 2007?
Notch's extended vacations ruined the game
2009-2010, any time before the WAR update and after the Engineer Update
He can definitely afford them now
They're so much worse than what we had.
I miss jerma in his prime
Right around/before the WAR! update.
"exist" is a hard word to label these guys, they're usually kids trying to be the next pewdieshit or whatever.
Maybe not exactly at the peak-peak, but more or less after that, maybe like 2008-9?
Mah nigga
>Red Orchestra Ostfront
>Gunz the Duel
>Demon Souls
I want them back
They also have retarded ideas for what they want TF2 to become and their hordes of retarded followers parrot their ideas
I play every week on my days off and I've seen a lot of interesting cosmetic combos
What maps are you playing?
Silent Hill 2 probably
It's still one of my favorite games, but everything about the fear factor and mystery behind it will never be as strong as it was on that first blind playthrough. Not knowing which strange sounds were just distant ambiance and which were something actually waiting for you just around the corner,
RDR1's multiplayer. Red Dead Online just depresses me
I just remember Chozo.
Blacklight: Retribution
The Mass Effect trilogy. But with a little sticky note from future me warning me not to get too over-excited for the ending.
We just have to learn to let it go user...
It ain't ever coming back...
I really miss this kind of things the most from community servers. Just your little cozy place in the internet with inside humor and rules.
The quest of finding your server was half of the fun of old TF2
What's ice cream hopping?
Newfag detected
I want to play Tribes 1 & Tribes 2 in their prime again. I miss those games so much.
Sit down, zoomer. *cracks open monster*
Sit down and, heh, I'm gonna tell you a story
*tear slowly forms in one eye*
shut the fuck up you little bitch
what's a newfag?
This, plus Super/Monday Night Combat, Neotokyo, MGS Online 2, CSS, Quake 3, UT2004, ET.
I feel less guilty about pouring time into multiplayer games, since once they're gone they're gone.
Before the mann-conomy update. Game was still fine after it, but went to on a gradual decline.
Hats weren't that bad, they weren't too crazy at first. It was interesting to see the continual compromise as time went on, and the eventual capitulation to profit over stylistic integrity.
From WAR! until Engineer update
This is probably the worst thing about matchmaking and servers being completely under the control of companies. Toxicity wasn't much of a problem in community servers, because people could police themselves and leave if they didn't enjoy a particular server. You also rarely run into the same people twice with matchmaking, meaning that you don't really get a chance to familiarize yourself with people and establish friendships. It's a shame that things won't change because companies want absolute control and to be able to pull the plug on their games whenever they want.
I think hats just slowly became an ironic symbol of Valve's silent indifference when everyone begged them to just stop making hats and make more Half Life.
>no more rivalries with that one dick-ass on the server that you hated but secretly respected
It's one of the things I hate about Modern online gaming. It makes the experience feel lifeless, a man in a machine type deal. I was really hoping that Overwatch was gonna bring me back to an era of Prime TF2 but it just turned out to be a hollow game that pretended to be a lively one.
I wish I was a zoomer so I could feel nostalgia for online multiplayer games.
GMOD RP before every server became a P2W shitfest filled with powertripping 15 year olds
God, I miss those days.
At this point fuck Half Life 3, Gabe should start up an animated series of TF2.
San Andreas Multiplayer. It's still around but full of ruskies and brs. I hate how controlled online games are now, I can't believe I had faith in Rockstar and GTA:O.
I'd watch a TF2 Slice of Life miniseries.
Yeah. They collectively tried to push for competitive, bringing the game its worst update ever (and possibly the worst update I've seen for any game), which made it very cathartic when despite their claims that it was an incredible opportunity that would revitalize the game that has never left steam's top ten most played list, competitive completely and utterly failed.
I want a TF2 campaign in L4D
Heavy, Medic, Scout, and .... ugh, tough choice, Soldier? The four of them together to fight off zombies.
>half of those he is under the hp to survie the hit
>"crits I tell you"
Funny how this kind of fags never play on servers with nocrits
imagine being chased by a Blitzball field
>the first week of destiny was great
The first month.
>tight blue butthole
>the world first race for Vault of Glass
>the sunlock cheese
>suros motherfucking regime
>everyone calling the Mythoclast the "Vex Holocaust" since those few who got it from Vault were unstoppable rape gods in pvp
>the sleek beta paints
>the tiny fraction of players who had The Last Word and achieved peak SSStyle
Shame the rest was eternal dogshit.
Little did we know how bad things would actually get. Let's look back and fondly reminisce over what used to be considered ridiculous.
>jerma in his prime
Everybody wants to see this happen
Unironically until Valve stopped updating
F2P was fine, at least the game was getting new content then.
Games can last for a very, very long time when they've got an active dev team and the game is actually fun. TF2's death is that of an orphan child left unfed and locked in the back of a hot car.