>alt-righters actually buy games just to give them bad reviews for living in the current century
>as if anyone's going to pay attention to reviews like that or they'll make a dent in a 97% positive score
Have sex
Alt-righters actually buy games just to give them bad reviews for living in the current century
Other urls found in this thread:
If you can’t find a girl to cuck you, you might as well find a game developer
>a bloo bloo bloo why does /pol/ bring politics into everything
>hey you can't criticize a game for bringing unnecessary politics into something
They are completely correct
You faggots kvetch that Barret sounds like a black man, you lose your fucking minds when there isnt enough women or minorities in games, but oh shit people on the other side of the political spectrum arent allowed to get mad at anything!
If they did something Yea Forums "agreed" with there would be endless BASED posting for weeks. Fuck this site is god-awful. Hiroshimoot, just kill us.
>have sex
i thought this was the usual shitposting meme of the month but after having sex with a hot milf and cumming inside i can actually enjoy video games again
Why are normalfags obsessed with sex so much?
>buying a game you never had any intention to play just to say "eww fuck yucky people!!!"
more like a public display of how seething you are
>implying /pol/ plays games
This smells more of r*ddit
This. OP is a faggot.
nobody likes trannies, dear
A Hat in Time isn't a kid's game.
Shut the fuck up tranny
Buy game and refund
100% this
liberals just ban them
Because they are probably zoomers and have had very little sex. They're just horny and projecting. I'm 30 and I have a cute, petite gf that I've dated for two years. I still rather jack off most of the time. If you can get sex, you don't obsess about it.
I'm so mad and outraged and offended. I'm literally shaking right now.
Do you think these two things are equitable? Here's how it actually is:
>/pol/ shits up topical boards.
>/pol/ shits up review boards.
Here's the thing dum-dum:
All this shit is obnoxious, but videogames with trannies don't shit up topical boards.
>buy game
>make review
>refund game
yeah that was real hard
>Weeb names
It being easy doesn't make it less pathetic
Just look at this dude. Is this who you want to be associated with?
lol white supremacists are so fucking inferior
>alt-righters actually buy games just to give them bad reviews
Incorrect, the trans flag was added in a DLC that was released recently. They probably already bought the game before it came out.
Or you can post the cringe inducing tranny profiles where they list their medical issues one-by-one and give you a step-by-step list of how to add them as a friend and ask that question of yourself.
I don't associate with people who have less than 25 hours in huniepop
>Member of GamerGate
Of course he is.
Are you suggesting two wrongs make a right here?
>one bad means other bad not bad no more
Shut up, both groups are vomitory filth.
>call the gaming community toxic for being male dominated
>call developers bigots for marketing towards men
>call developers racist for not having enough minorities represented
>call developers sexist because women are "damsels in distress"
>guilt companies into taking consultation from extreme feminists
>write articles about how games arent political enough, pretending that the journalists opinion represents the whole community
>gaming industry caves to your demands
>get angry that the newly represented black people dont speak like white people
>get angry that all the stronk womyn now represented in games are too attractive
>call people incels for liking sexually provocative content in games
>demand censorship of heterosexual content, at the same time demand more trannies and homosexuals be portrayed provocatively to children
>literally never content ever and always looking for something to be unhappy about
Everybody else:
>hey can you stop with all the politics i just want to play games
t. Tranny
They're literally equitable. Stop fucking bitching that the side you don't like is playing the same game you are.
Has Cucks For Breakfast made a statement yet? How fast will they go bankrupt at this rate?
He looks based
fuck trannies
>it’s another tranny shitting up a board complaining about /pol/
You should go post this where the leftists are instead of shitting up Yea Forums with it. That's really the issue here. You won't shut the fuck up about extremely tertiary subject matter. You're just an endless loop of cuck words, Wojak corruptions and outrage pornography. It's like you don't even like vidya and you're just here to masturbate to your ideological hangups in front of us for all time. Please, try to get a hobby that doesn't trigger you into behaving this way.
>Have sex
with Loli Cunny!
>people are retarded consumers and pay money to get fucked
wow what a surprise.
t. Leftist
show me literally a single example of someone buying an alt-right game that they have no intention of playing just to attack the fact that it has a symbol of pride in it
literally one
Nope. I believe in meritocracy, so I don't have any representation in America.
>implying I wouldn't be fueling both sides regardless
You don't seem to understand that we are actively trying to make this board unusable, did you not join the discord? We're taking back Yea Forums.
Tricky question; there are no right-leaning games.
Have sex is a fun meme because people who aren't having it get geuinely pissed off because they've sexually frustrated because they're too weak to even talk to a 1/10 girl. It's a hilarious meme to identify the Yea Forums spread.
that's what I thought
fuck your outrage culture muh gamergate reddit shit
Only a leftist could possibly get upset at someone calling you out
Nice try though
Deus Ex is pretty right wing
>alt-right games
They're called "normal" games but you'd have to pull your head out of your ass and wipe the shit out of your eyes to see it.
What game? I want to leave one too to fit in.
Good enough thread I suppose.
Orbital blogdrop inbound!
Yea ForumsChad's I need your assistance there's this cute girl that, to my knowledge, is a casual when it comes to gaymen but she could totally kick my ass because she practices martial arts but anyways
She keeps staring at me bros and she gave me this flirty look when our eyes met. We both crashed at a friend's once and even though she had the couch to herself she had rather sleep on the floor besides us while us lads were on the bed. It's embarrassing because she keeps coming to me and trying to get a conversation going but my spaghetti keeps flopping all over. I managed to give her my cap if that is worth anything.
What do Yea Forumsros???
Tranny please go back
Upset? What indication did I give of being upset? I simply stated my viewpoint in response to your wild ad hominem attack.
still waiting
what, you can't do it?
is it because rational people who don't hate people just for having a different sexuality wouldn't do something so asinine?
really makes me think
have sex_____________________
Based leftists
conservashits don't play or buy games, and they definitely don't make them (they are too incompetent to make anything - they can only leech off of liberal productivity)
Either you dont know what an ad hominem is or you just admitted to me personally attacking you as a leftist
China also elotrocute fags and send feminists to gulags
I can't go back as I've been here since 2006.
>comparing "we want to see more minorities in games" to "REEEEE THERE'S A PRIDE FLAG IN THIS HIDDEN AREA BOYCOTT"
Because they aren't having it or haven't had it in a long time. They lash out because they're sexually frustrated but they fail to understand you could pay $120 for a hot 20 year old to bounce on their dick and leave and be like a normal person again. It's actually really sad with how weak they and scared they are of making any decisions.
>Deus Ex is pretty right wing
Have you ever been to Warren's Twitter account? I can assure you, Deus Ex is far from right wing.
No, you didn't at all address my stance and made a personal attack. It doesn't have to be true to be a personal attack.
based post, weebs and trannies are both a cancer on the industry and must be surgically removed by any means necessary
>leech off of liberal productivity
Ha ha ha ha ha
>game is made by one person
You're not very smart are you
The game is absolutley right wing
That doesnt mean its bad or anything, you dont have to hate it out of loyalty to your ideology or something you cuck
Fuck off you russian troll motherfucker, you've been at this for two days.
You're talking to people who use The Matrix (the brainchild of leftist trannies) as meme fuel for their political shenanigans.
>Saving western civilization is asinine
Everything you just said is incorrect
>user cant into reading comprehension
You can stop seething now leftoid
You're angry that I called you out on your bullshit
You're aware how fucking stupid your position is when YOU are the ones constantly inserting politics into everything
We're trying to save people from committing suicide with tough love.
>The existence of trans people is a "political" issue
Jesus guys. Gay and trans people exist. Saying "these people exist and that's ok." isn't political.
Deus Ex is a great game and explores most sides of the far political spectrums. The endings themselves are choice3s between them.
I can guarantee if a game developed by alt rightists came out the leftists wouldn't shit on it the way /pol/tards do oh wait theres already an example kingdom come deliverance the jornos sure didn't shit on it and no leftist did either
>a sequence of three colors on one wall is "unnecessary politics"
Why would I financially support something that goes against my beliefs? Only cucks do that, user.
>is it because rational people who don't hate people just for having a different sexuality wouldn't do something so asinine?
If you're going to be an annoying fag about anything, you should be prepared to get called out.
Having sex has always been a status symbol to normies, like wearing certain brands of clothes or going to a certain university.
user, stop lying to yourself
gays maybe, trans are shithead faggots that mutilate their penises and call themselves something than thay dont.
No they should not exist.
They should get proper fucking help before they end up dead or a burden on society.
40% is not a meme, and its climbing yearly.
Don't be a Jew, we all know what it means.
>playing spin the bottle at SGDQ.jpg
>thinks making a fool of yourself and showing the whole world how petty you are is having any effect on anything except maybe giving people a laugh
seek help
I know you're used to downvotes hiding posts on reddit, but that's not going to make the game stop existing
No one's going to avoid a game because you made a review for it when the fact that you didn't play it is at the top
Look at the time played.
The alternative to them not buying it recently is that they bought it a while ago, never/barely played it, then only got interested again because of this """controversy""", which is arguably even worse.
Putting them into video games for children is absolutely a political issue you faggot
Outside of the gated LGBT community nobody is accepting of trannies, medically they are still treated as mentally ill
Its an extremely controversial subject and it has absolutley no fucking place in a video game
Its like putting a pro-life banner in the game
>muh western civilization
found the virgin that needs sex. This is the equivalent of weebs wishing they weren't american because they wanna live in anime world.
Both of you guys are complete faggots.
Dammit I shoulda posted on /fit/ or Yea Forums the actual Chad boards.
Because you're a paranoid faggot that hates democracy? I dont know you figure it out.
What you just said doesn't even make sense. You didn't address my point, deliberated ignored my quip on meritocracy(a decidedly right wing point of view by the way) and then incorrectly defined ad hominem and then called me mad for correcting you. What? Have you ever heard of having a conversation where you aren't constantly emotional and combative?
So what game is this?
>Jesus guys. Gay and trans people exist. Saying "these people exist and that's ok." isn't political.
What if Heterosexual people had their own flag? What if they started shoving them into E V E R Y T H I N G? You don't think that would get annoying?
People always use this as if it says something profound but it's literally just a framing difference because liberals and conservatives value different things. Dems lean towards the care and fairness foundations so disagreements are more personal
Witcher 3. People bitched because it didn't have any people of color in it.
Why do we even bother debating with these fag-enablers?
We know the only way this shit ends is violence.
Let's just skip to the good part already.
>"member" of GamerGate
>implying Yea Forums is a chad board
>implying Yea Forums was ever chad after the newfag immigration
I wanna say where do you think we are, but at the end of the day you did this to yourself, user.
He didn't create a thread on Yea Forums complaining though. A leftist did.
I only know what it means because of Yea Forums whining about it.
Kids absolutely will not know what it means.
I mean "What?" as in your post made zero fucking sense
Does the game make you perform "gender reassignment surgery" on someone? Does it retcon the protagonist to be a tranny? Does it force you to watch a trans documentary to unlock the true ending? Does it force you to scream "TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS" a hundred times before you can unlock the true ending?
It is LITERALLY three colors on a wall that is incredibly easy to ignore. It's not a controversy. You are being triggered by nothing. The level of effort it took the devs to implement it is legitimately thousands of times less than the level of effort you dumb faggots have spent screaming about this.
>Deus Ex is pretty right wing
How so? Off the top of my head, the two big political concepts that it touches upon are national sovereignty - which has proponents on both the right and the left - and the excesses and hubris of the powerful. It also talks about the use of terrorist attacks to justify mass surveillance and a bunch of other things. It's certainly political but I would call it neither left leaning or right leaning.
Sheldon Pacotti was the main writer, and games are team efforts anyway.
Then why is it there?
wtf did i just watch?
see, I'd like to take your word for that
but then I go to the witcher's store page and all the downvotes are actually about the game, or someone bitching that their computer is too bad to play it
so in conclusion
Not him but no, it would not be annoying. Non-straights are already used to straight stuff being absolutely everywhere, you just don't notice it and consider it benign because it appeals to you.
Not an argument.
You hate democracy if you don't support pink-haired leftists making social justice games for soiboys
The harder the left pushes the harder the knockback will be, I hope they realise that. If there's one thing we can learn from history its that people never learn from history.
As a harmless easter egg for the few mentally ill trannies that play the game and do know what it means.
>What if Heterosexual people had their own flag?
They do, it just fell out of fashion during the 1940s.
>Deus Ex is pretty right wing
K brb making a swastika flag texture mod.
>Game thanks the player for playing
We do.
>How so?
The best ending is literally a totalitarian dictatorship
right on
>a-any day now!
Ask her out. If you're on a date, you can prepare yourself for interaction, as opposed to being in a spontaneous social situation and sperging out.
So then its a political statement then?
Go right ahead friendo.
So glad that we've reached the part of the timeline where the people bitching and moaning about sensitive babies getting triggered are now getting fucking triggered over the most banal fucking things. It's not even a fucking character, you're getting upset about a swatch of colors on a wall. Why has China not nuked this shit country, evidently it cannot be salvaged.
>Non-straights are already used to straight stuff being absolutely everywhere, you just don't notice it and consider it benign because it appeals to you.
Or maybe because it's normal and not out of the ordinary?
gamers rise up
>state objective truth
>conservashit parasites laugh nervously
Absolute unit
>the flag of the retards who enabled this mess to begin with
Back to your Discord you go.
Not sure why you find it funny, its like this sense of security in the west has deluded you into thinking you're immune to the currents of history. It's happened literally hundreds of times and it's gauranteed to happen again. Probably not for 10 or 20 years but it will happen if nothing changes. People electing Donald Dumbfuck is just the coping stage, he's the Marius, next comes the Sulla, then the Caesar.
Oh shut the fuck up you spamming cunt.
they draw attention to it intentionally, its a statement
Got any proof of that?
>it isn't a political issue
>Man is a political creature, everything he does is political
pick one
Look at how many guns there are, and look at how much overreach the government has performed in the past couple of decades to strip power away from the common man. You cucks are literally worthless, I'm now pro gun control simply because you idiots don't ever nut up and use them for its intended purpose anyway.
What statement?
That one of the art designers for the game knows what the trans flag looks like?
He was wrong about more than he was right about btw.
>not an argument
keep seething retard, you know it's true.
This is a board about video games ruined by newfags, /pol/faggots, redditors, and the likes. a turbovirgin crying about politics and civilization in a chinese silkweaving forum will not be remembered under the constant stream of shitposting and bait threads.
As a daily reminder: Have sex or commit suicide.
>implying im an amerifat
I'm not even talking about guns or whatever the fuck
>Enabling mental illnesses
>creates blatant flamewar threads for two days
>tries to redirect actual game discussion to them
>calls others spammers
fuck off, /pol/.
Are you serious? Literally Google "Witcher 3 people of color" and you get hundreds of articles about the lack of diversity in gaming
>everything is pol
Lazy. step it the fuck up.
>being against trans people
virgin alert
You consider it not out of the ordinary because it's everywhere and it appeals to you. The point is, the idea of a heterosexual symbol triggering non-heteros is laughable because to be non-hetero is having to accept that the vast majority of media is not designed with you in mind. Which makes it all the more aggravating when straights bitch about the handful of media that does. It's not enough that you have 99% of media, you have to have 100%. I don't think anyone with any sense would argue that LGBT shit would ever make up the majority of content, because obviously straights make up the majority of the population. But you could have just a tiny amount of self-awareness and realize how good you've got it. Feel free to ignore everything I'm saying and call me mentally ill or AIDS-ridden or dilating or whatever.
stop with this wrongthink
>virgin alert
I sleep with my biologically female girlfriend you mutilated faggot
The one who will never have sex is you, let that sink in
fuck off /pol.
>hundreds of articles
I see, I see
So actually productive people write articles with information in them explaining their points
And incels try to downvote games because they no they have no point besides "I'll never see a vagina ever" so they just try to artificially deflate approval numbers for games they were never going to play
Video games ruined themselves, son. This board is a shell of its former self due to games turning into political propaganda like A Hat In Time.
I suggest you find a new hobby.
Yes you're
I agree, which is why I wish people would stop reposting that quote when you complain about the oversaturation of political discussion in pop culture
>vote with your wallet!
>buys the game
>Amerimutts suppose to hate China
>China does something they agree with
>Gears in Amerimutt jams up due to this
Is this pottery
I've never understood the keep politics out of games shit
Game have started to have a bigger focus on story
people who write game stories have ideas they want to express
They express their ideas in the story
Games are already full of shitty writing the last thing they need is to try so hard not to offend liberals or the alt right they end up writing stories that have no point
I mean the far right and left make everything political already good luck keeping anything they see as political out of your game unless you dont want to have a story at all...even then before any story details where shown at all retards on Yea Forums where triggered by female character designs having clear road warrior influence because it had dyed hair so SJW and probably the protagonist (before we all found out they where a enemy faction and retards shut the fuck up)
Its 2019 no matter what you do someone will be offended no one should give a shit about offending people just laugh at the offended retards who get triggered about a fucking graffiti in a game or whatever the fuck people get mad at
I dont give a rats ass what you think I have my beliefs you have yours but if you are a easy to offend faggot make the world a better place and wash your mouth with a shotgun
>Dems lean towards the care and fairness foundations
This means literally nothing at all except "me team good, you team Hitler"
>implying I hate China
China is based as fuck, God I hope they take over this country.
it's funny because those kinds of vague predictions about "muh day of the rope" are made year after year to no avail
when Trump was elected everyone insisted Trump was gonna DESTROY the SJWs yet what has happened? nothing, he's done jack shit
>muh history
what an absolute pseud
>conservashit literally leeching off my post
you proved me right. conservashits are pathetic parasites that leech off of liberal productivity.
>j-just give up fellow 4Channers
I can SMELL how big of a fag you are
>muh ad-hominems
You gonna keep moving the goalposts until they're out of the stadium?
Not true he helped fight anti-Semitism in Israel so it's not all bad :)
Fuck off with this shit, this board took a noticable turn for the worse after 2016 and every other post on this board for the past month or two have been about trans people or some other political bullshit.
>Getting triggered by 5 lines
the 'alt-right' ''''movement'''' doesn't actually exist
remember that time in 2016 when Hilldawg and the dnc made up the term 'alt right' and then 2 days later self professed Zionist Richard Spencer appeared out of thin air glowing in the dark?
>he's done jack shit
You're confusing him with Obama. Orange man has probably done the most shit in the shortest timeframe of any president in 50 years. Now go back to crying about Israel or whatever you've been programmed to do this year, you gay liberal robot.
Already having a meltdown?
conservashits are the ones trying to inject politics into gaming, if your personal biases weren't blinding you that would be obvious
Again, you're assuming i'm some /pol/ faggot
I don't believe in the "day of the rope" or any race war
I do believe that if trends continue you'll be facing pretty extreme blowback though
Why do you think the far left is so prominent right now? Its a current of leftist blowback since the second world war. The right went to far now its feeling the left. The opposite is also true. You can pretend its not going to happen but it will.
>even then before any story details where shown at all retards on Yea Forums where triggered by female character designs having clear road warrior influence because it had dyed hair so SJW and probably the protagonist
Forgot to mention I was talking about the rage 2 shitshow not this game here
Im fucking retarded
>Orange man has probably done the most shit in the shortest timeframe of any president in 50 years
like what?
>stories have to be political
>random non-story political bullshit like a tranny flag is story
>implying anyone on a mongolion basket-weaving forum is anywhere near straight
mother fucker we have cunny, gays, niggers, and the likes. If you think 4channel is anything but that you're living a delusion bigger than Hiroshimoot thinking he can make money off this site.
Imagine you aren't really interested in skateboarding but all movies start to become about skateboarding and all music is about skateboarding and all video games are about skateboarding and all TV shows involve skateboarding in some way, shape or form and all anyone ever talks about is skateboarding and whenever you ask to do something other than skateboarding you're called a bitter lonely asshole
you proved me right, i'm vindicated
why would i be mad? looks like you are the one crying that you lost this thread (and the discussion as a whole - you admitted that i'm right and it's killing you)
Why can't they just keep quiet and try to get help instead of ?
I believe you should read the reply chain if you think there's been any goal post moving
I asked for a single example of someone from the left buying an alt right game that they'll never play just to make a negative review of it. Funnily enough, 0 (zero) examples of this have been shown, because that's not something a well adjusted person would do.
Feel free to kick that ball in any time, goal's right there.
How do lefties even manage to breathe
Right leaning faggots are the biggest snowflakes of them all. Moderate right leaning people are starting to become as annoying as far left leaning nutters.
I think you're focusing way too much on the ending of Invisible War on top of that even though politics are discussed throughout the game, and the endings aren't detailed enough to make a clear assessment of which is the best ending (although IW has really lazy choices aside from Helios).
that just isnt true
the only politics being injected into games are "progressive" politics
conversativism and the moment isnt even a coherent belief system, it's just reactionary shit-flinging
>chad board
Turns out muscles don't cure autism.
That tiny bit of doubt will always get them. They can't be saved. Nothing left for them to do but slowly slip into schizophrenic tendencies like the rest.
going by your ridiculous right-left dictonomy, the soviet union is left, and so you can already say they've been to far
it's 100% true
liberals and progressives are not injecting politics into gaming at all - they are reacting to conservashit attacks on freedom such as gamergate
>One news article
>Not even a direct source
Here's my bullshit to counteract your bullshit: Orange man is going to collapse the economy with his existence
seems like an unbiased and trustworthy website
you cant respond to anything this laughable without well... laughing cause youre dumb and you believe in your idiotic theories
I really enjoy the idea that gun control is going to do anything except make me machine my own guns and buy from the cartel like everybody else.
And the cartel gets those nice, CIA full auto assault rifles.
>leftie game devs add "progressive" shit into their games for no reason
>right wing devs ignore politics altogether and just make their game, at the least they'll tell the retards who get pissed at "no progressiveness" in the game to fuck off
welcome to Yea Forums dude.
Nothing can cure autism, not /k/, or /tg/, or even /o/
You're here forever.
I want you to know that I was going to buy this game, but after seeing the tranny flag, I am not. Thank you to everyone who warned me not to support this dev.
to be fair when your goal is to compile proofs for use in discussion of course its going to have a somewhat related name.
I doubt you're even arguing in good faith anymore, but the reply chain went
>show me an example
>Witcher 3
>I don't see reviews on steam
>Here's articles from people who never played the game or only played an hour of it giving it a negative review because of their political biases
>Yeah but that's different they aren't incels
A similar example is Far Cry 5. Leftists complained it wasn't political enough, and that game is heavily left-wing.
>liberals and progressives are not injecting politics into gaming at all
how many video games are there with shoehorned brown and gay characters in them? gamergate was a reactionary movement
you think everyones a degenerate because of how much of a scumsucking parasite you seem to be yourself but you're totally right. only me i'm perfect im not even human fuck you virgin get laid
This. If you have sex, you just can't get mad when someone tell you to have sex. And you're the only one that knows if you do or don't so if you intend to prove it on the internet, it just shows that you don't have sex on a semi-regular basis. It's bulletproof.
you dont have a discussion by linking websites
Yeah, he's a low powerlevel third world subhuman weeb.
Fucking trannies lmao, imagine a game dev throwing in a nazi flag
When linking proofs to one who requested them you do.
What game are you fags talking about?
Your're not right. Progresshits like you don't produce nothing that why you demand everything ti be handed to you.
Stories do not have to be political but they should have some kind of point and there is nothing wrong with that point being political
Thats a separate point against the keep politics out of games shit
My other point is shit like graffiti or the fact chracters have died hairs (even in a fucking road warrior inspired game like rage 2) is dumb trivial bullshit not worth getting upset over
If a games story makes dumb point you dont agree with those points are given value and are worth the effort to bash. If its some
one dumb piece graffiti that they probably just let a bunch of devs make for fun and scatter around the map then thats really not major enough to justify throwing a fit over now is it?
Trannies are psychopaths and pushing tranny shit on kids is child abuse.
>I'm not even human
that explains why you get pissy over a simple comment on Yea Forums.
Why kind of idiot reads "fag" and thinks he's being literally made fun of for homosexuality? Go back to the mods' favorite gay hangout, AKA Reddit.
Conservatives dont create things. They maintain things. The hint is in the name. People who create things are usually liberal or "progressive"
you guys are just all fucking idiots thats the problem
>Being this delusional
Identity politics. They are the new hottest thing.
that right there proves you are injecting your politics into gaming
you proved me right - you are suggesting that all characters in media must be white males unless there is a justification for changing them
Just here to tell anons that you should do something that rhymes with rage and tide on this thread
You're very stupid
>you dont have a discussion by providing citations
You don't want discussion, you want to jiggle your rolls and cry about how bad orange man is. You can read the websites (which aren't packed with lies, you can't lie about bills and other shit the fucking president passes) or you can continue plugging your ears.
Out of all those members of a dead movement, how many do you think are false flaggers?
Your analogy is very appropriate as a vast majority of music and movies aren't about skateboarding and thus getting so upset about the few that are is ultimately silly.
>still not posting an example
You don't have to keep making a fool of yourself. You can just stop posting and move on with jerking off to anime. No need to damage control like this that with your "th-these articles that I couldn't even find and post myself are totally the same as 5 word posts that amount to reddit downvotes that they had to bought the game just to post which you can visible see!!"
cope harder
I don't like mentally ill tranny's either but trump is partly riding off of Obama's work. I guess Trump did help when it comes to business by doing tariffs and shit but these only work short term until they begin to hurt us
Fuck trannies,jannies and niggers
My politics? I'm liberal. But you're delusional if you think things aren't being shoehorned into games because of a left-wing political agenda.
everythign i have said is the objective truth
the fact that you refuse to believe the truth says more about your retarded conservashit denial than anything else
I'm very right. 90% of game devs would probably be considered "left-leaning"
I get that point though its really not hard to find things without anything SJW in them if you look past the things made for mainstream appeal
But the issue here is if we follow your line of logic its like people throwing a fit about a drawing of a skateboard in a game that otherwise has nothing to do with it then using that to get upset and also try and argue skateboards should not be in games at all
Do you see the issue?
>A similar example is Far Cry 5
Oh man, that was a shit show
>All those articles in support because its going to shit on the evil orange man and all those evil alt-right nazis
>game comes out
>The "bad guy" was right the whole time and trying to save everyone from getting nuked
>Articles magically dry up
That was a fun time.
Your're the ones how wanted niggers in medieval Bohemia and Magic Poland
I'm neutral on the subject, I'm not American, but linking to biased websites does not form an interesting discussion
nothing is being shoehorned into gaming
the existence of minorities and women is not a political view and adding them to games is not a political statement
demanding that all characters in everything be a white male is a political statement
Post yfw you didn't buy this western trash.
>Nobody mentions /pol/
>"WAAAH stop blaming /pol/"
>"MUH lefties
>"MUH trannies
>can't even /thread properly
Drink Kerosene
>hurt us.
I dont give a shit about some huge international company bank account. Most of it wont end up back in the american economy as it is.
with tariffs, and hopefully more protectionist measures, it will.
break the monopolies
>you are suggesting that all characters in media must be white males unless there is a justification for changing them
But the same can be said of you since your kind are the first to complain when a cast is 99% female because the women dare to look attractive. You are no better.
>the existence of minorities and women is not a political view
>adding them to games is not a political statement
incorrect in this case
>demanding that all characters in everything be a white male
I didn't
based abloo abloo poster from Yea Forums
bough the game on sale before the DLC came out recently, fuck this shit i just requested a refund
i don't understand how hard can it be to keep politics out of games
>biased websites
You can't lie about public data on the president you fuckwit. It's just a list of things he's done, they aren't painted as positive or negative.
actual video game discussion:
>44 replies, 14 images, 12 posters
Political Bait threads:
>448 replies, 46 images, 90 posters
I hate this board
That explain why games are so shity
Don't waste your breath. It's spillover reddit rejects from r/ The Donald
>get worked into an incoherent BOIL by colors
Tell me how you're better than SJWs
Are you fucking retarded?
>your kind
so now that we all agree conservashits are to blame for politics in gaming and are the only ones trying to inject politics in games, how do we stop conservashits from participating in gaming? its the only way to return gaming to non-political form
go dilate. lefties are living on government aid or slave in an office so they can't afford to buy games to reviewbomb. all they can do is complain the loudest on social media while your typical basement-dwelling retard right winger dumps hundreds of dollars on games they're entitled to conplain about.
Never trusted any indie cuck developer
Tiananmen square massacre
Its got nothing to do with right or left defintions, its one side pushing too far and the other pushing back
Its the law of history, has happened since ancient times, since the romans kicked out the kings
I mean I fucking loved it
At 1st it triggered the Conservative christ cucks then it triggered the libcucks
Anything that manages to piss off both of the groups that are the single worst thing to happen to any kind of media at the same time is automatically good in my book
Video games haven't been interesting in years. At least political brawls in the streets and nazi-commie fights are fun to watch.
No it doesn't. Conservatives don't have any creativity at all
feels good man
You faggots don't waste that much oxygen believe it or not.
>muh childrens
Soccer moms please go
>leftists seethe whenever a game isn't "woke" or "progressive" enough, or has something that offends them
>right wingers seethe whenever a game has any form of the above, even it's as minor as a trans flag hidden in a sewer in a dlc
Both are laughable honestly. There seems to be no solution. Everything is fucked
for a side to push too far that side kind of needs to have a definition
>Woman in combate
>Minorities in roles that doesn't make any Sense
>Not shoehorned
They aren't this board has been Tumblr 2.0 since 2016
Leftists aren't American.
What about the Yakuza? The yakuza is a criminal organization that exploits businesses like leeches. Yet the game makes light of it. It's just one big joke. But you're not mad about the game exposing kids to crime. You're mad because kids might get the idea that trannies should have rights.
Yeah thats why we call them right and left you absolute mongoloid
All right and left means is two sides of the current political discourse, they have no solid definition
I was slightly interested in the game but now I saved $30.
>I-It's just a flag!
You know what, you're right. I don't have to post here. I don't have to browse Yea Forums. I don't have to spend my night arguing about video games with strangers on the internet. Thank you for reminding me of that. I really need to stop coming here.
When you put it like that yeah I see the issue and I'm not opposed to skateboards as a whole but skateboards still shouldn't consume all aspects of pop culture, no matter what your skateboard is or how you ride it. When I watch a baseball game, I just want it to be about baseball. When I listen to a song, I just want to groove to it. When I see an advertisement in public, I want it to advertise the product, not prop up a certain person's skateboard or denigrate someone else's.
>You're mad because kids might get the idea that trannies should have rights.
You don't cure mental illnesses by encouraging the delusions caused by it.
If I say who, you'll just go
even though it's true.
t. normal video game consumer, totally not a tranny
Sure thing tranny
I see situational awareness isn't your strong suit
Yakuza isn't a game meant for kids. And transvesitism and autogynephilia isn't safe for anybody.
>demanding that all characters in everything be a white male
>"i didn't"
>"adding women and minorities to games is a political statement"
you just contradicted yourself
you straight up admit that you think white males in games are not political, but women and minorities in games ARE political
you are injecting your politics into gaming, and then turning around and claiming that everyone else is being political by not catering to your biases
I don't see a problem, a healthy society allows everyone to voice their opinions.
It's not like governments and companies are favoring one side and silencing the other... oh wait.
I wonder if they'll do it again?
Then again a magical moment like that is only great because of its rarity. So maybe it might be a while or the magic will wear off.
>the left complains because they want to keep politics inside every media the consume and will bring hell down on anyone who dates to offend them in the slightest
>the right just doesn't want any politics at all as it should be
>this is the same thing
sasuga anime poster
Kill yourselves Conservatives
Kill yourselves
op here
I don't even like trannies lol get trolled retards
>inb4 muh pretending
seething cope
>this was suppose to be /our/ games because they hired that faggot jontron after the yooka-laylee devs sacked him
>this happens
Because the Yakuza arent a political force in the west you dumb fuck
>makes light of it
The games literally show how fucking awful the Yakuza are, have you ever played them? One of the main characters was set up and tortured in a rape dungeon for a year
Alt-right is the biggest meme word of 2019.
Holy fucking shit who gives a fuck about trannies. This thread is such a complete fucking waste
Criminals have a moral problem, which can be cured.
I didn't buy it
I backed it on kickstarter and got my copy as a reward and personally dont regret it
I have my political opinions but I dont give a shit what the people making games I play think as long as I like the game and I do like hat in time (though mostly just due to it having solid base platforming mechanics that make playing mod maps with them really good and less because the normal levels)
Honestly dont really get trans gender stuff (like just be a tomboy or a sissy no need to cut your dick of or whatever the fuck) but I really dont give enough shits for the amount of care I have to outweigh how much I love watching the salt unfold whenever something mentions the topic
well now you say "current political discourse" but previously you drew comparsions all the way back to WW2
the sides are not the same
if you think any form of media can be 100% apolitical you are completely delusional
Yeah, I'm sure you're off-topic steam review bomb crusade will fix every problem faced in our society!
it was merely an act!
That's besides my point. If you want to discuss whether or not being trans is healthy, you can take that shit to /pol/.
But if you want to argue that video games get politics shoved in them over a simple flag, when the game is based on the fucking YAKUZA, literally bribing the police, then you're not being consistent. You should give the game a bad rating based on the very concept of the game.
But we're not trannies, we have no history of suicide.
Actual OP here, I love big black dick and girl penis and /pol/tard cum
>thread summary
Oh, dangit OP! You tricked me again! I'll get you next time!
>I'm gonna fight retardation with more retardation.
I wish both leftists and rightists would just fuck off.
nah im fine with a 80-90% apolitical
The race or sexuality of characters in video games is irrelevant. It's the reason you're putting those characters in games that is. The reason they're being put in games is because of a political agenda. That's why it's obnoxious. And I already told you I don't have a bias, I'm liberal, I'm just not living in denial like you are apparently
This is a thread about the new DLC for a hat in time, which is based on the yakuza.
>the Yakuza arent a political force in the west
Yeah, we just have different flavors of organized crime instead
>oh shit people on the other side of the political spectrum arent allowed to get mad at anything!
Here's an idea, how about ALL of you stop being crybaby faggots
Holy shit can you read?
The left and the right are NOT the same
The right wing used to be monarchists and anti-capitalists, does that sound at all like today? Slow down and read my posts
Or just look up the definition of right and left wing on wikipedia
>He thinks I play video games
>into E V E R Y T H I N G
You're exaggerating
Both sides are fucking stupid I wish this would all just end
wish i could try, too bad i'm not a tranny
>Because the Yakuza arent a political force in the west you dumb fuck
So? What does it matter if it's western or easter politics? Why the arbitrary line there?
>The games literally show how fucking awful the Yakuza are
You guys don't even know what the OP is about. And yet you argue. This is hilarious.
Both sides want politics in games they just want the politics to agree with them
Most stories have a point nothing wrong with that point being political unless it disagrees with you
but then you argue with the ideas the game tries to promote not try and get devs to self censor themselves so they dont accidentally offend you. The right is more mad about politics in games but given how they react to right wing politics in games it seems to hint at more of a issue of quantity of games with left leaning ideas vs quantity of games with right leaning ideas
>What if they started shoving them into E V E R Y T H I N G?
this is 98% of all media currently
All successful people are liberals
>Youtube content creators
>vidya creators
>major websites
Did I mention the southern states are the most poor?
Well you're saying the same thing as I am so I'm not sure what you're point is
Imagine thinking this is an own.
absolutely based
>But we're not trannies
My, bad, Yea Forumsro, I forgot what board I was on
Dick dick or dick dick or dick bigger dick digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger day or take a day or take your dirty dick or dick dick dick dick or dick or dick dick they are dear to go to Dick Dick dare dare dare drink dick dick dick dick dick dick or dick dick or dick digger digger digger digger digger dare dare dare dare dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick suck toddler talk to dare dare dare dare take digger digger digger digger digger
Yes, all the successful people are Jews, as they hire their own. Basic nepotism.
Eat shit, libs
better than not buying games and still put up bad reviews
stonetoss doesn't even make smug faces. All of his punchlines are his stand-in characters looking confused. The author is basically a man who doesn't understand things, and somehow that makes him right.
I'm Liberal but thinking putting political opinions that can influence young impressionable children is a bad thing is not just merely an opinion. It's an outright problem.
If you disagree you are no better than racist.
Yes its healthy for people to voice their opinions
whats not healthy is for people to be so easy to offends big boobs, Small boobs, Heavy armor, bikinor armor, Dyed hair, 1 dumb thing of graffiti and all sorts of other shit to be seen as a major enough issue to throw any kind of fit about
We are getting to thin skinned and I hate it I hated the left for it when they where the only ones doing it and when the right started doing it I was really hoping it would be a pendulum effect or something and not just everyones now offended about anything no mater what you do and everythings fucked
>be a scientist
>hate the liberal hellhole that is academia
>hate that people take academic scientist opinions seriously when anyone who's actually been in academia can tell you how ignorant scientists are to anything that isn't their field of study
It's okay, I'm going into industry soon. Fuck academia.
My point is there is always two sides to a conflict and the pendulum always swings back and forth
Its just a thing that always happens
Calling them right or left is just a vague classification, it doesnt even necessarily have to do with politics
Fuck man I miss not working 50 hour weeks and actually being able to enjoy life and feel happiness. I hate being an adult user.
The only good conservative is a dead one.
notice how all the pearl-clutching housewives coming out of the woodwork screaming "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" because a game has a pro-trans easter egg were oddly quiet about mortal kombat. but that's not political so it's fine, right?
Oh please, do tell me where this supposed heterosexual flag shows up in?
>wanting to fuck a disgusting gorilla black as night nigger ape
OK nigger that comment was over the fucking line and you know it.
You know what's funny?
I can snap and kill every mother fucker on this board if we met IRL.
Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.
You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves.
Fuck me daddy there yes they are yes dear yes their dick or Dare digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger digger dare dare dare dare take or dare fuck me fuck me ass ass ass cock ass ass dick ass cock cock cock their cock their cock there to dip dip dip tube top Poupee poop scoop poop but poop poop but but a little bit bang bang bang bang a bebop boo bitch punk ping pong bitch bing fuck cock cock nigger
I despise pop science for the people who follow that shit like gospel.
>niche study comes out
>some pop scientist who was not related to the study talks about how "this could mean this"
>everyone takes it at face value when its literally just a fucking guess and years' worth of more research is required before anything even resembling a conclusion is made.
not that you fucking mongoloid. the vast, vast majority of media features heterosexual relationships that, were they made homosexual, would suddenly be accused of "forcing it" by all you fuckers who can't see that it's literally the same shit.
At the most basic level a conflict has two sides, but in reality it's never that simple
the Soviets and the Allies were on the same side during WW2 and after that they were at war during the Cold War
there isn't some pendulum swining back and forth between left and right wing
well there is in American politics because it has only two sides by definition, but that distinction is largely irrelevant
what part of being apolitical you don't understand, most people in this board just want to play the damn game and have fun without being brainwashed with some political agenda the dev is pushing, jesus christ
fuck off retard
Putting on a trannie flag turns the game to hard mode since all your allies keep killing themselves.
Heterosexuality is natural and homosexuality isn't
This is why we don't let you leave the trailer park, Cleatus
Homosexuality is not normal, so any instance of it in media is "forcing it."
>Mortal Kombat 11
Kallen is a retard and Lelouche is now married to CC and runs a Geass cult with her. Best ending.
Based. Fuck the alt right
>politics should be left out of gaming
What a stupid, infantilising thought. Politics in games isn't the problem, the problems are keyboard warriors trying to coerce developers into putting politics into their games, and it being usually incompetently done (which surprise results in a shit story).
yes, all those apolitical games from the old days, like deus ex and final fantasy 7 and metal gear solid and
8=================D ——} Yea Forums
>lol, dumb lefties are so sensitive over the okay sign
You must be real mad at your parents since they shove their heterosexuality unto you.
>final fantasy 7 and metal gear solid are political
peak soi
Have you considered the possibility that they bought the game without knowing about whatever political stuff is in the game?
>this guys political beliefs are about trannies
rent free indeed
You incels need to chill out. This is liberal site and always will be. Just because you racists nazis invaded doesnt mean it belongs to you. Peace out /pol/
it's extremely funny how many people want video games to be taken more seriously but then balk at the idea of a game with differing political views from their own
Oops wrong post
It literally is.
You're right, look at all the many, MANY Transexual characters in the games you featured.
shitposting on the internet isn't natural and yet here we are
Yeah so what Discord server found out about this thread?
Daddy yesss daddy I wanna suck your big fat cock ohhhhh yes ohhhhhhh yes harder daddy harder
Politics and forum posts are not video games
If I can't have my silly green text Yea Forumsidya related threads you can't have your shitty politics thread.
Protip: Both sides are wrong. Just shut the fuck up and play your video games
have s*x
As bad as pop science is, literally nothing will ever be worse than the hoards of "intellectual" redditors who use Latin phrases they don't understand to argue, then try citing papers they haven't read and don't understand the methodology of but think they do because they took highschool science courses. On top of that, they have a fundamental misunderstanding of what empirical evidence is and when you need it.
here it is folks, the stupidest post ever made on this website
Gamers: *rises up*
Who cares what you think is 'pathetic'? Everyone is just clicking around and pounding on their keyboards same as you, wasting their precious lifetime either complaining on the Internet or in your case complaining about people complaining on the Internet. I'm failing to get what newfags need from you to be BASED and NOT CRINGE more and more
t. enlightened centrist
That's literally how the new movie ended.
>including my autistic shit posts
Hang your self trannie
>hoards of "intellectual" redditors who use Latin phrases they don't understand to argue
nearly as good as the Yea Forums posters who write a few paragraphs of alt-right drivel and attach a picture of the bust of some greek philosopher
If you're saying environmentalism and nuclear deterrence are not inherently political ideas then buddy, I've got some bad news for you
>Saying "these people exist and that's ok." isn't political.
Nazis exist and that's okay, so I'm going to put lots of swastikas in otherwise nonpolitical games.
>Have sex
U mad bro?
>this is a free site
Ftfy retarded tranny
False flagging retard.
I hate that image because it's true
>I'm not opposed to skateboards as a whole but skateboards still shouldn't consume all aspects of pop culture
I agree but people are not identifying the true issue and are trying to change it in the worst ways possible. The issue is the prevalence of creative roles being filled with skate boarders and a media choke hold. The issue goes far deeper than just games or just pandering its down to the amount of skate boarders who are teachers or states dense with skate boarders having a majority of creatives. It has to do with mentality of skate boarders and non skate boarders. Its not a issue that can be easy to fix hell it might not even be something we can fix and just something that needs to fix itself. There are so many things that push skate boarders into media and so many things that push non skaters from it both internal and external.
The best we can do is support those who keep their skater influence minor (maybe a few Easter eggs or small bits if anything)
Or try some of the things non skaters make even if it lacks mainstream appeal
Merely mentioning a political idea doesn't make a game or story political
That's high-school level shit, this is embarrassing
im not the guy who was originally talking to you if i were i wouldnt be writing in a completely different way you see? maybe you should read and think about what i write before you reply maybe
How many polfags are sucking nigger dick right now you think? Surely theyve been brainwashed by all the interracial porn agenda by this point. Cause thats how it works.
>mass quote
How to tell when someone is really really angry online
The irony is that a lot of the kind of retarded arguing I'm talking about comes from /pol/ and their sticky. Way to show that you're one of the angry retards.
Quit sex, uncels
How am i a false flagger trannie? Take your meds and quit being a schizophrenic.
LOL Imagine actually having an opinion about this. Lmfao like what the hell
>everyone is a fucking retard, the post
Nice strawman.
If it literally is, and you're still alive, then doesn't that make you a tranny? :^)
fucking second and third post tag team the whole thread
So can we just genocide trannies at this point
I've never been to /pol/ I'm not sure what you're talking about
Point is alot of people who hate politics in games love jabs at SJW's like what doom eternal did
I mean im semi apolitical but I want more politics in games because I give so few shits about what the devs think about politics and I find people bitching about them funny so its a win win for me
Literally nothing wrong with thinking in the middle. Being able to make your own opinion is a fucking treasure
The fuck are you quoting me () for?
you just admitted the race and sexuality is the most important thing in evaluating whether a game is "political" (aka conforms to your retarded conservashit political biases)
>it's the reason they're being put in games
see? you believe that characters must be white males unless a developer tells you why they changed from that "default". and if they don't tell you, then it must be political.
you have repeatedly admitted you are injecting politics into gaming. you have repeatedly admitted you are wrong, and that you are the cause of everything that is wrong with gaming today.
>He thinks I'm still alive
>tfw literal communists are less obnoxious than the modern american left
But both of those games a pro stance on them you fucking moron. In FF7 you're literally fighting to save the planet from an evil corporation trying to extract life energy from it. Practically the entirety of the Metal Gear series was about the importance of deterrence. These games are 100% political whether you like it or not.
you need to go back
>Yeah so what Discord server found out about this thread?
I shared this thread with the Trumpkino Discord and r/The_Donald
Is that a problem?
i wasnt mad i was just saying u guys are idiots which you are making a very good job at proving.
I just wanna fuckin play video games who gives a shit about being political I just want to have fucking fun. Can't devs and players respect that?
Why hasn’t this thread been killed yet
>The Mafia, a criminal organization.
>Mafia roughing up business owners.
>Mafia joking about punching old ladies.
>Mafia actually punching a little girl.
>Mafia are actually foreign invaders, having taken over Mustache Girl's town, renaming it to "Mafia Town".
>/pol/fags: "..."
>A trans flag gets drawn in a remote portion of the level, blending in with all the other graffiti and decals you see throughout.
what fucking game are you guys talking about lmfao
You're an idiot making assumptions about which groups of people use which retarded argument tactics. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Shut the fuck up, faggot, no one cares.
What game are we all talking about?
That doesn't sound nearly as bad as the average /pol/tard using broken english to prove skin color has a fundamental impact on IQ.
Why you guys keep creating these threads just to flame war among yourselves? It's console war all over again
Why don't you make something of yourself instead of putting up with more excuses.
i've seen ironic twitter posts joking about people who would hypothetically argue that mgs isn't political and now you've proven to me that those people do in fact exist, so thanks i guess
Apparently hat in time or ff7 or neither because almost everyone here is a braindamaged retard
Nope. Silence is violence and the greatest threat to the world is the white moderate who "just wants to have fun and doesn't give a shit about being political"
>you just admitted the race and sexuality is the most important thing in evaluating whether a game is "political"
I didn't, I said it was about the motivation behind the choices no the choices themselves
>conforms to your retarded conservashit political biases
For the third time, I'm liberal
Are you even reading the posts you're replying to?
The default character for a western game should probably be a white male, yeah, because the majority of western video game players are white males. In Japan it should probably be an asian male. Are you seeing a pattern here? That's what's natural and that's what makes sense. When a game like Apex Legend comes out with 10 brown characters and a white guy hiding his skin, that doesn't make sense, and that's politically motivated
I don't think anyone would have bought Hatred or Kingdom Come Deliverance had there not been a political shitfit surrounding them.
>implying lefties and commies buy games to actually play them
>calling everyone that triggers you and altright
I would give my left nut to ban ESLfags from this site.
It isn’t Yea Forums, it’s just /pol/ and resetera astroturfing
Hat in Time.
>In FF7 you're literally fighting to save the planet from an evil corporation trying to extract life energy from it
That is not political
> Practically the entirety of the Metal Gear series was about the importance of deterrence
Hideo Kojima has a childish understanding of anything he tries to write about and calling MGS political would be the same as calling the GI Joe cartoon political
the problem with the alt right is that they're left wing, right wing virgins are right leaning virgins.
some, of course, might respond with, "well, they're very nice virgins, but they're right wing virgins, so what?"
I would respond that not all virgins are the same. some are nice. some are not. and I'm still not certain why some people call themselves virgins even though they've been around forever and never have sex in a relationship — or ever, really, because I've never had any experience with sex before, and I'm not willing to say anything more definitive than, well, I'd probably prefer to stick to virgins. because once you've had sex with other people, it's very hard to go back and think of them as virgins. as you know, as human beings who are having sex with other people, a lot of the people who are like me, are very comfortable with having sex with other people (who are like me), but I feel like many of the people on this website are just more comfortable going home and having sex alone.
My solution for stuff like that is simply to not care, I have no control over that so why even bother?
I recognize this is a selfish and rather nihilistic outlook, but I really see no other solution myself.
However I'm not sure if it's really working because I feel more inclined towards violence every day for some reason.
the "have sex" response is stupid
>love jabs at SJW's like what doom eternal did
yes, because they're taking over the industry with their forced agendas YET they cant take a dumb joke in a game without persecuting dev's into the ground
A. The movie isn't even canon. It follows its own retarded plot line because it's not a sequel to the series, it's a sequel to the shitty remake movies that change the fuck out of the original plot like Shirley still being alive and shit.
B. I don't give a good goddamn whether or not Lelouch and his traitorous green haired whore hook up.
Kallen is not retarded!
99% of these reviews are disingenuous. Everyone complains about "politics" getting put in games but 9 times out of 10 it's the most minor and insignificant shit that you could easily ignore if you actually gave a fuck about the actual gameplay over politics. Take trans graffiti, if you actually cared about the gameplay and didn't give a shit about politics you could easily ignore that or not care, but because it involves politics you don't like and you yourself are invested in you get butthurt. It is ironically the people who care about politics the most who complain when politics gets put in games, but they pretend as if they're a neutral and unbiased gamerbro who's just here for the gameplay when they clearly aren't.
>not angry about jokes
>angry about politics
Yeah crazy I know.
>For the third time, I'm liberal
You don't sound like it faggot.
Literally everything is political. That's the horrible truth if you're not a cishet white male. The fact that "gamers" get angry whenever a character isn't a straight white male goes to show how hostile the industry is towards minorities.
A fucking TEXTURE of a flag that promotes inclusiveness is making you all seethe. Think about that for a second and then have sex you incel.
Nice deflection
It is the same
The Americans were allied with the Soviets in WW2
The cold war was just an extension of that conflict
The democratic powers won, and by extension the modern left has won and come into prominence more than ever in history, but it will swing back the other way it always does
>Literally everything is political.
There's that meme again.
Foucault was a hack btw.
I think the characteristics that make a piece of media explicitly political is
>Is it touching on a real-world modern political issue?
>Is it trying to convince you of a certain viewpoint?
>Was the inclusion deliberate or by chance?
>Is it biased or are all viewpoints equally portrayed?
Just read your own post and feel the irony
Heterosexual characters are literally shoved into 99% of media. And yes, I'm sick of it.
Being liberal doesn't mean you pretend the bad things other people who call themselves liberal are doing isn't happening
>Watch yourselves
The only thing funny is you. You're a joke.
Listen to your dad and get a real job.
>dismissive reply
That's how you know someone is so mad they need to win an argument so they reply like this in order to create a dead end and make themselves feel better. Cope.
Tranny mods still haven’t deleted the thread.
>Literally everything is political
What is political about a wild dog pissing on a tree in the Alaskan wilderness?
So you're only allowed to make content you disagree with? Is that it?
So if I disagree with trannies, then drawing the trans flag is ok?
The modern left isn't an extension of the political views of the democratic powers that won WW2. If anything the modern left like to pretend they're communists
It's true. By not including minorities in your games or assuming leads should be white males you are making a political statement of what is "normal" and what isn't. Sorry that triggers you so much.
The movie is canon as it's written and directed by the original team, and is the canon they're using for all new content. Your personal feelings do not supersede the word of God, no matter how asshurt you are. Kallen is retarded, and you can see more of her retardation in the movie, as well as her having to face what a retarded traitor she is in the movie. Her and Ohgi breaking down in front of Lelouche after realizing what they'd done was kino.
It's 3 colors, dude. There aren't even trannies in the game
Wanting the default MC character to stay a white person in the west is defiantly conservative stance because you don't want it to change. Stop lying to yourself.
Does it bother you that I'm not buying the game specifically because they included that flag?
reply to the wrong person? Either way that sentence doesn't make any sense and certainly doesn't make any sense replying to that post.
>The right seething that they lost the culture war.
Just make your own games :)
Oh, I get it. If they don't explicitly say "here is the political message", then it's not political. And when they do, it's "forced". If you can't see the clear allegories between FF7's story and real-world environmental disasters then you've failed at basic critical thinking.
>aren't allowed
Of course you're allowed. And anyone is allowed to criticize you.
Normality is an objectively measurable quality, you absolute fucking moron.
something like 99.9 percent of the population identifies as the sex they were born.
You are a psychological or genetic freak, whichever you prefer to believe. That's fact.
>It's 3 colors, dude.
And all the kid was doing was smiling. And all the poster said was "It's okay to be white."
>yellow piss on a brown tree surrounded by white snow
Brainlet, this is clearly a metaphor for a black man having to do "asianface" due to pressure from his predominantly white environment.
Thus it's about how non-white racism has as its root, white man's racism.
Yeah, it's just 3 colors my dude, why are you so upset?
I don't want that. I just said it makes sense. If you're making a character-driven game with a single character, you could do any character or have a character creator and it would make sense too. But it does not make sense to make a game for a western/asian audience and have 8/10 of the roster be of african descent
Come over my house. I'm planting a garden and I could use some of the Grade-A bullshit you're so full of
uhhh based
Nice naturalistic fallacy, retard
I liked it to
My point is no one really wants to keep politics out of games thats not the real issue for the right its the lefts dominance for the left its their wavering dominance. Both are fine with politics in games but the issue is as everything gets political and both sides become more and more easy to set off it becomes harder and harder to do anything without offending a side politics in games is fine its the climate thats causing issues
You're not understanding what I'm saying.
fucking based
>If you can't see the clear allegories between FF7's story and real-world environmental disasters
Of course I can. I'm just saying it's not political. Do you even know what politics are?
it literally is ok to add any left wing propaganda to games and to just tag as nazi anyone who disagrees because "you dont care about the game anyway" which is funny because the left doesn't play games at all, they just use them as a tool for mental conditioning new generations
It's not a fallacy.
Normality is by definition what most people are.
It's what is typical, what you would see everyday.
I'm sorry your faggot brain isn't big enough to understand that.
sounds like you have a very fragile sense of self-worth that's tied directly into your love of an entertainment medium. please get help
Based reply-all poster
Imagine your entire family watching as you look around and see your beloved flag. Imagine being upset by something, even something small, and not just on the personal level but just in the overall perspective of it all.
This isn't about taking it personally, of course. This anger is about showing, and telling, and showing you what you can do better.
Your goal is to change. If you already care about something so much, showing them that you want change doesn't mean you can't improve it. Your goal is to get more out of yourself, and learn to be happy with the things you have. To change doesn't mean you will have to take away something from someone, even if it's something that you can't change in your heart.
At the same time, you're not doing yourself any favors by forcing yourself to look at every single little thing and see that one mistake makes you look twice over. You shouldn't feel like you have to constantly rewatch the videos. You'll just have more time in this life to learn to enjoy the things you've done.
I mean outside of Germany its been in countless games and looks cool dont really see the issue
It's bothering me that you're being an intellectually dishonest fagmaster like the other electioniggers that invaded my board
>And all the poster said was "It's okay to be white."
Literally no one mentioned being white, nor did I say it was bad to BE white
I didn't know the HiT devs were dictators that tried to conquer the world
Considering the fact that environmentalism is somehow still a controversial issue these days, yes I do. Do YOU know what politics are?
Only good post itt
Are you literally retarded
>I didn't know the HiT devs were dictators that tried to conquer the world
It's almost like I made that post to make the obvious point that the trans flag is a political statement.
t. Chuck
>intellectually dishonest fagmaster like the other electioniggers
You're a faggot who came here from Reddit in 2012. You invaded my board, and I sincerely hate you and your kind. Kill yourself.
>But it does not make sense to make a game for a western/asian audience and have 8/10 of the roster be of african descent
Yes it does because we in the west are a changing society thus a liberal one. Our motto in the past 30 years has been diversity is our strength. If you still can't see this and come to terms with it then you're not a liberal.
>I didn't know the HiT devs were dictators that tried to conquer the world
They're not, but trannies are.
The games been out for a year or so and had gone on sale multiple times dont act like this is the reason you are not buying the game.
>the right always gets as triggered as the left over the most trivial things
nice fiction
What the fuck are you on about?
Don't reply to me or my wife's son ever again.
"corporation exploiting the enviroment and it's bad" is the one of the most trite storylines of the 20th century and is in no way political or controversial. It's been told for nearly as long as it's actually been happening. Something is political if it's about politics (it isn't) or the message is politically motivated or significant (it isn't)
what part of the game where you commit acts of ecoterrorism and see the painful consequences of a megacorp run amok trying to literally suck the life out of the planet isn't political?
Jfc just /trash/ this board already
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and no.
It really is, though. I haven't even played BotW even though I've had a switch for over a year. I get to some games late.
Are you trolling? "All brown" is just as diverse as "All white" - not diverse at all
there's literally a black guy and two jews in the second to last row
I never even heard of reddit until you niggers brought it up
It's still a false equivalency. Seriously, who taught you niggers how to have rational discussions?
>Kallenfag is as stupid as Kallen herself
Every time.
>Something is political if it's about politics (it isn't) or the message is politically motivated or significant (it isn't)
This is the dumbest shit I've seen all week, thanks for continuing to entertain, Yea Forums
its a free market, he can decided why he's not buying any specific game
New thread where?
>never even heard of reddit
No one's going to believe you when you're typing like a caricature if a pseudo-intellectual redditor.
I think your understanding politics might come from disney movies
>le black ppl r monkeys post #29875902659012657106597816597816508167104501*10^999999999999999
when there are still to this day corporations exploiting the environment, and environmentalism is a talking point for candidates, and climate science is seen by an entire american political party as fake, then it's fucking political you absolute moron
The point is, "white skin" is a mistaken impression on your concept of the west, albeit an outdated one
up your ass.
She's canonically a traitor retard who broke down and cried when she had to face Lelouche again, and Lelouche left her to spend eternity with best girl CC.
how can people deny statistics in this day and age is beyond me.
So you are trolling
>It's still a false equivalency.
No, it's an example of how a flag isn't just a flag.
I wasn't making the point that they were equivalent, nor would any reasonable person get that impression.
Cite this and that fallacy all day it doesn't stop you from being fucking retarded.
After you hang yourself
based commie from the 80's completely cracked down today's western world, you negros have been effectively trained by the left
just look at this
Keep living in denial, literal conservatard.
wrong, there have been studies showing that left leaning people are less accepting of differing views than any other group
Do I need to remand you of back when rage 2 was announced people saw the dyed road warrior inspired designs there where countless outrage threads about it yelling about how she'd be the main love interest or protagonist and anyone who disagrees is cuck shill only for them to be proven to be generic grunts for a faction
Or when a bunch of people where triggered by the borderlands 3 box art for mocking religion because a game where the main antagonists where cult leaders using one of the most iconic religious artworks of all time knowing people would get the reference is totally mocking and they totally should have done something with far less iconic to the target audience Jewish or Muslim artwork because that would pwn the libs
Its 2019 both sides get offended over dumb shit mabye the left does more but I spend to much time on this site to pay attention to left wing outrage so I see a bunch more right wing outrage on this site than I do left
most I see from the left is people making fun of dumb articals while failing to realize the point of half of them is to be retarded enough to get attention and clicks even if its just for mockery
Intolerant bigot!
But FF7 does nothing to contribute to that debate because that story has already been told a million times at that point and it merely exists as background noise. That's like saying FF6 is political because you're rebels fighting against an evil empire. That story is as old as time itself. It's not "political"
Jannies still haven’t deleted the thread yet.
In case you aren't, the english speaking world is factually, statistically, mostly white. Which is the reason most video game characters, most anything characters made by the english speaking world are mostly white. That's not racist or undiverse, that's just normal
I did not say he couldn't im just saying 1 flag in a dlc for a game thats been out for over a year is probably not the reason he is not buying a game as he probably would have played it before the DLC came out or something waiting this long while paying attention to the game enough to come into a thread like this is not common
Why would they?
okay but can we all agree on this?
but it introduced those ideas to a whole new generation of kids. isn't that what you conservatives are worried about, that the kids might be on to your bullshit?
He betrayed her, you lying fuck.
She was ready to be literally gunned down with Lelouch by the other Black Knights until he took of his mask and proclaimed that she was nothing but a toy for his game to him. And even then, she gave him a second chance to explain his off hand "you have to live" comment. She STILL believed in him, and he betrayed a second time by taking the entire UFN council hostage and starting a global war. She remained by his side WELL past the point of her trust being worth his lies, and what's more, when she saw through the lies, she forgave him and has pictures of him on her wall to this fucking day.
C.C. unironically betrayed Lelouch more than once as well as V.V., the Emperor, Mao, the entire Geass Cult that she helped start, and the Empress. And at some point she fucking will again. She'll get BORED of being immortal or something and piss of to some new guy whose life she can ruin later.
Oh, my bad. Let me speak your language
Is that better, or is it still too ""pseudo-intellectual" for your brain?
There are stats that show that black people are gorillas?
>I wasn't making the point that they were equivalent, nor would any reasonable person get that impression.
>get shown 3 colors
>show flag used for attempted global conquest, claiming it's also "just 3 colors"
Also, nice ad hom
At this point you're just making up arbitrary guidelines for what is and isn't political media. Why do people see that as a dirty word? There's all different levels of political messages, some extremely explicit and others more subtle, but they aren't a bad thing in any way.
>In case you aren't, the english speaking world is factually, statistically, mostly white
But it shouldn't be and won't be for much longer, I can hand it to Trump on one thing, he can't build walls lmao.
Because it breaks one of the rules
>but it introduced those ideas to a whole new generation of kids
Unless those kids lived in a complete vacumn and never experienced any media before playing FF7, no it didn't
Although I'm starting to believe maybe people like you did live in a vacumn if you hold opinions like these
Why the fuck are you calling me conservative
Not really. Gb2Discord.
Kids are just as diverse as everyone else. The liberal faggot kids on tiktok with all their inter sex pro-nouns and circle jerking are still the weird faggot kids in class no one wants to talk to
>But it shouldn't be
Does anyone actually believe this? Is this some sort of deep trolling I'm not familiar with where you're pretending to be stupid to discredit an opinion?
I don’t use discord