ITT: Criminally overlooked vidya

ITT: Criminally overlooked vidya.

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I've actually never played
is it forgotten /irrationalcore/ like SWAT 4 and Tribes Vengeance? or is it a musli bowl of wet diarrhea like BIOSHOCK?

The former. It's a great real time tactics RPG, with a campy superhero aesthetic.

but I hate superheros and real time tactics

>Liking capeshit
Don't you have a tumblr to post on or something?

Big brain Hitler was best villain.
This guy is a faggot.

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But user, if you don't like any of the heroes, you can make your own.

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Never heard of it. Have any relevant links or anything?

this game was pretty good for the time but if i played it now id prob think it was mediocre

It was made back in 2002. It's on Steam, if you're interested.

Was fun.

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how campy is this?

i love this fucking game
im so fucking thankful the franchise didnt end up getting raped and turned into a moba or something

Yeah, I'm also glad the series ended on a fucking cliffhanger that will never get resolved.

Pretty campy. It's all part of the fun, though.

Very, but it's self-aware.

I played it but found the real time tactics and silver age camp intolerable. CoH is still the best DIY superhero game.

This shit was literally the tits (did it have the first polygonal bouncing breasts on the 64?) shame they force you to collect all the little koala faggots to finish the game though.

Almost forgot about this game. I have a very emotional relationship with it. I was a very effeminate child and my dad signed me up to play baseball against my will one summer. It was immediately evident how bad of an athlete I was. I would get panic attacks whenever I was up to bat because the first game I ever played, the batter immediately before me had his arm broken by a ball pitch. My dad made a deal with me: if I hit the ball once during the season, he would by me a video game.

Well, it turned out that I never hit one, but he bought me this game anyways. I felt so guilty about letting him down that I didn't touch it for almost a year afterwards, I would tear up just thinking about it. I played it and brat it eventually. Never had the same relationship to another game since

>Upset about collecting things
>In a N64 game
>Made by Rare

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Last time I played the steam version the ai was so broken that your characters would constantly just spaz out or run off the map. It's dungeon keeper 2 levels of busted.

>Steam version
Just get it on GOG.

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it's on sale on gog right now anyway