Will you be buying it even if it's still episodic?
VII Remake
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if each episode is like 40 hours, sure I guess
Such utter nonsense that it needs to be delivered in 3 titles to be a faithful remake. As long as they don't waste development time on a pointlessly bloated open world it would be fine. Especially if it's a PS5 title, where 100GB BDXLs should be the standard.
if the rumors/leaks hold any truth the first part will end just before aerith dies,then part II would "feasibly" release in short order
>that much time to escape
Neat. I hope part one is all of Midgar and it's 50+ hours long. I don't mind the episodic manner. They get to keep stuff in the game, and not gut it while adding refinements here and there, and they get to make money off it. Win win for everyone. If they made one entire FF7 game with those graphics it would take 15 years.
No way part one goes outside Midgar.
Lol no they will say they are 20 hours and will actually take about 14. The original FF7 non speed running with some grinding is like a 40 hour game.
>As long as they don't waste development time on a pointlessly bloated open world it would be fine
We're talking about the masters supreme of vaporware, however.
Where? I find it hard to believe the first part will go that far.
>Will you be buying it
No, they removed the ATB and replaced it with Flashy Action Button Masher™ so I lost all interest.
I'll buy it when it comes to PC. I won't double-dip. They can't make me. They can't force me to buy it twice.
I believe that part one will be out by next year.
Also when they announce a date, they usually stick with it. Even if it means releasing a game half-assed like FFXV.
that is way too uncanny valley
>implying it'll come out on anything
user haven't you learned anything,it'll be a late PS4 or early PS5 game at least
>mfw nomura said he was "expanding" side characters stories
I wonder if he'll still kill em off like the original?
>Will you be buying it even if it's still episodic?
If it's episodic, I will wait until they're all published and bundled before I buy. Simple as that.
even if it skips a console generation like versus did?
>buy each episode at full price and wait forever between each part
>wait until the last chapter releases and then buy the entire thing at a lower price so you can play through the entire thing uninterrupted
Hard decision.
The only thing that might make me change my mind is and they happen to release less than a year apart.
well they got expanded when the plate fell
They're definitely still dying. Their deaths are as integral to Barret as Aerith's was to Cloud. We'll probably just get some expanded scenes with them to flesh them out a bit more.
I will buy the most expensive collectors edition.
i have negative faith in square so no
This. The episodes will work like the CDs.
I want Yuffie to throw up all over me.
But Disc 1 ends at Aeris' death. And Disc 3 is one dungeon.
That's weird. Don't do that.
I want to punch Yuffie in the stomach for stealing materia so hard in the stomach that she pukes from the pain.
>letting a thief in yer party
did you forget she STOLE your magic rocks m8
she's cute so it's fine
I want to punch Yuffie in the stomach so hard that she becomes a door.
I'll wait until a complete collection comes out.
I am weary about this after how FFXV was handled.
>No way part one goes outside Midgar.
I can see part 1 ending at the Kalm Flashback
>I can see part 1 ending at the Kalm Flashback
I agree with MaximillianDood when he says that whole conversation and flashback could easily happen while they're imprisoned in Shin-Ra HQ.
Why do people want a bloated-ass Midgar so much?
Episode 1 should be the beginning of the game to Aeris dying.
I know I'm supposed to say no since it's shit on around here for the most part, but I'm absolutely hyped to hell and back for it. High chance I'll be let down, but there's also a chance it'll deliver. Can't wait personally.
I want her to shit on me afterwards.
>Win win for everyone
Except for real fans of the original.
>I agree with MaximillianDood when he says that whole conversation and flashback could easily happen while they're imprisoned in Shin-Ra HQ.
except Sephiroth doesn't have any relevance until they break out of the ShinRa prison and see the president stabbed with his sword.
>"""real""" fans
Cry more you real faggot.
If they do a good job, I don't think I'll resist buying. But if the consensus is it's disappointing, or I'm simply too busy at the time, I'll wait for the entire thing to come out in a single price package.
>listening to fucking e-celebs
meant for
oh do please tell me what real fans want?
>Broke: Game spread across 4 discs.
>Woke: Selling each disc at full price a year or two apart.
This is Hell right?
God is mad at me, isn't He?
>will i buy vaporware
How can I buy something that won't exist for another 10 years?
It's literally coming out next year.
Square Enix probably hired Jesus Christ to work on this thing
user where have you been?
>an episodic remake
>an episodic game where everyone already knows what happens
I'll wait for the ultimate edition on PS5/6. This is definitely a cross-gen title and the PS4 version is gonna be inferior. I doubt PS4 will even get the final game. It'll be a P5R situation.
Disc one ends after Aeris dies and Disc 2 ends right at the endgame dungeon, so Square could fit all that fmv in the 3rd disc.
Yes, because I'm an idiot who doesn't learn their lesson.
he's unironically making a solid speculation because SE and been dragging projects out literally that long, only for the end-product to be a gutted version of what they originally teased us with, half a decade earlier.
Wait is this real?
You really didn't know until now? They talked about it when it first came out.
I seriously doubt it if anything this game will be the "final" release to show off what the PS4 can really do as a sort of swan song for the entire generation,if anything it just goes to show you what bread crumbs we've been sheering since the jump from PS1---->PS2
The best part of these comments from people all over the place is that they have to eat shit when the first part literally comes out 10-11 months from now
What's the problem?
If they release a full remake of 7 with everything it has with modern sensibilities and graphics, it would take decades.
yeah you dingbat, that was revealed some weeks or a couple months after the teaser trailer iirc. Many people rightfully got pissed and there was some backlash, but as far as we know currently, they're sticking with the episodic formula.
CD1 ends midway through the game, when Aerith dies
Yes, simply put, SquareEnix forgot how to develop games. 10 years long development periods, entire projects dropped and started from scratch, director changes mid development discarding half of what the previous one did. It's a complete disaster.
You don't speak for us.
Everything about the remake looks fantastic so far.
>SquareEnix forgot
They never knew to begin with.
Squaresoft knew how to do that.
FFXIII-2 and FFXIII-LR were developed in a timely manner at least, after FFXIII got its share of delays.
bingo. Not entirely the reason, but once SE was rising, it got taken down the wrong path. More or less it was the upper management and suits that trickled in that slowly doomed them
And they were shit. Hooray.
well wasnt LR slightly more delayed when compared to the timespan between the first and second XIII game? I really don't wanna bother looking it up myself, but I have a feeling that SE didn't really have to work much at all post-XIII launch. XIII was designed more in linear progressing fashion and I assume they re-used assets from XIII to save much time on the sequels.
Better done fast and shit like those two than slow and shit like FFXV
Only if its not turn based combat, if it's real time then i'll pre order it even
>rented I this upon release
>it was terrible
>recenty pirated royal edition
>it was decent
was it retarded?
No, I wasn't planning to buy it to begin with.
>buying remakes
Fuck you, basically.
fucking tryhard
Seems like you dropped your words or something, lad.
Of course not, the game isn't going to even come out.
The XIII trilogy has reused assets out the ass, and they're also terrible games. All three of them are utter fucking nonsense spewed from a lunatic's ass. The tale of a once-competent man driven to insanity by his waifu.
>I'm too cool for the most important remake in vidya history to date
lol okay kiddo
you fit in now
This meme is over now that KH3 is done.
I feel you, but for every one person with that opinion, there's 50 more that thinks otherwise and will still buy and support it 100% regardless if it's great, or just past the okay mark.
Ok, even if by chance every episode comes out within my lifetime the game will still be a piece of shit, just like Final Fantasy XV.
I wish KH3 never came out
KH3 doesn't even have Final Fantasy characters excluding the fucking moogle.
oh no... you don't think they'll remove the FF characters from the remake, do you?
The point of them releasing in parts is so that doesn't happen.
You fricks will never be quenched!
Maybe, when it's fully out and goes on sale. I remember not enjoying the game past Midgar so unless they change up a lot from the original I probably won't bother.
I'm a simple man: if they make tifa right, i'll buy it even if it's episodic.
And neither did Dream Drop and that game came out so what's your point
they'll remove the npcs and this will be the biggest crime in the remake
I'm actually nervous that they didn't reveal tifa's design yet.
Why? They want people to tune into their E3 show. It was a brilliant move just teasing her name.
Yeah, looks a lot better than I was expecting.
I mean based on how cloud & barret looks somewhat like their PS1 counterparts I'd wager there's nothing to worry about she'll be fine
I'll still miss her rockets on her chest though
This. They even changed Sephiroth's shoulderguards from the way they looked in the key art to look more like the way they did in the original ff7 artwork.
No, I'd wait until it's a complete package, and even then it'd depend on the quality.
I do love that everything in that small teaser trailer from specific scenes, to enemies and abilities are all direct references to the original game.
Except the Sephiroth ending which may just be a new kind of hallucination that they are going to add
I buy full games, not half games.
full games don't exist user
good for you sweetie
It's possible that he was actually in the Nibelheim Reactor and it was just a bit of clever editing. The flashback might be part of the first episode.
based and motionsicknesspilled
>Cait Sith doesn't have an accent
>Cait Sith #2 has a southern accent
>Advent Children Cait Sith has a Scottish accent
>Reeve doesn't have an accent
Reeve is a hardcore RPer.
Reeve was talking through the suit which had it's own quirks like different speech & personality,otherwise you'd have to come up with the guy is all kinds of crazy and a loony for faking his own death
That's from the flashback where Sephiroth sets fire to the place, before Cloud loses his memory
I'll only buy it when/if it's released for pc. I'll never buy an overpriced dying console just for this game.
you if there's any ONE thing that's been bugging me is that they haven't really said if unlockable costumes will be a thing
I know barring some games like star ocean III & some tales it wasn't really thing for some japanese games back on the PS1 especially
You're right I just assumed it was all midgar stuff, but this is possible
why did they make her look middle eastern?
Midgar could AT BEST be 15-20. Stretching it more seems unlikely. With the rest of disc 1 probably being Episode 2, and Disc 2/3 being Episode 3, those parts would be 30-40 hours easily.
you're really trying to make us spell it out for you? c'mon
>leaker says it'll only be 2 parts
Man, I had such a CRUSH on her when I was younger
I'm a real fan of the original.
I'm looking forward to the remake. It's more of a game I love in a new form, and the original isn't going away.
No, it's going to be at least a year in between episodes based on how awful Square Enix is at developing games.
What are you talking about? Midgar isn't 20 hours stretch of gameplay not even with my retarded 5 year-old nephew playing.
>midgar was the best part of ffvii
>it's getting expanded into a full game
having separate parts is bad, but having a meatier experience is good
It's Square-Enix, if there's costumes they'll 100% be DLC. I could see the Advent Children outfits and maybe some stuff from Crisis Core, Kingdom Hearts, Dissidia, etc.
>episode 1 ends after an awesome setpiece
>go to a slow as fuck info dump at an inn and stop the game
You move the flashback to the jail cells at Shinra, Kalm is just a meeting place, and objective reminder at the start of Part 2.
>Part 1 is Midgar which is even in the PS1 game a 4-5 hour part, Kalm and its Flashback, Snek and cave, stretch of landmass to Junon, boat sequence, costa del whatever, Mts to Barrets home, Barrets home, Gold Saucer, Lower Gold Saucer, Gongaga but its optional right now, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, Mt Nibelheim, Rocket Town, Temple of the Ancients, Bone Village, Forgotten City
Hell fucking no. At that point since 90% of the map is available just get rid of the episodic shit
hype as fuck 35yo here
fucking neck yourself
If it takes 20 minutes to escape the reactor does that mean the opening sequence is going to longer or is it just stretched to accommodate the new battle system?
why not one game per disc? i wish square didnt have ff7 rights
>If they release a full remake of 7 with everything it has with modern sensibilities and graphics, it would take decades.
It wouldn't take decades, but it would take a good half of one like Lightning's trilogy did.
And in that sense, it would be better to release in chunks and use the previous episode's sales to fund future ones.
Only if the new gameplay style is good and the story additions/changes aren't horrible.
It will be, they are adding shit and obviously moving around Midgar will be slower. Battles will be slower, and cutscenes/dialog slower.
>You move the flashback to the jail cells at Shinra
Good god I wasn't prepared for those
The thing with episodic releases is that generally the quality decreases over time. There's diminishing returns, the budget lowers, they start coasting, people move to other projects, etc.
Not with this, which is a guarunteed bank each time.
Even in the best case scenario the second episode would almost certainly sell significantly fewer copies than the first. Depending on how long this goes, it could definitely run out of steam.
yeah man i'm totally going to not play the most anticipated remake in human history. sure
How many times have we seen this from an autistic Japanese man like Nomura who treats this game like one of his children (The other child being Kingdom Hearts)?
Every episodic release based game I can think of came from Western developers. And most of those from Telltale specifically.
I don't buy remakes so no.
nice me too
oh aren't you precious
meant for It's true the Telltale model hasn't caught on in Japan, but even with the XIII you can see lower and lower budgets. Lightning Returns cuts so many corners it's practically AA.
>Telltale model
stupid zoomer
>mfw didn't bite the bullet for the "special" preorder for LR
I mean playing as a literal female lighting dressed in a cloud skin was tempting but my gut feeling was telling me square was cooking this game for a long time
>comparing XIII to VII
>Telltale model
christ this post
>Telltale model hasn't caught on in Japan
They've been making episodic games LONG before Telltale, you absolute retard. Also XIII isn't the most requested and biggest remake in vidya history.
Telltale didn't invent it but it's clear they popularized it. You seriously think VIIR would have been episodic otherwise? You know Square-Enix is the publisher for Life is Strange right?
And Square is the one who made the XIII comparison in the first place.
>but it's clear they popularized it
No they fucking didn't you idiotic zoomer.
The FFXIII trilogy's problem is that it didn't resonate with people from the start. Lightning herself was a popular character. Her design was good, and she was pretty and had a god aesthetic.
But her first game was bland, her second game barely had her in it, and the third just decided to drop all pretense and go full waifufaggotry with her and squeeze out whatever money they could before the well dried up.
FFVII is one of the most beloved games of all time and people have been screaming for a remake since the PS3 era when they cock teased everyone with that tech demo.
There is no way that it won't consistently sell unless Nomura royally fucks it up. And I mean on the level Game of Thrones just fucked up last night.
Point being there have been episodic JRPGs in the past.
It's stupid that they made Cloud look less sickly because newfags complained.
nu aerith does thing to my benis
>And Square is the one who made the XIII comparison in the first place
zoomers wouldn't understand otherwise
Making cashgrab sequels is different from splitting up a single game into episodes, you're the absolute retard buddy. X had a beginning middle and end, it was a complete game, if anything X-2 was completely unnecessary and undermined X's story.
Feel free to prove me wrong. The fact that all you can do is sling generic meme insults my way is very telling.
Are you talking about Xenosaga? That's not the same thing. When I say episodic I mean splitting up a single game into chunks in order to get money earlier. Usually people can either get the first episode or buy the whole thing ahead of time (essentially a pre-order/early access). It's not making straight sequels.
Whoops I thought Xenosaga was published by Squaresoft when that was Xenogears, GOD DAMN YOU RETARDED FUCKING ZOOMER there now I beat all of you faggots to it.
>make it a single game
>okay but it will take a fucking decade to do properly
>okay we'll have to do it in parts like .hack games
Do you just love the word zoomer that much? Pretty sure being unable to communicate in anything but memes makes you part of Gen Z.
You're just an idiot. Stop posting.
Probably not until they release all the episodes. I don't like real-life months of downtime when playing the same game.
I forced myself to finish FFXV and KH3 since I preordered them. I think Square Enix will continue to disappoint, but I'll still try it out once everything is released.
Can you not follow reply chains or something? That's a completely different argument that I'm not making.
>still no argument, only insults
hype culture was a mistake
>X had a beginning middle and end
X is nowhere near the scale of VII.
God can none of you fucking people can follow reply chains? Is it because they're too hard to read on phones? Sick of this shit.
user people have largely forgotten the classics like .hack which is criminal as it had an amazing OST & atmosphere
You wait 3 years and buy the Ultimate Edition on Steam in which they have merged the episodes into one game with extra content, better graphics, uncapped fps, 4K support and the eventual nude mods.
>Part 1 is Midgar which is even in the PS1 game a 4-5 hour part, Kalm and its Flashback, Snek and cave, stretch of landmass to Junon, boat sequence, costa del whatever, Mts to Barrets home, Barrets home, Gold Saucer, Lower Gold Saucer, Gongaga but its optional right now, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, Mt Nibelheim, Rocket Town, Temple of the Ancients, Bone Village, Forgotten City
Yeah, I seriously don't see that happening.
fuck off retard
your point was made moot ages ago
>if I say it it'll become true
Again, hilarious.
No, I regret playing the original.
I'll wait till it's all out then buy it. Plenty of other shit to play in the meantime.
Considering we see Sephiroth in person or in one of the scenes where Cloud's head gets fucky, I could see them moving shit around. Maybe you get there and the president is already dead, you get imprisoned when the guards catch up, do the talk, and then escape and Rufus shows up
The President being alive to send you to jail doesn't matter, the President is already introduced in person when he entraps you in the plot about the reactor destroying the slum
I bet you regret being born retarded too.
>35 year old man
>hype as fuck my fellow channers!
if anyone should be considering suicide it's you. you're a disgusting fat failure of a person
Yeah, but when it's finished.
>literally on a 40 second teaser after all these years
You think that's an insult on this board?
You should go back to whatever website you came from.
must be tough being retarded
look at the bright side by the time it's finally said & done berserk will have a small chance to be finished too
It will take 15 years regardless. Keep in mind, almost 4 have already passed.
Trailer literally said there would be more in June, obviously at Square's E3 presentation.
and Nomura says they're gearing for launch
I like the game myself but why are (You) defending it so vehemently? At the end of the day, it's a decently written piss-easy RPG for retards.
November 22nd, 2019 release date? Don't buy it. They restarted the whole project like two or three years ago because they thought the original team wasn't doing good enough.
Who are you quoting?
They made a retarded decision early on to outsource it then changed their minds in 2016.
They've kept quite a bit of what that team did though. You can see it in the new footage.
>FFXV-like garbage
I wouldn't buy it even if it wasn't episodic.
Looks more like KH than FFXV. The person in charge of combat is KH2's designer.
Royal Edition XV isn't actually that bad, but it should've been in the base game.
>Their deaths are as integral to Barret as Aerith's was to Cloud
Like that's gonna stop them. Fanservice is everything. I hope you're ready for Aerith not actually dying.
>Why do people want a bloated-ass Midgar so much?
Because these people never played the whole game I'm gonna guess.
>wanting turn-based combat where you hold down one button to win
Whelp, time to dust off that SNES and PS then I guess, have fun gramps.
i understand this reference
There's no block button or dedicated meters for supers in FFXV which already makes it far away from what that game plays like
All the evidence so far points to it being rather unique on its own
>not wanting them to expand on a game that was ultimately cut and limited by technology constraints
The absolute state of Switchfags.
“Real fans” of the original still have the original, if that’s what they really want.
They’ve got an info rollout leading up to release, starting with the recent trailer, and continuing with an info dump at E3. This means they’re fairly confident on a release date, which means they’re getting close to finishing it up.
Because Midgar is great, but we didn't see much of it despite the time we spent there. Fleshing out Midgar is a great idea, and I'm glad SE agrees.
That doesn't even make sense you fucking idiot.
>all these retards thinking episode 1 will be nothing but Midgar
Episode 1 will end on the ship to Costa Del Sol with Jenova being the final boss of the episode and a vista of Costa Del Sol in the final scene.
A theory about the gameplay: I think they will create a new meter for special moves alongside the familar limit bar.
Smaller moves like Braver and new abilities like Punisher from the teaser will be available to use twice in regular attack strings indicated by the blue bars under the HP. Larger moves like Cross slash will use the familiar limit bar under the MP which goes on cooldown longer. This will let players use stronger abilities more often with the real time combat while also making some of the cooler limit moves more powerful
Maybe when it's fully released. But this isn't really for me, I always just wanted a faithful remake with a script more accurate to the original, nothing too fancy.
I'm buying the shit outta this. I'm very hype. I want a lot more detail out of the world, I want to see more character interactions, and I don't even care if they retcon in Angeal and Genesis into the Nibelheim incident. I don't expect they will, but they certainly could.
no. I'm not buying into this episode shit. Give me a full game or fuck off.
Okay, but you'll have to wait 15 years and chunks of the game will still have to be patched in like FFXV.
I'm not all that hype for the remake, but I doubt they're gonna let that happen. At most it'll be 3 parts then maybe a separate DLC for Yuffie and Vincent at the absolute most. Anymore than that would be full retard.
>wanting turn-based combat where you hold down one button to win
Copycat Skill/ Copy Retard techniques
I was saying that's what would happen if they tried making the entire game in one sitting.
Already? A 2022 release, then?
>Square Enix
>release in short order
No they'll ship part 1, maybe 2 as well. Then they'll cancel the rest because they spent too much budget on CGI movies nobody asked for, animes nobody asked for, multiplayer expansions nobody asked for, and shitty crossover events nobody asked for
This year. Nov 22nd.
My dad sucks Nomura dick in the upstairs bathroom.
He was the first hardline furry in a videogame franchise. It explains why he's the gayest ShinRa exec.
>they'll cancel the rest
This. I am very skeptical that this whole project will come to fruition (and I mean all the episodes). It seems even more ambitious than XV and that got cut up like a discord tranny. Don't forget, the DLC that probably included the true ending actually got cancelled.
I've seen this date mentioned twice now and the recent news headlines about the game don't mention it.
That's a misconception based on some literal who developer on twitter who later deleted the posts making those claims. The plan was always for CC2 to help out up to a certain point in development, and that Square in-house would go solo the rest of the way (my guess is probably because they were also busy with FFXV and KH3 at the time too). They didn't pull a Resident Evil 1.5, and start again from scratch or anything like that.
Wait what? Its episodic? You're joking right?
Why not?
Shhhhhh, it's the only way Squenix can actually get a product out the door in less than 10 years.
Nope. It's confirmed.
Where have you been for the last half decade?
What the fucking shit
Way to kill the hype Squeenix you cunts
I'll buy it when its a finished product
And they successfully convinced everyone that the only way to remake FF7 is to charge $179.99 while also splitting it into chunks cause it's "impossible to make a game FF7's size these days."
No fucking way Episode 1 leaves Midgar. They have reiterated that they plan on expanding that place a fuck lot.
I won't be surprised if Ep 1 is around let's say 30 hours? What I will say though that it's going to be out either late 2019 or early 2020 for sure.
What can they add to Midgar? Destroying more reactors? That shit was overstaying it's welcome by the second one.
They can try to make it an expansive and vertical open world, fail miserably, realize they announced the game 6 years, panic, butcher whatever content they've already produced and repurspose it into a linear experience, then release it as a buggy 15 hour mess, and finally cancel the other episodes.
They said they want to explore the other sectors.
nooooo this is gonna be some faggy crisis core fanfic shit
physical yes digital no
>Will you be buying it even if it's still episodic?
Yes. Why wait until 2030 before they finish. Fuck that.
>game that isn't even that long being split into episodes
Sonic 4 all over again
The evidence points to a window between November 2019 - May 2020. SE have been internally hinting a big release of a game within about a year and recently notified their investors to expect a $500 million revenue spike for the fiscal quarter Q1 2020. Similarly pic related.
Unless told otherwise the first part is coming within 12 months
>Such utter nonsense that it needs to be delivered in 3 titles to be a faithful remake. As long as they don't waste development time on a pointlessly bloated open world it would be fine.
Comparing the production costs of a PS1 game to a current gen title is fucking stupid, they're not even in the same ballpark.
FFVII was literally one of the most expensive video games ever made, a game where character models looked like LEGO and almost all the backgrounds were pre-rendered. Imagine taking a huge game like FFVII and making a full cinematic HD Action game out of it. The costs are no doubt insane.
You've convinced me that they genuinely plan on getting Ep.1 out within the next year, so we're still up for than 2022 release.
If they're relying solely on FFVII for than $500 million revenue spike, they're in for a rude awakening. Even if they release it for full price, there's no way in hell this episode is shifting more than 10 million copies.
This. Anyone claiming otherwise has never played FF7.
>Imagine taking a huge game like FFVII and making a full cinematic HD Action game out of it.
I think this is blown out of proportion. FF7 isn't that god damn big.
>removed atb
>aerith and not aeris
>censored tifa
>episodic and not just one game in 4 separate discs
>will be riddled with DLC
>will change some parts of the story to appease modern players
>muh "No True Scotsman"
Fuck off, you faggots don't speak for me.
If things look good, a 8-10 million sales mark after a couple months of sales is reasonable for a projection.
>$500M/10M copies = $50/copy
You moron
>he thinks FFVII was 4 discs
Nice try zoomer
Final Fantasy VII cost $45 million to make, adjusted for inflation it was way more than TW3 cost. But yeah, a 50 hour cinematic action game hasn't really been attempted, much less by a studio so astoundingly incompetent.
>censored tifa
Oh my god, they need to hurry up and reveal her just so you people will chill out and shut the fuck up. Nomura's not going to let anyone censor her.
>why do people want to most interesting setting of the entire game expanded upon
aww gee
I'd be pretty stoked if you can drive around Midgar.
>Cloud starts with a dinky motorbike
>upgrade it as game goes
It is reasonable, but it will still fall way short of $500 million in revenue.
$50/copy would imply that the game will cost well more than $60 on PSN/Steam.
technically the international version was but the 4th disc was a strategy/extra disc
That doesn't sound half bad, honestly t.b.h
FFVIIR:Ep1 is coming out within one year. Now that they have the tech laid out, Ep2 will come out within 2 years, same as Ep3 the finale. It's not going to be a yearly release.
>that stand
Very New York
Glad the three asian customers are enjoying the NY classics
>how cloud & barret
Isn't that cause for concern?
Do you not remember FFXV? Why would you give Square Enix the benefit of the doubt?
>NY classic
Because if they fuck up their episodic epic, it'll crush their company: so they're not gonna fuck around with it.
Yes, Kuraudo, Baretto and Tifa (the three foreign asian people) are enjoying the NYC classic
No. It's gonna suck because that would mean that they aren't going to make it open world like the original.
FFXV was made by tabata not nomura. I have bigger faith in nomura than tabata
oh this is the leak about the game people have been talking about by the way
Does anyone have confirmation on what Tifa looks like yet?
Literally what decides if I buy it or not
Well at least they are using the UE4 engine now instead of that shitty luminous engine.
My mind is blue on how much they kept on trying to use that shit and blow a fuck ton of money on the process.
>Because if they fuck up
You mean when
>it'll crush their company
>if a remake flops the company will mysteriously loose their money
Tifa is Japanese.
Aeris? Japanese.
Cloud? Japanese.
Barret? Pic related and Japanese.
Rufus? Japanese.
Reno is obviously japanese.
Tseng is literally the only non-Japanese character.
This is too articulate of a leak to be true though. Like, 99% of the people seriously believe ep1 is only going to be Midgar. I will honestly be so shocked if the E3 trailer shows we are getting out of it.
Who gives a shit. They aren't even from earth.
Honestly it depends on how cynical you were for years after the initial reveal, because there has been information out for a while but people dismissed it as lies because it wasn't met with definite trailers. Pic related happened in 2017 and people just ignored it because they assumed Square was lying amid questions, but maybe the game has been further along than everyone actually thought
FF7RE was always going to be SE's ace in the hole. It's a project that people have been BEGGING them to make since the PS2. With the huge failure of 13 and 15, they have no choice but to pull it out or risk people losing their faith completely on the Final Fantasy brand.
I won't lie about being cynical. But I mean, can you blame me? Nomura is an autist and he's one of the reasons why his version of FFXV never materialized.
The only reason I'm having a glimpse of "maybe it was true afterall" is because they are now using an engine that is usable. If you guys told me that they were gonna use the Luminous for this I'd have fucking laughed at your faces if you told me they are going to release it this year.
Also I know that SE said to Nomura to laser-focus the development for KH3 so that it can finally be released. Now that he has no burden, he can finally fully concentrate on this.
So ok, I am cynical about this, but if it's actually going to only be two episodes? Then SE just actually might pull this off big time.
I thought they were all on spira thousands of years into the future of X's timeline?
>or risk people losing their faith completely on the Final Fantasy brand
At this point the risk is people forgetting about it altogether.
I wouldn't be buying it even if it wasn't episodic.
tfw sjw brainlets already complaining about Barret's voice.
not with that combat I wont.
It all boils down to this fucking remake. If they do a botched job of it, they can pretty much kiss their ass goodbye.
FFXIV saved SE's ass and they threw it away with FXV. If I was Yoshida I'd be fucking pissed.
I always imagined his voice to be exactly like he sounds in the trailer.
He probably is, which is why they're hyper-focused on getting FF7RE out the door ASAP now. Shareholders are probably holding his feet to the fire, too.
are they gonna include the scene where cloud is getting cucked?
Until XVI get's announced and Yea Forums will hype it for years swearing it's going to be different this time.
They ruined the combat and it looks gay as fuck. All I wanted was a loyal remake with a graphic and quality of life improvements. Nu-Square is as bad as nu-Disney in shitting on their old properties. Can't believe any self respecting fan is eating up this travesty.
Doubtful. Yea Forums has always hated Final Fantasy. The only reason FF7RE has so many pro threads is because it's the most beloved entry of the franchise.
Is this post from the bizarro world or something? Looks to me they literally fixed the combat, it plays like a video game now.
Oh please, you clearly weren't around when XV was in the making.
some soiiiboi who admits to never have played the game in the first place has other ideas.
I wasn't. I was deployed, lol.
And it's also rated as one of the worst KH titles
Holy shit, you were deployed for a whole decade?
I'm not clicking that, but whatever it is, my conclusion is that they should be shot.
thank you for serving this country user!
I hope they don't screw up Red XIII's "disguise" when trying to blend in on the ship
I hope it's as kooky as the original, because the fact that ShinRa goons are incompetent as fuck is part of the game's charm.
I remember this game having a gay dog companion, so what's the deal is he going to be voice acted or what? There was also a cat on top of a dude in a furry costume, I don't think they can make this work with voice acting.
Dog can have a Mufasa-like voice and Cat was always a regular dude talking through it.
It works pretty easily.
I sure hope part 1 isn't just midgar. The game truly started when you left midgar
It'll only get harder as they remake more FF games.
Not after FFXV. I've lost all trust in SE's flagship dev team.
Midgard was comfy, I always wanted a version of ff7 fully set in the cyberpunk of Midgard. Yes I know crisis core exists, but it’s not the same.
UE4 seriously saved Japan this gen.
never giving money to SE again after XV
i'll pirate it, though
No. Shitenix can't make good games enymore.
I heard that the president said that they were planning on becoming more traditional in 16 while 15 was in the works, because 15 was going to be so untraditional
Too bad. Taro is directing XVI.
I for one dislike America and everything about it
but it is still good for you that you did something that made you proud of yourself
Taro is kinda good in his own way, but he's the most un-FF director ever.
They should have just let Sakaguchi produce a small game already, giving him a chance to prove himself again. Maybe give him an old school coworker too, it would sell regardless. If they did that when Sakaguchi bowed his head to them a few years ago we might have a proper ff16 in the works by now and the timeline would be saved.
>he's the most un-FF director ever
True. But people want him. It's going to be either him or YoshiP.
Sakaguchi is a has-been now. He never wants to be in a high-scale project again.
Is FF7R really any more ambitious than Witcher 3? That was quite a long cinematic RPG.
Well, he did create Drakengard. If he did create it, we could still get a fantasy FF but it would be grim-dark
I'm starting to believe the rumors that episode 1 will actually leave Midgar. Thinking about it, it's just too greedy even for SE.
if they nail this it will the single best biggest comeback since re2:remake and dmcV
original didn't have real open world gameplay, it only had world map which was rather small and was there to show different locations geographically. they could probably fit whole ff vii world map in one forest location of ff xv and nobody would care.
It'd be bigger
Witcher 3 is set in a samey looking landscape with a ton of recycled assets while FF7 spans over hundreds of different locations, it's way too much content for a single game. On the PSX it was possible because it was just tiny image backdrops but now all of that is modelled and has to have high res textures on everything.
That would be absurd, there's so much more game left after that. It would mean that there's going to be like 7-8 other episodes if that's the pace they're going to go.
>if they nail this
Absolutely impossible. It will sell enough to recoup the costs and make SE a ton of cash, but it will be quickly forgotten afterwards in 1-2 years, and be frowned upon afterwards like their other recent games.
It's already episodic, an action game, and there is endless upset about the way characters look everywhere, proving SE is clueless about what the fandom wants. Remakes are already extremely difficult to nail, and they're starting as wrong as possible.
So that means 12 hours
4 hours if a speedrunner glitches through it
>tortanic fags
it all comes down to one thing, either they'll go with full retarded greedy path and make this shit game you described to cater to non-fans, journos and zoomers or it will be a true passion project made for fans with soul and spirit of the original work staying intact but still with full visual and gameplay overhaul. we still don't know how tactical the combat will be in the end and the fact that you can't jump around the battlefield like the kid in KH is making me optimistic.
>trailer didn't show him jumping
>that MUST mean he can't jump
Yeah i remember when retards were saying the same exact bullshit about Noctis, then they showed aerial combat. Delusional retards clinging to turn based so much that you still hold hope even when the trailer clearly shows an action combat.
The red bar above the yellow limit break bar seems to be the ATB bar, hopefully
>or it will be a true passion project made for fans with soul and spirit of the original work staying intact but still with full visual and gameplay overhaul.
Whenever this happens now, the games tend to be extremely flawed mess of gems even with a company as big as SE
Reminder the YoshiP is slated to direct a next generation title for SE. It's FFXVI.
first of all there is no red bar in the picture, the bar above the yellow limit break is their MP.
ATB is the 2 blue bars below HP and ATB works differently now, they have explained this shit in interviews it's just that nobody payed attention to interviews before this trailer.
Limit Break fills up by getting hit, get hit enough and you can bust out limit break moves.
The ATB bar fills up by hitting shit, hit shit enough and you can start using ATB skills such as Brave. Stronger ATB skills require more ATB bars to be expended.
They changed the UI and made it more subtle but how the mechanic works used to be very in your face in the previous iterations of the UI.
> As long as they don't waste development time on a pointlessly bloated open world it would be fine
It would be pretty retarded, if the game still had a world map the size of a football field
So it's like it's 3 CDs like the original but you have to wait a year for the next CD?
It's going to be like Dragon Quest XI, with the world map consisting of a series of interconnected large explorable areas.
>The ATB bar fills up by hitting shit, hit shit enough and you can start using ATB skills such as Brave. Stronger ATB skills require more ATB bars to be expended.
Source? It sounds weird, since ATB is active time battle and you would expect the ATB bar to be for ATB turns like it always has been.
I don't remember being forced to wait years between putting in disc 1 and disc 2 of FF7 when I originally played it. I wonder if that, perhaps, will affect peoples perception of the game?
Just imagine a dumb little bar filling up and count slowly to three before executing an action, without doing anything to evade enemy attacks, and you have your amazing ATB experience. Can't imagine why anyone would want that, though
No, because thanks to shit like the MCU, people are now accustomed to getting their story piecemeal over the course of years.
Personally, I'm fine with the "episodic" thing, as long as they use it to flesh each entry out to be a satisfying entry on its own.
Making a game spanning multiple discs was a few trillion bucks faster and cheaper 20 years ago.
>The ATB bar fills up by hitting shit, hit shit enough and you can start using ATB skills such as Brave. Stronger ATB skills require more ATB bars to be expended.
they could possibly add the time parameter too into to the ATB bar filling equation along with the damage parameter. it could also add tactical depth in fights where you use guard a lot with no (easy) way to do normal attacks to the enemy besides special attacks and summons. haste materia would also have more depth besides making you faster in executing normal attacks.
>Will you be buying it even if it's still episodic?
Nope why the would i? hell why would i ever buy this pile of human garbage that zoomers will buy and support? What's that? not turned based? PFFT HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fuck off back to 9.
This #NotMyFFVII
I wasn't going to buy it anywyay.
>All shown footage is from the first 2 hours of the game
How about showing us Diamond Weapon instead of that scorpion robot for the 15th time?
from the Dengeki translation
-So it’s not [an] ATB [system]?
Nomura: ”That’s, well we do have [an] ATB [system]. It’s just that it’s not in the form of the ATB gauge filling up and then [your party] attacking in turns, and it’s done so that the system is tied together with the more action-oriented style of the FFVII Remake.”
Yoshinori Kitase
”We’re making (“including/comprehending”) something that is different from all other ATB [systems that have been done] up to until now. And, even if we’re calling it ATB at this point, the official [name] might change.”
The fact that you hit to build up ATB bars was blatantly shown, that you expend ATB bars to use skills was ALSO shown. It's not rocket science, it's a very simple and flashy system.
Depends on if Tifa has big tits or not. I will boycott the game if she's not busty.
>I will boycott the game if she's not busty.
Like your mom.
So uh, you don't really know how this remake is gonna work do you buddy?
Why does this look all blocky, is it the switch version?
>I will boycott the game if she's not busty.
based Yea Forums-kun
why do we pretend VI is on the same level as VII when there are a million different versions of VII + this upcoming remake but VI still doesn't have a definitive version? If you play the GBA version you get fucked up sound. SNES, you miss out on content. iOS, you're a crazy person.
There's graphics/sound patches for GBA
Except when they announced the date for FFXV they went back later and delayed it by like a month lmao.
I won't buy it either way, so no
Kind of disappointing, but the battle system looks infinitely better than ff15 even after the re-reveal so it might still actually work.
I'm more disappointed there's no version of V with everything in it
There's a sound patch for GBA
Look. Tabata's not doing it anymore. So that in itself is infinitely better.
They’d have a golden opportunity to punch up disc 2. It’s lackluster compared to one.
is he about to fight G3?
I'll get it after it comes in a nice package of all the episodes with all the extra shit that square will surely shove in and a nice 40% discount at the very least.
I advise all of you to do the same.
I'll just watch it on Twitch/Youtube
the fact you have limited supply of consumables on you during combat is enough to make the combat infinitely better. FFXV's combat is pure garbage and not that hard to improve upon.
I wouldn't worry though since XV and 7R have completely different teams developing them and different lead battle planners.
XV's combat was designed by Tabata and Kenichiro Yuji (CC and Type-0's lead battle planner) while 7R's combat is designed by Nomura and Mitsunori Takahashi (KH2/FM and Dissidia/012 lead battle planner).
I really like how Aerith looks but really hate how Cloud looks in the newest trailer. I have mixed feelings on Barret.
If everyone does what you suggest, there isn't going to be a second part, 7R will bomb and get canceled forever.
>Mitsunori Takahashi
Why did Nomura get a battle planner from games that include floating? Because I'm pretty sure the FFVII:R is grounded. Also, is the guy good? I've heard people say the KH2 battle system was good. But how about Dissidia?
honestly most of the memorable stuff from FFVII occurs before Aeris dies. If they're able to nail that part of the story, and the Midgar segment in particular, I'll be satisfied
Nothing about Kingdom Hearts is good.
That's fine by me. Square's gotta learn somehow. Giving in immediately is just all around bad for the market.
You couldn't possibly want more games to be episodic in the future right?
They will be if this succeeds.
Dissidia does not feel fun to control imo. I haven't played the most recent one though.
The entire reason Dissidia NT is widely regarded as pure vomit inducing garbage is because Takahashi wasn't involved and they fucked up combat.
KH2 is considered to be the best combat in the KH series and one of the better designed systems in any ARPG.
No turn based no buy
not interested in nu-FF '''action''' combat so no aint buying it
>Dissidia NT is widely regarded as pure vomit inducing garbage is because Takahashi wasn't involved and they fucked up combat.
You serious? SE seems to be supporting it a good deal. I haven't played the Dissidia titles so I have no idea if they had good combat or whatnot.
Ff6 - steampunk
Ff7 - modern/sci-fi
Ff8 - sci-fi
Ff9 - fantasy
Ff X - sci-fi
Ff XI - fantasy
FF XII - fantasy with heavy sci-fi elements
Ff XIII - sci-fi
Ff XIV - fantasy
FF XV - modern/sci-fi
FF 7 remake - modern/cyber-punk/sci-fi
They can’t keep doing sci-fi on 16, can they? Unless they go back to steam-punk, or even do renaissance clock-work punk setting, a baroque setting has never been tried with FF either.
Why is magic and materia on the menu?
You can't possibly have decided that """"""episodic"""""" is bad without first knowing what model they're using right?
If the game comes out and ends up being a telltales kind of situation where each episode is 5 hours long then yeah, fuck that, but they already said that each episode will have the volume of a full sized JRPG.
I don't see the problem if Episode 1 ends up being a full sized 40 hour long story driven game. How they will achieve it is not my concern, i can only wait and see the result.
I'm not buying it anyway. I'm not fucking 10 anymore. FFVII is stupid shit.
No. SE did say that they want to go back to high-fantasy for the next FF. Yoshida's sentiments are the same.
they're trying to salvage it not support it, the thing bombed hard everywhere and they made it f2p.
No, but then again I never planned to buy it in the first place. Not that i'll pirate it or anything either, 7 just never interested me, and it's the only FF from the first 10 to make me so bored with it i put it down before recruiting everyone there is to recruit. I wanted to like it, but i just couldn't.
I would not call FFX "sci fi".
IF ep1 is really up to the ancients city then that's half the game already, not sure how they could balance content for ep2+3 unless they plan on adding a lot of stuff in.
Eh, I have no idea about it anyway so I can't talk shit about it.
All I want to know if the battle planner is a good addition.
that's so sad
The rumors state it's going to be 2 episodes. Ep1 until Aerith's death. Ep2 until the end.
and all i can tell you about him is that he is considered to be /ourguy/
People who hate KH of course won't have good stuff to say about him or KH in general but people who like KH consider him to be a god and largely all agree that KH2 had the best combat in the series. Some of them are even salty that he is working on 7R and didn't work on KH3 because KH3's combat is inferior to KH2's which released 14 years ago.
Well that's just you being fine with something that I'm not fine with. From my perspective this move is nothing but nickel and diming of a very dedicated audience that will most certainly put up with it.
It's not FF7's size that caused this to happen since FF7 isn't even that big compared to other games, it's the fact that it's so popular and established.
I don't want 2 40 hour games at full price, I want one 80 hour game, especially since we all know what happens anyway so there's no anticipation for the continuation of the story whatsoever.
I see. Any other notable people working on this?
>actually believing jibbering marketing speach
dumb idiot they make it episodic so they can steal more money from you, not that you would know since you bought early access XV
>people who like him like him and people who don't like him don't like him but if you disregard them then everyone likes him
Woah. Any other insights?
Based and redpilled. I will let the console kids playtest it for me and pick it up when the full package comes to PC a couple years down the line.
Some bitch named Deltrese.
The game is being developed by Business Division 1 who has lots of senior members in its team, most devs in leading positions were also working in leading positions on the original 7,8,10,12 and 13-1-2-3.
The celebrity names though are Nomura, Kitase, Uematsu and Nojima.
i didn't say HIM, i said KH in general.
If you hate KH in general then you're not going to like anyone working on it.
KH fans though consider him the best battle planner the series ever had and beg for his return.
It's like me hating FF in general and you asking me what i think about Sakaguchi, doesn't matter how much of a god the fanbase considers him to be, if i don't like FF i will have bad things to say about him.
Why doesn't what i say make sense to you exactly?
It’s red hot chilli peppers-fi
Good, good. Thank god.
It’s basically the same thing they are doin with TW: WH, I am not sure how I would feel if this became a trend. It does produce good results and more fleshed out games though, would work for AAAAAA-tier projects
Total war warhammer? I don't know anything about that game but isn't it a total war game, meaning RTS with multiple campaigns?
How can that be episodic in nature?
>I don't want 2 40 hour games at full price, I want one 80 hour game, especially since we all know what happens anyway so there's no anticipation for the continuation of the story whatsoever.
Two disks is a stupid meme rumour. They said disk 1 is Midgard, it is probably going to stay Midgard looking at how Midgard based all the previews we had were. Literally not one thing talked or advertised about the FF7 remake has anything to do with post-Midgard. I say 4 disks, each 40-60 hours, and I am keeping to that.
Each game is set in a different area of the world map, and there is a super campaign that can link the maps of 2-3 games together. The game is a trilogy, but the third hasn’t been released yet and the second is really highly received.
>bizarre world
Says the faggot who enjoys mindlessly mashing and Naruto homosexual stories. I bet you're a KH fan.
>I say 4 disks, each 40-60 hours, and I am keeping to that.
That's absurd, FF7 does not have that much in it. What the fuck will this remake add that will turn it into such a gigantic timesink?
Stop projecting your own insecurities on other people. Others are capable of liking and disliking different parts of a game. It's easy to separate the battle system of kingdom hearts from the character design, story and setting. Someone might like the battle system but hate Disney. Someone might love Disney but hate the battle system. Some might like or dislike both.
>It's like me hating FF in general and you asking me what i think about Sakaguchi,
Not necessarily, a lot of normalfags who hate FF haven’t heard of him or the earlier instalments in the series. They base it on and associate it with the shitty emo-spiky aesthetics of the later games.
Did you not notice they doubled the length of the timer to escape the first reactor?
They've already talked about expanding Midgar.
But even more than that, these are separate games. They've discussed them as being similar to the FFXIII trilogy.
I hope they fucking do. I just want to have a really good adventure once more without PEDAL TO THE METAL
They said they will be expanding Midgard heavily to like 40 hours so that’s disk 1.
The rest of disk 1 will be its own disk, and they will have to expand that
Disk 2 is disk 3 and ditto
Disk 3 is disk 4 and ditto
Unless they start meshing the disks together after disk 1.
Probably just more content with them before they hit the ceiling
They never said Episode 1 will just be midgar and the most recent trailer already covered the first 5 hours of the original game in the span of 1 minute. It's ridiculous to think that they'd show all the way to the underground sewers below Don Corneo's mansion in just 1 minute long trailer and not have anything else other than Shinra HQ and a few other segments left.
Episode 1 is guaranteed to go at least all the way up to Jenova Birth while also having an expanded midgar and expanded Avalanche backstory..
Did they also get Chantel and Shanice?
40 hours is 10 times the original length. I doubt it.
Yeah, but I still doubt it because of how Midgard themed everything else. If disc one isn’t just Midgard, then why do they meme Midgard so much?
I will as long as they left tifa's 92cm breast untouched
On my ff7 ps3 save I've been at Nibelheim for like three years now because whenever i boot it up I try and fail to beat the boss to get Vincent. Any tips?
>35yo hyped for a video game
Where did it all go wrong for you?
Because that's how Nomura directs trailers, KH3 was showing Olympus for the first 2.5 years and Olympus + Corona for another year followed by 1 year of completel silence and then he showed everything else.
The same thing happened with Versus were he kept showing Insomnia while journalists were reporting to have seen the open world of the game in action and another city that we never ended up seeing before the game was turned into FFXV.
tl;dr that's how Nomura directs trailers, he shows the start of the game for a few years then spoils the shit out of everything in the last 3 months before release.
Here's your remake, bro
I am looking forward to riding my comfy classic Red Mage/white mage/black mage/warrior party around some woods on some chocobos
Is it just me or is Cloud looking really better than his initial appearance?
I can't wait for the uncensored PC version. It's fucking nonsense how Sony is taking a strict censorship policy.
They aren't going to remove the different routes, will they? I want my date with Yuffie.
Sounds like padding to me.
Could be worth it in the end but there's no way I'm forking over for multiple games just to play through ff7 with more fucking around.
I'll probably get it when it's done. Then again that's what I said about ffxv and I've yet to buy that.
Git gud
They did say the games will be full length, they compared it to the lighting trilogy so it’s going to be a long project/series
Probably. I'll definitely be more interested if it's few episodes though. I wouldn't mind having two or three lengthy parts but if they try to spread it really thin across something like a dozen parts I'll be hard out until the whole thing is complete.
Padding or not i can't wait for them to add back the shitloads of cut content the original game had such as Vincent's and Yuffies entire arc and side quests that were left out of the game in the last few months of development due to time limitations.
You can make half a game just from the original's cut content.
Fine, but I am still hoping for GTA: Midgard
I just hope this time they finally get right how single player FF world should navigate in a modern 100% 3D game, I'm sick of having tiny set pieces, linear hallway shit or open world, none of these have ever felt right and if they can FINALLY pull it off then bring in action combat and retconning if they feel like, at least it has the potential to hold up on its own as long as they pull off the world correctly.
Use only magic in the first half of the battle so you can fight the weaker form in the second half with physical atacks.
Yeah but cut content is cut for all kinds of reasons, not just time limitations.
I'm just saying that this could easily worsen the experience overall and jumping in blindly would be a mistake.
Nothing so far hasn't given that FF7 feel so far, let's at least wait until they make Cloud as sad bitch.
If this isn't remake Tifa I'll be sad.
>I want to see more character interactions
I really want this. Just periodic bits of dialogue between characters while just walking around or resting or whatever would be welcome.
>Yeah but cut content is cut for all kinds of reasons, not just time limitations.
Agreed, but i am specifically referring to the content they cut due to time limitations. Lot's of subplot quests and character arcs were either removed or cut short in the last months of development because they didn't have time to complete them.
They even considered cutting Vincent and Yuffy out entirely but decided against it and just cut out most of their arcs and made them optional.
Hope the aesthetics will still be 90s as fuck, without it being forced on a hipster way
Um, it's pronounced "aerith".
It's pretty fucking baffling how SquareSoft released Chrono Trigger in 1995 then FF7 two years later, and this is without mentioning other PS1 releases that were also really good games, SE can't do shit like this anymore unless it's treated like a minor project for a mobile device anymore it's pathetic.
Aerith honestly sounds really gay
It's one of those games that would actually benefit for it, the original is badly translated, looks like shit now because no one kept the assets of their games in the 90s so it's all a pixelated mess and the game is poorly programmed in the combat sometimes, it says more about you than about remakes that you think a well made FF7 remake is pointless.
Stopping at the ship definitely makes the most sense. We get Midgar + outskirts, chocobo farm, Midgar Zolom, Mythril Cave, Yuffie, Fort Condor and the entirety of Junon, all of them expanded because of it being a remake. The episode would end with the party seeing Sephiroth for the first time and fighting Jenova∙BIRTH as the final boss. Costa del Sol would be a comfy place to start Episode 2 too.
Voice acting wasn't worth it.
I don't know why you would expect them to look any different
>all of them expanded
more like most of them cut.
How would a single XIII-sized game have less content than two or more XIII-sized games? Retard
>aerith and not aeris
Event the japs in 1997 knew it was Aerith, you retarded monkey
Speaking of Jenova Birth, the "leaker" from 2017 got a lot of shit right
> the next big showing is already decided to happen after KH3 is released
this half a year before Nomura himself said the exact same thing
> There is no plan to reveal characters in specific order. The only character the team is thinking of definitely revealing at the next showing is Aerith.
Another thing the nigga got right
Now all we need is confirmation for
>The final boss of the first game is Jenova birth. That's where part 1 ends.
>For the world map we're working on something similar to XII, not as many loading screens. Areas are split into zones but we're trying to make each zone as big and seamless as possible.
>To get into cities you will also have to go through a loading sceen but the cities will be completely seamless or at least that's the plan. Making Midgar completely seamless has been pretty fucking hard because it's way bigger than it was in the original game.
>Splitting the city up with loading screens is still possibility if we fail but Nomura is pretty stubborn about this.
I remember this leak getting pretty big, even the big FF youtubers were talking about it. Hope it's actually legit because zones ala ff12 sounds awesome, none of that seamless open world shit XV pulled.
They either move her to episode 2, or better, introduce her earlier in the game so we can finally experience pic related.
>All these retarded kids saying it would be impossible to remake 7 on a reasonable budget.
They could just use static camera angles, like the original, and cut down on asset creation massively.
that would be a blatantly lazy and cheap remake, it baffles me how you retards can say "exactly the same but with better graphics" while calling the current remake a cashgrab but not realizing that what you're asking is the cheapest, most lazy way to remake anything and it is almost always made solely for soulless profit similar to crash and spyro remakes.
If SE wanted to remake this solely for shekels they would go about it your way. What they're doing now and in the quality they're trying to do it is fucking insane and it's almost guaranteed to fail unless part 1 is fucking amazing and sells 20 million copies in its first year.
Jumping in style around the map to get back to other places easily sounds fun, maybe it will have 2 different movement schemes for both battles and roaming.
what an insightful character!
I hate episodic format
Shit makes me forget everything that happened once episode 2 is out.
I don't understand why they push this garbage, Hitman didn't do well
They took out turn based system.
They've made a £50 game into a £200 game out of pure greed.
oh no...you said turn based. The zoomers wont like that.
>What they're doing now and in the quality they're trying to do it is fucking insane and it's almost guaranteed to fail unless part 1 is fucking amazing and sells 20 million copies in its first year.
That's the exact stance they're trying to get people to adopt with their marketing but ask yourself this. Do you believe a company like squareenix, that normally takes minimal risks and have been playing it safe for the longest time would actually go ahead with this project if that were the case?
I think the game's being made in full no matter what. They have the budget, they are a huge company, not a kickstarter campaign. Don't fall for the whole "please buy as much of the first installment and the follow up will be better" bullshit.
Just imagine how hard they'd gt fucked if the first episode didn't neet sales quotas and the whole project fell through, that's doomsday for them, no way in hell that's a possiblity when you're dealing with an actual company that knows its business.
>If SE wanted to remake this solely for shekels they would go about it your way.
You don't understand Square Enix. They're very stupid. To them, such a remake is unacceptable, they HAVE to go back and make it "better."
You're falling for their hype. All you've seen points to a middling ARPG with AAA production values.
I don't trust Square Enix, especially not with Final Fantasy, and 7 has always had fucking awful character models. I'm good with a graphics upgrade and nothing else.
>remake the same game with updated graphics
>spend 2 years max on it and 40 million dollars
>sell 15 million copies and make your money back x10
>remake the game from the ground up and modernize it in every way
>split it into parts to make development costs reasonable
>spend 6 years and 250 mmillion dollars on part 1
>sell 5-6 million copies and pretend it's successful for a year or 2
>fire the director and cancel the rest of the project
>take a 30 million loss
You must have a very low IQ to not understand this and think this user is an idiot. Jesus christ just leave and disconnect your internet service you don't deserve one you fucking troglodyte faggot.
>Do you believe a company like squareenix, that normally takes minimal risks
you mean the company that kept versus xiii on life support for 10 years despite the project going nowhere, released and took a 30 million dollar loss in the face?
Or the company that released a mainline MMO FF, saw it bomb harder than Nagasaki and decided to scrap and remake it from scratch while bleeding the entire company money for years leading to multiple other AAA games getting canceled at the time?
SE plays it anything but safe.
So, are we getting some like this instead of an overworld?
>fire the director and cancel the rest of the project
>take a 30 million loss
Don't let the prospect of this happening lead you into prematurely throwing as much of your money at them. That's not how businesses operate, it's just another marketing trick.
Greed =/= intelligent business practices. A greedy person greenlights the 6 part remake for sextuple dipping while the reasonable person sells it as a single, quality product.
I'm expecting something even more linear, like FFXIII
Anyone that supports this if the overworld is confirmed non-existant or a hallway is a fucking idiot.
You're mistaking gross incompetence for risk taking. In truth both of these cases prove just how much money they're willing to invest into their projects which is the exact opposite of the struggling company needing suport from the fans in order to deliver image that's currently being pushed.
I'm just advising to wit for the completion of the project to buy it, vote with your wallet man. I do not believe for a second that the episodic format is a necessity and neither should you.
>took a 30 million dollar loss in the face?
That wasn't because of xv.
It was because of luminous productions, the company that was made in the success of xv
I won't buy it until its fully out.
I don't want to be left hanging for like 3 years at a time.
the best thing is you can't be spoiled even if you wait 3 years after the realease.
When they're all out and their PS4 exclusivity has expired and I can get the whole set on PC, sure.
>success of xv
>success of
>xv success of xv success of xv success of xv success of xv success of xv >success of xv
I thought of how they'd approach it and maybe they could just change it up and you get the Highwind and leave Midgar with that instead of on bike. Then the overworld is like traditional FF/JRPGs but you can only leave the airship(maybe even a vehicle like an suv) when you arrive at a town or dungeon.
Yes user. I know those words scare you, but xv sold over 8.5 million. You can post reaction images all you want, but the fact that it was a success can not be denied
Part 1 should end at Kalm.
Part 2 at Aerith death.
Part 3 Rest of the game.
Does anybody else think its weird seeing the original designs in hyperrealistic graphical presentation? The weren't designed with that in mind originally so it looks really off. Don't get me wrong visually it looks beautiful, but the realistic renders of designs which were originally meant to be cartoonish/anime-ish seems misplaced and misinterpretated.
more episodes = more money from fanboys
wouldnt be surprised if it was more than 3 episodes
Fuck no and I really liked it when it got out, imported it from the US to the old world for massive amounts of dosh and everything.
It was 10 fucking years in development and had a movie that cost over $100 million which bombed hard. It had half of its dlc canceled and it even failed to hit the 10 million sales Tabata wanted it to hit.
Fuck off you filthy shill. Join xv-kun in the corner of the internet.
Honestly kind of wish everything wasn't spoiled, just so i could play it right.
Barry pls
It's not just you. The environment and lighting is realistic, but they have plastic anime faces. It looks odd.
What the fuck is the font used for the timers called? Its bugged me for years
They were obviously desperate to turn XV into a long running franchise to make up the cost of everything and that failed.
Still other variables to consider like how your level will be carried over between episodes and it doesn't seem like anybody knows how the gameplay works yet so I'd like to find out more on that at E3 and the cost per episode is also a factor. If it's more XV shit then I'm never getting it
FF7 characters have been "realistic" more time than they have been inspired by manga at this point, it's weird of course but it's expected and it would be actually pretty weird if they didn't made it look like this.
>It was 10 fucking years in development
4 of those years were barely in development due to a variety of reasons, meaning barely any money was spent on it. Next two were in pre-production with barely 20 people on it.
>had a movie that cost over $100 million
There's no actual source for this either. I know you quickly typed in the kingsglaive budget and this is what you got, but there isn't an actual source to this.
I know you desperately wanted xv to fail, but it sadly didn't. Tabata's own incompetence handling luminous productions is why the xv dlc got canned and why he got fired. Try looking it up some time
Sorry, I actually do my research unlike barry.
>Will you be buying it even if it's still episodic
It will inevitably get a compilation pack, and when it does, I'll consider buying it.
>and that failed.
The shitty mobile game alone was making a huge amount of money for SE
they fucked up the contracts and only get a small cut of those massive profits from empire, look itup
>Tabata's own incompetence
Holy shit you really are not Barry
he is almost just as delusional, i bet you he defends Nomura instead
Hopefully they'll do what Capcom did with REmake 2 and make the Compilation stuff only canon to the '97 game. I don't want to be remembered how it all ends up with AC and Dirge of Cerberus
>just as delusional
What I said wasn't false. You can prove me wrong at any point
Don't be a bitch. Reply to the person directly and prove him wrong if you can. I have no stake in this argument by the way I just think you're a pussy.
All I see is here is that a lot of people actually wanting it to fail. That's kinda low even for Yea Forums's standards.
I never cared about FF7 that much in the first place. Give me a SaGa Frontier remake and then you'll have my attention and money.
Hell no. I want it to one day be a complete package and a great game and I will then gladly pay for it.
If me holding out for the full experience instead of eating it up immediately like I'm starved for games hurts squarenix and their product it's 100% on them.
The business module is unwelcome and unreasonable and I'm just arguing as to why I see it that way.
why would i engage in an argument with a delusional fanboy, i wouldn't engage in an argument with xv-kun so why would i engage with kh-kun?
i can tell who he is by his "no no xv wasn't in development for 10 years it was just 10 people working on it i swear" crap.
>why would i engage
Because you don't know what you're talking about obviously
He seemed reasonable to me and you didn't. All I'm saying.
Always annoys me when people do it to me and on this board it happens a lot since most of you can't form a coherent thought so I thought I'd let you know what you looked like from an outside perspective.
There is no upset about how the characters look lmao, 99% of the fandom are happy because they look gorgeous. The gameplay looks far better than in the original and than in trash like XV. And it has to be episodic because FF7 is so fucking massive that if they release it at once, they could at earliest release it in like 6 years. Just think about it, remaking ALL the locations of FF7 with these insane graphics would take like 10 years. So they have to release it part by part.
You're talking shit just to defend Nomura and it's extremely obvious, i've seen your back and forth with xv-kun countless times.
VsXIII was in fact in development and not just by 20 people, regardless of the fact that a large chunk of its team went to help with XIII's development.
Nomura on twitter
– You can go anywhere on world map (excluding the mountain because it is an open field)
– Battles are completely seamless
– Insomnia modeled after Shinjuku
– Versus will be huge
– Destructible environments
– Cloud movement are done by physical calculations
– Loading only when changing area
– People couldn’t believe when they saw the destruction of a road in realtime
Journalists when they saw footage behind closed doors
"someone was clearly moving a character around. I’m pretty sure that character was Noctis. A series of clips showed Noctis moving around through the streets of a European-style city, first surrounded by other people, and then alone at night. Next, the footage switched to Noctis moving about a vast field. Here, he was joined by monsters, some massive. When referring to the Versus XIII TGS showing, I use “footage” instead of “trailer” because what we were shown wasn’t actually a trailer. The footage was all off-screen, filmed off presumably development units by the development staff. It was set to the same music from past trailers, but there wasn’t any attempt to make a promotional trailer out of the various gameplay clips."
And even before that we had screens of the game showing a legit overworld map similar to old FF's which they scrapped. So no they weren't doing anything for "4 years" and no the game didn't have "20 people doing pre-production" on it in the time period you're referring, even Ferarri said they had 200 people working on it up until 2012 when they decided to say fuck it and brought Tabata in.
I think it looks great so far, but I simply don't understand one thing: are we supposed to believe this shit will release on PS4? Because no fucking way am I buying it until all the episodes are confirmed on a single console.
Luckily PS5 will be backwards compatible, but that's not good enough. I want the full experience and I refuse to play it until I can play through the whole story, the way I did in 1997.
Also, when will we get news of Tifa's tits? What about the music? They better do it justice, so far it's looking OK.
Yea Forums wants most AAA games to fail for the shitposting potential
also Tabata said Versus was 25% done, 25% is way way past pre-production, it means they had already completed the foundations of the game which is the hardest and most time consuming part of development.
>grasping at straws to find something to whine about
There was nothing cool about flying around on a miniature planet so you can enter zones. There are so many better ways to do travel.
The combat already looks way better than the system in the original
When I unlocked free travel on ffx and it was just clicking points on a map it was so flaccid compared to past games. I was so dissappointed in that game already up to that point that I just stopped playing shortly after. Must've been right next to the final boss too.
and let's not forget that we had seen way more gameplay wise from VsXIII by 2010 than we have seen of 7R, yet 7R seems to be close to release (?), so not showing something doesn't mean they're not working on it.
So fuck off and wait for XV-kun to come back so you can trigger him with your Nomura dindu nuffin shitposting.
Both Nomura and Tabata are trash and both you and xv-kun are fucking retarded fanboys who try to make your favorite chinese hero look innocent in the eyes of the fanbase with cherrypicking.