do you think if serial killers like Dahmer were born today they would be gamers?
Do you think if serial killers like Dahmer were born today they would be gamers?
well, Dahmer didn't watch tv, or go to the movies, which was the thing we would be discussing back then, so he probably would own an xbone to lure people into his house
no, they'd just be lurking social media and dating apps, like actual serial killers
>Chad (white, over 6'0", blonde and blue eyes)
>playing video games
Don't think so
6'4 mininum, manlet. cope more.
>not being at least 7’0
The guy who killed 17 boys so he could use their parts to make a sex doll.
sounds pretty based to me
He definitely would have been a Yea Forumstard.
This guy doesn't just have sex.
He fucks.
8’5 is the absolute MINIMUM for Chad status, manlet.
mostly nigger boys*
>tfw no friend to put a power drill in my noggin
>tfw will never have a makeshift lobotomy
>tfw he will never bang my corpse
>Under 9’8
>learn about him in a forensics class
>they read excerpts from his journals
oh dear
I will say, Jeffrey Dahmer was unusual for a serial killer, in that he probably had some form of psychosis, as opposed to pure sociopathy. I base this off of his behavior in interviews, where he comes across as much more introspective and possibly even regretful than other serial killers (Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, etc...); I think Dahmer was very likely insane.
based, went into the thread to say this
2600 released when he was around 17. Why would a serial killer care about anything other than serial killing?
He was a little bitch with abandonment issues.
I had a coworker tell me I look like a Dahmer when he was young and that was the most uncomfortable comparison anyone's ever made.
i actually think his issues were stemmed from childhood experiences. many other cereal killers had fucked up childhoods